/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OpenSpace3D For the latest info, see http://www.openspace3d.com Copyright (c) 2017 I-maginer This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*! @defgroup v3DHUDApi OpenSpace3D 3D HUD API * OpenSpace3D 3D HUD API * @{ */ /** @} */ /************************************************** Version: 1.0 Author: Bastien BOURINEAU / I-maginer Created: 08.30.2017 **************************************************/ /* //TODO Theme for text and colors and resources update only the modified area in a buffer use opencv mat buffer for blit and operations */ proto VUIinit = fun [V3Dsession] I;; proto VUIreset = fun [V3Dsession] I;; var VUI_STARTED = 0;; // enable global drawing method instead of local var VUI_DRAW_GLOBAL = 1;; // force using bt draw text functions for debug var VUI_FORCE_BT_TEXT = 1;; var VUI_FORCE_BT_FONTFILE = 1;; var VUI_BT_FONT_PATH = "fonts";; var VUI_BT_ASSET_FONT_PATH = "assets/fonts";; var VUI_NameIndex = 0;; typeof VUI_focusedContainer = VUIcontainer;; // - Default resources - var VUI_USER_THEME_FOLDER = "assets/themes";; var VUI_defTheme = "hud/default.uith";; var VUI_defResWin = "hud/win.png";; var VUI_defResBtn = "hud/btn.png";; var VUI_defResTxt = "hud/text.png";; var VUI_defResListElt = "hud/listelt.png";; var VUI_defResListEltCheck = "hud/listeltcheck.png";; var VUI_defResTreeBtn = "hud/treebtn.png";; var VUI_defResScrollBtn = "hud/scrollbtn.png";; var VUI_defResCheckBtn = "hud/check.png";; // - Elements type - var VUI_EltBackground = 0;; var VUI_EltFrame = 1;; var VUI_EltButton = 2;; // mode text or bitmap ? //G2DstrechAlphaBitmapToBackgroundBitmap / animated button var VUI_EltLabel = 3;; var VUI_EltText = 4;; var VUI_EltEditText = 5;; var VUI_EltSelect = 6;; var VUI_EltFloatValue = 7;; var VUI_EltList = 8;; var VUI_EltListElement = 9;; var VUI_EltMenu = 10;; var VUI_EltBtnMenu = 11;; var VUI_EltSubMenu = 12;; var VUI_EltSlider = 13;; var VUI_EltTable = 14;; // - Element scroll type var VUI_EltScrollV = 1;; var VUI_EltScrollH = 2;; // - Container types - var VUIC_2D = 1;; var VUIC_Material = 2;; var VUIC_3D = 4;; var VUIC_VR = 8;; // - Text size flags - var VUI_TextStatic = 1;; var VUI_TextAuto = 2;; var VUI_TextAutoHeight = 4;; // - Resources resize flags - var VUI_ResStreched = 1;; var VUI_ResSplited = 2;; var VUI_ResKeepRatio = 4;; // - Menu align var iVUIMNU_ALIGNLEFT = 0;; var iVUIMNU_ALIGNRIGHT = 1;; var iVUIMNU_ALIGNTOP = 2;; var iVUIMNU_ALIGNBOTTOM = 3;; // - Text alignment var iVUITEXT_HALIGNLEFT = 1;; var iVUITEXT_HALIGNCENTER = 2;; var iVUITEXT_HALIGNRIGHT = 4;; var iVUITEXT_VALIGNTOP = 8;; var iVUITEXT_VALIGNCENTER = 16;; var iVUITEXT_VALIGNBOTTOM = 32;; // - Text font type var iVUITEXT_BOLD = 1;; var iVUITEXT_ITALIC = 2;; var iVUITEXT_HOLLOW = 4;; //typeof lVUILabels [VUIlabel r1];; //!< list of scene 3D labels var fVUIPIXELDENSITY = 1.0;; //VR var iVUIBASEVRHEIGHT = 1080;; var iVUIBASEVRDIST = 0.8;; var iVUIBASEVRMARGIN = 50.0;; var iVUIBASEVRFOV = 45.0;; var sVUIResourcesGroup = "V3DUIdefaultResources";; var fVUIGlobalScaleFactor = 1.0;; fun VUIupdateScreenSensity(viewstr)= set fVUIPIXELDENSITY = if (_platform == SCOL_PLATFORM_ANDROID) then (if (_getDeviceScreenDensity != 1.0) then (1.0 /. _getDeviceScreenDensity *. 1.10) else 1.0) else if (_platform == SCOL_PLATFORM_IOS) then 1.0 else 1.0; set fVUIPIXELDENSITY = fVUIPIXELDENSITY *. fVUIGlobalScaleFactor; //addLogMessage strcatn "Screen density: "::(ftoa _getDeviceScreenDensity)::" to: "::(ftoa fVUIPIXELDENSITY)::nil; 0;; /*! Fonts */ struct VUIfont = [ VUIF_Font : ObjFont, //!< windows font VUIF_BTfont : ObjBTFont, //!< openCV font VUIF_sFontFace : S, //!< font face VUIF_iFontFlags : I, //!< font flags : iVUITEXT_BOLD | iVUITEXT_ITALIC | iVUITEXT_HOLLOW VUIF_iFontSize : I, //!< font size VUIF_iFontType : I, //!< define if windows or openCV font is used VUIF_tFontWoffset : [I I], //!< offset for windows font to match hardcoded BT font offset VUIF_iColor : I, //!< font color VUIF_iUsed : I //!< used by ] mkVUIfont;; typeof lVUIFonts = [[S VUIfont] r1];; /*! Themes */ struct VUIthemeRes = [ VUITHR_pSource : S, //!< Resource file name VUITHR_bgColor : I, //!< Resource background color VUITHR_iBorder : I, //!< Resource border size VUITHR_bdColor : I, //!< Resource border color VUITHR_iFlags : I, //!< Resource resize flags VUITHR_iNbStates : I, //!< Resource nb states VUITHR_iNbCols : I, //!< Resource nb colons VUITHR_iNbFrames : I, //!< Resource anim frames VUITHR_iFramesPerSecond : I //!< Resource anim speed ] mkVUIthemeRes;; struct VUIthemeFont = [ VUITHF_sFontFace : S, //!< font face VUITHF_iFontFlags : I, //!< font flags : iVUITEXT_BOLD | iVUITEXT_ITALIC | iVUITEXT_HOLLOW VUITHF_iFontSize : I, //!< font size VUITHF_iFontColor : I //!< font color ] mkVUIthemeFont;; struct VUIthemeElt = [ VUITHE_sName : S, //!< Resource name VUITHE_res : VUIthemeRes, //!< Resource definition VUITHE_font : VUIthemeFont //!< Resource font definition ] mkVUIthemeElt;; struct VUIthemeDef = [ VUITHD_sName : S, //!< Definition name VUITHD_parent : VUItheme, //!< Definition parent VUITHD_lElements : [[S VUIthemeElt] r1] //!< Definition list ] mkVUIthemeDef;; struct VUItheme = [ VUITH_sPath : S, //!< Theme file VUITH_sName : S, //!< Theme name VUITH_lDefinitions : [[S VUIthemeDef] r1] //!< Theme definition list ] mkVUItheme;; typeof VUIdefaultTheme = VUItheme;; fun VUIloadThemeElements(defstr, lres)= if (lres == nil) then nil else ( let hd lres -> emarkstr in let XMLgetParam emarkstr "name" -> name in let XMLgetMarkByValueFromMarkSons emarkstr "UIResource" -> rmarkstr in let XMLgetMarkByValueFromMarkSons emarkstr "UIFont" -> fmarkstr in let mkVUIthemeElt [name nil nil] -> estr in ( if (rmarkstr == nil) then nil else let XMLgetData rmarkstr -> path in let htoi XMLgetParam rmarkstr "bgcolor" -> bgcolor in let atoi XMLgetParam rmarkstr "border" -> border in let if (border == nil) then 0 else border -> border in let htoi XMLgetParam rmarkstr "borderColor" -> bdcolor in let if (bdcolor == nil) then 0x000000 else bdcolor -> bdcolor in let XMLgetBoolParam rmarkstr "keepRatio" -> ratio in let XMLgetBoolParam rmarkstr "splited" -> split in let if (split) then VUI_ResSplited else VUI_ResStreched -> flags in let if (ratio) then flags | VUI_ResKeepRatio else flags -> flags in let atoi XMLgetParam rmarkstr "states" -> states in let atoi XMLgetParam rmarkstr "cols" -> cols in let atoi XMLgetParam rmarkstr "frames" -> frames in let atoi XMLgetParam rmarkstr "animFPS" -> fps in let mkVUIthemeRes [path bgcolor border bdcolor flags states cols frames fps] -> thresstr in set estr.VUITHE_res = thresstr; if (fmarkstr == nil) then nil else let XMLgetParam fmarkstr "face" -> face in let XMLgetBoolParam fmarkstr "bold" -> bold in let XMLgetBoolParam fmarkstr "hollow" -> hollow in let XMLgetBoolParam fmarkstr "italic" -> italic in let if (bold) then iVUITEXT_BOLD else 0 -> flags in let if (hollow) then flags | iVUITEXT_HOLLOW else flags -> flags in let if (italic) then flags | iVUITEXT_ITALIC else flags -> flags in let atoi XMLgetParam fmarkstr "size" -> size in let htoi XMLgetParam fmarkstr "color" -> color in let mkVUIthemeFont [face flags size color] -> thfontstr in set estr.VUITHE_font = thfontstr; set defstr.VUITHD_lElements = [name estr]::defstr.VUITHD_lElements; ); VUIloadThemeElements defstr tl lres; ); 0;; fun VUIloadThemeDefinitions(thstr, ldef)= if (ldef == nil) then nil else ( let hd ldef -> emarkstr in let XMLgetParam emarkstr "name" -> name in let XMLgetMarksByValueFromMarkSons emarkstr "UIElements" -> lelt in let mkVUIthemeDef [name thstr nil] -> defstr in ( VUIloadThemeElements defstr lelt; set thstr.VUITH_lDefinitions = [name defstr]::thstr.VUITH_lDefinitions; ); VUIloadThemeDefinitions thstr tl ldef; ); 0;; fun VUIloadTheme(file)= let XMLload file -> xmlstr in if (xmlstr == nil) then nil else ( let XMLgetMarkByValue xmlstr "UITheme" -> thmarkstr in let XMLgetParam thmarkstr "name" -> name in let XMLgetMarksByValueFromMarkSons thmarkstr "UIDefinition" -> lelements in let mkVUItheme [file name nil] -> thstr in ( VUIloadThemeDefinitions thstr lelements; XMLclose xmlstr; thstr; ); );; fun VUIgetThemeElement(defstr, elt)= switchstr defstr.VUITHD_lElements elt;; fun VUIgetThemeDef(themestr, def)= let switchstr themestr.VUITH_lDefinitions def -> defstr in if (defstr) == nil then switchstr themestr.VUITH_lDefinitions "common" else defstr;; /*! @ingroup v3DHUDApi * \brief Split a theme reference between definition name and element name * * Prototype: fun [S] [S S] * * \param S : the theme reference * * \return [S S] : the definition name and element name **/ fun VUIsplitThemeRef(themeref)= let strfind "/" themeref 0 -> pos in let strlen themeref -> length in if (pos == nil) then [themeref nil] else if (pos == (length - 1)) then [(substr themeref 0 pos) nil] else [(substr themeref 0 pos) (substr themeref (pos + 1) (length - pos - 1))];; /*! Dialog box */ struct VUIDlg = [ VUIDLG_container : VUIcontainer, //!< Dialog box container VUIDLG_title : VUIelement, //!< Dialog box title VUIDLG_frame : VUIelement, //!< Dialog box frame VUIDLG_okBtn : VUIelement, //!< Dialog box frame VUIDLG_cancelBtn : VUIelement, //!< Dialog box frame VUIDLG_cbValidate : fun [VUIDlg I] I //!< Dialog box callback ] mkVUIDlg;; /*! List control */ struct VUIListElement = [ VUILE_list : VUIList, //!< List list VUILE_element : VUIelement, //!< List element graphics VUILE_parent : VUIListElement, //!< List parent VUILE_children : [VUIListElement r1], //!< Sons list VUILE_iState : I, //!< element state, fold / unfold VUILE_sValue : S, //!< value VUILE_sParam : S, //!< param VUILE_cbSelect : fun [VUIListElement] I //!< callback on select ] mkVUIListElement;; struct VUIList = [ VUIL_container : VUIcontainer, //!< List container VUIL_element : VUIelement, //!< List element VUIL_scrollUp : VUIelement, //!< List scroll top element VUIL_scrollDown : VUIelement, //!< List scroll bottom element VUIL_lListElts : [VUIListElement r1], //!< Sons list VUIL_tEltOffset : [I I], //!< Elements offset for sons (tree mode) VUIL_tMargin : [I I], //!< Elements Text margin VUIL_tScroll : [I I], //!< Elements scroll offset VUIL_tContentSize : [I I], //!< Elements full size VUIL_bMultiSelect : I, //!< List multi selection VUIL_lSelected : [VUIListElement r1], //!< List selection VUIL_cbSelect : fun [VUIList [VUIListElement r1]] I, //!< List callback on select VUIL_trmScroll : Timer, VUIL_sThemeRef : S //!< List theme ref ] mkVUIList;; /*! Float control */ struct VUIFloat = [ VUIF_container : VUIcontainer, //!< Float container VUIF_element : VUIelement, //!< Float parent VUIF_etext : VUIelement, //!< Float text element VUIF_prevBtn : VUIelement, //!< Float prev btn VUIF_nextBtn : VUIelement, //!< Float next btn VUIF_fMin : F, //!< Float min VUIF_fMax : F, //!< Float max VUIF_fStep : F, //!< Float step VUIF_iNbDec : I, //!< Float number decimal VUIF_fValue : F, //!< Float value VUIF_trm : Timer, //!< Float timer for incremental change VUIF_cbChange : fun [VUIFloat F I] I //!< Float callback on change value ] mkVUIFloat;; /*! Slider control */ struct VUISlider = [ VUISL_container : VUIcontainer, //!< Slider container VUISL_element : VUIelement, //!< Slider parent VUISL_slider : VUIelement, //!< Slider VUISL_fill : VUIelement, //!< Slider fill VUISL_cursor : VUIelement, //!< Slider cursor VUISL_text : VUIelement, //!< Slider text VUISL_fMin : F, //!< Slider min VUISL_fMax : F, //!< Slider max VUISL_fStep : F, //!< Slider step VUISL_iNbDec : I, //!< Slider number decimal VUISL_fValue : F, //!< Slider value VUISL_iDirection : I, //!< Slider direction VUISL_iCursorSize : I, //!< Slider cursor width (in px) VUISL_iTextPos : I, //!< Slider text position VUISL_bClicking : I, //!< Slider click state VUISL_cbChange : fun [VUISlider F] I //!< Slider callback on change value ] mkVUISlider;; /*! Select control */ struct VUISelect = [ VUIS_container : VUIcontainer, //!< Select container VUIS_element : VUIelement, //!< Select parent VUIS_list : VUIList, //!< Select list VUIS_lValues : [S r1], //!< Select values VUIS_sValue : S, //!< Select selected value VUIS_tEltOffset : [I I], //!< Elements offset for sons (tree mode) VUIS_tMargin : [I I], //!< Elements Text margin in list VUIS_cbSelect : fun [VUISelect S] I, //!< Select callback on change value VUIS_sThemeRef : S //!< Select theme ref ] mkVUISelect;; /*! Table control */ struct VUITableLine = [ VUITBL_table : VUITable, //!< Parent table VUITBL_element : VUIelement, //!< Line VUITBL_cells : tab VUIelement, //!< Cells VUITBL_iHeight : I //!< Line height ]mkVUITableLine;; struct VUITable = [ VUITB_container : VUIcontainer, //!< Table container VUITB_element : VUIelement, //!< Table parent VUITB_tTableSize : [I I], //!< Table dimensions VUITB_table : tab VUITableLine, //!< Table VUITB_colWidth : tab I, //!< Widths of the columns VUITB_iBorder : I, //!< Border size VUITB_cbChange : fun [VUITable VUIelement I I S] I //!< Table callback on change value ]mkVUITable;; /*! Menu control */ struct VUISubMenu = [ VUIMS_btnMenu : VUIBtnMenu, //!< Parent menu button VUIMS_parent : VUISubMenu, //!< Parent submenu VUIMS_sValue : S, //!< Submenu value VUIMS_lChildren : [VUISubMenu r1], //!< Submenu children VUIMS_bCheck : I, //!< Submenu check mode VUIMS_iCheckState : I, //!< Submenu check state VUIMS_cbSelect : fun [VUISubMenu] I //!< Select callback on change value ] mkVUISubMenu;; struct VUIBtnMenu = [ VUIMB_parent : VUImenu, //!< Parent menu VUIMB_element : VUIelement, //!< Menu parent VUIMB_lSubMenus : [VUISubMenu r1], //!< Menu list VUIMB_sValue : S, //!< Menu button value VUIMB_iMode : I, //!< Menu button mode 0 text inside, 1 bubble text VUIMB_bUnfoldChildren : I, //!< Menu unfold chlidren on show VUIMB_tooltip : VUIelement, //!< Menu tooltip VUIMB_list : VUIList, //!< Submenu list VUIMB_cbSelect : fun [VUIBtnMenu] I //!