* videoQuickTime7.m
* ARToolKit5
* This file is part of ARToolKit.
* ARToolKit is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* ARToolKit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with ARToolKit. If not, see .
* As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
* permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
* executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and to
* copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice,
* provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and
* conditions of the license of that module. An independent module is a module
* which is neither derived from nor based on this library. If you modify this
* library, you may extend this exception to your version of the library, but you
* are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception
* statement from your version.
* Copyright 2015 Daqri, LLC.
* Copyright 2010-2015 ARToolworks, Inc.
* Author(s): Philip Lamb
* Rev Date Who Changes
* 1.0.0 2010-07-01 PRL Written.
#import "QTKitVideo.h"
#import "videoQuickTime7QTKitVideoGotFrameDelegate.h"
struct _AR2VideoParamQuickTime7T {
QTKitVideo *qtKitVideo;
CVImageBufferRef currentFrame;
UInt64 currentFrameTimestamp;
AR2VideoBufferT buffer;
videoQuickTime7QTKitVideoGotFrameDelegate *qtKitVideoGotFrameDelegate;
void (*gotImageFunc)(AR2VideoBufferT *, void *);
void *gotImageFuncUserData;
int ar2VideoDispOptionQuickTime7( void )
ARLOG(" -device=QuickTime7\n");
ARLOG(" -width=N\n");
ARLOG(" Scale camera native image to width N.\n");
ARLOG(" -height=N\n");
ARLOG(" Scale camera native image to height N.\n");
ARLOG(" -pixelformat=cccc\n");
ARLOG(" Return images with pixels in format cccc, where cccc is either a\n");
ARLOG(" numeric pixel format number or a valid 4-character-code for a\n");
ARLOG(" pixel format.\n");
ARLOG(" The following numeric values are supported: \n");
ARLOG(" 24 (24-bit RGB), 32 (32-bit ARGB), 40 (8-bit grey)\n");
ARLOG(" The following 4-character-codes are supported: \n");
ARLOG(" BGRA, RGBA, ABGR, 24BG, 2vuy, yuvs.\n");
ARLOG(" (See http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#technotes/tn2010/tn2273.html.)\n");
ARLOG(" -source=N\n");
ARLOG(" Acquire video from connected source device with index N (default = 0).\n");
ARLOG(" -nomuxed");
ARLOG(" Do not search for video from multiplexed video/audio devices (e.g. DV cams).\n");
//ARLOG(" -bufferpow2\n");
//ARLOG(" requests that images are returned in a buffer which has power-of-two dimensions.\n");
return 0;
AR2VideoParamQuickTime7T *ar2VideoOpenQuickTime7( const char *config )
AR2VideoParamQuickTime7T *vid;
const char *a;
char line[1024];
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
int showFPS = 0;
int showDialog = 1;
int singleBuffer = 0;
int flipH = 0, flipV = 0;
int err_i = 0;
OSType pixFormat = k32ARGBPixelFormat;
OSType pixFormat = k32BGRAPixelFormat;
int source = 0;
char *sourceuid = NULL;
char bufferpow2 = 0;
char noMuxed = 0;
int i;
arMalloc( vid, AR2VideoParamQuickTime7T, 1 );
vid->currentFrame = NULL;
vid->currentFrameTimestamp = 0;
vid->buffer.buff = vid->buffer.buffLuma = NULL;
vid->buffer.fillFlag = 0;
a = config;
if( a != NULL) {
for(;;) {
while( *a == ' ' || *a == '\t' ) a++;
if( *a == '\0' ) break;
if( sscanf(a, "%s", line) == 0 ) break;
if( strncmp( line, "-width=", 7 ) == 0 ) {
if( sscanf( &line[7], "%d", &width ) == 0 ) err_i = 1;
} else if( strncmp( line, "-height=", 8 ) == 0 ) {
if( sscanf( &line[8], "%d", &height ) == 0 ) err_i = 1;
} else if (strncmp(a, "-format=", 8) == 0) {
sscanf(a, "%s", line);
if (strlen(line) <= 8) err_i = 1;
else {
if (strlen(line) == 12) err_i = (sscanf(&line[13], "%4c", (char *)&pixFormat) < 1);
if (strlen(line) == 12) err_i = (sscanf(&line[13], "%c%c%c%c", &(((char *)&pixFormat)[3]), &(((char *)&pixFormat)[2]), &(((char *)&pixFormat)[1]), &(((char *)&pixFormat)[0])) < 4);
else err_i = (sscanf(&line[8], "%li", (long *)&pixFormat) < 1); // Integer.
