# ----------------------------------------------------------------- # CMake build system for SuiteSparse # http://code.google.com/p/suitesparse-metis-for-windows/ # Created by Jose Luis Blanco (University of Almeria) 2013-2014 # Updated by jesnault (jerome.esnault@inria.fr) 2014-01-21 # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Hunter stuff must be included before project() option(HUNTER_ENABLED "Enable Hunter package manager support" OFF) if(NOT ${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "3.12.0") cmake_policy(SET CMP0074 NEW) # Use PKG_ROOT variables. endif() include(cmake/HunterGate.cmake) HunterGate( URL "https://github.com/cpp-pm/hunter/archive/v0.23.244.tar.gz" SHA1 "2c0f491fd0b80f7b09e3d21adb97237161ef9835" ) project(SuiteSparseProject) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1) # https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/prop_tgt/CXX_STANDARD.html string(COMPARE EQUAL "${CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD}" "" no_cmake_cxx_standard_set) if(no_cmake_cxx_standard_set) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) set(CMAKE_CXX_EXTENSIONS OFF) message(STATUS "Using default C++ standard ${CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD}") else() message(STATUS "Using user specified C++ standard ${CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD}") endif() include(checkGetSuiteSparse.cmake) if(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) set(CMAKE_WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS ON) endif(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) set(LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH ${${PROJECT_NAME}_BINARY_DIR}/lib CACHE PATH "Output directory for libraries" ) set(EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH ${${PROJECT_NAME}_BINARY_DIR}/bin CACHE PATH "Output directory for applications" ) # Override "CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX", on Windows if not set: if(WIN32 AND (CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX_INITIALIZED_TO_DEFAULT)) set(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "${${PROJECT_NAME}_BINARY_DIR}/install" CACHE PATH "Prefix prepended to install directories" FORCE) message(STATUS "Setting default CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to: ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}") else() # pass user defined install prefix to SuiteSparse message(STATUS "Using user defined CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}") endif() # Fix GKlib path: if(NOT WIN32) set(GKLIB_PATH "${${PROJECT_NAME}_SOURCE_DIR}/SuiteSparse/metis-5.1.0/GKlib" CACHE INTERNAL "Path to GKlib (for METIS)" FORCE) endif() # allow creating DLLs in Windows without touching the source code: if(NOT ${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "3.4.0" AND WIN32) set(CMAKE_WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS ON) endif() ## get CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR and CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR include(GNUInstallDirs) if(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P MATCHES "8") set(SUITESPARSE_LIB_POSTFIX "64") else() set(SUITESPARSE_LIB_POSTFIX "") endif() ## get POSTFIX for lib install dir set(LIB_POSTFIX "${SUITESPARSE_LIB_POSTFIX}" CACHE STRING "suffix for 32/64 inst dir placement") mark_as_advanced(LIB_POSTFIX) # We want libraries to be named "libXXX" and "libXXXd" in all compilers: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ set(CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX "d") if(MSVC) set(SP_LIB_PREFIX "lib") # Libs are: "libXXX" endif(MSVC) ## check if we can build metis set(BUILD_METIS_DEFAULT ON) if(NOT EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/SuiteSparse/metis-5.1.0/CMakeLists.txt") set(BUILD_METIS_DEFAULT OFF) endif() set(WITH_CUDA OFF CACHE BOOL "Build with CUDA support") set(BUILD_METIS ${BUILD_METIS_DEFAULT} CACHE BOOL "Build METIS for partitioning?") set(METIS_DIR ${${PROJECT_NAME}_SOURCE_DIR}/SuiteSparse/metis-5.1.0 CACHE PATH "Source directory of METIS") if(BUILD_METIS) ## prepare the installation : ## using metis target here is not possible because this target is added in another branch of the CMake structure ## TRICK: need to dynamically modify the metis CMakeLists.txt file before it going to parsed... ## (very ugly/poor for a metis project get from SCM (git/svn/cvs) but it's works ;) and it doesn't matter if metis was get from .zip) if(EXISTS "${METIS_DIR}/libmetis/CMakeLists.txt") file(READ "${METIS_DIR}/libmetis/CMakeLists.txt" contentFile) string(REGEX MATCH "EXPORT