/* definitions */ digit [0-9] char [a-zA-Z_.] alphanum [0-9a-zA-Z_] %option prefix="ps10_" %{ /* code to be included */ #include #include #include #include "ps1.0_program.h" using namespace std; using namespace ps10; #include "_ps1.0_parser.h" #include "nvparse_errors.h" #include "nvparse_externs.h" #define YY_NO_UNPUT #define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) \ { \ int c = *myin++; \ result = (c == 0) ? YY_NULL : (buf[0] = c, 1); \ } #define YY_ALWAYS_INTERACTIVE 1 //#define DBG_MESG(msg, line) errors.set(msg, line) #define DBG_MESG(msg, line) static char buf[80]; %} %s DEFSTATE /* end of definitions */ %% ; | \/\/ { char ch; while ((ch = yyinput()) != '\n') ; line_number++; DBG_MESG("dbg: comment, NEWLINE", line_number-1); return NEWLINE; } [+-]?[0-9]+\.[0-9]* | [+-]?[0-9]*\.[0-9]+ | [+-]?[0-9]+ { ps10_lval.fval = (float)atof(yytext); // debug DBG_MESG("dbg: NUMBER", line_number); return NUMBER; } def { // debug DBG_MESG("dbg: DEF", line_number); BEGIN DEFSTATE; return DEF; } ((1[ \t]*)?-[ \t]*)?r[01](\.a|\.b|\.w|\.rgb|\.xyz|_bias|_bx2)? | ((1[ \t]*)?-[ \t]*)?c[0-7](\.a|\.b|\.w|\.rgb|\.xyz|_bias|_bx2)? | ((1[ \t]*)?-[ \t]*)?t[0-3](\.a|\.b|\.w|\.rgb|\.xyz|_bias|_bx2)? | ((1[ \t]*)?-[ \t]*)?v[01](\.a|\.b|\.w|\.rgb|\.xyz|_bias|_bx2)? { sprintf(buf, "dbg: REG = %s", yytext); // debug DBG_MESG(buf, line_number); ps10_lval.sval = new string(yytext); return REG; } add(_x2|_x4|_d2)?(_sat)? | cnd(_x2|_x4|_d2)?(_sat)? | dp3(_x2|_x4|_d2)?(_sat)? | lrp(_x2|_x4|_d2)?(_sat)? | mad(_x2|_x4|_d2)?(_sat)? | mov(_x2|_x4|_d2)?(_sat)? | mul(_x2|_x4|_d2)?(_sat)? | sub(_x2|_x4|_d2)?(_sat)? { sprintf(buf, "dbg: BLENDOP = %s", yytext); // debug DBG_MESG(buf, line_number); ps10_lval.sval = new string(yytext); return BLENDOP; } tex | texbem | texbeml | texcoord | texkill | texm3x2pad | texm3x2tex | texreg2ar | texreg2gb | texm3x3pad | texm3x3spec | texm3x3tex | texm3x3vspec { sprintf(buf, "dbg: ADDROP = %s", yytext); // debug DBG_MESG(buf, line_number); ps10_lval.sval = new string(yytext); return ADDROP; } ([ \t]*\r?\n)+ { line_number++; BEGIN 0; // debug DBG_MESG("dbg: NEWLINE", line_number-1); return NEWLINE; } [ \t]+ { } [Pp]s\.1.[01] { return HEADER; } . { char buf[40]; sprintf(buf, "character token == '%c'", *yytext); DBG_MESG(buf, line_number); return *yytext; } %% bool ps10_init(char* inputString) { myin = inputString; return init_extensions(); } #ifndef ps10_wrap int ps10_wrap(void) { return(1); } #endif