< Select callback on change value ] mkVUIBtnMenu;; struct VUImenu = [ VUIM_container : VUIcontainer, //!< Menu container VUIM_element : VUIelement, //!< Menu parent VUIM_scrollMinus : VUIelement, //!< List scroll top / left element VUIM_scrollPlus : VUIelement, //!< List scroll bottom / right element VUIM_lBtnMenus : [VUIBtnMenu r1], //!< Menu list VUIM_tEltOffset : [I I], //!< Menu offset for submenus VUIM_tMargin : [I I], //!< Menu Text margin in list VUIM_iAlignMode : I, //!< Menu alignment for submenus VUIM_tScroll : [I I], //!< Menu scroll VUIM_trmScroll : Timer, //!< Menu scroll timer VUIM_selectedBtn : VUIBtnMenu, //!< Menu last selected button VUIM_sThemeRef : S //!< Menu theme ref ] mkVUImenu;; /*! VR Keyboard */ struct VUIkeyboard = [ VUIK_session : V3Dsession, VUIK_group : VUIcontainerGroup, VUIK_txtContainer : VUIcontainer, //!< Keyboard container VUIK_upContainer : VUIcontainer, //!< Keyboard container VUIK_symContainer : VUIcontainer, //!< Keyboard container VUIK_numContainer : VUIcontainer, //!< Keyboard container VUIK_toolContainer : VUIcontainer, //!< Keyboard container VUIK_iMode : I, //!< Keyboard mode 0 default, 1 text, 2 numeric VUIK_bVisible : I //!< Keyboard state ] mkVUIkeyboard;; typeof VUIdefVrKeyboard = VUIkeyboard;; proto VUIshowVrKeyboard = fun [VUIkeyboard I] VUIkeyboard;; proto VUIhideVrKeyboard = fun [VUIkeyboard] VUIkeyboard;; var lVUIKeyTxt = ["q" 16 113 81]::["w" 17 119 87]::["e" 18 101 69]::["r" 19 114 82]::["t" 20 116 84]::["y" 21 121 89]::["u" 22 117 85]::["i" 23 105 73]::["o" 24 111 79]::["p" 25 112 80]:: ["a" 30 97 65]::["s" 31 115 83]::["d" 32 100 68]::["f" 33 102 70]::["g" 34 103 71]::["h" 35 104 72]::["j" 36 106 74]::["k" 37 107 75]::["l" 38 108 76]::["'" 416 39 39]:: ["Cap" 404 0 0]::["z" 44 122 90]::["x" 45 120 88]::["c" 46 99 67]::["v" 47 118 86]::["b" 48 98 66]::["n" 49 110 78]::["m" 50 109 77]::["!" 403 33 33]::["?" 50 63 63]:: ["#+=" 0 0 0]::["@" 418 64 64]::["Space" 57 32 32]::["," 401 44 44]::["." 400 46 46]::nil;; var lVUIKeySym = ["+" 78 43]::["-" 74 45]::["*" 55 42]::["/" 309 47]::["=" 411 61]::["%" 1024 37]::["<" 1024 60]::[">" 1024 62]::["$" 1024 36]::["#" 1024 35]:: ["\"" 1024 34]::["'" 1024 39]::["(" 1024 40]::[")" 1024 41]::["[" 1024 91]::["]" 1024 93]::["_" 1024 95]::[":" 1024 58]::[";" 1024 59]::["?" 50 63]:: ["\\" 1024 92]::["^" 1024 94]::["{" 1024 123]::["}" 1024 125]::["|" 1024 124]::["~" 1024 126]::["" (-4) 0]:: ["abc" 0 0]::["@" 418 64]::["Space" 57 32]::["," 401 44]::["." 400 46]::nil;; var lVUIKeyNum = ["1" 2 49]::["2" 3 50]::["3" 4 51]::["4" 5 52]::["5" 6 53]::["6" 7 54]::["7" 8 55]::["8" 9 56]::["9" 10 57]::["." 400 46]::["0" 11 48]::["-" 74 45]::nil;; var lVUIKeyTool = ["Back" 14 8]::["Enter" 28 13]::["clear" 339 0]::["Hide" 1 0]::nil;; /*! Fonts interface */ struct VUIfontInt = [ VUIFI_Font : VUIfont, //!< font ref VUIFI_bFromTheme : I, //!< font created from theme VUIFI_tThemeInfos : [S S] //!< font theme def and name ] mkVUIfontInt;; /*! Text control */ struct VUIText = [ VUIT_parent : VUIelement, //!< Text parent VUIT_font : VUIfontInt, //!< Text font interface VUIT_sContent : S, //!< Text content VUIT_bNumberOnly : I, //!< Text number only VUIT_bIsPassword : I, //!< Text show dots VUIT_tPos : [I I], //!< Text pos VUIT_tSize : [I I], //!< Text size VUIT_tMargin : [I I], //!< Text margin VUIT_tCoords : [I I I I], //!< Text rect VUIT_iAlign : I, //!< Text alignment flags VUIT_bMultiline : I, //!< Text with multi ligne VUIT_tScroll : [I I], //!< Text scroll offset VUIT_bAutoScroll : I, //!< Text auto scroll VUIT_tTextSize : [I I], //!< Text text content size VUIT_iCursor : I, //!< Text show cursor VUIT_iUpdateSize : I, //!< Text size flags VUIT_scrollTop : VUIelement, //!< Text scroll top element VUIT_scrollBottom : VUIelement, //!< Text scroll bottom element VUIT_trmScroll : Timer, //!< Text scroll timer VUIT_bNeedUpdate : I //!< Text need update ] mkVUIText;; /*! Resources */ struct VUIRes = [ VUIR_parent : VUIelement, //!< Resource parent VUIR_pSource : P, //!< Resource file path VUIR_resIndex : I, //!< Resource index in VUIresourceTab VUIR_oBuffer : AlphaBitmap, //!< Resource buffer VUIR_bgColor : I, //!< Resource background color VUIR_iBorder : I, //!< Resource border size VUIR_bdColor : I, //!< Resource border color VUIR_iFocusedBorder : I, //!< Resource focused border size VUIR_bFocusedColor : I, //!< Resource focused border color VUIR_iFlags : I, //!< Resource resize flags VUIR_iNbStates : I, //!< Resource nb states VUIR_iCurState : I, //!< Resource current state VUIR_iNbCols : I, //!< Resource nb colons VUIR_iCurCol : I, //!< Resource current colon VUIR_iNbFrames : I, //!< Resource anim frames VUIR_iCurFrame : I, //!< Resource current anim frame VUIR_iFramesPerSecond : I, //!< Resource current anim frame VUIR_iTick : I, //!< Resource last tick time VUIR_bEnable : I, //!< Resource enable state for updates VUIR_bNeedUpdate : I, //!< Resource need update VUIR_bJustUpdated : I, //!< Resource need update VUIR_bFromTheme : I, //!< Resource made from theme VUIR_tThemeInfos : [S S] //!< Resource theme def and name ] mkVUIRes;; var iVUIMaxResources = 256;; typeof VUIresourceTab = tab [P AlphaBitmap I];; //!< HUD Res bitmaps typeof VUIanimatedResourcesList = [VUIRes r1];; //!< HUD Animated Resources to update /*! Elements */ struct VUIelement = [ VUIE_iType : I, //!< element type VUIE_container : VUIcontainer, //!< element parent container VUIE_parent : VUIelement, //!< element parent VUIE_Text : VUIText, //!< element text VUIE_resource : VUIRes, //!< element resource VUIE_vPos : [F F], //!< element 2D position VUIE_vSize : [F F], //!< element 2D size VUIE_vContRect : [I I I I], //!< element children 2D size VUIE_tPercent : [I I I I I I I I], //!< element 2D size ratio VUIE_tAlign : [I I], //!< element 2D align VUIE_bVisible : I, //!< element visibility VUIE_bJustDraw : I, //!< element draw state VUIE_tDrawCoords : [I I I I I I], //!< element current drawing coords VUIE_tLocalCoords : [I I I I], //!< element local coords VUIE_tGlobalCoords : [I I I I], //!< element global coords VUIE_children : [VUIelement r1], //!< element children VUIE_bIgnoreInput : I, //!< element ignore inputs VUIE_iClick : I, //!< element click state VUIE_iCheckState : I, //!< element check state VUIE_iScrollMode : I, //!< element scroll mode VUIE_tScroll : [I I], //!< element scroll offset VUIE_scrollTop : VUIelement, //!< element scroll top element VUIE_scrollBottom : VUIelement, //!< element scroll bottom element VUIE_scrollLeft : VUIelement, //!< element scroll left element VUIE_scrollRight : VUIelement, //!< element scroll right element VUIE_trmScroll : Timer, //!< element scroll timer VUIE_cbCheck : fun [VUIelement I] I, //!< element cbCheck VUIE_cbClick : fun [VUIelement I I I I] I,//!< element cbClick VUIE_cbUnClick : fun [VUIelement I I I I] I,//!< element cbUnclick VUIE_cbFullClick : fun [VUIelement I I I I] I,//!< element cbUnclick VUIE_cbMouseIn : fun [VUIelement] I, //!< element cbMouseIn VUIE_cbMouseOut : fun [VUIelement] I, //!< element cbMouseOut VUIE_cbMouseMove : fun [VUIelement I I I I] I,//!< element cbMouseMove VUIE_cbMouseWheel : fun [VUIelement I I I I] I,//!< element cbMouseWheel VUIE_cbFocused : fun [VUIelement I] I, //!< element cbFocused VUIE_cbValidate : fun [VUIelement S I] I, //!< element cbValidate VUIE_cbKeyDown : fun [VUIelement I] I, //!< element cbKeyDown VUIE_cbKeyUp : fun [VUIelement I] I, //!< element cbKeyUp VUIE_cbPreDraw : fun [VUIelement] I, //!< element cbPreDraw VUIE_cbDraw : fun [VUIelement] I //!< element cbDraw ] mkVUIelement;; /*! Widgets */ struct VUIWcont = [ VUIW_view : V3Dview, //!< Container widget viewstr VUIW_widget : SO3_WIDGET, //!< Container widget VUIW_bOnBackground : I, //!< Container widget on background VUIW_bOnMaterial : I, //!< Container widget mode VUIW_fQuality : F, //!< Container widget quality VUIW_vPos : [F F], //!< Container 2D position VUIW_vSize : [F F], //!< Container 2D size VUIW_tPercent : [I I I I I I I I], //!< Container 2D size ratio VUIW_tAlign : [I I], //!< Container 2D align VUIW_iOpacity : I, //!< Container opacity 0-100 VUIW_iZorder : I, //!< Container widget Z order / Z position offset from camera for VR mode VUIW_bEnableInputs : I, //!< Container enable inputs state VUIW_material : SO3_MATERIAL, //!< Container widget material VUIW_iTechnique : I, //!< Container widget technique VUIW_iPass : I, //!< Container widget pass VUIW_iTexture : I, //!< Container widget texture unit VUIW_vMousePos : [[I [I I]] r1], //!< Container widget last move pos VUIW_vClickPos : [[I [I I]] r1], //!< Container widget last click pos VUIW_vClickTrans : [[I [I I]] r1], //!< Container widget last click trans VUIW_tMouseInertia : [I I], //!< Container mouse inertia VUIW_iInertiaTick : I, //!< Container mouse inertia tick VUIW_trmTouchTimeOut : Timer, //!< Timer to enable mouse after a touch VUIW_cbClick : fun [VUIcontainer I I I] I,//!< Container cbClick VUIW_cbUnClick : fun [VUIcontainer I I I] I,//!< Container cbUnclick VUIW_cbMouseIn : fun [VUIcontainer] I, //!< Container cbMouseIn VUIW_cbMouseOut : fun [VUIcontainer] I, //!< Container cbMouseOut VUIW_cbMouseMove : fun [VUIcontainer I I I] I,//!< Container cbMouseMove VUIW_cbFocused : fun [VUIcontainer I] I //!< Container cbFocused ] mkVUIWcont;; var VUI_ContSizePixel = 0;; var VUI_ContSizeScale = 1;; /*! 3D interfaces */ struct VUI3Dcont = [ VUI3D_session : V3Dsession, //!< session structure VUI3D_target : SO3_OBJECT, //!< node to follow VUI3D_node : SO3_OBJECT, //!< node used to manipulate the label VUI3D_plane : SO3_OBJECT, //!< plane on which the label is displayed VUI3D_material : SO3_MATERIAL, //!< Container material of the plane VUI3D_texture : SO3_TEXTURE, //!< texture of the plane VUI3D_vPos : [F F F], //!< Container 3D position VUI3D_vOffset : [F F], //!< Container offset relative to its position VUI3D_sName : S, //!< name of the 3D ui VUI3D_iIndex : I, //!< index of the 3D ui VUI3D_fScale : F, //!< scale factor VUI3D_bAutoScale : I, //!< define if the label automatically scale to stay the same size on screen VUI3D_fMaxAutoscaleDist : F, //!< Distance from the camera after which a 3D container with autoscale on stops scaling VUI3D_bAutoTarget : I, //!< define if the label automatically scale to stay the same size on screen VUI3D_bOnTop : I ] mkVUI3Dcont;; /*! Container */ struct VUIcontainer = [ VUICNT_iMode : I, //!< Container mode widget / VR 3D plan VUICNT_group : VUIcontainerGroup, //!< Container parent group VUICNT_strw : VUIWcont, //!< Container widget structure VUICNT_str3d : VUI3Dcont, //!< Container VR structure VUICNT_fScale : F, //!< Container buffer ratio to optim memory VUICNT_iSizeMode : I, //!< Container resize mode VUICNT_buffer : VUIelement, //!< Container draw buffer VUICNT_lElements : [VUIelement r1], //!< Container elements list VUICNT_lastFocusedElt : VUIelement, //!< Container last focused element VUICNT_lastMouseInElt : [[I VUIelement] r1], //!< Container last mouse in element VUICNT_lastMouseClElt : [[I VUIelement] r1], //!< Container last mouse clicked element VUICNT_bVisible : I, //!< Container visibility VUICNT_bClearOnUpdate : I, //!< Container update mode VUICNT_bNeedUpdate : I, //!< Container need update VUICNT_bNeedResizeUpdate : I, //!< Container need update after resize VUICNT_cbThemeUpdate : fun [VUIcontainer] I //!< Container callback on theme update ] mkVUIcontainer;; struct VUIcontainerGroup = [ VUICG_thm : VUItheme, //!< Group Theme VUICG_lcntList : [VUIcontainer r1] //!< Group containers ] mkVUIcontainerGroup;; typeof VUIcontainerEnableList = [VUIcontainer r1];; typeof VUIcontainerAllList = [VUIcontainer r1];; proto VUIsetElementBorder = fun [VUIelement I I] I;; proto VUIsetElementFocusedBorder = fun [VUIelement I I] I;; proto VUIsetFocusedContainer = fun [VUIcontainer] I;; /* ********************************************************************************************* / Groups / ********************************************************************************************* */ fun VUIgetGroupTheme(groupstr)= if (groupstr == nil) || (groupstr.VUICG_thm == nil) then VUIdefaultTheme else groupstr.VUICG_thm;; fun VUIgetContainerGroupTheme(contstr)= if (contstr.VUICNT_group == nil) || (contstr.VUICNT_group.VUICG_thm == nil) then VUIdefaultTheme else contstr.VUICNT_group.VUICG_thm;; /* ********************************************************************************************* / Font / ********************************************************************************************* */ /*! @ingroup VUIApi * \brief Delete a VUIfont * * Prototype: fun [VUIfont] I * * \param VUIfont : font to delete * * \return I : 0 **/ fun VUIdelFont(fontstr)= if (fontstr == nil) then nil else ( set fontstr.VUIF_iUsed = fontstr.VUIF_iUsed - 1; if (fontstr.VUIF_iUsed > 0) then nil else ( let strcatn fontstr.VUIF_sFontFace::(itoa fontstr.VUIF_iFontSize)::(itoa fontstr.VUIF_iFontFlags)::(itoa fontstr.VUIF_iColor)::(itoa fontstr.VUIF_iFontType)::nil -> fname in set lVUIFonts = remove_sid_from_listi lVUIFonts fname; _DSfont fontstr.VUIF_Font; _DSBTfont fontstr.VUIF_BTfont; ); ); 0;; /*! @ingroup VUIApi * \brief Get the size needed to write a text * * Prototype: fun [VUIfont S I I] [I I] * * \param VUIfont : font to use * \param S : text * \param I : maximum width for the text. If nil or <= 0, the text will take all the width needed * \param I : alignement flags * 1: iVUITEXT_HALIGNLEFT, 2: iVUITEXT_HALIGNCENTER, 4: iVUITEXT_HALIGNRIGHT, default: iVUITEXT_HALIGNLEFT, * 8: iVUITEXT_VALIGNTOP, 16: iVUITEXT_VALIGNCENTER, 32: iVUITEXT_VALIGNBOTTOM, default: iVUITEXT_VALIGNTOP * * \return [I I] : width and height needed to write the text **/ fun VUIgetTextSize(fontstr, text, maxwidth, alignflags)= if (alignflags != 0) then nil else set alignflags = iVUITEXT_HALIGNLEFT|iVUITEXT_VALIGNTOP; if ((text == nil) || (!strcmp text "")) then ( if (maxwidth == nil || maxwidth <= 0) then [0 0] else [maxwidth 0]; ) else if (fontstr.VUIF_iFontType == 0) then ( //addLogMessage strcat "VUIgetTextSize: " text; if (maxwidth == nil || maxwidth <= 0) then _BTGETtextSize fontstr.VUIF_BTfont text else [maxwidth _BTGETtextAreaHeight fontstr.VUIF_BTfont text alignflags|BT_TEXT_WORD_WRAP maxwidth]; ) else ( let fontstr.VUIF_tFontWoffset -> [xfoff yfoff] in if (maxwidth == nil || maxwidth <= 0) then ( let _GETstringSize fontstr.VUIF_Font text -> [w h] in [(w + (2 * xfoff)) (h + (2 * yfoff))]; ) else [maxwidth (_GETtextRectHeight fontstr.VUIF_Font text (maxwidth - (2 * yfoff))) + (2 * yfoff)]; );; fun VUIgetAlignFlagsBT(flags)= let 0 -> alignflags in ( if (!