struct VIn { float4 p : POSITION; float3 n : NORMAL; float2 uv : TEXCOORD0; }; struct VOut { float4 p : POSITION; float2 uv : TEXCOORD0; float3 ray : TEXCOORD1; }; struct PIn { float2 uv : TEXCOORD0; float3 ray : TEXCOORD1; }; VOut ssao_vs(VIn IN, uniform float4x4 wvp, uniform float3 farCorner) { VOut OUT; OUT.p = mul(wvp, IN.p); // clean up inaccuracies for the UV coords float2 uv = sign(IN.p); // convert to image space uv = (float2(uv.x, -uv.y) + 1.0) * 0.5; OUT.uv = uv; // ray towards frustum far corners OUT.ray = IN.n; return OUT; } float3 computeZ(float2 xy) { return float3(xy, sqrt(1.0 - dot(xy, xy))); } // for ps_3_0, we want to use tex2Dlod because it's faster float4 TEX2DLOD(sampler2D map, float2 uv) { return tex2Dlod(map, float4(uv.xy, 0, 0)); } float4 ssao_ps( PIn IN, uniform float4x4 ptMat, uniform float far, uniform sampler2D geomMap : TEXUNIT0, uniform sampler2D randMap : TEXUNIT1): COLOR0 { #define MAX_RAND_SAMPLES 14 const float3 RAND_SAMPLES[MAX_RAND_SAMPLES] = { float3(1, 0, 0), float3( -1, 0, 0), float3(0, 1, 0), float3(0, -1, 0), float3(0, 0, 1), float3(0, 0, -1), normalize(float3(1, 1, 1)), normalize(float3(-1, 1, 1)), normalize(float3(1, -1, 1)), normalize(float3(1, 1, -1)), normalize(float3(-1, -1, 1)), normalize(float3(-1, 1, -1)), normalize(float3(1, -1, -1)), normalize(float3(-1, -1, -1)) }; // constant expressin != const int :( #define NUM_BASE_SAMPLES 6 // random normal lookup from a texture and expand to [-1..1] float3 randN = TEX2DLOD(randMap, IN.uv * 24).xyz * 2.0 - 1.0; float4 geom = TEX2DLOD(geomMap, IN.uv); float depth = geom.w; // IN.ray will be distorted slightly due to interpolation // it should be normalized here float3 viewPos = IN.ray * depth; // by computing Z manually, we lose some accuracy under extreme angles // considering this is just for bias, this loss is acceptable float3 viewNorm =;//computeZ(geom.yz); // accumulated occlusion factor float occ = 0; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BASE_SAMPLES; ++i) { // reflected direction to move in for the sphere // (based on random samples and a random texture sample) // bias the random direction away from the normal // this tends to minimize self occlusion float3 randomDir = reflect(RAND_SAMPLES[i], randN) + viewNorm; // move new view-space position back into texture space #define RADIUS 0.2125 float4 nuv = mul(ptMat, float4( + randomDir * RADIUS, 1)); nuv.xy /= nuv.w; // compute occlusion based on the (scaled) Z difference float zd = saturate(far * (depth - TEX2DLOD(geomMap, nuv.xy).w)); // this is a sample occlusion function, you can always play with // other ones, like 1.0 / (1.0 + zd * zd) and stuff occ += saturate(pow(1.0 - zd, 11) + zd); } occ /= NUM_BASE_SAMPLES; return float4(occ, occ, occ, 1); } #define NUM_BLUR_SAMPLES 8 float4 ssaoBlurX_ps(float2 uv : TEXCOORD0, uniform float4 invTexSize, uniform sampler2D map : TEXUNIT0, uniform sampler2D geomMap : TEXUNIT1): COLOR0 { // return TEX2DLOD(ssaoMap, uv); float2 o = float2(invTexSize.x, 0); float4 sum = TEX2DLOD(map, uv) * (NUM_BLUR_SAMPLES + 1); float denom = NUM_BLUR_SAMPLES + 1; float4 geom = TEX2DLOD(geomMap, uv); for (int i = 1; i <= NUM_BLUR_SAMPLES; ++i) { float2 nuv = uv + o * i; float4 nGeom = TEX2DLOD(geomMap, nuv); float coef = (NUM_BLUR_SAMPLES + 1 - i) * (dot(, > 0.9); sum += TEX2DLOD(map, nuv) * coef; denom += coef; } for (int i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) { float2 nuv = uv + o * -i; float4 nGeom = TEX2DLOD(geomMap, nuv); float coef = (NUM_BLUR_SAMPLES + 1 - i) * (dot(, > 0.9); sum += TEX2DLOD(map, nuv) * coef; denom += coef; } return sum / denom; } float4 ssaoBlurY_ps(float2 uv : TEXCOORD0, uniform float4 invTexSize, uniform sampler2D map : TEXUNIT0, uniform sampler2D geomMap : TEXUNIT1): COLOR0 { // return TEX2DLOD(map, uv); float2 o = float2(0, invTexSize.y); float4 sum = TEX2DLOD(map, uv) * (NUM_BLUR_SAMPLES + 1); float denom = NUM_BLUR_SAMPLES + 1; float4 geom = TEX2DLOD(geomMap, uv); for (int i = 1; i <= NUM_BLUR_SAMPLES; ++i) { float2 nuv = uv + o * i; float4 nGeom = TEX2DLOD(geomMap, nuv); float coef = (NUM_BLUR_SAMPLES + 1 - i) * (dot(, > 0.9); sum += TEX2DLOD(map, nuv) * coef; denom += coef; } for (int i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) { float2 nuv = uv + o * -i; float4 nGeom = TEX2DLOD(geomMap, nuv); float coef = (NUM_BLUR_SAMPLES + 1 - i) * (dot(, > 0.9); sum += TEX2DLOD(map, nuv) * coef; denom += coef; } return sum / denom; }