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[section boost::geometry::index::equal_to]

The function object comparing Values. 

[heading Description]
The default version handles Values which are Indexables, std::pair<T1, T2>, boost::tuple<...> and std::tuple<...> if STD tuples and variadic templates are supported. All members are compared from left to right, Geometries using boost::geometry::equals() function, other types using operator==.

[heading Header]
`#include <boost/geometry/index/equal_to.hpp>`

[heading Synopsis]
`template<``typename Value``>`
`struct equal_to`
`  // ...`

[heading Template parameter(s)]
[[Parameter] [Description]]
[[`Value`][The type of objects which are compared by this function object. ]]

[heading Typedef(s)]
[[Type] [Description]]
[[[#structboost_1_1geometry_1_1index_1_1equal__to_1ae6a986988e380c2ba4afa646294cfd93] `result_type`][The type of result returned by function object. ]]

[heading Member(s)]
[[ `const`][[link structboost_1_1geometry_1_1index_1_1equal__to_1aaeece0d0d4cc09ee939b85db0c08b584 `operator()(Value const &, Value const &)`]][Compare Values. ]]

[section operator()(Value const &, Value const &)]
Compare Values. 

[heading Synopsis]

`bool` `operator()``(``Value const &` `l``,` `Value const &` `r``)`

[heading Modifier(s)]
``const ``[heading Parameter(s)]
[[`Value const &`][ `l` ][First value. ]]
[[`Value const &`][ `r` ][Second value. ]]
[heading Returns]
true if Values are equal. 