(flags & iVUITEXT_HALIGNLEFT)) then nil else set alignflags = alignflags | BT_TEXT_HORIZ_LEFT; if (!(flags & iVUITEXT_HALIGNCENTER)) then nil else set alignflags = alignflags | BT_TEXT_HORIZ_CENTERED; if (!(flags & iVUITEXT_HALIGNRIGHT)) then nil else set alignflags = alignflags | BT_TEXT_HORIZ_RIGHT; if (!(flags & iVUITEXT_VALIGNTOP)) then nil else set alignflags = alignflags | BT_TEXT_VERT_TOP; if (!(flags & iVUITEXT_VALIGNCENTER)) then nil else set alignflags = alignflags | BT_TEXT_VERT_CENTER; if (!(flags & iVUITEXT_VALIGNBOTTOM)) then nil else set alignflags = alignflags | BT_TEXT_VERT_BOTTOM; alignflags; );; fun VUIgetAlignFlags(flags)= let 0 -> alignflags in ( if (!(flags & iVUITEXT_HALIGNLEFT)) then nil else set alignflags = alignflags | TD_LEFT; if (!(flags & iVUITEXT_HALIGNCENTER)) then nil else set alignflags = alignflags | TD_CENTER; if (!(flags & iVUITEXT_HALIGNRIGHT)) then nil else set alignflags = alignflags | TD_RIGHT; if (!(flags & iVUITEXT_VALIGNTOP)) then nil else set alignflags = alignflags | TD_TOP; if (!(flags & iVUITEXT_VALIGNCENTER)) then nil else set alignflags = alignflags | TD_BASELINE; if (!(flags & iVUITEXT_VALIGNBOTTOM)) then nil else set alignflags = alignflags | TD_BOTTOM; alignflags; );; /*! @ingroup VUIApi * \brief Draw a text to a bitmap, within a defined area * * Prototype: fun [ObjBitmap VUIfont [I I I I] [I I] I I S] ObjBitmap * * \param ObjBitmap : alpha bitmap to draw on * \param VUIfont : font to use * \param [I I I I] : rect [x y w h] * \param [I I] : offset [x y] * \param I : color * \param I : alignement flags * 1: iVUITEXT_HALIGNLEFT, 2: iVUITEXT_HALIGNCENTER, 4: iVUITEXT_HALIGNRIGHT, default: iVUITEXT_HALIGNLEFT, * 8: iVUITEXT_VALIGNTOP, 16: iVUITEXT_VALIGNCENTER, 32: iVUITEXT_VALIGNBOTTOM, default: iVUITEXT_VALIGNTOP * \param S : text * * \return ObjBitmap : ObjBitmap with text on it **/ fun VUIdrawTextBitmap(bmp, fontstr, rect, offset, fontcolor, alignflags, text)= if (alignflags != 0) then nil else set alignflags = iVUITEXT_HALIGNLEFT|iVUITEXT_VALIGNTOP; if (fontcolor != nil) then nil else set fontcolor = fontstr.VUIF_iColor; if (fontstr.VUIF_iFontType == 0) then let VUIgetAlignFlagsBT alignflags -> flags in ( _BTDRAWtextAreaBitmap bmp fontstr.VUIF_BTfont rect offset flags|BT_TEXT_WORD_WRAP fontcolor text; 0; ) else let rect -> [x y w h] in let offset -> [xoff yoff] in let fontstr.VUIF_tFontWoffset -> [xfoff yfoff] in let VUIgetAlignFlags alignflags -> flags in let VUIgetTextSize fontstr text w alignflags -> [_ th] in let [(x + xoff + xfoff) (y + yoff + yfoff) (w - xoff - (2 * xfoff)) (h - yoff - (2 * yfoff))] -> [tpx tpy tpw tph] in ( _DRAWrectangleText bmp fontstr.VUIF_Font tpx tpy tpw tph fontcolor flags text; 0; ); bmp;; /*! @ingroup VUIApi * \brief Draw a text to an alpha bitmap, within a defined area * * Prototype: fun [AlphaBitmap VUIfont [I I I I] [I I] I I S] AlphaBitmap * * \param AlphaBitmap : alpha bitmap to draw on * \param VUIfont : font to use * \param [I I I I] : rect [x y w h] * \param [I I] : offset [x y] * \param I : color * \param I : alignement flags * 1: iVUITEXT_HALIGNLEFT, 2: iVUITEXT_HALIGNCENTER, 4: iVUITEXT_HALIGNRIGHT, default: iVUITEXT_HALIGNLEFT, * 8: iVUITEXT_VALIGNTOP, 16: iVUITEXT_VALIGNCENTER, 32: iVUITEXT_VALIGNBOTTOM, default: iVUITEXT_VALIGNTOP * \param S : text * * \return AlphaBitmap : AlphaBitmap with text on it **/ fun VUIdrawTextAlphaBitmap(abmp, fontstr, rect, offset, fontcolor, alignflags, text)= //addLogMessage strcat "VUIdrawTextAlphaBitmap : " text; //TODO : It might be better to take the alignment into account in the scroll offset rather than make text behave as if alignflags = iVUITEXT_VALIGNTOP if th > h. // Doing so prevents to align the text to the bottom or center even if the text exceed the rect size in the generic function that is supposed to be VUIdrawTextAlphaBitmap. // This behaviour is directly in the C code if (alignflags != 0) then nil else set alignflags = iVUITEXT_HALIGNLEFT|iVUITEXT_VALIGNTOP; if (fontcolor != nil) then nil else set fontcolor = fontstr.VUIF_iColor; if (fontstr.VUIF_iFontType == 0) then let VUIgetAlignFlagsBT alignflags -> flags in ( _BTDRAWtextAreaAlphaBitmap abmp fontstr.VUIF_BTfont rect offset flags|BT_TEXT_WORD_WRAP fontcolor 255 text; 0; ) else let _GETalphaBitmaps abmp -> [bmpRgb bmp8] in let rect -> [x y w h] in let offset -> [xoff yoff] in let fontstr.VUIF_tFontWoffset -> [xfoff yfoff] in let VUIgetAlignFlags alignflags -> flags in let VUIgetTextSize fontstr text w alignflags -> [_ th] in let [(x + xoff + xfoff) (y + yoff + yfoff) (w - xoff - (2 * xfoff)) (h - yoff - (2 * yfoff))] -> [tpx tpy tpw tph] in ( _DRAWrectangleText bmpRgb fontstr.VUIF_Font tpx tpy tpw tph fontcolor flags text; _DRAWrectangleText8 bmp8 fontstr.VUIF_Font tpx tpy tpw tph 0xffffff flags text; 0; ); abmp;; fun VUIgetFontFaceBT(face)= face;; fun VUIgetFontFileBT(face)= let _checkpack face -> pfont in let if (pfont != nil) then pfont else _checkpack strcatn VUI_BT_FONT_PATH::"/"::face::".ttf"::nil -> pfont in let if (pfont != nil) then pfont else _checkpack strcatn VUI_BT_ASSET_FONT_PATH::"/"::face::".ttf"::nil -> pfont in if (pfont == nil) then _checkpack strcatn VUI_BT_FONT_PATH::"/sans.ttf"::nil else pfont;; fun VUIgetFontFace(face)= if (!strcmpi face "serif") then "Times New Roman" else if (!strcmpi face "sans") then "Microsoft Sans Serif" else if (!strcmpi face "script") then "Segoe Script" else face;; fun VUIgetFontFlagsBT(flags)= let 0 -> fontflags in ( if (!(flags & iVUITEXT_BOLD)) then nil else set fontflags = fontflags | BT_FONT_BOLD; if (!(flags & iVUITEXT_ITALIC)) then nil else set fontflags = fontflags | BT_FONT_ITALIC; if (!(flags & iVUITEXT_HOLLOW)) then nil else set fontflags = fontflags | BT_FONT_HOLLOW; fontflags; );; fun VUIgetFontFlags(flags)= let 0 -> fontflags in ( if (!(flags & iVUITEXT_BOLD)) then nil else set fontflags = fontflags | FF_WEIGHT; if (!(flags & iVUITEXT_ITALIC)) then nil else set fontflags = fontflags | FF_ITALIC; if (!(flags & iVUITEXT_HOLLOW)) then nil else set fontflags = fontflags | FF_HOLLOW; fontflags; );; fun VUIgetFontByValues(face, size, flags, color, type)= let strcatn face::(itoa size)::(itoa flags)::(itoa color)::(itoa type)::nil -> name in switchstri lVUIFonts name;; /*! @ingroup VUIApi * \brief Create a VUIfont * * Prototype: fun [S I I I I I] VUIfont * * \param S : face * \param I : size * \param I : font flags 1: iVUITEXT_BOLD, 2: iVUITEXT_ITALIC, 4: iVUITEXT_HOLLOW * \param I : font color * \param I : If 0, all platforms will use the same font, if 1, Windows devices will use a different type of font allowing to use special characters * \param I : 0 or 1 (init value to increment the ref count) * \return VUIfont : the created font **/ fun VUIaddFont(face, size, flags, color, auto, init)= if ((face == nil) || (!strcmp face "")) then nil else let if (_platform != SCOL_PLATFORM_WINDOWS) then 0 else auto && !VUI_FORCE_BT_TEXT -> type in //let ftoi (fVUIPIXELDENSITY *. (itof size)) -> size in let VUIgetFontByValues face size flags color type -> fontstr in if (fontstr != nil) then ( set fontstr.VUIF_iUsed = fontstr.VUIF_iUsed + init; fontstr; ) else ( let if (type == 1) then nil else if VUI_FORCE_BT_FONTFILE then _CRBTfontFromFile _channel (VUIgetFontFileBT face) size (VUIgetFontFlagsBT flags)|BT_FONT_ANTIALIAS 1.0 else _CRBTfont _channel (VUIgetFontFaceBT face) size (VUIgetFontFlagsBT flags)|BT_FONT_ANTIALIAS 1.0 -> BTfont in let if (type == 0) then nil else G2DcrFont _channel size+1 0 (VUIgetFontFlags flags)|FF_CLEARTYPE|FF_PIXEL (VUIgetFontFace face) -> font in let mkVUIfont [font BTfont face flags size type [2 2] color init] -> fontstr in let strcatn face::(itoa size)::(itoa flags)::(itoa color)::(itoa type)::nil -> fname in ( //addLogMessage strcat "Add font : " fname; set lVUIFonts = [fname fontstr]::lVUIFonts; fontstr; ); );; /*! @ingroup VUIApi * \brief Create a VUIfont * * Prototype: fun [S I I I I] VUIfont * * \param S : face * \param I : size * \param I : font flags * \param I : font color * 1: iVUITEXT_BOLD, 2: iVUITEXT_ITALIC, 4: iVUITEXT_HOLLOW * \param I : If 0, all platforms will use the same font, if 1, Windows devices will use a different type of font allowing to use special characters * * \return VUIfont : the created font **/ fun VUIcreateFont(face, size, flags, color, auto)= VUIaddFont face size flags color auto 1;; fun VUIcreateFontInterface(font)= if (font == nil) then nil else mkVUIfontInt[font 0 nil];; fun VUIgetFontFromInterface(fontistr)= fontistr.VUIFI_Font;; fun VUIaddThemeFont(fthstr)= if (fthstr == nil) then nil else VUIaddFont fthstr.VUITHF_sFontFace fthstr.VUITHF_iFontSize fthstr.VUITHF_iFontFlags fthstr.VUITHF_iFontColor 1 0;; /*! Resources */ fun VUIgetResourceByIndex(index)= if (VUIresourceTab == nil) then nil else ( let VUIresourceTab.index -> [_ rbmp _] in rbmp; );; fun VUIgetResourceByFile(file)= if (VUIresourceTab == nil) then nil else let _PtoScol file -> path in let nil -> index in let nil -> abmp in ( let 0 -> i in while ((i < iVUIMaxResources) && (index == nil)) do ( let VUIresourceTab.i -> [pres rbmp nb] in if (strcmpi path (_PtoScol pres)) then nil else ( set abmp = rbmp; set index = i; set VUIresourceTab.i = [pres rbmp (nb + 1)]; //addLogMessage strcatn "Found resource "::path::" at: "::(itoa index)::nil; ); set i = i + 1; ); if (index == nil || abmp == nil) then nil else [index abmp]; );; fun VUIaddResourceIndex(file)= if (VUIresourceTab != nil) then nil else set VUIresourceTab = mktab iVUIMaxResources nil; let nil -> index in let nil -> abmp in ( let 0 -> i in while ((i < iVUIMaxResources) && (index == nil)) do ( let VUIresourceTab.i -> relt in let relt -> [pres obmp _] in if (relt != nil) then nil else ( //let _PtoScol file -> path in //addLogMessage strcatn "Add resource "::path::" at: "::(itoa i)::nil; set abmp = (G2DloadAlphaBmpFile _channel file); set VUIresourceTab.i = [file abmp 1]; set index = i; ); set i = i + 1; ); [index abmp]; );; fun VUIgetResourceVisualSize(resstr)= let resstr.VUIR_resIndex -> index in let VUIresourceTab.index -> [_ rbmp _] in let _GETalphaBitmapSize rbmp -> [bw bh] in let bw / (resstr.VUIR_iNbCols * resstr.VUIR_iNbFrames) -> ow in let bh / (resstr.VUIR_iNbStates + 1) -> oh in [ow oh];; fun VUIelementNeedUpdate(eltstr, force)= set eltstr.VUIE_container.VUICNT_bNeedUpdate = 1; set eltstr.VUIE_container.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_resource.VUIR_bNeedUpdate = eltstr.VUIE_container.VUICNT_bClearOnUpdate; set eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_bNeedUpdate = 1; if (!force) then nil else ( if (eltstr.VUIE_parent != nil) then VUIelementNeedUpdate eltstr.VUIE_parent 0 else if (eltstr != eltstr.VUIE_container.VUICNT_buffer) then VUIelementNeedUpdate eltstr.VUIE_container.VUICNT_buffer 0 else nil; ); if (VUI_DRAW_GLOBAL) then nil else while (eltstr != nil) do ( set eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_bNeedUpdate = 1; set eltstr = eltstr.VUIE_parent; ); 0;; fun VUIshowElement(eltstr, state)= if (eltstr.VUIE_bVisible == state) then nil else ( set eltstr.VUIE_bVisible = state; VUIelementNeedUpdate eltstr 1; ); 0;; fun VUIdestroyResource(resstr)= if (resstr == nil) then nil else ( //addLogMessage strcatn "Destroy resource : "::" > "::(_PtoScol resstr.VUIR_pSource)::nil; //remove from animated list if (resstr.VUIR_iNbFrames <= 1) then nil else set VUIanimatedResourcesList = remove_from_list VUIanimatedResourcesList resstr; //clean resource buffer if count <= 0 if (resstr.VUIR_resIndex == nil) then nil else ( let resstr.VUIR_resIndex -> index in let VUIresourceTab.index -> relt in let relt -> [pres rbmp count] in if (relt == nil) then nil else ( //if (!strcmpi (_PtoScol resstr.VUIR_pSource) (_PtoScol pres)) then nil else // addLogMessage strcatn "Warning!!!! Resource: "::(itoa index)::" > "::(_PtoScol pres)::" > "::(_PtoScol resstr.VUIR_pSource)::nil; if ((count - 1) > 0) then ( //addLogMessage strcatn "Free resource count : "::(itoa count)::" > "::(_PtoScol resstr.VUIR_pSource)::nil; set VUIresourceTab.index = [pres rbmp (count - 1)]; ) else ( //addLogMessage strcatn "Free resource: "::(itoa index)::" > "::(_PtoScol pres)::nil; _DSalphaBitmap rbmp; set VUIresourceTab.index = nil; ); ); set resstr.VUIR_resIndex = nil; ); //clean the buffer if (resstr.VUIR_oBuffer == nil) then nil else ( _DSalphaBitmap resstr.VUIR_oBuffer; set resstr.VUIR_oBuffer = nil; ); ); 0;; fun VUIloadResource(resstr)= if (resstr.VUIR_pSource == nil) then nil else ( let VUIgetResourceByFile resstr.VUIR_pSource -> res in //let if (res != nil) then addLogMessage strcatn "load resource - already loaded : "::(_PtoScol resstr.VUIR_pSource)::nil else addLogMessage strcatn "load resource - not yet loaded : "::(_PtoScol resstr.VUIR_pSource)::nil -> _ in let if (res != nil) then res else VUIaddResourceIndex resstr.VUIR_pSource -> [index abmp] in ( /* let VUIresourceTab.index -> relt in let relt -> [pres rbmp count] in if (!strcmpi (_PtoScol resstr.VUIR_pSource) (_PtoScol pres)) then nil else addLogMessage strcatn "Warning!!!! Load Resource: "::(itoa index)::" > "::(_PtoScol pres)::" > "::(_PtoScol resstr.VUIR_pSource)::nil; */ //addLogMessage strcatn "load resource added : "::(_PtoScol resstr.VUIR_pSource)::nil; set resstr.VUIR_resIndex = index; ); ); 0;; fun