//------------------------------------------------------ //Radial_Blur_FP.cg // Implements radial blur to be used with the compositor // It's very dependent on screen resolution //------------------------------------------------------ uniform sampler2D tex; uniform float sampleDist; uniform float sampleStrength; varying vec2 oUv0; void main() { float samples[10]; samples[0] = -0.08; samples[1] = -0.05; samples[2] = -0.03; samples[3] = -0.02; samples[4] = -0.01; samples[5] = 0.01; samples[6] = 0.02; samples[7] = 0.03; samples[8] = 0.05; samples[9] = 0.08; //Vector from pixel to the center of the screen vec2 dir = 0.5 - oUv0; //Distance from pixel to the center (distant pixels have stronger effect) //float dist = distance( vec2( 0.5, 0.5 ), texCoord ); float dist = sqrt( dir.x*dir.x + dir.y*dir.y ); //Now that we have dist, we can normlize vector dir = normalize( dir ); //Save the color to be used later vec4 color = texture2D( tex, oUv0 ); //Average the pixels going along the vector vec4 sum = color; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { vec4 res=texture2D( tex, oUv0 + dir * samples[i] * sampleDist ); sum += res; } sum /= 11.0; //Calculate amount of blur based on //distance and a strength parameter float t = dist * sampleStrength; t = clamp( t, 0.0, 1.0 );//We need 0 <= t <= 1 //Blend the original color with the averaged pixels gl_FragColor = mix( color, sum, t ); }