python_vrpn: VRPN wrapped in Python using Swig. Works with Python 2.7. python: Hand-written Python classes that work with Python 2.7 and 3.2. This is integrated into the CMake build. When the Python libraries are found, options to VRPN_BUILD_PYTHON_HANCODED_2 (obsolete) and VRPN_BUILD_PYTHON_HANDCODED_3 become available. Choose only one of them to produce a library in the python subdirectory of the build directory that can be loaded as a module. (obsolete) Compile the main library (ie.: root of VRPN) and the quat library. Then, go to the "python" folder. Before making the binary, you have to define the "PYTHON_VERSION" environment variable to the version of python you want to compile it for (ie.: "3.2", "2.7" ...). And you have to put the resulting shared library (found in $HW_OS/$PYTHON_VERSION) in the python module folder or in a path defined in the PYTHONPATH environment variable. The "essai_*.py" are simple python files that show you how to use this module (the single difference is a call to python3.2 or python2.7 interpreter).