VUImakeResource(eltstr, bgcolor, border, bdcolor, file, flags, nbstates, nbcols, nbframe, framepersec)= let mkVUIRes [eltstr file nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil 0 1 0 0 nil] -> resstr in let if (flags == nil) then VUI_ResStreched else flags -> flags in let if (nbstates == nil) then 0 else nbstates -> nbstates in let if (nbcols == nil) || (nbcols <= 0) then 1 else nbcols -> nbcols in let if (nbframe == nil) || (nbframe <= 0) then 1 else nbframe -> nbframe in let if (framepersec == nil) then 0 else framepersec -> framepersec in let if bgcolor == nil then 0xffffff00 else bgcolor -> bgcolor in let if border == nil then 0 else border -> border in let if bdcolor == nil then 0x000000ff else bdcolor -> bdcolor in ( //remove provious resource if (eltstr.VUIE_resource == nil) then nil else ( //addLogMessage strcatn "Destroy ressource : "::(_PtoScol eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_pSource)::nil; VUIdestroyResource eltstr.VUIE_resource; ); set resstr.VUIR_bgColor = bgcolor; set resstr.VUIR_iBorder = border; set resstr.VUIR_bdColor = bdcolor; set resstr.VUIR_iFocusedBorder = 0; set resstr.VUIR_bFocusedColor = 0x0000ffff; set resstr.VUIR_iFlags = flags; set resstr.VUIR_iNbStates = nbstates; set resstr.VUIR_iCurState = 0; set resstr.VUIR_iNbCols = nbcols; set resstr.VUIR_iCurCol = 0; set resstr.VUIR_iNbFrames = nbframe; set resstr.VUIR_iCurFrame = 0; set resstr.VUIR_iFramesPerSecond = framepersec; if (!eltstr.VUIE_container.VUICNT_bVisible) then nil else set resstr.VUIR_bEnable = 1; if (nbframe <= 1) then nil else set VUIanimatedResourcesList = resstr::VUIanimatedResourcesList; VUIloadResource resstr; set eltstr.VUIE_resource = resstr; VUIelementNeedUpdate eltstr 1; resstr; );; fun VUIdestroyElement(eltstr)= //addLogMessage strcat "destroy Element : " (_PtoScol eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_pSource); VUIdestroyResource eltstr.VUIE_resource; if (eltstr.VUIE_Text == nil) then nil else VUIdelFont eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_font.VUIFI_Font; if (eltstr.VUIE_parent == nil) then set eltstr.VUIE_container.VUICNT_lElements = remove_from_list eltstr.VUIE_container.VUICNT_lElements eltstr else set eltstr.VUIE_parent.VUIE_children = remove_from_list eltstr.VUIE_parent.VUIE_children eltstr; VUIelementNeedUpdate eltstr.VUIE_parent 0; // need a copy let eltstr.VUIE_children -> children in while (children != nil) do ( let hd children -> childstr in VUIdestroyElement childstr; set children = tl children; ); set eltstr.VUIE_container.VUICNT_bNeedUpdate = 1; 0;; fun VUIgetScrollableElement(eltstr)= if (eltstr.VUIE_iType == VUI_EltBtnMenu || eltstr.VUIE_iType == VUI_EltList || eltstr.VUIE_iType == VUI_EltMenu || eltstr.VUIE_iType == VUI_EltListElement || eltstr.VUIE_iType == VUI_EltSlider || eltstr.VUIE_iType == VUI_EltSubMenu || (eltstr.VUIE_Text != nil) && eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bMultiline && (eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_scrollBottom.VUIE_bVisible || eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_scrollTop.VUIE_bVisible)) then nil else if (eltstr.VUIE_iScrollMode) then eltstr else VUIgetScrollableElement eltstr.VUIE_parent;; fun VUImakeFloat(contstr, eltstr, minval, maxval, step, nbdec, value)= let mkVUIFloat [contstr eltstr nil nil nil minval maxval step nbdec value nil nil] -> floatstr in ( floatstr; );; fun VUImakeSlider(contstr, eltstr, minval, maxval, step, nbdec, value, direction, cursorsize, textpos)= let mkVUISlider [contstr eltstr nil nil nil nil minval maxval step nbdec value direction cursorsize textpos 0 nil] -> sliderstr in ( sliderstr; );; fun VUImakeSelect(contstr, eltstr, lvalues, margin, offset, themeref)= let mkVUISelect [contstr eltstr nil lvalues nil offset margin nil themeref] -> selectstr in ( selectstr; );; fun VUImakeTable(contstr, elstr, tablesize, colwidths, border)= let mkVUITable [contstr elstr tablesize nil colwidths border nil] -> tablestr in let tablestr.VUITB_tTableSize -> [x y] in ( set tablestr.VUITB_table = (mktab y nil); let 0 -> i in while (i < y) do ( let mkVUITableLine [tablestr nil (mktab x nil) 0] -> linestr in set tablestr.VUITB_table.i = linestr; set i = i + 1; ); tablestr; );; fun VUImakeMenu(contstr, eltstr, margin, offset, align, themeref)= let mkVUImenu [contstr eltstr nil nil nil offset margin align [0 0] nil nil themeref] -> menustr in ( menustr; );; fun VUImakeBtnMenu(menustr, eltstr, value, mode, unfoldchildren)= let mkVUIBtnMenu [menustr eltstr nil value mode unfoldchildren nil nil nil] -> bmenustr in ( set menustr.VUIM_lBtnMenus = lcat menustr.VUIM_lBtnMenus bmenustr::nil; bmenustr; );; fun VUImakeSubMenu(bmenustr, pmenustr, value, check)= let mkVUISubMenu [bmenustr pmenustr value nil check 0 nil] -> smenustr in ( if (pmenustr == nil) then set bmenustr.VUIMB_lSubMenus = lcat bmenustr.VUIMB_lSubMenus smenustr::nil else set pmenustr.VUIMS_lChildren = lcat pmenustr.VUIMS_lChildren smenustr::nil; smenustr; );; fun VUImakeList(contstr, eltstr, eltoffset, margin, multiselect, themeref)= let if (eltoffset == nil) then [0 0] else eltoffset -> eltoffset in let if (multiselect == nil) then 0 else multiselect -> multiselect in let mkVUIList [contstr eltstr nil nil nil eltoffset margin [0 0] [0 0] multiselect nil nil nil themeref] -> liststr in ( liststr; );; fun VUImakeListElement(liststr, eltstr, parentstr, value, param)= let mkVUIListElement [liststr eltstr parentstr nil 0 value param nil] -> leltstr in ( if (parentstr == nil) then nil else set parentstr.VUILE_children = lcat parentstr.VUILE_children leltstr::nil; leltstr; );; fun VUIcountListHierarchy(eltstr)= let eltstr.VUILE_parent -> pstr in let 0 -> i in ( while (pstr != nil) do ( set pstr = pstr.VUILE_parent; set i = i + 1; ); i; );; fun VUIsetElementTheme(eltstr, defstr, element)= let VUIgetThemeElement defstr element -> ethstr in let ethstr.VUITHE_res -> rthstr in ( if (rthstr) == nil then ( VUImakeResource eltstr nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil; 0; ) else ( //addLogMessage strcatn "set ressource : "::element::" > "::rthstr.VUITHR_pSource::nil; let VUImakeResource eltstr rthstr.VUITHR_bgColor rthstr.VUITHR_iBorder rthstr.VUITHR_bdColor (_checkpack rthstr.VUITHR_pSource) rthstr.VUITHR_iFlags rthstr.VUITHR_iNbStates rthstr.VUITHR_iNbCols rthstr.VUITHR_iNbFrames rthstr.VUITHR_iFramesPerSecond -> resstr in ( set resstr.VUIR_bFromTheme = 1; set resstr.VUIR_tThemeInfos = [defstr.VUITHD_sName ethstr.VUITHE_sName]; ); 0; ); ); 0;; fun VUImakeElement(contstr, parentstr, pos, size, ratiosize, align, type)= if (parentstr != nil && parentstr.VUIE_container != contstr) then ( addLogMessage "[ERROR] VUImakeElement : The container is different from the parent element container!"; nil; ) else let pos -> [px py] in let size -> [w h] in let mkVUIelement [type contstr parentstr nil nil pos size [0 0 (ftoi w) (ftoi h)] ratiosize align 1 0 nil [(ftoi px) (ftoi py) (ftoi w) (ftoi h)] nil nil 0 0 0 0 [0 0] nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] -> eltstr in ( //do not store cont element buffer if ((parentstr == nil) && (contstr == nil)) then nil else if (parentstr == nil) then set contstr.VUICNT_lElements = lcat contstr.VUICNT_lElements eltstr::nil else ( set parentstr.VUIE_children = lcat parentstr.VUIE_children eltstr::nil; //force btns to be on last list elements if (parentstr.VUIE_scrollBottom == nil) then nil else ( set parentstr.VUIE_children = remove_from_list parentstr.VUIE_children parentstr.VUIE_scrollBottom; set parentstr.VUIE_children = lcat parentstr.VUIE_children parentstr.VUIE_scrollBottom::nil; ); if (parentstr.VUIE_scrollTop == nil) then nil else ( set parentstr.VUIE_children = remove_from_list parentstr.VUIE_children parentstr.VUIE_scrollTop; set parentstr.VUIE_children = lcat parentstr.VUIE_children parentstr.VUIE_scrollTop::nil; ); if (parentstr.VUIE_scrollLeft == nil) then nil else ( set parentstr.VUIE_children = remove_from_list parentstr.VUIE_children parentstr.VUIE_scrollLeft; set parentstr.VUIE_children = lcat parentstr.VUIE_children parentstr.VUIE_scrollLeft::nil; ); if (parentstr.VUIE_scrollRight == nil) then nil else ( set parentstr.VUIE_children = remove_from_list parentstr.VUIE_children parentstr.VUIE_scrollRight; set parentstr.VUIE_children = lcat parentstr.VUIE_children parentstr.VUIE_scrollRight::nil; ); ); VUIelementNeedUpdate eltstr 1; eltstr; );; fun VUImake3Dcont(contstr, sessionstr, pos, offset, scale, autoscale, maxautoscaledist, autotarget, ontop)= let mkVUI3Dcont [sessionstr nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] -> vrcontstr in let if scale == nil then 1.0 else scale -> scale in let if pos == nil then [0.0 0.0 0.0] else pos -> pos in let if offset == nil then [0.0 0.0] else offset -> offset in let V3DgetSession sessionstr -> scene in ( set vrcontstr.VUI3D_vPos = pos; set vrcontstr.VUI3D_vOffset = offset; set vrcontstr.VUI3D_fScale = scale; set vrcontstr.VUI3D_bAutoScale = autoscale; set vrcontstr.VUI3D_fMaxAutoscaleDist = maxautoscaledist; set vrcontstr.VUI3D_bAutoTarget = autotarget; set vrcontstr.VUI3D_bOnTop = ontop; set VUI_NameIndex = VUI_NameIndex + 1; set vrcontstr.VUI3D_sName = strcat "VUI3D_" (itoa VUI_NameIndex); let strcat vrcontstr.VUI3D_sName "_node" -> nodename in set vrcontstr.VUI3D_node = SO3SceneNodeCreate scene nodename; let strcat vrcontstr.VUI3D_sName "_plane" -> planename in set vrcontstr.VUI3D_plane = SO3PlaneCreate scene sVUIResourcesGroup planename [1.0 1.0] nil nil; let strcat vrcontstr.VUI3D_sName "_mat" -> matname in set vrcontstr.VUI3D_material = SO3MaterialCreate scene matname sVUIResourcesGroup; let strcat vrcontstr.VUI3D_sName "_3dconttex" -> texname in set vrcontstr.VUI3D_texture = SO3TextureCreate scene texname nil sVUIResourcesGroup 2 2; SO3ObjectSetVisible vrcontstr.VUI3D_plane 0 1; SO3ObjectSetFlags vrcontstr.VUI3D_node iNodeFlagVUI; SO3ObjectSetFlags vrcontstr.VUI3D_plane iNodeFlagVUI; SO3MaterialSetPassCullingEnable vrcontstr.VUI3D_material 0 0 0; SO3MaterialSetReceiveShadows vrcontstr.VUI3D_material 0; SO3MaterialSetIgnoreSlicePlane vrcontstr.VUI3D_material 1; SO3MaterialSetPassDepthCheckEnabled vrcontstr.VUI3D_material 0 0 !ontop; SO3ObjectSetRenderQueue vrcontstr.VUI3D_plane 70; SO3ObjectSetMouseForeGround vrcontstr.VUI3D_plane ontop; SO3MaterialSetPassLighting vrcontstr.VUI3D_material 0 0 0; SO3ObjectSetCastShadows vrcontstr.VUI3D_plane 0; SO3MaterialSetTexture vrcontstr.VUI3D_material vrcontstr.VUI3D_texture 0 0 0; SO3EntitySetMaterial vrcontstr.VUI3D_plane vrcontstr.VUI3D_material 0; SO3ObjectLink vrcontstr.VUI3D_plane vrcontstr.VUI3D_node; SO3ObjectSetOrientation vrcontstr.VUI3D_plane SO3MathsEulerPYRToQuat [SO3MathsDegreeToRadian (-.90.0) SO3MathsDegreeToRadian 180.0 0.0]; SO3ObjectSetPosition vrcontstr.VUI3D_node pos; let offset -> [xoff yoff] in SO3ObjectSetPosition vrcontstr.VUI3D_plane [xoff yoff 0.0]; set contstr.VUICNT_str3d = vrcontstr; );; fun VUImakeWcont(contstr, viewstr, xpos, ypos, width, height, ratiosize, align, opacity, zorder)= let mkVUIWcont [viewstr nil 0 0 1.0 [xpos ypos] [width height] ratiosize align opacity zorder 1 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil [0 0] 0 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] -> wcontstr in ( //make container buffer if (contstr.VUICNT_buffer == nil) then nil else VUIdestroyElement contstr.VUICNT_buffer; set contstr.VUICNT_buffer = VUImakeElement nil nil [0.0 0.0] wcontstr.VUIW_vSize nil nil VUI_EltBackground; set contstr.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_container = contstr; set contstr.VUICNT_strw = wcontstr; let VUIgetThemeDef (VUIgetContainerGroupTheme contstr) "common" -> defstr in VUIsetElementTheme contstr.VUICNT_buffer defstr "background"; wcontstr; );; fun VUIdestroyWcontainer(contwstr)= V3DremoveWidgetControl (V3DgetDefaultViewport contwstr.VUIW_view) contwstr.VUIW_widget; SO3WidgetDestroy contwstr.VUIW_widget; 0;; fun VUImakeContainer(type, groupstr)= let mkVUIcontainer [type groupstr nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil 1 1 1 nil] -> contstr in ( set contstr.VUICNT_fScale = 1.0; set contstr.VUICNT_bVisible = 0; set contstr.VUICNT_iSizeMode = VUI_ContSizeScale; //if (_platform != SCOL_PLATFORM_WINDOWS && _platform != SCOL_PLATFORM_APPLE && _platform != SCOL_PLATFORM_LINUX) then VUI_ContSizeScale else VUI_ContSizePixel; set VUIcontainerAllList = contstr::VUIcontainerAllList; if (groupstr == nil) then nil else set groupstr.VUICG_lcntList = contstr::groupstr.VUICG_lcntList; contstr; );; fun VUImakeKeyboard(sessionstr, groupstr, mode)= let mkVUIkeyboard [sessionstr groupstr nil nil nil nil nil mode 0] -> keybstr in ( keybstr; );; /*! @ingroup VUIApi * \brief Delete a 3D container * * Prototype: fun [VUI3Dcont] I * * \param VUI3Dcont : 3d container to delete * * \return I : 0 **/ fun VUIdestroy3DContainer(vrcontstr)= SO3ObjectDestroy vrcontstr.VUI3D_plane; SO3ObjectDestroy vrcontstr.VUI3D_node; SO3MaterialDestroy vrcontstr.VUI3D_material; SO3TextureDestroy vrcontstr.VUI3D_texture; 0;; /*! @ingroup v3DHUDApi * \brief Destroy a 3D container * * Prototype: fun [VUIcontainer] I * * \param VUIcontainer : the 3d container * * \return I : return 0 **/ fun VUIdestroyContainer(contstr)= set VUIcontainerEnableList = remove_from_list VUIcontainerEnableList contstr; set VUIcontainerAllList = remove_from_list VUIcontainerAllList contstr; if (contstr.VUICNT_group == nil) then nil else set contstr.VUICNT_group.VUICG_lcntList = remove_from_list contstr.VUICNT_group.VUICG_lcntList contstr; VUIdestroyWcontainer contstr.VUICNT_strw; set contstr.VUICNT_strw = nil; VUIdestroyElement contstr.VUICNT_buffer; set contstr.VUICNT_buffer = nil; VUIdestroy3DContainer contstr.VUICNT_str3d; set contstr.VUICNT_str3d = nil; let contstr.VUICNT_lElements -> leltstr in while (leltstr != nil) do ( VUIdestroyElement hd leltstr; set leltstr = tl leltstr; ); if (!VUIdefVrKeyboard.VUIK_bVisible) then nil else VUIhideVrKeyboard VUIdefVrKeyboard; 0;; fun VUIgetContainerBufferSize(contstr)= _GETalphaBitmapSize contstr.