================= Qt for Scol ================= This directory contain scripts to build Qt automatically with CMake. 1. Download Qt sources package. For Linux / OSX / IOS / Android: http://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/5.7/5.7.0/single/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.7.0.tar.gz For Windows: http://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/5.7/5.7.0/single/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.7.0.zip Version 5.8.1 is known to work, and is the most recent release at the time of writing. Or use ./getSource.sh to get the last working version 2. Extract sources anywhere you want. /qt/sources is the default. or make a symbolic link 3. Run CMake. If you have extracted Qt's sources elsewhere than the default, set the value of the CMake variable QT_SOURCES_DIR to the source directory. Make sure that SCOLDEPS_BUILD_QT is on. 4. Create the .in file and add it in the CMakeList.txt: For Windows : "build_qt.bat.in" For Linux / OSX / IOS / Android : "build_qt.sh.in" 5. Apply patches from dependencies/qt/patches 6. Create a copy of jpeg.lib and rename it as libjpeg.lib in dependencies\sdk\windows\x86\lib\ to make sure it's found by cmake 7. When path are too long, error are displayed so you should make symbolic links on the disk root. 8. In Visual Studio, "Build" => "batch build..." => check Install "release" and "debug", then build. 9. if you get an error on macos about the printer support change the qtbase/src/plugins/printsupport/cocoa/main.cpp add #ifndef QT_NO_PRINTER to disable all code