Time for cpp_int (no Expression templates) = 0.0632349 Number of primes found = 9 Time for cpp_int = 0.0597808 Number of primes found = 9 Time for cpp_int (128-bit cache) = 0.061515 Number of primes found = 9 Time for cpp_int (256-bit cache) = 0.061159 Number of primes found = 9 Time for cpp_int (512-bit cache) = 0.0521137 Number of primes found = 9 Time for cpp_int (1024-bit cache) = 0.051393 Number of primes found = 9 Time for uint1024_t = 0.047259 Number of primes found = 9 Time for checked_uint1024_t = 0.0477963 Number of primes found = 9 Time for mpz_int (no Expression templates) = 0.00748244 Number of primes found = 9 Time for mpz_int = 0.00692059 Number of primes found = 9 Time for mpz_int (native Miller Rabin Test) = 0.000384121 seconds Time for tom_int (no Expression templates) = 0.0288748 Number of primes found = 9 Time for tom_int = 0.0288394 Number of primes found = 9 [table [[Integer Type][Relative Performance (Actual time in parenthesis)]] [[checked_uint1024_t][6.90638(0.0477963s)]] [[cpp_int][8.63811(0.0597808s)]] [[cpp_int (1024-bit cache)][7.4261(0.051393s)]] [[cpp_int (128-bit cache)][8.88868(0.061515s)]] [[cpp_int (256-bit cache)][8.83724(0.061159s)]] [[cpp_int (512-bit cache)][7.53024(0.0521137s)]] [[cpp_int (no Expression templates)][9.1372(0.0632349s)]] [[mpz_int][1(0.00692059s)]] [[mpz_int (no Expression templates)][1.08118(0.00748244s)]] [[tom_int][4.16719(0.0288394s)]] [[tom_int (no Expression templates)][4.1723(0.0288748s)]] [[uint1024_t][6.82875(0.047259s)]] ]