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_resource.VUIR_oBuffer;; fun VUIscaleCoords(vec, scale)= let vec -> [x y w h _ _] in [ftoi ((itof x) *. scale) ftoi ((itof y) *. scale) ftoi ((itof w) *. scale) ftoi ((itof h) *. scale)];; fun VUIunscaleCoords(vec, scale)= let vec -> [x y w h _ _] in [ftoi ((itof x) /. scale) ftoi ((itof y) /. scale) ftoi ((itof w) /. scale) ftoi ((itof h) /. scale)];; fun VUIscaleCoords2(vec, scale)= let vec -> [x y w h] in [ftoi ((itof x) *. scale) ftoi ((itof y) *. scale) ftoi ((itof w) *. scale) ftoi ((itof h) *. scale)];; fun VUIunscaleCoords2(vec, scale)= let vec -> [x y w h] in [ftoi ((itof x) /. scale) ftoi ((itof y) /. scale) ftoi ((itof w) /. scale) ftoi ((itof h) /. scale)];; fun VUIscaleVec(vec, scale)= let vec -> [x y] in [ftoi ((itof x) *. scale) ftoi ((itof y) *. scale)];; fun VUIunscaleVec(vec, scale)= let vec -> [x y] in [ftoi ((itof x) /. scale) ftoi ((itof y) /. scale)];; fun VUIscaleValue(val, scale)= ftoi (val *. scale);; fun VUIunscaleValue(val, scale)= ftoi (val /. scale);; fun VUIreplaceAllText(text, repchar, state)= if (!state) then text else let nil -> ndata in let strextr text -> l in ( if l == nil then nil else let sizelist l -> size in let 0 -> i in ( while i < size do ( let nth_list l i -> elem in let strcatnSep elem " " -> line in let strlen line -> ls in let "" -> nline in ( let 0 -> s in while (s < ls) do ( set nline = strcat nline repchar; set s = s + 1; ); if i == 0 then set ndata = nline else set ndata = strcatn ndata::"\n"::nline::nil; ); set i = i + 1; ); ); ndata; );; fun VUIcomputeEposSize(eltstr, vw, vh)= let eltstr.VUIE_vSize -> [width height] in let eltstr.VUIE_vPos -> [posx posy] in let eltstr.VUIE_tPercent -> [xp yp wp hp xo yo wo ho] in let eltstr.VUIE_tAlign -> [ax ay] in let eltstr.VUIE_resource -> resstr in let if xp then (ftoi (((itof vw) *. posx) /. 100.0)) + xo else ftoi posx -> px in let if yp then (ftoi (((itof vh) *. posy) /. 100.0)) + yo else ftoi posy -> py in let if wp then if xp then (ftoi (((itof vw) *. (posx +. width)) /. 100.0)) + wo - (px - xo) else (ftoi (((itof vw) *. width) /. 100.0)) + wo else ftoi width -> pw in let if hp then if yp then (ftoi (((itof vh) *. (posy +. height)) /. 100.0)) + ho - (py - yo) else (ftoi (((itof vh) *. height) /. 100.0)) + ho else ftoi height -> ph in let 0 -> rxoff in let 0 -> ryoff in let if ((resstr.VUIR_iFlags & VUI_ResKeepRatio) && (resstr.VUIR_resIndex != nil)) then let VUIgetResourceVisualSize resstr -> [bw bh] in let (pw * bh) / bw -> rnh in if ((vh - ((abs py) + rnh)) < 0) then let ((vh * bw) / bh) -> rpw in ( set rxoff = (pw - rpw) / 2; [rpw ph] ) else ( set ryoff = (ph - rnh) / 2; [pw rnh] ) else [pw ph] -> [pw ph] in ( let eltstr.VUIE_Text -> textstr in if (textstr == nil) then nil else ( let if (textstr.VUIT_sContent == nil) then if textstr.VUIT_iCursor then "|" else "" else if textstr.VUIT_iCursor then strcat textstr.VUIT_sContent "|" else textstr.VUIT_sContent -> text in if (textstr.VUIT_iUpdateSize == VUI_TextStatic) then ( let textstr.VUIT_tMargin -> [mx my] in let textstr.VUIT_tPos -> [tx ty] in let textstr.VUIT_tSize -> [tw th] in let if (tw == 0) then (pw - tx - (mx * 2)) else tw -> tw in let if (th == 0) then (ph - ty - (my * 2)) else th -> th in let if (!textstr.VUIT_bNeedUpdate) then let textstr.VUIT_tTextSize -> [ptw pth] in [tw pth] else VUIgetTextSize textstr.VUIT_font.VUIFI_Font text tw textstr.VUIT_iAlign -> textsize in let if (textsize != nil) then textsize else [10 10] -> [ttw tth] in ( set textstr.VUIT_tCoords = [(tx + mx) (ty + my) tw th]; set textstr.VUIT_tTextSize = [ttw tth]; ); 0; ) else ( let textstr.VUIT_tPos -> [tx ty] in let textstr.VUIT_tMargin -> [mx my] in let if (textstr.VUIT_iUpdateSize == VUI_TextAutoHeight) then if (!textstr.VUIT_bNeedUpdate) then let textstr.VUIT_tTextSize -> [ptw pth] in [(pw - (mx * 2)) pth] else VUIgetTextSize textstr.VUIT_font.VUIFI_Font text (pw - (mx * 2)) textstr.VUIT_iAlign else if (!textstr.VUIT_bNeedUpdate) then textstr.VUIT_tTextSize else VUIgetTextSize textstr.VUIT_font.VUIFI_Font text 0 textstr.VUIT_iAlign -> textsize in let if (textsize != nil) then textsize else [10 10] -> [tw th] in ( set textstr.VUIT_tTextSize = [tw th]; set pw = tw + (mx * 2); set ph = th + (my * 2); set textstr.VUIT_tCoords = [(mx + tx) (my + ty) tw th]; ); 0; ); set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bNeedUpdate = 0; ); let if (ax == 1) then ((vw - pw) / 2) + px else if (ax == 2) then (vw - pw) - px else rxoff + px -> px in let if (ay == 1) then ((vh - ph) / 2) + py else if (ay == 2) then (vh - ph) - py else ryoff + py -> py in [px py pw ph]; );; fun VUIcomputeWposSize(contstr, vw, vh)= let contstr.VUICNT_strw -> contwstr in let contwstr.VUIW_vSize -> [width height] in let contwstr.VUIW_vPos -> [posx posy] in let contwstr.VUIW_tPercent -> [px py pw ph xo yo wo ho] in let contwstr.VUIW_tAlign -> [ax ay] in let contstr.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_resource -> resstr in let if pw then (ftoi ((width *. (itof vw)) /. 100.0)) + wo else VUIunscaleValue width contstr.VUICNT_fScale -> pw in let if ph then (ftoi ((height *. (itof vh)) /. 100.0)) + ho else VUIunscaleValue height contstr.VUICNT_fScale -> ph in let if px then (ftoi ((posx *. (itof vw)) /. 100.0)) + xo else VUIunscaleValue posx contstr.VUICNT_fScale -> px in let if py then (ftoi ((posy *. (itof vh)) /. 100.0)) + yo else VUIunscaleValue posy contstr.VUICNT_fScale -> py in let 0 -> rxoff in let 0 -> ryoff in let if ((resstr.VUIR_iFlags & VUI_ResKeepRatio) && (resstr.VUIR_resIndex != nil)) then let VUIgetResourceVisualSize resstr -> [bw bh] in let (pw * bh) / bw -> rnh in if ((vh - ((abs py) + rnh)) < 0) then let ((vh * bw) / bh) -> rpw in ( set rxoff = (pw - rpw) / 2; [rpw ph] ) else ( set ryoff = (ph - rnh) / 2; [pw rnh] ) else [pw ph] -> [pw ph] in let if (ax == 1) then ((vw - pw) / 2) + px else if (ax == 2) then (vw - pw) - px else rxoff + px -> px in let if (ay == 1) then ((vh - ph) / 2) + py else if (ay == 2) then (vh - ph) - py else ryoff + py -> py in ( set contstr.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_tGlobalCoords = [px py pw ph]; set contstr.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_tLocalCoords = [px py pw ph]; [px py pw ph]; );; fun VUIshowContainerW(contwstr, state)= SO3WidgetSetVisibility contwstr.VUIW_widget state; 0;; fun VUIupdateResourceBuffer(resstr, width, height)= set resstr.VUIR_bJustUpdated = 0; //no need to update size if (width == nil || height == nil) then nil else let _GETalphaBitmapSize resstr.VUIR_oBuffer -> [bw bh] in if ((resstr.VUIR_oBuffer != nil) && (bw == width) && (bh == height)) then nil else ( if (resstr.VUIR_oBuffer == nil) then nil else _DSalphaBitmap resstr.VUIR_oBuffer; let _CRbitmap _channel width height -> bmp24 in let _CRbitmap8 _channel width height -> bmp8 in ( set resstr.VUIR_oBuffer = _CRalphaBitmap _channel bmp24 bmp8 nil nil; _DSbitmap bmp24; _DSbitmap8 bmp8; ); set resstr.VUIR_bNeedUpdate = 1; ); if (!resstr.VUIR_bNeedUpdate) then nil else ( let VUIgetResourceByIndex resstr.VUIR_resIndex -> obmp in if (obmp == nil) then ( let _GETalphaBitmaps resstr.VUIR_oBuffer -> [bmp bmp8] in let ftoi (((itof (G2DgetAlphaFromColor resstr.VUIR_bgColor)) /. 126.0) *. 255.0) -> alpha in //let ftoi (((itof (G2DgetAlphaFromColor resstr.VUIR_parent.VUIE_container.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_resource.VUIR_bgColor)) /. 126.0) *. 255.0) -> alpha2 in //let max alpha2 alpha -> alpha in let G2Drgba2rgb resstr.VUIR_bgColor -> rgb in ( _FILLbitmap bmp rgb; _FILLbitmap8 bmp8 alpha; if (resstr.VUIR_iBorder <= 0) then nil else let G2Drgba2rgb resstr.VUIR_bdColor -> bdrgb in let ftoi (((itof (G2DgetAlphaFromColor resstr.VUIR_bdColor)) /. 126.0) *. 255.0) -> balpha in ( _BTDRAWrect bmp [0 0 width height] bdrgb resstr.VUIR_iBorder nil nil; _BTDRAWrect8 bmp8 [0 0 width height] (make_rgb balpha balpha balpha) resstr.VUIR_iBorder nil nil; ); if (resstr.VUIR_iFocusedBorder <= 0) then nil else let G2Drgba2rgb resstr.VUIR_bFocusedColor -> bdrgb in let ftoi (((itof (G2DgetAlphaFromColor resstr.VUIR_bFocusedColor)) /. 126.0) *. 255.0) -> balpha in ( _BTDRAWrect bmp [0 0 width height] bdrgb resstr.VUIR_iFocusedBorder nil nil; _BTDRAWrect8 bmp8 [0 0 width height] (make_rgb balpha balpha balpha) resstr.VUIR_iFocusedBorder nil nil; ); set resstr.VUIR_bNeedUpdate = 0; 0; ); ) else ( let _GETalphaBitmapSize obmp -> [bw bh] in let bw / (resstr.VUIR_iNbCols * resstr.VUIR_iNbFrames) -> ow in let bh / (resstr.VUIR_iNbStates + 1) -> oh in let ow * ((resstr.VUIR_iNbFrames * resstr.VUIR_iCurCol) + resstr.VUIR_iCurFrame) -> ox in let if (!resstr.VUIR_iNbStates) then 0 else oh * (if (resstr.VUIR_iNbStates < resstr.VUIR_iCurState) then if (resstr.VUIR_iCurState == 3) then 0 else (min resstr.VUIR_iNbStates resstr.VUIR_iCurState) else resstr.VUIR_iCurState) -> oy in G2DstrechAlphaBitmapRectToBackgroundBitmap obmp [ox oy ow oh] resstr.VUIR_oBuffer if (resstr.VUIR_iFlags & VUI_ResSplited) then 1 else 0; if (resstr.VUIR_iBorder <= 0) then nil else let _GETalphaBitmaps resstr.VUIR_oBuffer -> [bmp bmp8] in let G2Drgba2rgb resstr.VUIR_bdColor -> bdrgb in let ftoi (((itof (G2DgetAlphaFromColor resstr.VUIR_bdColor)) /. 126.0) *. 255.0) -> balpha in ( _BTDRAWrect bmp [0 0 width height] bdrgb resstr.VUIR_iBorder nil nil; _BTDRAWrect8 bmp8 [0 0 width height] (make_rgb balpha balpha balpha) resstr.VUIR_iBorder nil nil; ); if (resstr.VUIR_iFocusedBorder <= 0) then nil else let _GETalphaBitmaps resstr.VUIR_oBuffer -> [bmp bmp8] in let G2Drgba2rgb resstr.VUIR_bFocusedColor -> bdrgb in let ftoi (((itof (G2DgetAlphaFromColor resstr.VUIR_bFocusedColor)) /. 126.0) *. 255.0) -> balpha in ( _BTDRAWrect bmp [0 0 width height] bdrgb resstr.VUIR_iFocusedBorder nil nil; _BTDRAWrect8 bmp8 [0 0 width height] (make_rgb balpha balpha balpha) resstr.VUIR_iFocusedBorder nil nil; ); set resstr.VUIR_bNeedUpdate = 0; 0; ); let resstr.VUIR_parent.VUIE_Text -> textstr in if ((textstr == nil) || (!strcmp textstr.VUIT_sContent "") && (resstr.VUIR_parent.VUIE_iType != VUI_EltEditText)) then ( if (!textstr.VUIT_bMultiline) then nil else let textstr.VUIT_tScroll -> [_ scy] in ( set textstr.VUIT_scrollTop.VUIE_bVisible = 0; set textstr.VUIT_scrollBottom.VUIE_bVisible = 0; set textstr.VUIT_tScroll = [0 0]; set textstr.VUIT_bAutoScroll = 0; ); ) else let VUIreplaceAllText textstr.VUIT_sContent "*" textstr.VUIT_bIsPassword -> content in let if (content == nil) then "" else content -> content in let if (textstr.VUIT_iCursor == 1) then strcat content "|" else if (textstr.VUIT_iCursor == 2) then strcat content " " else content -> text in let textstr.VUIT_tTextSize -> [tw th] in let textstr.VUIT_tCoords -> [_ _ cw ch] in ( // auto scroll if !textstr.VUIT_bAutoScroll then nil else let if tw < cw then 0 else (-(tw - cw)) -> offx in let if th < ch then 0 else (-(th - ch)) -> offy in ( set textstr.VUIT_tScroll = [offx offy]; set textstr.VUIT_bAutoScroll = 0; ); //show scroll buttons if (!textstr.VUIT_bMultiline) then nil else let textstr.VUIT_tScroll -> [_ scy] in ( set textstr.VUIT_scrollTop.VUIE_bVisible = if (scy < 0) then 1 else 0; set textstr.VUIT_scrollBottom.VUIE_bVisible = if (th > ch) && (scy > (-(th - ch))) then 1 else 0; ); VUIdrawTextAlphaBitmap resstr.VUIR_oBuffer textstr.VUIT_font.VUIFI_Font textstr.VUIT_tCoords textstr.VUIT_tScroll textstr.VUIT_font.VUIFI_Font.VUIF_iColor textstr.VUIT_iAlign text; 0; ); set resstr.VUIR_bJustUpdated = 1; ); 0;; fun VUIgetElementInCoord(eltlist, x, y)= if (eltlist == nil) then nil else ( let hd eltlist -> eltstr in let eltstr.VUIE_tGlobalCoords -> [dx dy dw dh] in let VUIunscaleCoords (if (VUI_DRAW_GLOBAL) then eltstr.VUIE_tDrawCoords else [dx dy dw dh 0 0]) eltstr.VUIE_container.VUICNT_fScale -> coords in if ((eltstr.VUIE_tDrawCoords != nil) && eltstr.VUIE_bVisible && (isCoordInRect x y coords)) then ( //look for child in coord let revertlist eltstr.VUIE_children -> children in let VUIgetElementInCoord children x y -> child in if ((child == nil) || (child.VUIE_bIgnoreInput && !child.VUIE_Text.VUIT_scrollTop.VUIE_bVisible && !child.VUIE_Text.VUIT_scrollBottom.VUIE_bVisible)) then if (eltstr.VUIE_bIgnoreInput && !eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_scrollTop.VUIE_bVisible && !eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_scrollBottom.VUIE_bVisible) then VUIgetElementInCoord tl eltlist x y else eltstr else child; ) else VUIgetElementInCoord tl eltlist x y; );; fun VUIbuildAllElementsList(refstr, eltlist)= if (eltlist == nil) then nil else let eltlist -> [eltstr next] in if (refstr != eltstr) then ( let if (!eltstr.VUIE_bVisible || eltstr.VUIE_bIgnoreInput || (eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iCurState == 3) || (eltstr.VUIE_iType == nil) || (eltstr.VUIE_iType == VUI_EltFrame) || (eltstr.VUIE_iType == VUI_EltBackground) || (eltstr.VUIE_iType == VUI_EltLabel) || (eltstr.VUIE_iType == VUI_EltText) || (eltstr.VUIE_iType == VUI_EltTable) || (eltstr.VUIE_iType == VUI_EltSubMenu) || (eltstr.VUIE_iType == VUI_EltList) || (eltstr.VUIE_iType == VUI_EltMenu) || (eltstr.VUIE_iType == VUI_EltFloatValue)) then VUIbuildAllElementsList refstr eltstr.VUIE_children else eltstr::VUIbuildAllElementsList refstr eltstr.VUIE_children -> children in lcat children VUIbuildAllElementsList refstr next; ) else VUIbuildAllElementsList refstr next;; fun getElementsCenterDirection(eltstr1, eltstr2, dir)= let eltstr1.VUIE_tGlobalCoords -> [sx sy sw sh] in let eltstr2.VUIE_tGlobalCoords -> [dx dy dw dh] in let [sx + (sw / 2) sy + (sh / 2)] -> [x1 y1] in /*let if (dir == (-1)) then let [dx + dw dy + (dh / 2)] -> [x2 y2] in [x2 y2] else if (dir == 1) then let [dx dy + (dh / 2)] -> [x2 y2] in [x2 y2] else if (dir == 2) then let [dx + (dw / 2) dy + dh] -> [x2 y2] in [x2 y2] else let [dx + (dw / 2) dy] -> [x2 y2] in [x2 y2] -> [x2 y2] in*/ let [dx + (dw / 2) dy + (dh / 2)] -> [x2 y2] in let getVector2dAngle [x1 y1] [x2 y2] -> ang in let if ang >. 