#------------------------------------------------------------------- # This file is part of the CMake build system for OGRE # (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) # For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/ # # The contents of this file are placed in the public domain. Feel # free to make use of it in any way you like. #------------------------------------------------------------------- ################################################################## # Provides some common functionality for the FindPackage modules ################################################################## # Begin processing of package macro(findpkg_begin PREFIX) if (NOT ${PREFIX}_FIND_QUIETLY) message(STATUS "Looking for ${PREFIX}...") endif () endmacro(findpkg_begin) # Display a status message unless FIND_QUIETLY is set macro(pkg_message PREFIX) if (NOT ${PREFIX}_FIND_QUIETLY) message(STATUS ${ARGN}) endif () endmacro(pkg_message) # Get environment variable, define it as ENV_$var and make sure backslashes are converted to forward slashes macro(getenv_path VAR) set(ENV_${VAR} $ENV{${VAR}}) # replace won't work if var is blank if (ENV_${VAR}) string( REGEX REPLACE "\\\\" "/" ENV_${VAR} ${ENV_${VAR}} ) endif () endmacro(getenv_path) # Construct search paths for includes and libraries from a PREFIX_PATH macro(create_search_paths PREFIX) foreach(dir ${${PREFIX}_PREFIX_PATH}) set(${PREFIX}_INC_SEARCH_PATH ${${PREFIX}_INC_SEARCH_PATH} ${dir}/include ${dir}/Include ${dir}/include/${PREFIX} ${dir}/Headers) set(${PREFIX}_LIB_SEARCH_PATH ${${PREFIX}_LIB_SEARCH_PATH} ${dir}/lib ${dir}/Lib ${dir}/lib/${PREFIX} ${dir}/Libs) set(${PREFIX}_BIN_SEARCH_PATH ${${PREFIX}_BIN_SEARCH_PATH} ${dir}/bin) endforeach(dir) set(${PREFIX}_FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATH ${${PREFIX}_PREFIX_PATH}) endmacro(create_search_paths) # clear cache variables if a certain variable changed macro(clear_if_changed TESTVAR) # test against internal check variable # HACK: Apparently, adding a variable to the cache cleans up the list # a bit. We need to also remove any empty strings from the list, but # at the same time ensure that we are actually dealing with a list. list(APPEND ${TESTVAR} "") list(REMOVE_ITEM ${TESTVAR} "") if (NOT "${${TESTVAR}}" STREQUAL "${${TESTVAR}_INT_CHECK}") message(STATUS "${TESTVAR} changed.") foreach(var ${ARGN}) set(${var} "NOTFOUND" CACHE STRING "x" FORCE) endforeach(var) endif () set(${TESTVAR}_INT_CHECK ${${TESTVAR}} CACHE INTERNAL "x" FORCE) endmacro(clear_if_changed) # Try to get some hints from pkg-config, if available macro(use_pkgconfig PREFIX PKGNAME) find_package(PkgConfig) if (PKG_CONFIG_FOUND) pkg_check_modules(${PREFIX} ${PKGNAME}) endif () endmacro (use_pkgconfig) # Couple a set of release AND debug libraries (or frameworks) macro(make_library_set PREFIX) if (${PREFIX}_FWK) set(${PREFIX} ${${PREFIX}_FWK}) elseif (${PREFIX}_REL AND ${PREFIX}_DBG) set(${PREFIX} optimized ${${PREFIX}_REL} debug ${${PREFIX}_DBG}) elseif (${PREFIX}_REL) set(${PREFIX} ${${PREFIX}_REL}) elseif (${PREFIX}_DBG) set(${PREFIX} ${${PREFIX}_DBG}) endif () endmacro(make_library_set) # Generate debug names from given release names macro(get_debug_names PREFIX) foreach(i ${${PREFIX}}) set(${PREFIX}_DBG ${${PREFIX}_DBG} ${i}d ${i}D ${i}_d ${i}_D ${i}_debug ${i}) endforeach(i) endmacro(get_debug_names) # Add the parent dir from DIR to VAR macro(add_parent_dir VAR DIR) get_filename_component(${DIR}_TEMP "${${DIR}}/.." ABSOLUTE) set(${VAR} ${${VAR}} ${${DIR}_TEMP}) endmacro(add_parent_dir) # Do the final processing for the package find. macro(findpkg_finish PREFIX) # skip if already processed during this run if (NOT ${PREFIX}_FOUND) if (${PREFIX}_INCLUDE_DIR AND ${PREFIX}_LIBRARY) set(${PREFIX}_FOUND TRUE) set(${PREFIX}_INCLUDE_DIRS ${${PREFIX}_INCLUDE_DIR}) set(${PREFIX}_LIBRARIES ${${PREFIX}_LIBRARY}) if (NOT ${PREFIX}_FIND_QUIETLY) message(STATUS "Found ${PREFIX}: ${${PREFIX}_LIBRARIES}") endif () else () if (NOT ${PREFIX}_FIND_QUIETLY) message(STATUS "Could not locate ${PREFIX}") endif () if (${PREFIX}_FIND_REQUIRED) message(FATAL_ERROR "Required library ${PREFIX} not found! Install the library (including dev packages) and try again. If the library is already installed, set the missing variables manually in cmake.") endif () endif () mark_as_advanced(${PREFIX}_INCLUDE_DIR ${PREFIX}_LIBRARY ${PREFIX}_LIBRARY_REL ${PREFIX}_LIBRARY_DBG ${PREFIX}_LIBRARY_FWK) endif () endmacro(findpkg_finish) # Slightly customised framework finder MACRO(findpkg_framework fwk) IF(APPLE) SET(${fwk}_FRAMEWORK_PATH ${${fwk}_FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATH} ${CMAKE_FRAMEWORK_PATH} ~/Library/Frameworks /Library/Frameworks /System/Library/Frameworks /Network/Library/Frameworks /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS3.0.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/Release ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/Debug ) # These could be arrays of paths, add each individually to the search paths foreach(i ${OGRE_PREFIX_PATH}) set(${fwk}_FRAMEWORK_PATH ${${fwk}_FRAMEWORK_PATH} ${i}/lib/Release ${i}/lib/Debug) endforeach(i) foreach(i ${OGRE_PREFIX_BUILD}) set(${fwk}_FRAMEWORK_PATH ${${fwk}_FRAMEWORK_PATH} ${i}/lib/Release ${i}/lib/Debug) endforeach(i) FOREACH(dir ${${fwk}_FRAMEWORK_PATH}) SET(fwkpath ${dir}/${fwk}.framework) IF(EXISTS ${fwkpath}) SET(${fwk}_FRAMEWORK_INCLUDES ${${fwk}_FRAMEWORK_INCLUDES} ${fwkpath}/Headers ${fwkpath}/PrivateHeaders) SET(${fwk}_FRAMEWORK_PATH ${dir}) if (NOT ${fwk}_LIBRARY_FWK) SET(${fwk}_LIBRARY_FWK "-framework ${fwk}") endif () ENDIF(EXISTS ${fwkpath}) ENDFOREACH(dir) ENDIF(APPLE) ENDMACRO(findpkg_framework)