VRPN has had a CMake-based build system since version 07.23. CMake is similar in purpose but not in implementation to the Autoconf collection of tools, and permits building on multiple platforms by creating native project files for MSVC, XCode, Eclipse, Code::Blocks, makefiles, and more. Get CMake from your Linux distribution and/or from www.cmake.org Use the current directory (vrpn_XX_XX) as the "source code" directory in the CMake GUI; the quat directory (vrpn_XX_XX/quat) will be automatically detected and built as well. Choose any directory you want (the source directory followed by /build is suggested) as the "build binaries" directory: generated build files will be placed there rather than cluttering up your source tree. Many options can be fully configured using CMake as of Dec 2009, and more are sure to come. Until then, if you need specific compilation needs that CMake doesn't appear to provide an interface for, look in the vrpn_Configure.h.cmake_in file. If you'd rather use the command line, here's the basics: mkdir build cd build ccmake ../ - Press 'c' to run the initial configuration - Change any options, pressing 'c' to re-configure after each change - when satisfied, after configuring, press 'g' to create makefiles, etc make and any/all of these if desired: make package - Create binary install packages of your configured build using CPack make package_source - Create source code packages using CPack make install - Install all libraries, executables, and headers (as configured) to your system, to the configured path. Add DESTDIR=whatever/ to place the installation tree somewhere other than root. Instructions for the original Makefile-based or project-based build follow. For those not at UNC, you compile by doing the following: for Visual C++: Open the vrpn.dsw file. Compile the quat project. Compile the VRPN project. Then compile whichever of vrpn_server, printvals, etc you want. for Unix/Cygwin: Go to ../quat. Edit 'makefile' to uncomment the architecture you are on. gmake Come back here (cd ../vrpn) Edit Makefile to uncomment your architecture gmake Go to client_src Edit Makefile to uncomment your architecture gmake Go to server_src Edit Makefile to uncomment your architecture gmake edit the vrpn.cfg file to set it to start tracker you want See the file vrpn.cfg.SAMPLE for examples. Example: vrpn_Tracker_NULL Tracker0@MYHOSTNAME 2 2 (Run the server: sgi_irix/vrpn_server -millisleep 1 -f vrpn.cfg) Go to client_src Run printvals to check the server Example: sgi_irix/printvals localhost For those wanting to build client code for Android, see the README_Android.txt in the java_vrpn directory.