180.0 then ang -. 360.0 else if ang <. (-.180.0) then ang +. 360.0 else ang -> ang in let (sqr itof(x1 - x2)) +. (sqr itof(y1 - y2)) -> dist in [ang dist];; fun getElementClosest(refstr, eltstr1, eltstr2, dir)= let 75.0 -> tolerance in let refstr.VUIE_tGlobalCoords -> [rx ry rw rh] in let if (eltstr1 != nil) then getElementsCenterDirection refstr eltstr1 dir else [nil nil] -> [ang1 dist1] in let if (eltstr2 != nil) then getElementsCenterDirection refstr eltstr2 dir else [nil nil] -> [ang2 dist2] in let if (dir == (-1)) then -.90.0 else if (dir == 1) then 90.0 else if (dir == 2) then 0.0 else 180.0 -> tang in let if ((dir == (-2)) || (dir == 2)) then (if ((ang1 != nil) && ((ang1 >. (-.tang -. tolerance)) && (ang1 <. (-.tang +. tolerance))) || ((ang1 >. (tang -. tolerance)) && (ang1 <. (tang +. tolerance)))) then [(if (ang1 <. 0.0) then absf (-.tang -. ang1) else absf (tang -. ang1)) 1] else [0.0 0]) else (if ((ang1 != nil) && (ang1 >. (tang -. tolerance)) && (ang1 <. (tang +. tolerance))) then [absf (tang -. ang1) 1] else [0.0 0]) -> [aa1 a1] in let if ((dir == (-2)) || (dir == 2)) then (if ((ang2 != nil) && ((ang2 >. (-.tang -. tolerance)) && (ang2 <. (-.tang +. tolerance))) || ((ang2 >. (tang -. tolerance)) && (ang2 <. (tang +. tolerance)))) then [(if (ang2 <. 0.0) then absf (-.tang -. ang2) else absf (tang -. ang2)) 1] else [0.0 0]) else (if ((ang2 != nil) && (ang2 >. (tang -. tolerance)) && (ang2 <. (tang +. tolerance))) then [absf (tang -. ang2) 1] else [0.0 0]) -> [aa2 a2] in ( if ((((dist1 == nil) || (dist2 <. dist1)) && ((a2 && !a1) || (a2 && (aa2 <. (tolerance *. 0.5))) || (a2 && (aa2 <=. aa1)))) || (a2 && a1 && (aa2 <. (tolerance *. 0.5)) && (aa1 >. (tolerance *. 0.25)) && (aa2 <. aa1)) || (a2 && !a1)) then eltstr2 else eltstr1; );; fun VUIgetNextElement(eltstr, dir)= let eltstr.VUIE_tGlobalCoords -> [dx dy dw dh] in let nil -> found in ( //Search in children first let VUIbuildAllElementsList eltstr eltstr.VUIE_children -> eltlist in ( while (eltlist != nil) do ( let hd eltlist -> tstr in set found = getElementClosest eltstr found tstr dir; set eltlist = tl eltlist; ); ); //Search in same parents let VUIbuildAllElementsList eltstr eltstr.VUIE_parent.VUIE_children -> eltlist in if (found != nil) then nil else ( while (eltlist != nil) do ( let hd eltlist -> tstr in set found = getElementClosest eltstr found tstr dir; set eltlist = tl eltlist; ); ); //Search in container if (found != nil) then nil else let VUIbuildAllElementsList eltstr eltstr.VUIE_container.VUICNT_lElements -> eltlist in ( while (eltlist != nil) do ( let hd eltlist -> tstr in set found = getElementClosest eltstr found tstr dir; set eltlist = tl eltlist; ); ); found; );; fun VUIdrawElement(contstr, eltstr)= if (eltstr.VUIE_tDrawCoords == nil) then nil else let if (VUI_DRAW_GLOBAL) then contstr.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_resource else if (eltstr.VUIE_parent != nil) then eltstr.VUIE_parent.VUIE_resource else contstr.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_resource -> res in let eltstr.VUIE_tDrawCoords -> [dx dy dw dh npx npy] in ( set eltstr.VUIE_bJustDraw = 1; _BTBLENDalphaBitmaps res.VUIR_oBuffer [dx dy dw dh] eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_oBuffer [npx npy dw dh] 1.0; //_MGalphaBitmap res.VUIR_oBuffer dx dy eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_oBuffer npx npy dw dh; /* let _GETalphaBitmaps res.VUIR_oBuffer -> [buff abuff] in let _GETalphaBitmaps eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_oBuffer -> [dbuff dabuff] in ( _SPLUSbitmap8 abuff dx dy dw dh dabuff npx npy; _CPalphaBitmap buff dx dy eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_oBuffer npx npy dw dh; ); addLogMessage strcatn "draw at: "::(itoa dx)::" "::(itoa dy)::nil; if (((VUIgetResourceByIndex res.VUIR_resIndex) == nil) && (eltstr.VUIE_parent.VUIE_resource.VUIR_resIndex == nil)) then ( let _GETalphaBitmaps eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_oBuffer -> [dbuff dabuff] in ( _CPbitmap24 buff dx dy dbuff npx npy dw dh nil; _CPbitmap8 abuff dx dy dabuff npx npy dw dh nil; ); 0; ) else ( _CPalphaBitmap buff dx dy eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_oBuffer npx npy dw dh; 0; ); */ ); 0;; fun VUImakeElementDrawCoords(eltstr)= let if (VUI_DRAW_GLOBAL) then eltstr.VUIE_tGlobalCoords else eltstr.VUIE_tLocalCoords -> [dx dy dw dh] in let if (VUI_DRAW_GLOBAL) then if (eltstr.VUIE_parent == nil) then // Compute the correct coords for the elements with no parents /*let eltstr.VUIE_container.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_tGlobalCoords -> [_ _ cw ch] in let if (dx + dw) > cw then (cw - dx) else dw -> nw in let if (dy + dh) > ch then (ch - dy) else dh -> nh in [dx dy nw nh 0 0]*/ [dx dy dw dh 0 0] else let eltstr.VUIE_parent.VUIE_tDrawCoords -> [px py pw ph pox poy] in let if (dx > (px + pw)) || ((dx + dw) < px) then nil else if (dx < px) then px else dx -> nx in let if (dy > (py + ph)) || ((dy + dh) < py) then nil else if (dy < py) then py else dy -> ny in let if (dx + dw) > (px + pw) then ((px + pw) - nx) else dw - (nx - dx) -> nw in let if (dy + dh) > (py + ph) then ((py + ph) - ny) else dh - (ny - dy) -> nh in let nx - dx -> npx in let ny - dy -> npy in [nx ny nw nh npx npy] else [dx dy dw dh 0 0] -> [nx ny nw nh npx npy] in set eltstr.VUIE_tDrawCoords = if ((nx == nil) || (ny == nil)) then nil else [nx ny nw nh npx npy]; 0;; fun VUIupdateElementCoords(contstr, eltstr)= let if (eltstr.VUIE_parent != nil) then eltstr.VUIE_parent.VUIE_tGlobalCoords else let VUIgetContainerBufferSize contstr -> [pw ph] in [0 0 pw ph] -> [vx vy vw vh] in let if ((eltstr.VUIE_parent != nil) && ((eltstr != eltstr.VUIE_parent.VUIE_scrollLeft) && (eltstr != eltstr.VUIE_parent.VUIE_scrollRight) && (eltstr != eltstr.VUIE_parent.VUIE_scrollTop) && (eltstr != eltstr.VUIE_parent.VUIE_scrollBottom))) then eltstr.VUIE_parent.VUIE_tScroll else [0 0] -> [offx offy] in let VUIcomputeEposSize eltstr vw vh -> [dx dy dw dh] in ( let eltstr.VUIE_parent.VUIE_vContRect -> [tx ty tw th] in set eltstr.VUIE_parent.VUIE_vContRect = [(min tx dx) (min ty dy) (max tw (dx + dw)) (max th (dy + dh))]; set eltstr.VUIE_tLocalCoords = [(dx + offx) (dy + offy) dw dh]; let vx + dx -> dx in let vy + dy -> dy in set eltstr.VUIE_tGlobalCoords = [(dx + offx) (dy + offy) dw dh]; ); 0;; fun VUIupdateElement(contstr, eltstr)= let if (eltstr.VUIE_parent != nil) then eltstr.VUIE_parent.VUIE_tGlobalCoords else let VUIgetContainerBufferSize contstr -> [pw ph] in [0 0 pw ph] -> [vx vy vw vh] in let if ((eltstr.VUIE_parent != nil) && ((eltstr != eltstr.VUIE_parent.VUIE_scrollLeft) && (eltstr != eltstr.VUIE_parent.VUIE_scrollRight) && (eltstr != eltstr.VUIE_parent.VUIE_scrollTop) && (eltstr != eltstr.VUIE_parent.VUIE_scrollBottom))) then eltstr.VUIE_parent.VUIE_tScroll else [0 0] -> [offx offy] in let VUIcomputeEposSize eltstr vw vh -> [dx dy dw dh] in ( VUIupdateResourceBuffer eltstr.VUIE_resource dw dh; let eltstr.VUIE_parent.VUIE_vContRect -> [tx ty tw th] in set eltstr.VUIE_parent.VUIE_vContRect = [(min tx dx) (min ty dy) (max tw (dx + dw)) (max th (dy + dh))]; set eltstr.VUIE_tLocalCoords = [(dx + offx) (dy + offy) dw dh]; let vx + dx -> dx in let vy + dy -> dy in set eltstr.VUIE_tGlobalCoords = [(dx + offx) (dy + offy) dw dh]; VUImakeElementDrawCoords eltstr; ); 0;; fun VUIisFocusedInput()= let 0 -> input in ( let VUIcontainerEnableList -> list in while ((list != nil) && !input) do ( let hd list -> contstr in ( if (contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt.VUIE_iType != VUI_EltEditText) then nil else set input = 1; ); set list = tl list; ); input; );; fun VUIsetFocusedElement(contstr, eltstr)= if (contstr == VUIdefVrKeyboard.VUIK_txtContainer) || (contstr == VUIdefVrKeyboard.VUIK_upContainer) || (contstr == VUIdefVrKeyboard.VUIK_symContainer) || (contstr == VUIdefVrKeyboard.VUIK_numContainer) || (contstr == VUIdefVrKeyboard.VUIK_toolContainer) then nil else if (contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt == eltstr) then ( if (contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt.VUIE_iType != VUI_EltEditText) then nil else ( //show virtual keyboard if needed if (contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_view.V3D_bVRmode && !VUIdefVrKeyboard.VUIK_bVisible) then ( VUIshowVrKeyboard VUIdefVrKeyboard if (contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bNumberOnly) then 2 else 0; 0; ) else if ((_platform != SCOL_PLATFORM_ANDROID) && (_platform != SCOL_PLATFORM_IOS)) then nil else ( _ShowSoftKeyboard 1; 0; ); ); ) else ( if (contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt == nil) then nil else ( //remove outline if (contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iFocusedBorder == 0) then nil else ( VUIsetElementFocusedBorder contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt 0 0xffffffff; set contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt.VUIE_container.VUICNT_bClearOnUpdate = 1; ); //remove as animated resource for cursor blink if (contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt.VUIE_iScrollMode || contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt.VUIE_iType == VUI_EltEditText) then ( set contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bAutoScroll = 0; set contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt.VUIE_Text.VUIT_iCursor = 0; set contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bNeedUpdate = 1; VUIelementNeedUpdate contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt 0; set VUIanimatedResourcesList = remove_from_list VUIanimatedResourcesList contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt.VUIE_resource; if (contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt.VUIE_iType != VUI_EltEditText) then nil else ( //hide virtual keyboard if (contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_view.V3D_bVRmode) then ( VUIhideVrKeyboard VUIdefVrKeyboard; 0; ) else if ((_platform != SCOL_PLATFORM_ANDROID) && (_platform != SCOL_PLATFORM_IOS)) then nil else ( _ShowSoftKeyboard 0; 0; ); //validate event if (!contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_bEnableInputs || contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bMultiline) then nil else exec contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt.VUIE_cbValidate with [contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt.VUIE_Text.VUIT_sContent 0]; ); ) else nil; exec contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt.VUIE_cbFocused with [contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt 0]; ); if (eltstr == nil) then nil else ( exec eltstr.VUIE_cbFocused with [eltstr 1]; //add as animated resource for cursor blink if (eltstr.VUIE_iScrollMode || eltstr.VUIE_iType == VUI_EltEditText) then ( set VUIanimatedResourcesList = eltstr.VUIE_resource::VUIanimatedResourcesList; VUIelementNeedUpdate eltstr 0; if (eltstr.VUIE_iType != VUI_EltEditText) then nil else ( set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bAutoScroll = 1; if (contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_view.V3D_bVRmode) then ( VUIshowVrKeyboard VUIdefVrKeyboard if (eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bNumberOnly) then 2 else 0; 0; ) else if ((_platform != SCOL_PLATFORM_ANDROID) && (_platform != SCOL_PLATFORM_IOS)) then nil else ( _ShowSoftKeyboard 1; 0; ); ); ) else nil; ); set contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt = eltstr; 0; ); 0;; fun VUIgetListContentSize(liststr, lestrlist, size, allstate)= if (lestrlist == nil) then size else ( let hd lestrlist -> lestr in ( let liststr.VUIL_tEltOffset -> [ox oy] in let lestr.VUILE_element.VUIE_tLocalCoords -> [ex ey ew eh] in let if (lestr.VUILE_children == nil) then ew else ew + 24 -> ew in let size -> [sw sh] in let VUIcountListHierarchy lestr -> nboff in set size = [(max (ew + (ox * nboff)) sw) (sh + eh + oy)]; if ((lestr.VUILE_iState == 0) && !allstate) then nil else set size = VUIgetListContentSize liststr lestr.VUILE_children size allstate; ); VUIgetListContentSize liststr (tl lestrlist) size allstate; );; fun VUIgetListFullContentSize(liststr, allstate)= let liststr.VUIL_tEltOffset -> [ox oy] in let liststr.VUIL_tMargin -> [mx my] in let VUIgetListContentSize liststr liststr.VUIL_lListElts liststr.VUIL_tMargin allstate -> [lw lh] in [(lw + mx * 2) (lh + my - oy)];; fun VUIupdateElementsCoords(contstr, eltlist)= if (eltlist == nil) then nil else ( let hd eltlist -> eltstr in ( if (!eltstr.VUIE_bVisible || (eltstr.VUIE_iType == VUI_EltListElement) || (eltstr.VUIE_iType == VUI_EltBtnMenu)) then nil else VUIupdateElementCoords contstr eltstr; VUIupdateElementsCoords contstr tl eltlist; ); ); 0;; fun VUIupdateElements(contstr, eltlist)= if (eltlist == nil) then nil else ( let hd eltlist -> eltstr in ( let if (eltstr.VUIE_parent == nil) then eltstr.VUIE_container.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_bJustDraw else eltstr.VUIE_parent.VUIE_bJustDraw -> pupdate in if (!eltstr.VUIE_bVisible || (eltstr.VUIE_iType == VUI_EltListElement) || (eltstr.VUIE_iType == VUI_EltBtnMenu)) then nil else let eltstr.VUIE_vContRect -> [ptx pty ptw pth] in let eltstr.VUIE_tLocalCoords -> [_ _ ocw och] in ( set eltstr.VUIE_vContRect = [0 0 0 0]; VUIupdateElement contstr eltstr; exec eltstr.VUIE_cbPreDraw with [eltstr]; //Scrolling if (!eltstr.VUIE_iScrollMode) then nil else ( //update elements to get the correct rect VUIupdateElementsCoords contstr eltstr.VUIE_children; //manage scroll on resize let eltstr.VUIE_tLocalCoords -> [_ _ dw dh] in let [(dw - ocw) (dh - och)] -> [ppw pph] in let eltstr.VUIE_tScroll -> [scx scy] in if ((ppw == 0) && (pph == 0)) then nil else set eltstr.VUIE_tScroll = [if (scx == 0) then 0 else (min 0 (scx + ppw)) if (scy == 0) then 0 else (min 0 (scy + pph))]; //manage scroll on sons change in cbPreDraw let eltstr.VUIE_tScroll -> [scx scy] in let eltstr.VUIE_vContRect -> [tx ty tw th] in let [(tw - ptw) (th - pth)] -> [ppw pph] in if ((ppw == 0) && (pph == 0)) then nil else set eltstr.VUIE_tScroll = [if (scx == 0) then 0 else (min 0 (scx - ppw)) if (scy == 0) then 0 else (min 0 (scy - pph))]; //show scroll buttons let eltstr.VUIE_tLocalCoords -> [_ _ cw ch] in let eltstr.VUIE_vContRect -> [tx ty tw th] in ( let eltstr.VUIE_tScroll -> [scx scy] in ( if !