videoInput by Theodore Watson videoInput.h Header file is best source of documentation. - New in 0.1995 38)Moved to single threaded COM - as this causes less conflicts with other libraries - #define in videoInput.h to allow recompile as Multithreaded COM 37)RestartDevice remembers all previously defined settings (like video format, framerate etc) 36)setAutoReconnectOnFreeze - for the few devices that seem to freeze after a period of time - you can set VI to reconnect to device on freeze. 35)getDeviceName - gives you back the devices name based on its id number. 34)SetSyncSource set to NULL - should mean best capture rates possible 33)Better device listing - tries all formats at size requested before searching for nearest match - New in 0.1993 32) VS2008 projects 31) setIdealFramerate - call before setupDevice to set the rate you want to capture at. Still experimental but seems to work. 30) Camera settings controlled by code. 29) Some bug fixes with nearest images size. 28) Fixed issues with initilaizng COM - videoInput should play a lot better with other libs that use COM 29) device settings panel is now threaded so you can see the adjustments you are making live - thanks fabian for the tip! 30) Some voddoo stuff that seems to help freeze issues on certain hardware 31) General fixes of thinggs being freed when they shouldn't etc - New in 0.199 27) fix to freeze bug on some hardware. 26) setUseCallback(bool useCallback); - lets you switch the capture method - New in 0.1985 25) choose between regular and callback capture - regular is safer! callback can have issues with some hardware. change bCallback in videoInput.h - to select between - New in 0.198 24) Better clean up if device is unable to init - New in 0.197 20) getPixels is back in both pass in and return buffer style also added option to flip the image. 21) setFormat method - overides default capture card format - set VI_NTSC_M etc 22) now in header file you can choose the callback method (incase one works better) 23) dev-c++ lib and build project now included - New in 0.196 dev 17) moved to critcalsection instead of events for mutexing 18) getPixels has to be passed a buffer now - no more return pixels. 19) small hack/fix for dev-c++ - New in 0.195 15) fixed #define constants to avoid clash with openCV's cvaux (thanks Golan!) 16) spelling corrections for the .h file :) - New in 0.194 This is a bugfix release with new features coming in next version 0.200!! 13) BUGFIX - threaded grabber needed mutexes - resulted in crash after undetermined amnt of time 14) BUGFIX - closest size checking returning non closest size or worst ignoring exact match Both these bugs are fixed in 0.194 - so it should be stable now. - New in 0.192 10) option to have silent list devices - int numDevices = videoInput::listDevices(true); 11) getPixels can now return a buffer or you can pass it your own buffer to fill 12) lots of safety stuff - checking ids, buffers etc etc videoinput 0.190 list of changes. 1) moved to a callback method of grabbing frames - this means that your app won't hang waiting for data 2) a lot of changes to function names etc to make it simpler to use - check the h file for new usage examples 3) now you can get rgb and bgr pixels 4) removed videoDevice.cpp - all code now in videoInput.cpp 5) removed certain headers that made it hard to compile on devc++ 6) devices can be safey removed and restarted 7) visual c 2005 express project READ NOTES in folder!!! 8) More video formats supported 9) If capture size not supported VI figures out closest capture size to what was requested. Todo: Port to c?