} else if (strncmp(a, "-pixelformat=", 13) == 0) {
sscanf(a, "%s", line);
if (strlen(line) <= 13) err_i = 1;
else {
if (strlen(line) == 17) err_i = (sscanf(&line[13], "%4c", (char *)&pixFormat) < 1);
if (strlen(line) == 17) err_i = (sscanf(&line[13], "%c%c%c%c", &(((char *)&pixFormat)[3]), &(((char *)&pixFormat)[2]), &(((char *)&pixFormat)[1]), &(((char *)&pixFormat)[0])) < 4);
else err_i = (sscanf(&line[13], "%li", (long *)&pixFormat) < 1); // Integer.
} else if( strncmp( line, "-source=", 8 ) == 0 ) {
if( sscanf( &line[8], "%d", &source ) == 0 ) err_i = 1;
} else if( strcmp( line, "-device=QuickTime7" ) == 0 ) {
} else if (strncmp(a, "-dialog", 7) == 0) {
showDialog = 1;
} else if (strncmp(a, "-nodialog", 9) == 0) {
showDialog = 0;
} else if (strncmp(a, "-sourceuuid=", 11) == 0) {
// Attempt to read in device unique ID, allowing for quoting of whitespace.
a += 11; // Skip "-sourceuuid=" characters.
if (*a == '"') {
// Read all characters up to next '"'.
i = 0;
while (i < (sizeof(line) - 1) && *a != '\0') {
line[i] = *a;
if (line[i] == '"') break;
line[i] = '\0';
} else {
sscanf(a, "%s", line);
if (!strlen(line)) err_i = 1;
else sourceuid = strdup(line);
// Allowed but currently ignored.
} else if( strcmp( line, "-bufferpow2" ) == 0 ) {
bufferpow2 = 1;
} else if (strncmp(a, "-fps", 4) == 0) {
showFPS = 1;
} else if (strncmp(a, "-nofps", 6) == 0) {
showFPS = 0;
} else if (strncmp(a, "-fliph", 6) == 0) {
flipH = 1;
} else if (strncmp(a, "-nofliph", 8) == 0) {
flipH = 0;
} else if (strncmp(a, "-flipv", 6) == 0) {
flipV = 1;
} else if (strncmp(a, "-noflipv", 8) == 0) {
flipV = 0;
} else if (strncmp(a, "-singlebuffer", 13) == 0) {
singleBuffer = 1;
} else if (strncmp(a, "-nosinglebuffer", 15) == 0) {
singleBuffer = 0;
} else if (strncmp(a, "-nomuxed", 8) == 0) {
noMuxed = 1;
// Obsolete. Allowed and ignored.
} else if (strncmp(a, "-grabber=", 9) == 0) {
} else if (strncmp(a, "-standarddialog", 15) == 0) {
} else if (strncmp(a, "-nostandarddialog", 17) == 0) {
} else {
ARLOGe("Error: unrecognised video configuration option \"%s\".\n", a);
err_i = 1;
if (err_i) {
if (sourceuid) free(sourceuid);
return (NULL);
while( *a != ' ' && *a != '\t' && *a != '\0') a++;
// Calling Objective-C from C necessitates an autorelease pool.
@autoreleasepool {
// Init the QTKitVideo object.
vid->qtKitVideo = [[QTKitVideo alloc] init];
if (!vid->qtKitVideo) {
NSLog(@"Error: Unable to initialise camera.\n");
if (sourceuid) free(sourceuid);
free (vid);
return (NULL);
if (source) vid->qtKitVideo.preferredDevice = source;
if (sourceuid) {
vid->qtKitVideo.preferredDeviceUID = [NSString stringWithCString:sourceuid encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
vid->qtKitVideo.showDialogs = showDialog;
if (noMuxed) vid->qtKitVideo.acceptMuxedVideo = FALSE;
[vid->qtKitVideo startWithRequestedWidth:width height:height pixelFormat:pixFormat];
if (!vid->qtKitVideo.running) {
NSLog(@"Error: Unable to open connection to camera.\n");
free (vid);
return (NULL);
// Report video size and compression type.