(eltstr.VUIE_iScrollMode & VUI_EltScrollV) then nil else ( set eltstr.VUIE_scrollTop.VUIE_bVisible = if (scy < 0) then 1 else 0; set eltstr.VUIE_scrollBottom.VUIE_bVisible = if (th > ch) && (scy > (-(th - ch))) then 1 else 0; ); if !(eltstr.VUIE_iScrollMode & VUI_EltScrollH) then nil else ( set eltstr.VUIE_scrollLeft.VUIE_bVisible = if (scx < 0) then 1 else 0; set eltstr.VUIE_scrollRight.VUIE_bVisible = if (tw > cw) && (scx > (-(tw - cw))) then 1 else 0; ); ); ); ); if (!VUI_DRAW_GLOBAL || (!contstr.VUICNT_bClearOnUpdate && !eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_bJustUpdated && !pupdate)) then nil else VUIdrawElement contstr eltstr; exec eltstr.VUIE_cbDraw with [eltstr]; VUIupdateElements contstr eltstr.VUIE_children; set eltstr.VUIE_bJustDraw = 0; ); ); VUIupdateElements contstr tl eltlist; ); 0;; fun VUIupdateContBuffer(contstr)= let contstr.VUICNT_buffer -> eltstr in let SO3WidgetGetSize contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_widget -> [pw ph] in let VUIscaleVec [pw ph] contstr.VUICNT_fScale -> [bw bh] in ( set eltstr.VUIE_bJustDraw = eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_bNeedUpdate; VUIupdateResourceBuffer eltstr.VUIE_resource bw bh; VUIupdateElements contstr contstr.VUICNT_lElements; /*let _GETalphaBitmapSize eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_oBuffer -> [w h] in let _CRBTmat _channel eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_oBuffer -> buff in ( SO3BitmapWidgetBlitBuffer contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_widget (_BTGETmatBuffer buff) w h 4; _DSBTmat buff; );*/ SO3BitmapWidgetBlitAlpha contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_widget eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_oBuffer; set eltstr.VUIE_bJustDraw = 0; ); 0;; fun VUIupdateListElement(liststr, eltstr, offset)= let liststr.VUIL_element.VUIE_container -> contstr in let if (eltstr.VUIE_parent != nil) then eltstr.VUIE_parent.VUIE_tDrawCoords else let VUIgetContainerBufferSize contstr -> [pw ph] in [0 0 pw ph 0 0] -> [vx vy vw vh pnx pny] in let VUIcomputeEposSize eltstr vw vh -> [dx dy dw dh] in let offset -> [ox oy] in let dx + ox -> dx in let dy + oy -> dy in let vx + dx -> gx in let vy + dy -> gy in let liststr.VUIL_element.VUIE_tDrawCoords -> [_ _ _ ph _ _] in ( set eltstr.VUIE_tLocalCoords = [dx dy dw dh]; set eltstr.VUIE_tGlobalCoords = [gx gy dw dh]; VUImakeElementDrawCoords eltstr; if ((dy > ph) || ((dy + dh) <= 0)) then ( set eltstr.VUIE_bVisible = 0; ) else ( set eltstr.VUIE_bVisible = 1; VUIupdateResourceBuffer eltstr.VUIE_resource dw dh; if (!VUI_DRAW_GLOBAL) then nil else VUIdrawElement eltstr.VUIE_container eltstr; //update childrens if any VUIupdateElements contstr eltstr.VUIE_children; if (VUI_DRAW_GLOBAL) then nil else VUIdrawElement eltstr.VUIE_container eltstr; set eltstr.VUIE_bJustDraw = 0; ); //offset [ox (dy + dh)]; );; fun VUIupdateListElements(liststr, lestrlist, offset)= if (lestrlist == nil) then offset else ( let hd lestrlist -> lestr in ( set offset = VUIupdateListElement liststr lestr.VUILE_element offset; if (lestr.VUILE_iState == 0) then nil else set offset = VUIupdateListElements liststr lestr.VUILE_children offset; ); VUIupdateListElements liststr (tl lestrlist) offset; );; fun VUIupdateListElementCoords(liststr, eltstr, offset)= let liststr.VUIL_element.VUIE_container -> contstr in let if (eltstr.VUIE_parent != nil) then eltstr.VUIE_parent.VUIE_tDrawCoords else let VUIgetContainerBufferSize contstr -> [pw ph] in [0 0 pw ph 0 0] -> [vx vy vw vh pnx pny] in let VUIcomputeEposSize eltstr vw vh -> [dx dy dw dh] in let offset -> [ox oy] in let dx + ox -> dx in let dy + oy -> dy in let vx + dx -> gx in let vy + dy -> gy in let liststr.VUIL_element.VUIE_tDrawCoords -> [_ _ _ ph _ _] in ( set eltstr.VUIE_tLocalCoords = [dx dy dw dh]; set eltstr.VUIE_tGlobalCoords = [gx gy dw dh]; VUImakeElementDrawCoords eltstr; //offset [ox (dy + dh)]; );; fun VUIupdateListElementsCoords(liststr, lestrlist, offset)= if (lestrlist == nil) then offset else ( let hd lestrlist -> lestr in ( set offset = VUIupdateListElementCoords liststr lestr.VUILE_element offset; set offset = VUIupdateListElementsCoords liststr lestr.VUILE_children offset; ); VUIupdateListElementsCoords liststr (tl lestrlist) offset; );; fun VUIgetListElementByName(liststr, lestrlist, value, ret)= if ((lestrlist == nil) || (ret != nil)) then ret else ( let hd lestrlist -> lestr in ( if (!strcmp lestr.VUILE_sValue value) then set ret = lestr else set ret = VUIgetListElementByName liststr lestr.VUILE_children value ret; ); VUIgetListElementByName liststr (tl lestrlist) value ret; );; fun VUIshowListElementNode(leltstr, state, sons)= if (!sons) then nil else set leltstr.VUILE_element.VUIE_bVisible = state; let leltstr.VUILE_children -> children in while (children != nil) do ( VUIshowListElementNode hd children (if !state then 0 else leltstr.VUILE_iState) 1; set children = tl children; ); 0;; fun VUIsetElementCheckState(eltstr, state)= if (eltstr.VUIE_iCheckState == state) then nil else ( set eltstr.VUIE_iCheckState = state; if (eltstr.VUIE_resource == nil) || (state > (eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iNbCols - 1)) then nil else ( //addLogMessage strcat "Check : " itoa state; set eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iCurCol = state; VUIelementNeedUpdate eltstr 0; ); exec eltstr.VUIE_cbCheck with [eltstr state]; ); 0;; fun VUIunfoldListElement(leltstr, state)= set leltstr.VUILE_iState = state; VUIshowListElementNode leltstr state 0; if (leltstr.VUILE_element.VUIE_children == nil) then nil else VUIsetElementCheckState hd leltstr.VUILE_element.VUIE_children state; 0;; fun VUIincElementCheckState(eltstr)= let if ((eltstr.VUIE_resource == nil) || (eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iNbCols < 2)) then !eltstr.VUIE_iCheckState else if ((eltstr.VUIE_iCheckState + 1) > (eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iNbCols - 1)) then 0 else eltstr.VUIE_iCheckState + 1 -> nstate in VUIsetElementCheckState eltstr nstate; 0;; fun VUIgetElementCheckState(eltstr)= eltstr.VUIE_iCheckState;; fun VUIsetElementIgnoreInput(eltstr, state)= set eltstr.VUIE_bIgnoreInput = state;; fun VUIgetElementIgnoreInput(eltstr)= eltstr.VUIE_bIgnoreInput;; fun VUIscrollList(liststr, delta)= //addLogMessage strcat "ScrollList : " itoa delta; let liststr.VUIL_tScroll -> [sw sh] in let VUIgetListFullContentSize liststr 0 -> [tw th] in let liststr.VUIL_element.VUIE_tGlobalCoords -> [_ _ cw ch] in let sh + delta -> offset in let if offset > (-(th - ch)) then offset else -(th - ch) -> nh in let if nh >= 0 then 0 else nh -> nh in if (nh == sh) then nil else ( set liststr.VUIL_tScroll = [sw nh]; VUIelementNeedUpdate liststr.VUIL_element 1; ); 0;; fun cbVUIlistScrollTimer(trm, p)= let p -> [liststr delta] in VUIscrollList liststr delta; 0;; fun cbVUIlistScrollBtnClick(eltstr, id, x, y , btn, p)= let p -> [liststr delta] in ( if (liststr.VUIL_trmScroll == nil) then nil else ( _deltimer liststr.VUIL_trmScroll; set liststr.VUIL_trmScroll = nil; ); set liststr.VUIL_trmScroll = _rfltimer _starttimer _channel 60 @cbVUIlistScrollTimer p; ); 0;; fun cbVUIlistScrollBtnUnClick(eltstr, id, x, y , btn, liststr)= if (liststr.VUIL_trmScroll == nil) then nil else ( _deltimer liststr.VUIL_trmScroll; set liststr.VUIL_trmScroll = nil; ); 0;; fun VUIdrawListCb(eltstr, liststr)= VUIupdateListElements liststr liststr.VUIL_lListElts liststr.VUIL_tScroll; let VUIgetListFullContentSize liststr 0 -> [tw th] in let liststr.VUIL_element.VUIE_tGlobalCoords -> [_ _ cw ch] in ( let liststr.VUIL_tScroll -> [sw sh] in let if ((liststr.VUIL_container.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt != liststr.VUIL_element) && (liststr.VUIL_container.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt.VUIE_parent != liststr.VUIL_element)) then [0 0] else liststr.VUIL_container.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_tMouseInertia -> [ix iy] in let sh + iy -> offset in let if offset > (-(th - ch)) then offset else -(th - ch) -> nh in let if nh >= 0 then 0 else nh -> nh in if (nh == sh) then nil else ( set liststr.VUIL_tScroll = [sw nh]; VUIelementNeedUpdate liststr.VUIL_element 1; ); let liststr.VUIL_tScroll -> [sw sh] in let if sh > (-(th - ch)) then sh else -(th - ch) -> nh in let if nh >= 0 then 0 else nh -> nh in ( //update scrolls set liststr.VUIL_scrollUp.VUIE_bVisible = if (nh >= 0) then 0 else 1; set liststr.VUIL_scrollDown.VUIE_bVisible = if sh > (-(th - ch)) then 1 else 0; ); ); 0;; fun VUIgetMenuContentSize(menustr, mbstrlist, size)= if (mbstrlist == nil) then size else ( let hd mbstrlist -> mbstr in ( let menustr.VUIM_tMargin -> [mx my] in let mbstr.VUIMB_element.VUIE_tLocalCoords -> [ex ey ew eh] in let size -> [sw sh] in let menustr.VUIM_iAlignMode -> alignmode in let if (alignmode == iVUIMNU_ALIGNRIGHT) then [(max ew sw) (sh + eh + my)] else if (alignmode == iVUIMNU_ALIGNTOP) then [(sw + ew + mx) (max eh sh)] else if (alignmode == iVUIMNU_ALIGNBOTTOM) then [(sw + ew + mx) (max eh sh)] else [(max ew sw) (sh + eh + my)] -> nsize in set size = nsize; ); VUIgetMenuContentSize menustr (tl mbstrlist) size; );; fun VUIgetMenuFullContentSize(menustr)= let menustr.VUIM_tEltOffset -> [ox oy] in let menustr.VUIM_tMargin -> [mx my] in let VUIgetMenuContentSize menustr menustr.VUIM_lBtnMenus menustr.VUIM_tMargin -> [lw lh] in [(lw + mx * 2) (lh + my)];; fun VUIupdateMenuElement(menustr, eltstr, offset)= let menustr.VUIM_tMargin -> [mx my] in let menustr.VUIM_iAlignMode -> alignmode in let offset -> [ox oy] in ( let if (alignmode == iVUIMNU_ALIGNRIGHT) then [[(itof mx) (itof (my + oy))] [2 0]] else if (alignmode == iVUIMNU_ALIGNTOP) then [[(itof (mx + ox)) (itof my)] [0 0]] else if (alignmode == iVUIMNU_ALIGNBOTTOM) then [[(itof (mx + ox)) (itof my)] [0 2]] else [[(itof mx) (itof (my + oy))] [0 0]] // left -> [pos align] in ( set eltstr.VUIE_vPos = pos; set eltstr.VUIE_tAlign = align; ); let menustr.VUIM_container -> contstr in let if (eltstr.VUIE_parent != nil) then eltstr.VUIE_parent.VUIE_tDrawCoords else let VUIgetContainerBufferSize contstr -> [pw ph] in [0 0 pw ph 0 0] -> [vx vy vw vh pnx pny] in let VUIcomputeEposSize eltstr vw vh -> [dx dy dw dh] in /*let offset -> [ox oy] in let dx + ox -> dx in let dy + oy -> dy in*/ let menustr.VUIM_element.VUIE_tDrawCoords -> [_ _ pw ph _ _] in ( set eltstr.VUIE_tLocalCoords = [dx dy dw dh]; let vx + dx -> dx in let vy + dy -> dy in set eltstr.VUIE_tGlobalCoords = [dx dy dw dh]; VUImakeElementDrawCoords eltstr; if ((dy > ph) || ((dy + dh) <= 0) || (dx > pw) || ((dx + dw) <= 0)) then ( set eltstr.VUIE_bVisible = 0; ) else ( set eltstr.VUIE_bVisible = 1; VUIupdateResourceBuffer eltstr.VUIE_resource dw dh; if (!VUI_DRAW_GLOBAL) then nil else VUIdrawElement eltstr.VUIE_container eltstr; //update childrens if any VUIupdateElements contstr eltstr.VUIE_children; if (VUI_DRAW_GLOBAL) then nil else VUIdrawElement eltstr.VUIE_container eltstr; set eltstr.VUIE_bJustDraw = 0; ); //offset if (alignmode == iVUIMNU_ALIGNRIGHT) then [ox (dy + dh)] else if (alignmode == iVUIMNU_ALIGNTOP) then [(dx + dw) oy] else if (alignmode == iVUIMNU_ALIGNBOTTOM) then [(dx + dw) oy] else [ox (dy + dh)]; ); );; fun VUIupdateMenuElements(menustr, mbstrlist, offset)= if (mbstrlist == nil) then offset else ( let hd mbstrlist -> mbstr in set offset = VUIupdateMenuElement menustr mbstr.VUIMB_element offset; VUIupdateMenuElements menustr (tl mbstrlist) offset; );; fun VUIscrollMenu(menustr, delta)= //addLogMessage strcat "ScrollMenu : " itoa delta; let menustr.VUIM_tScroll -> [sw sh] in let VUIgetMenuFullContentSize menustr -> [tw th] in let menustr.VUIM_element.VUIE_tGlobalCoords -> [_ _ cw ch] in let if (menustr.VUIM_iAlignMode == iVUIMNU_ALIGNRIGHT) || (menustr.VUIM_iAlignMode == iVUIMNU_ALIGNLEFT) then let sh + delta -> offset in let if offset > (-(th - ch)) then offset else -(th - ch) -> nh in let if nh >= 0 then 0 else nh -> nh in if (nh == sh) then nil else [sw nh] else let sw + delta -> offset in let if offset > (-(tw - cw)) then offset else -(tw - cw) -> nw in let if nw >= 0 then 0 else nw -> nw in if (nw == sw) then nil else [nw sh] -> nscroll in if (nscroll == nil) then nil else ( set menustr.VUIM_tScroll = nscroll; VUIelementNeedUpdate menustr.VUIM_element 1; ); 0;; fun cbVUImenuScrollTimer(trm, p)= let p -> [menustr delta] in VUIscrollMenu menustr delta; 0;; fun cbVUImenuScrollBtnClick(eltstr, id, x, y , btn, p)= let p -> [menustr delta] in ( if (menustr.VUIM_trmScroll == nil) then nil else ( _deltimer menustr.VUIM_trmScroll; set menustr.VUIM_trmScroll = nil; ); set menustr.VUIM_trmScroll = _rfltimer _starttimer _channel 60 @cbVUImenuScrollTimer p; ); 0;; fun cbVUImenuScrollBtnUnClick(eltstr, id, x, y , btn, menustr)= if (menustr.VUIM_trmScroll == nil) then nil else ( _deltimer menustr.VUIM_trmScroll; set menustr.VUIM_trmScroll = nil; ); 0;; fun VUIdrawMenuCb(eltstr, menustr)= VUIupdateMenuElements menustr menustr.VUIM_lBtnMenus menustr.VUIM_tScroll; let VUIgetMenuFullContentSize menustr -> [tw th] in let menustr.VUIM_element.VUIE_tGlobalCoords -> [_ _ cw ch] in ( let menustr.VUIM_tScroll -> [sw sh] in let if ((menustr.VUIM_container.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt != menustr.VUIM_element) && (menustr.VUIM_container.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt.VUIE_parent != menustr.VUIM_element)) then [0 0] else menustr.VUIM_container.