SuiteSparseTargets" alreadyModified ${contentFile}) ## use a string pattern to check if we have to do the modif if(NOT alreadyModified) file(APPEND "${METIS_DIR}/libmetis/CMakeLists.txt" " set_target_properties(metis PROPERTIES PUBLIC_HEADER \"../include/metis.h\") install(TARGETS metis ## this line is also the string pattern to check if the modification had already done EXPORT SuiteSparseTargets RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR} LIBRARY DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} ARCHIVE DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} PUBLIC_HEADER DESTINATION include ) " ) endif() endif() add_subdirectory(SuiteSparse/metis-5.1.0) ## important part for building metis from its src files endif(BUILD_METIS) ## For EXPORT only : ## Previous version of cmake (>2.8.12) doesn't auto take into account external lib (here I mean blas and lapack) we need to link to for our current target we want to export. ## Or at least we need to investigate how to do with previous version. ## This may cause some trouble in case you want to build in static mode and then use it into another custom project. ## You will need to manually link your target into your custom project to the correct dependencies link interfaces. if("${CMAKE_MAJOR_VERSION}.${CMAKE_MINOR_VERSION}.${CMAKE_PATCH_VERSION}" GREATER 2.8.11) ## (policies introduced both in 2.8.12) set(EXPORT_USE_INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES ON CACHE BOOL "") mark_as_advanced(EXPORT_USE_INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES) if(EXPORT_USE_INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES) cmake_policy(SET CMP0023 NEW) ## just for respecting the new target_link_libraries(...) signature procedure cmake_policy(SET CMP0022 NEW) ## use INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES property for in-build targets and ignore old properties (IMPORTED_)?LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES(_)? ## Here, next version of cmake 2.8.12 auto take into account the link interface dependencies (see generated cmake/SuiteSparse-config*.cmake into your install dir) endif() endif() ## install_suitesparse_project(targetName headersList) ## factorise the way we will install all projects (part of the suitesparse project) ## is the target of the current project you build ## is the list of all public headers the project use and have to be known by other projects ## example of use: ## file(GLOB LIBHDRS "Include/*.h") ## add_library( ...) ## install_suitesparse_project( "${LIBHDRS}") macro(install_suitesparse_project targetName headersList) ## set position independend code for GCC, Clang static (and shared?) libs if (NOT MINGW AND NOT MSVC) target_compile_options(${targetName} PRIVATE "-fPIC") endif() ## set include dir for install target target_include_directories(${targetName} PUBLIC $ $ ) set_target_properties(${targetName} PROPERTIES PUBLIC_HEADER "${headersList}") install(TARGETS ${targetName} EXPORT SuiteSparseTargets RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR} LIBRARY DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} ARCHIVE DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} PUBLIC_HEADER DESTINATION include/suitesparse ) endmacro() ## declare_suitesparse_library(targetName srcsList headersList) ## Example of use: See SuiteSparse/*/CMakeLists.txt macro(declare_suitesparse_library targetName srcsList headersList) ## following args are optional include(CMakeParseArguments) cmake_parse_arguments(dsl "" "" "TARGET_PRIVATE_LINK;TARGET_PUBLIC_LINK" ${ARGN} ) if(NOT dsl_TARGET_PRIVATE_LINK) set(dsl_TARGET_PRIVATE_LINK "") endif() if(NOT dsl_TARGET_PUBLIC_LINK) set(dsl_TARGET_PUBLIC_LINK "") endif() if(WITH_CUDA) find_package(CUDA) endif() if(${CUDA_FOUND}) include_directories(${CUDA_INCLUDE_DIRS}) include_directories(${SuiteSparse_GPUQREngine_INCLUDE}) include_directories(${SuiteSparse_GPURuntime_INCLUDE}) CUDA_ADD_LIBRARY(${targetName} ${srcsList} ${headersList}) else(${CUDA_FOUND}) add_library(${targetName} ${srcsList} ${headersList}) endif(${CUDA_FOUND}) set_target_properties(${targetName} PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME ${SP_LIB_PREFIX}${targetName} ) target_link_libraries(${targetName} ${dsl_TARGET_PUBLIC_LINK} suitesparseconfig ## suitesparseconfig is used for every projects (embedded into cmake build) ${dsl_TARGET_PRIVATE_LINK} ## external required libs ) install_suitesparse_project(${targetName} "${headersList}") endmacro() # Example of usage: # REMOVE_MATCHING_FILES_FROM_LIST(".