OSType formatType = vid->qtKitVideo.pixelFormat;
if (formatType > 0x28) ARLOGi("Video formatType is %c%c%c%c, size is %ldx%ld.\n",
(char)((formatType >> 24) & 0xFF),
(char)((formatType >> 16) & 0xFF),
(char)((formatType >> 8) & 0xFF),
(char)((formatType >> 0) & 0xFF),
vid->qtKitVideo.width, vid->qtKitVideo.height);
else ARLOGi("Video formatType is %u, size is %ldx%ld.\n", (int)formatType, vid->qtKitVideo.width, vid->qtKitVideo.height);
if (bufferpow2) {
width = height = 1;
while (width < vid->qtKitVideo.bufWidth) width *= 2;
while (height < vid->qtKitVideo.bufHeight) height *= 2;
if (ar2VideoSetBufferSizeQuickTime7(vid, width, height) != 0) {
[vid->qtKitVideo release];
free (vid);
return (NULL);
vid->qtKitVideo.pause = TRUE;
vid->qtKitVideoGotFrameDelegate = nil; // Init.
return (vid);
int ar2VideoCloseQuickTime7( AR2VideoParamQuickTime7T *vid )
if (vid) {
@autoreleasepool {
if (vid->currentFrame) {
CVPixelBufferUnlockBaseAddress(vid->currentFrame, kCVPixelBufferLock_ReadOnly);
if (vid->qtKitVideo) [vid->qtKitVideo release];
if (vid->qtKitVideoGotFrameDelegate) [vid->qtKitVideoGotFrameDelegate release];
return 0;
return (-1);
int ar2VideoCapStartQuickTime7( AR2VideoParamQuickTime7T *vid )
if (vid) {
if (vid->qtKitVideo) {
@autoreleasepool {
vid->qtKitVideo.pause = FALSE;
return 0;
return (-1);
int ar2VideoCapStopQuickTime7( AR2VideoParamQuickTime7T *vid )
if (vid) {
if (vid->qtKitVideo) {
@autoreleasepool {
vid->qtKitVideo.pause = TRUE;
return 0;
return (-1);
AR2VideoBufferT *ar2VideoGetImageQuickTime7( AR2VideoParamQuickTime7T *vid )
if (vid) {
if (vid->qtKitVideo) {
@autoreleasepool {
UInt64 timestamp;
CVImageBufferRef frame = [vid->qtKitVideo frameTimestamp:×tamp ifNewerThanTimestamp:vid->currentFrameTimestamp];
if (frame) {
if (vid->currentFrame) {
CVPixelBufferUnlockBaseAddress(vid->currentFrame, kCVPixelBufferLock_ReadOnly);
vid->currentFrame = frame;
vid->currentFrameTimestamp = timestamp;
CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress(frame, kCVPixelBufferLock_ReadOnly);
if (!CVPixelBufferGetPlaneCount(frame)) vid->buffer.buff = CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress(frame);
else vid->buffer.buff = CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddressOfPlane(frame, 0);
vid->buffer.fillFlag = 1;
vid->buffer.buffLuma = NULL;
vid->buffer.time_sec = 0;
vid->buffer.time_usec = 0;
return &(vid->buffer);
return (NULL);
int ar2VideoGetSizeQuickTime7(AR2VideoParamQuickTime7T *vid, int *x,int *y)
if (!vid || !x || !y) return (-1);
if (!vid->qtKitVideo) return (-1);
@autoreleasepool {
*x = (int)((vid->qtKitVideo).width);
if (!*x) {
#ifdef DEBUG
NSLog(@"Unable to determine camera image width.\n");
return (-1);
*y = (int)((vid->qtKitVideo).height);
if (!*y) {
#ifdef DEBUG
NSLog(@"Unable to determine camera image height.\n");
return (-1);
return 0;
AR_PIXEL_FORMAT ar2VideoGetPixelFormatQuickTime7( AR2VideoParamQuickTime7T *vid )
if (!vid) return (AR_PIXEL_FORMAT_INVALID);
if (!vid->qtKitVideo) return (AR_PIXEL_FORMAT_INVALID);
@autoreleasepool {
switch ((vid->qtKitVideo.pixelFormat)) {
case kCVPixelFormatType_422YpCbCr8: // (previously k2vuyPixelFormat). Preferred YUV format on iPhone 3G.
