#ifdef OGRE_GLSL #version 120 #endif // Ogre port of Nvidia's IsoSurf.cg file // Modified code follows. See http://developer.download.nvidia.com/SDK/10/opengl/samples.html for original // // Cg port of Yury Uralsky's metaball FX shader // // Authors: Simon Green and Yury Urlasky // Email: sdkfeedback@nvidia.com // // Copyright (c) NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include uniform float IsoValue; uniform mat4 WorldViewProj; uniform mat4 origWorldViewIT; uniform vec4 Metaballs[2]; // Size of the sampling grid const ivec3 SizeMask = ivec3( 63, 63, 63 ); const ivec3 SizeShift = ivec3( 0, 6, 12 ); // Metaball function // Returns metaball function value in .w and its gradient in .xyz vec4 Metaball(vec3 Pos, vec3 Center, float RadiusSq) { const float epsilon = 0.001; vec3 Dist = Pos - Center; float InvDistSq = 1 / (dot(Dist, Dist) + epsilon); vec4 o; o.xyz = -2 * RadiusSq * InvDistSq * InvDistSq * Dist; o.w = RadiusSq * InvDistSq; return o; } MAIN_PARAMETERS IN(vec4 vertex, POSITION) OUT(vec3 N, TEXCOORD0) OUT(vec2 oField, TEXCOORD1) MAIN_DECLARATION { vec4 Pos; // Generate sampling point position based on its index // Pos.x = float((gl_VertexID >> SizeShift.x) & SizeMask.x) / (SizeMask.x + 1); // Pos.y = float((gl_VertexID >> SizeShift.y) & SizeMask.y) / (SizeMask.y + 1); // Pos.z = float((gl_VertexID >> SizeShift.z) & SizeMask.z) / (SizeMask.z + 1); // Pos = Pos*2 - 1; Pos = vertex; // Sum up contributions from all metaballs vec4 Field = vec4(0,0,0,0); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) Field += Metaball(Pos.xyz, Metaballs[i].xyz, Metaballs[i].w); mat3 WorldViewIT = mat3(origWorldViewIT[0].xyz, origWorldViewIT[1].xyz, origWorldViewIT[2].xyz); // Transform position and normals gl_Position = mul(WorldViewProj, vec4(Pos.xyz, 1)); N = mul(WorldViewIT, Field.xyz); // we want normals in world space oField.x = Field.w; // Generate in-out flags oField.y = (Field.w < IsoValue) ? 1 : 0; // Color = (Field*0.5+0.5) * (Field.w / 10.0); }