SamplerState g_samLinear { Filter = MIN_MAG_MIP_LINEAR; AddressU = Wrap; AddressV = Wrap; AddressW = Wrap; }; struct v2p { float4 position : SV_POSITION; float2 uv : TEXCOORD0; }; uniform Texture2D sMRT1 : register(s0); // fragment normals uniform Texture2D sMRT2 : register(s1); // view space position, remember that we are looking down the negative Z axis!!! uniform Texture2D sRand : register(s2); float4 Volumetric_fp ( v2p input, uniform const float4 cViewportSize, // (viewport_width, viewport_height, inverse_viewport_width, inverse_viewport_height) uniform const float cFov, // vertical field of view in radians uniform const float cSampleInScreenspace, // whether to sample in screen or world space uniform const float cSampleLengthScreenSpace, // The sample length in screen space [0, 1] uniform const float cSampleLengthWorldSpace // the sample length in world space in units ) : SV_Target { const int interleaved = 4; const int m = 8; const int n = 4; const int numSamples = m * n; const float2 interleaveOffset = input.uv * cViewportSize.xy / interleaved; const float3 fragmentPosition = sMRT2.Sample(g_samLinear, input.uv).xyz; // the current fragment in view space const float3 fragmentNormal = sMRT1.Sample(g_samLinear, input.uv).xyz * float3(1, -1, 1); // the fragment normal float rUV = 0; // radius of influence in screen space float r = 0; // radius of influence in world space if (cSampleInScreenspace == 1) { rUV = cSampleLengthScreenSpace; r = tan(rUV * cFov) * -fragmentPosition.z; } else { rUV = atan(cSampleLengthWorldSpace / -fragmentPosition.z) / cFov; // the radius of influence projected into screen space r = cSampleLengthWorldSpace; } if (rUV < (cViewportSize.z)) // abort if the projected radius of influence is smaller than 1 fragment { return float4(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0); } const float r2 = r/2; const float rUV2 = rUV /2; const float3 center = fragmentPosition + fragmentNormal * (r2); const float2 centerUV = input.uv + fragmentNormal.xy * (rUV2); float F = 0; // unoccluded Volume float V = 0; // occluded Volume float invalid = 0; for (float i = 0.0f; i < m; i++) for (float j = 0.0f; j < n; j++) { const float2 randomTC = interleaveOffset + float2(i/(interleaved * m), j/(interleaved * n)); const float2 randomVector = (sRand.SampleLevel(g_samLinear, randomTC, 0) * 2 - 1).xy; // unpack to [-1, 1]^2 const float2 sample = randomVector * (r2); const float2 sampleUV = randomVector * (rUV2); const float zEntry = center.z + (r2) * sqrt(1 - sample.x * sample.x - sample.y * sample.y); const float zExit = center.z - (r2) * sqrt(1 - sample.x * sample.x - sample.y * sample.y); const float zStar = sMRT2.SampleLevel(g_samLinear, centerUV + sampleUV, 0).z; F += zExit - zEntry; if (zExit <= zStar && zStar <= zEntry) V += zStar - zEntry; else //if (zStar < zExit) V += zExit - zEntry; } float accessibility = V / F; return float4(, 1); }