vrpn_devel is currently accessed over https:// at git.cs.unc.edu. Use a password to push changes. Getting to the Git repository using a public/private key pair from a UNC Linux host. --------------------- 1) Generate a public/private key pair and store them securely on your AFS space: cd ~ mkdir .ssh-private fs sa .ssh-private system:anyuser none fs sa .ssh-private system:administrators none cd ~/.ssh-private ssh-keygen -t dsa -b 1024 -f ./git_dsa (Decide if you want a passphrase on the key, enter it if so or blank if not.) --------------------- 2) Tell SSH to share this key with the other side when you're connecting to the server by adding the following lines into the file ~/.ssh/config under Linux: Host cvs.cs.unc.edu IdentityFile ~/.ssh-private/git_dsa Host git.cs.unc.edu IdentityFile ~/.ssh-private/git_dsa --------------------- 3) Send the public key to Murray to be added to the list of users who can log on to CVS as the git user. You can paste the text of the key into an email to him. --------------------- 4) Use the following name for the repository: git@git.cs.unc.edu:vrpn.git, for example: git clone git@git.cs.unc.edu:vrpn.git git push git@git.cs.unc.edu:vrpn.git master --------------------- Random: If you end up pushing in a way that requires a password, you may need to do the following in your shell ahead of time to avoid having it attempt to display via an X server: unset DISPLAY unset SSH_ASKPASS