- 26 Feb 2002 initial version uploaded to boost
- 27 Feb 2002
- divide interface from implementation for class
serialization to permit compilation on gcc
- improved template instantantation for type templates
- 18 Mar 2002 - draft #2 uploaded to boost
- elminated locale effects on archives
- added signature and library version to archive header
- improved detection of errors when objects are serialized
as pointers and subsequently serialized as objects
- permit non-portable binary archives
- implement workaround for systems such as MSVC 6.0 that
don't support partial ordering
- 16 May 2002 - draft #3 uploaded to boost
- Ability to specify serialization of other templates in a
non-intrusive way.
- Included an example which uses boost::shared_ptr.
- improved documentation
- More test cases
- More testing and documentation of obscure situtations
- Better code organization for transparency
- Wide character support implemented and tested with unicode.
- 28 Jun 2002 - #4 library submission
- minor corrections
- replaced erroneous shared_ptr example with std::auto_ptr example
- prevention of memory leaks when exceptions are invoked
- 30 Aug 2002 - #5 library submission
- minor corrections
- Additions to documentation to explicitly address issues of
exception safety.
- More test cases/demos to illustrate handling of the above issues.
- Additions to documentation to include rationale for not depending
on type_id
- Implementation of serialization of boost::shared_ptr.
This is included as a demo as it depends upon a minor alteration
of boost::shared_count.
- 08 Nov 2002 - #6 library submission
- minor corrections
- corrected error which manifested itself when serializing
polymorphic pointers to obects derived from multiple
base classes
- minor adjustments to support plug-ins via virtual
save/load/version functions
- test cases to support the above
- 08 September 2003- version # 12 library submission
- attempts to address all issues raised during the November 2002 review
- November 2003 - draft #13 uploaded
- corrections, enhancements, change in api for pointer overload
- 28 December 2003
- implementation of save/loadbinary
- enhancements included archives to permit derivation
- 1 March 2004 - draft # 17 upload
- portability to intel 8.0, and VC 6.0
- Alter archive implementation to permit derivation. Make tests.
- Implement serialize/save/load binary for text and XML archives
character encoding.
- Added documentation and test for serialization of large binary objects.
- Added "Derivation from an Existing Archive Class" to documentation along
with example program.
- Added PIMPL example
- certain special situations are now detected and addressed at
compile time to generate all in-line code. For example, for types
serialized without class information, and without memory tracking,
the serialization process can be reduced to a minimal amount of inline
- All tests have been run in release as well as debug mode
- Many improvements in code and documentation to improve accuracy and completeness.
- 11 April 2004 - draft # 18 upload
- Reorganization of header and template files.
- Enhanced documentation to help explain implementation issues.
- Adjustments to improve support for less conformant compilers.
- A few bug fixes.
- 31 May 2004 - draft # 20 upload
- Polymorphic archives.
- A few bug fixes.
- 1 November 2004 - final changes for first boost official release 1.32 .
- Adjustments to address package compatible with two-phase lookup.
- Many small adjustments to accommodate quirks of various compilers.
- A few bug fixes.
© Copyright Robert Ramey 2002-2004.
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)