*_LIN.cpp" my_srcs) macro(REMOVE_MATCHING_FILES_FROM_LIST match_expr lst_files) set(lst_files_aux "") foreach(FIL ${${lst_files}}) if(NOT ${FIL} MATCHES "${match_expr}") set(lst_files_aux "${lst_files_aux}" "${FIL}") endif(NOT ${FIL} MATCHES "${match_expr}") endforeach(FIL) set(${lst_files} ${lst_files_aux}) endmacro(REMOVE_MATCHING_FILES_FROM_LIST) if(WITH_CUDA) find_package(cuda) if(${CUDA_FOUND}) add_definitions(-DGPU_BLAS) endif(${CUDA_FOUND}) endif() #hunter_add_package(LAPACK) # only in effect if HUNTER_ENABLED is set ## prefer LAPACK config file #if (WIN32) # set(LAPACK_DIR "lapack_windows/x64/" CACHE PATH "LAPACK directory" ) #endif() # #find_package(LAPACK CONFIG) #if (LAPACK_FOUND AND TARGET blas AND TARGET lapack) # message(STATUS "found lapack and blas config file. Linking targets lapack and blas") # message(STATUS "- LAPACK_CONFIG: ${LAPACK_CONFIG}") # set(SuiteSparse_LINKER_LAPACK_BLAS_LIBS lapack blas) # # for suitesparse-config file set method used to find LAPACK (and BLAS) # set(SuiteSparse_LAPACK_used_CONFIG YES) #else() # # missing config file or targets, try BLAS and LAPACK # find_package(BLAS) # find_package(LAPACK) # if (BLAS_FOUND AND LAPACK_FOUND) # message(STATUS "found lapack and blas config file. Linking targets lapack and blas") # message(STATUS "- LAPACK_LIBRARIES: ${LAPACK_LIBRARIES}") # message(STATUS "- BLAS_LIBRARIES: ${BLAS_LIBRARIES}") # set(SuiteSparse_LINKER_LAPACK_BLAS_LIBS ${LAPACK_LIBRARIES} ${BLAS_LIBRARIES}) # # for suitesparse-config file set method used to find LAPACK (and BLAS) # set(SuiteSparse_LAPACK_used_CONFIG NO) # else () # LAPACK is not found # message(FATAL_ERROR "lapack not found") # endif() #endif() if(BUILD_METIS) set(SuiteSparse_LINKER_METIS_LIBS "metis") ## namespaced library target for config set(SuiteSparse_EXPORTED_METIS_LIBS "SuiteSparse::metis") else() set(SuiteSparse_LINKER_METIS_LIBS "") set(SuiteSparse_EXPORTED_METIS_LIBS "") endif() add_subdirectory(SuiteSparse) macro(get_SuiteSparse_Version) set(_SuiteSparse_VERSION_FILE "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config/SuiteSparse_config.h") if(NOT EXISTS ${_SuiteSparse_VERSION_FILE}) message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find file: ${_SuiteSparse_VERSION_FILE} containing version " "information for >= v4 SuiteSparse installs.") endif() file(READ ${_SuiteSparse_VERSION_FILE} SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_CONTENTS) string(REGEX MATCH "#define SUITESPARSE_MAIN_VERSION [0-9]+" SuiteSparse_VERSION_MAJOR "${SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_CONTENTS}") string(REGEX REPLACE "#define SUITESPARSE_MAIN_VERSION ([0-9]+)" "\\1" SuiteSparse_VERSION_MAJOR "${SuiteSparse_VERSION_MAJOR}") string(REGEX MATCH "#define SUITESPARSE_SUB_VERSION [0-9]+" SuiteSparse_VERSION_MINOR "${SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_CONTENTS}") string(REGEX REPLACE "#define SUITESPARSE_SUB_VERSION ([0-9]+)" "\\1" SuiteSparse_VERSION_MINOR "${SuiteSparse_VERSION_MINOR}") string(REGEX MATCH "#define SUITESPARSE_SUBSUB_VERSION [0-9]+" SuiteSparse_VERSION_PATCH "${SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_CONTENTS}") string(REGEX REPLACE "#define SUITESPARSE_SUBSUB_VERSION ([0-9]+)" "\\1" SuiteSparse_VERSION_PATCH "${SuiteSparse_VERSION_PATCH}") # set version string set(SuiteSparse_VERSION "${SuiteSparse_VERSION_MAJOR}.${SuiteSparse_VERSION_MINOR}.${SuiteSparse_VERSION_PATCH}") endmacro() # get SuiteSparse version get_SuiteSparse_Version() set(ConfigPackageLocation ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/cmake/suitesparse-${SuiteSparse_VERSION}) ## create targets file export(EXPORT SuiteSparseTargets FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/suitesparse/suitesparse-targets.cmake" NAMESPACE SuiteSparse:: ) ## create config file configure_file(cmake/SuiteSparse-config-install.cmake.in "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/suitesparse/suitesparse-config.cmake" @ONLY ) ## do the EXPORT for allowing other project to easily use suitesparse with cmake install(EXPORT SuiteSparseTargets FILE SuiteSparse-targets.cmake NAMESPACE SuiteSparse:: DESTINATION ${ConfigPackageLocation} ) ## write config-version file include(CMakePackageConfigHelpers) write_basic_package_version_file( "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/suitesparse/suitesparse-config-version.cmake" VERSION ${SuiteSparse_VERSION} COMPATIBILITY SameMajorVersion ) ## install config and config-version file install( FILES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/suitesparse/suitesparse-config.cmake" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/suitesparse/suitesparse-config-version.cmake" DESTINATION ${ConfigPackageLocation} )