Art assets license ------------------ The dungeon mesh is part of the original recastnavigation distribution. It was created and donated to the recastnavigation project by John Ratcliff. I hold no rights over it. The WoodPallet.mesh and tudorhouse.mesh and their textures, and all resources in the terrain/ folder are part of the original Ogre3D samples. It's unclear to me what their exact license terms are, but I assume that it is fine to use them in a sample. The terrain materials, more specifically the .dds texture files are property of NVIDIA. A special license applies, which can be found in the separate license file in the materials/terrain/ folder. The highlanderhouse.01.mesh and its materials are part of a model pack that dragonsnail of Artifex Terra 3D donated to the Ogre community. The specific license under which they are released can be found in a separate license file in this folder. The other meshes are my work, in particular Cylinder.mesh and textures, Demarkation.mesh and textures, GameChar-male and its textures, the Pot mesh, Box mesh, as well as the overlay cursor. The GameChar-male mesh was achieved with and Blender 2.62, to both projects goes sincere thanks and recognition. These models and their textures are released under the CC0 license. Note that it might be more interesting for an own project to use MakeHuman yourself to create more customized characters instead of reusing the existing character from the demo. The plaster texture on the pot and the source images used to create the box texture are property of, I do not hold the rights. This message applies to it: One or more textures on this 3D model have been created with images from These images may not be redistributed by default, please visit for more information.