return (AR_PIXEL_FORMAT_2vuy);
case kCVPixelFormatType_422YpCbCr8_yuvs: // (previously kyuvsPixelFormat)
return (AR_PIXEL_FORMAT_yuvs);
case kCVPixelFormatType_24RGB: // (previously k24RGBPixelFormat)
case kCVPixelFormatType_24BGR: // (previously k24BGRPixelFormat)
case kCVPixelFormatType_32ARGB: // (previously k32ARGBPixelFormat)
case kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA: // (previously k32BGRAPixelFormat)
case kCVPixelFormatType_32ABGR: // (previously k32ABGRPixelFormat)
case kCVPixelFormatType_32RGBA: // (previously k32RGBAPixelFormat)
case kCVPixelFormatType_8IndexedGray_WhiteIsZero: // (previously k8IndexedGrayPixelFormat)
case kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8BiPlanarVideoRange:
return (AR_PIXEL_FORMAT_420v);
case kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8BiPlanarFullRange:
return (AR_PIXEL_FORMAT_420f);
int ar2VideoGetIdQuickTime7( AR2VideoParamQuickTime7T *vid, ARUint32 *id0, ARUint32 *id1 )
return -1;
int ar2VideoGetParamiQuickTime7( AR2VideoParamQuickTime7T *vid, int paramName, int *value )
if (!vid || !value) return (-1);
switch (paramName) {
return (-1);
return (0);
int ar2VideoSetParamiQuickTime7( AR2VideoParamQuickTime7T *vid, int paramName, int value )
if (!vid) return (-1);
switch (paramName) {
return (-1);
return (0);
int ar2VideoGetParamdQuickTime7( AR2VideoParamQuickTime7T *vid, int paramName, double *value )
if (!vid || !value) return (-1);
switch (paramName) {
return (-1);
return (0);
int ar2VideoSetParamdQuickTime7( AR2VideoParamQuickTime7T *vid, int paramName, double value )
if (!vid) return (-1);
switch (paramName) {
return (-1);
return (0);
int ar2VideoGetParamsQuickTime7( AR2VideoParamQuickTime7T *vid, const int paramName, char **value )
if (!vid || !value) return (-1);
switch (paramName) {
return (-1);
return (0);
int ar2VideoSetParamsQuickTime7( AR2VideoParamQuickTime7T *vid, const int paramName, const char *value )
if (!vid) return (-1);
switch (paramName) {
return (-1);
return (0);
id ar2VideoGetQTKitVideoInstanceQuickTime7(AR2VideoParamQuickTime7T *vid)
if (!vid) return (nil);
return (vid->qtKitVideo);
int ar2VideoSetBufferSizeQuickTime7(AR2VideoParamQuickTime7T *vid, const int width, const int height)
if (!vid) return (-1);
if (!vid->qtKitVideo) return (-1);
vid->qtKitVideo.bufWidth = width;
vid->qtKitVideo.bufHeight = height;
return (0);
int ar2VideoGetBufferSizeQuickTime7(AR2VideoParamQuickTime7T *vid, int *width, int *height)
if (!vid) return (-1);
if (!vid->qtKitVideo) return (-1);
if (width) *width = (int)(vid->qtKitVideo.bufWidth);
if (height) *height = (int)(vid->qtKitVideo.bufHeight);
return (0);
@implementation videoQuickTime7QTKitVideoGotFrameDelegate
- (void) QTKitVideoGotFrame:(id)sender userData:(void *)data
AR2VideoParamQuickTime7T *vid = (AR2VideoParamQuickTime7T *)data; // Cast to correct type;
if (vid) {
if (vid->gotImageFunc) (*vid->gotImageFunc)(ar2VideoGetImageQuickTime7(vid), vid->gotImageFuncUserData);
void ar2VideoSetGotImageFunctionQuickTime7(AR2VideoParamQuickTime7T *vid, void (*gotImageFunc)(AR2VideoBufferT *, void *), void *userData)
if (vid) {
if (vid->qtKitVideo) {
if (gotImageFunc != vid->gotImageFunc || userData != vid->gotImageFuncUserData) {
@autoreleasepool {
vid->gotImageFunc = gotImageFunc;
vid->gotImageFuncUserData = userData;
if (gotImageFunc) {
// Setting or changing; the videoQuickTime7QTKitVideoGotFrameDelegate class implements the appropriate delegate.
if (!vid->qtKitVideoGotFrameDelegate) vid->qtKitVideoGotFrameDelegate = [[videoQuickTime7QTKitVideoGotFrameDelegate alloc] init]; // Create an instance of delegate.
[vid->qtKitVideo setGotFrameDelegate:vid->qtKitVideoGotFrameDelegate];
[vid->qtKitVideo setGotFrameDelegateUserData:vid];
} else {
// Cancellation message; unset delegate.
[vid->qtKitVideo setGotFrameDelegate:nil];
[vid->qtKitVideo setGotFrameDelegateUserData:NULL];
[vid->qtKitVideoGotFrameDelegate release]; // Destroy instance of delegate.
vid->qtKitVideoGotFrameDelegate = nil;
void (*ar2VideoGetGotImageFunctionQuickTime7(AR2VideoParamQuickTime7T *vid))(AR2VideoBufferT *, void *)
if (vid) return (vid->gotImageFunc);
else return (NULL);