// // Explanation of different particle types // #define PT_LAUNCHER 0 //Firework Launcher - launches a PT_SHELL every so many seconds #define PT_SHELL 1 //Unexploded shell - flies from the origin and explodes into many PT_EMBERXs #define PT_EMBER1 2 //basic particle - after it's emitted from the shell, it dies #define PT_EMBER2 3 //after it's emitted, it explodes again into many PT_EMBER1s #define PT_EMBER3 4 //just a differently colored ember1 #define P_SHELLLIFE 3.0 #define P_EMBER1LIFE 2.5 #define P_EMBER2LIFE 1.5 #define P_EMBER3LIFE 2.0 //These two were originally shader params, but they caused runtime errors #define NUM_EMBER_1S 30 #define NUM_EMBER_2S 15 #define NUM_EMBER_3S 10 //This one was originally a variant, but this also causes runtime errors //#define MAX_EMBER_2S 15.0 // // Generic particle motion handler // void GSGenericHandler( float3 Pos, float3 Vel, float Timer, float Type, float elapsedTime, float3 frameGravity) { Pos += Vel * elapsedTime; Vel += frameGravity; Timer -= elapsedTime; if (Pos.y > -100) { emitVertex( Pos : POSITION, Vel : TEXCOORD2, Timer : TEXCOORD0, Type : TEXCOORD1); } } // // Sample a random direction from our random texture // float3 RandomDir(float fOffset, float globalTime, sampler1D randomTex) { float tCoord = (globalTime + fOffset) / 300.0; return tex1D(randomTex, tCoord).rgb; } // // Launcher type particle handler // void GSLauncherHandler( float3 Pos, float3 Vel, float Timer, float Type, float elapsedTime, float globalTime, sampler1D randomTex, float secondsPerFirework) { if(Timer <= 0) { float3 vRandom = normalize( RandomDir( Type, globalTime, randomTex) ); //Give it more of an up bias vRandom = normalize(vRandom + float3(0,2.5,0)); //time to emit a new SHELL float3 outputPos = Pos + Vel*elapsedTime; float3 outputVel = Vel + vRandom*35.0; float outputTimer = P_SHELLLIFE + vRandom.y*0.5; float outputType = PT_SHELL; emitVertex(outputPos : POSITION, outputVel : TEXCOORD2, outputTimer : TEXCOORD0, outputType : TEXCOORD1); //reset our timer Timer = secondsPerFirework + vRandom.x*0.4; } else { Timer -= elapsedTime; } //emit ourselves to keep us alive emitVertex( Pos : POSITION, Vel : TEXCOORD2, Timer : TEXCOORD0, Type : TEXCOORD1); } // // Shell type particle handler // void GSShellHandler( float3 Pos, float3 Vel, float Timer, float Type, float elapsedTime, float globalTime, sampler1D randomTex, float3 frameGravity) { if(Timer <= 0) { float3 outputPos; float3 outputVel; float outputTimer; float outputType; float3 vRandom = float3(0,0,0); //time to emit a series of new Ember1s for(int i=0; i 0) { GSGenericHandler(Pos, Vel, Timer, Type, elapsedTime, frameGravity ); } } // // Ember2 type particle handler // void GSEmber2Handler( float3 Pos, float3 Vel, float Timer, float Type, float elapsedTime, float globalTime, sampler1D randomTex, float3 frameGravity) { if(Timer <= 0) { float3 outputPos; float3 outputVel; float outputTimer; float outputType; //time to emit a series of new Ember3s for(int i=0; i Pos : POSITION, AttribArray Timer : TEXCOORD0, AttribArray Type : TEXCOORD1, AttribArray Vel : TEXCOORD2, uniform sampler1D randomTex : TEXUNIT0, uniform float3 gravity, uniform float globalTime, uniform float elapsedTime, uniform float secondsPerFirework ) { vec3 frameGravity = gravity * elapsedTime; if( Type[0] == PT_LAUNCHER ) GSLauncherHandler( Pos[0], Vel[0], Timer[0], Type[0], elapsedTime, globalTime, randomTex, secondsPerFirework); else if ( Type[0] == PT_SHELL ) GSShellHandler( Pos[0], Vel[0], Timer[0], Type[0], elapsedTime, globalTime, randomTex, frameGravity); else if ( Type[0] == PT_EMBER1 || Type[0] == PT_EMBER3 ) GSEmber1Handler( Pos[0], Vel[0], Timer[0], Type[0], elapsedTime, frameGravity); else if( Type[0] == PT_EMBER2 ) GSEmber2Handler( Pos[0], Vel[0], Timer[0], Type[0], elapsedTime, globalTime, randomTex, frameGravity); } struct ColoredFirework { float4 pos : POSITION; float4 color : COLOR; float2 radius : TEXCOORD0; }; //The vertex shader that prepares the fireworks for display ColoredFirework DisplayParticles_VS ( in float3 inPos : POSITION, in float inTimer : TEXCOORD0, in float inType : TEXCOORD1, in float3 inVelocity : TEXCOORD2, uniform float4x4 worldView, uniform float4x4 proj ) { ColoredFirework output; // // Pass the point through // output.pos = mul(worldView, float4(inPos,1)); output.radius = float2(1.5); // // calculate the color // if( inType == PT_LAUNCHER ) { output.color = float4(1,0.1,0.1,1); output.radius = float2(1.0); } else if( inType == PT_SHELL ) { output.color = float4(0.1,1,1,1); output.radius = float2(1.0); } else if( inType == PT_EMBER1 ) { output.color = float4(1,1,0.1,1); output.color *= (inTimer / P_EMBER1LIFE ); } else if( inType == PT_EMBER2 ) { output.color = float4(1,0.1,1,1); } else if( inType == PT_EMBER3 ) { output.color = float4(1,0.1,0.1,1); output.color *= (inTimer / P_EMBER3LIFE ); } float4 tmp = mul(proj, float4(output.radius, output.pos.z, 1)); output.radius = tmp.xy; // no w divison here, no viewport normalization in GS output.pos = mul(proj, output.pos); return output; } //The geometry shader that prepares the fireworks for display POINT TRIANGLE_OUT void DisplayParticles_GS( AttribArray Pos : POSITION, AttribArray Color : COLOR, AttribArray Radius : TEXCOORD0) { //float3 g_positions[4] = { float3( -1, 1, 0 ), float3( 1, 1, 0 ), float3( -1, -1, 0 ), float3( 1, -1, 0 ) }; float2 g_positions[4] = { float2( -1, 1 ), float2( -1, -1 ), float2( 1, 1 ), float2( 1, -1 ) }; float2 g_texcoords[4] = { float2(0,1), float2(1,1), float2(0,0), float2(1,0) }; // // Emit two new triangles // for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { float4 position = Pos[0] - float4(g_positions[i]*Radius[0], 0, 0); emitVertex(position : POSITION, Color[0] : COLOR0, g_texcoords[i] : TEXCOORD0); } restartStrip(); } //The pixels shaders that colors the fireworks float4 DisplayParticles_PS( float2 iTexCoord : TEXCOORD0, float4 iColor : COLOR0, uniform sampler diffuseTex : register(s0)) : COLOR { return tex2D(diffuseTex, iTexCoord) * iColor; //return float4(iTexCoord.x, iTexCoord.y, 0, 1) + iColor * 0.01; //return float4(iTexCoord.xy, 0, 1) * 0.3 + tex2D(diffuseTex, iTexCoord) * 0.7 + iColor * 0.01; }