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_tMouseInertia -> [ix iy] in let if (menustr.VUIM_iAlignMode == iVUIMNU_ALIGNRIGHT) || (menustr.VUIM_iAlignMode == iVUIMNU_ALIGNLEFT) then let sh + iy -> offset in let if offset > (-(th - ch)) then offset else -(th - ch) -> nh in let if nh >= 0 then 0 else nh -> nh in if (nh == sh) then nil else [sw nh] else let sw + ix -> offset in let if offset > (-(tw - cw)) then offset else -(tw - cw) -> nw in let if nw >= 0 then 0 else nw -> nw in if (nw == sw) then nil else [nw sh] -> nscroll in if (nscroll == nil) then nil else ( set menustr.VUIM_tScroll = nscroll; VUIelementNeedUpdate menustr.VUIM_element 1; ); let menustr.VUIM_tScroll -> [sw sh] in let if (menustr.VUIM_iAlignMode == iVUIMNU_ALIGNRIGHT) || (menustr.VUIM_iAlignMode == iVUIMNU_ALIGNLEFT) then let if sh > (-(th - ch)) then sh else -(th - ch) -> nh in let if nh >= 0 then 0 else nh -> nh in [(if (nh >= 0) then 0 else 1) (if sh > (-(th - ch)) then 1 else 0)] else let if sw > (-(tw - cw)) then sw else -(tw - cw) -> nw in let if nw >= 0 then 0 else nw -> nw in [(if (nw >= 0) then 0 else 1) (if sw > (-(tw - cw)) then 1 else 0)] -> [vu vd] in ( //update scrolls set menustr.VUIM_scrollPlus.VUIE_bVisible = vu; set menustr.VUIM_scrollMinus.VUIE_bVisible = vd; ); ); 0;; fun VUIscrollText(eltstr, delta)= //addLogMessage strcat "ScrollText : " itoa delta; if ((eltstr.VUIE_Text == nil) || !eltstr.VUIE_bVisible || !eltstr.VUIE_container.VUICNT_bVisible || !eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bMultiline) then 0 else let eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_tTextSize -> [tw th] in let eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_tScroll -> [sw sh] in let eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_tCoords -> [_ _ cw ch] in let sh + delta -> offset in let if offset > (-(th - ch)) then offset else -(th - ch) -> nh in let if nh >= 0 then 0 else nh -> nh in if (nh == sh) then 0 else ( set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_tScroll = [sw nh]; VUIelementNeedUpdate eltstr 1; 1; );; fun cbVUItextScrollTimer(trm, p)= let p -> [textstr delta] in VUIscrollText textstr.VUIT_parent delta; 0;; fun cbVUItextScrollBtnClick(eltstr, id, x, y , btn, p)= let p -> [textstr delta] in ( if (textstr.VUIT_trmScroll == nil) then nil else ( _deltimer textstr.VUIT_trmScroll; set textstr.VUIT_trmScroll = nil; ); set textstr.VUIT_trmScroll = _rfltimer _starttimer _channel 60 @cbVUItextScrollTimer p; ); 0;; fun cbVUItextScrollBtnUnClick(eltstr, id, x, y , btn, textstr)= if (textstr.VUIT_trmScroll == nil) then nil else ( _deltimer textstr.VUIT_trmScroll; set textstr.VUIT_trmScroll = nil; ); 0;; fun VUIscrollElement(eltstr, dx, dy)= let eltstr.VUIE_tScroll -> [sw sh] in let eltstr.VUIE_vContRect -> [tx ty tw th] in let eltstr.VUIE_tLocalCoords -> [_ _ cw ch] in let sh + dy -> yoff in let if yoff > (-(th - ch)) then yoff else -(th - ch) -> nh in let if nh >= 0 then 0 else nh -> nh in let sw + dx -> xoff in let if xoff > (-(tw - cw)) then xoff else -(tw - cw) -> nw in let if nw >= 0 then 0 else nw -> nw in if ((nh == sh) && (nw == sw)) then nil else ( set eltstr.VUIE_tScroll = [nw nh]; VUIelementNeedUpdate eltstr 1; ); 0;; fun cbVUIelementScrollTimer(trm, p)= let p -> [eltstr [dx dy]] in VUIscrollElement eltstr dx dy; 0;; fun cbVUIelementScrollBtnClick(eltstr, id, x, y , btn, p)= let p -> [seltstr delta] in ( if (seltstr.VUIE_trmScroll == nil) then nil else ( _deltimer seltstr.VUIE_trmScroll; set seltstr.VUIE_trmScroll = nil; ); set seltstr.VUIE_trmScroll = _rfltimer _starttimer _channel 60 @cbVUIelementScrollTimer p; ); 0;; fun cbVUIelementScrollBtnUnClick(eltstr, id, x, y , btn, seltstr)= if (seltstr.VUIE_trmScroll == nil) then nil else ( _deltimer seltstr.VUIE_trmScroll; set seltstr.VUIE_trmScroll = nil; ); 0;; fun VUImouseWheelMenuCb(eltstr, id, x, y, delta, menustr)= VUIscrollMenu menustr delta * 10; 0;; fun VUImouseMoveMenuCb(eltstr, id, x, y, btn, menustr)= let menustr.VUIM_container -> contstr in ( let switch contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vClickTrans id -> ct in if ((contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt != menustr.VUIM_element) && (contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt.VUIE_parent != menustr.VUIM_element)) || (ct == nil) then nil else let ct -> [tx ty] in VUIscrollMenu menustr (if ((menustr.VUIM_iAlignMode == iVUIMNU_ALIGNRIGHT) || (menustr.VUIM_iAlignMode == iVUIMNU_ALIGNLEFT)) then ty else tx); ); 0;; fun VUImouseWheelListCb(eltstr, id, x, y, delta, liststr)= VUIscrollList liststr delta * 10; 0;; fun VUImouseMoveListCb(eltstr, id, x, y, btn, liststr)= let liststr.VUIL_container -> contstr in ( let switch contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vClickTrans id -> ct in if ((contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt != liststr.VUIL_element) && (contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt.VUIE_parent != liststr.VUIL_element)) || (ct == nil) then nil else let ct -> [tx ty] in VUIscrollList liststr ty; ); 0;; fun VUIselectListElement(leltstr, state)= let leltstr.VUILE_list -> liststr in ( if (liststr.VUIL_bMultiSelect) then ( set liststr.VUIL_lSelected = if (state) then leltstr::liststr.VUIL_lSelected else remove_from_list liststr.VUIL_lSelected leltstr; ) else ( let hd liststr.VUIL_lSelected -> oeltstr in if (oeltstr == nil) then nil else VUIsetElementCheckState oeltstr.VUILE_element 0; //addLogMessage strcat "Select " leltstr.VUILE_element.VUIE_Text.VUIT_sContent; set liststr.VUIL_lSelected = leltstr::nil; ); //check let leltstr.VUILE_element -> eltstr in if (eltstr.VUIE_iCheckState == state) then nil else ( set eltstr.VUIE_iCheckState = state; if (eltstr.VUIE_resource == nil) || (state > (eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iNbCols - 1)) then nil else ( set eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iCurCol = state; VUIelementNeedUpdate eltstr 0; ); ); exec leltstr.VUILE_cbSelect with [leltstr]; if (!liststr.VUIL_bMultiSelect && !state) then nil else ( exec liststr.VUIL_cbSelect with [liststr liststr.VUIL_lSelected]; ); ); 0;; fun VUIselectListElementCb(eltstr, state, leltstr)= VUIselectListElement leltstr state; 0;; fun VUIcheckListElementCb(eltstr, state, leltstr)= if (leltstr.VUILE_children == nil) then nil else ( VUIunfoldListElement leltstr if (state > 0) then 1 else 0; VUIelementNeedUpdate leltstr.VUILE_list.VUIL_element 0; ); 0;; fun VUIsetContainerBackground(contstr, bgcolor, border, bdcolor, file, flags, nbstates, nbframes, framepersec)= VUImakeResource contstr.VUICNT_buffer bgcolor border bdcolor file flags nbstates nil nbframes framepersec; 0;; fun VUIsetContainerThemeCallback(contstr, cbfun)= set contstr.VUICNT_cbThemeUpdate = cbfun;; fun VUIexecElementOut(eltstr, id, isover)= if ((eltstr == nil) || eltstr.VUIE_iClick != 0) then nil else ( if (eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iCurState == 3) then nil else ( set eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iCurState = isover; //update bitmap if(eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iNbStates <= 0) then nil else VUIelementNeedUpdate eltstr 0; ); if (isover) then nil else ( exec eltstr.VUIE_cbMouseOut with [eltstr]; //addLogMessage "Mouse out elt"; set eltstr.VUIE_container.VUICNT_lastMouseInElt = remove_idx_from_list eltstr.VUIE_container.VUICNT_lastMouseInElt id; ); ); 0;; fun cbVUImouseIn(widget, contstr)= let 0 -> id in if (!contstr.VUICNT_bVisible || (contstr.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iCurState == 3) || (contstr.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_iClick != 0)) then nil else ( //addLogMessage "Mouse in"; set contstr.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iCurState = 1; //update bitmap if(contstr.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iNbStates <= 0) then nil else set contstr.VUICNT_bNeedUpdate = 1; exec contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_cbMouseIn with [contstr]; ); 0;; fun cbVUImouseOut(widget, contstr)= let 0 -> id in if (!contstr.VUICNT_bVisible || (contstr.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iCurState == 3) || (contstr.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_iClick != 0)) then nil else ( //addLogMessage "Mouse out"; let switch contstr.VUICNT_lastMouseInElt id -> feltstr in VUIexecElementOut feltstr id 0; set contstr.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iCurState = 0; //update bitmap if(contstr.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iNbStates <= 0) then nil else VUIelementNeedUpdate contstr.VUICNT_buffer 0; exec contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_cbMouseOut with [contstr]; ); 0;; fun VUIunclickElement(eltstr, id, x, y, btn, isover)= let eltstr.VUIE_container -> contstr in let switch contstr.VUICNT_lastMouseClElt id -> celtstr in ( let ftoi (32.0 /. fVUIPIXELDENSITY) -> tolerance in let ftoi (10.0 /. fVUIPIXELDENSITY) -> trtolerance in let switch contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vClickTrans id -> ct in let if (ct == nil) then [0 0] else ct -> [ix iy] in let contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_view -> viewstr in let V3DgetLastClickMove viewstr id -> lcm in let if (contstr.VUICNT_iMode == VUIC_VR) || (lcm == nil) then [0 0] else lcm -> [mx my] in ( if (((abs ix) < trtolerance) && ((abs iy) < trtolerance) && ((abs mx) < tolerance) && ((abs my) < tolerance)) then ( //fullclick if (eltstr != celtstr) then nil else ( exec eltstr.VUIE_cbFullClick with [eltstr id x y btn]; VUIincElementCheckState eltstr; ); 0; ); set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_tMouseInertia = [ix iy]; ); //update bitmap if ((celtstr == nil) || (celtstr.VUIE_iClick == 0)) then nil else ( set celtstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iCurState = 0; set celtstr.VUIE_iClick = 0; exec celtstr.VUIE_cbUnClick with [celtstr id x y btn]; set contstr.VUICNT_lastMouseClElt = remove_idx_from_list contstr.VUICNT_lastMouseClElt id; if(celtstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iNbStates <= 0) then nil else VUIelementNeedUpdate celtstr 0; ); let switch contstr.VUICNT_lastMouseInElt id -> feltstr in let if (eltstr == nil) then feltstr else eltstr -> eltstr in ( set eltstr.VUIE_iClick = 0; VUIexecElementOut eltstr id isover; ); set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vMousePos = remove_idx_from_list contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vMousePos id; set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vClickTrans = remove_idx_from_list contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vClickTrans id; let contstr.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iCurState -> lstate in ( set contstr.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iCurState = isover; //update bitmap if(contstr.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iNbStates <= 0) then nil else VUIelementNeedUpdate contstr.VUICNT_buffer 0; if (lstate != 2) then nil else exec contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_cbUnClick with [contstr x y btn]; if (isover) then nil else exec contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_cbMouseOut with [contstr]; ); set contstr.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_iClick = 0; ); 0;; fun VUIclickElement(eltstr, id, x, y, btn)= let eltstr.VUIE_container -> contstr in if ((eltstr == nil) || (eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iCurState == 3)) then nil else let 0 -> pushed in ( if ((eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iCurState == 2) && (eltstr.VUIE_iClick != 0)) then nil else set pushed = 1; set eltstr.VUIE_iClick = eltstr.VUIE_iClick | btn; set eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iCurState = 2; //update bitmap if(eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iNbStates <= 1) then nil else VUIelementNeedUpdate eltstr 0; if (!pushed) then nil else ( set contstr.VUICNT_lastMouseClElt = remove_idx_from_list contstr.VUICNT_lastMouseClElt id; set contstr.VUICNT_lastMouseClElt = [id eltstr]::contstr.VUICNT_lastMouseClElt; exec eltstr.VUIE_cbClick with [eltstr id x y btn]; // force unclick if the click hide the element or the container let if (!contstr.VUICNT_bVisible) then nil else VUIgetElementInCoord (revertlist contstr.VUICNT_lElements) x y -> feltstr in if (feltstr == eltstr) then nil else VUIunclickElement eltstr id x y btn 0; ); VUIsetFocusedElement contstr eltstr; if ((contstr.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iCurState == 2) && (contstr.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_iClick != 0)) then nil else set pushed = 1; set contstr.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_iClick = contstr.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_iClick | btn; set contstr.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iCurState = 2; //update bitmap if(contstr.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iNbStates <= 1) then nil else VUIelementNeedUpdate contstr.VUICNT_buffer 0; if (!pushed) then nil else exec contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_cbClick with [contstr x y btn]; ); 0;; fun cbVUIclick(widget, contstr, id, x, y, btn)= if (!contstr.VUICNT_bVisible || (contstr.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iCurState == 3)) then nil else ( //addLogMessage strcatn "Click in: "::(itoa x)::" "::(itoa y)::" "::(itoa btn)::nil; let VUIgetElementInCoord (revertlist contstr.VUICNT_lElements) x y -> feltstr in VUIclickElement feltstr id x y btn; set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vMousePos = remove_idx_from_list contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vMousePos id; set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vClickTrans = remove_idx_from_list contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vClickTrans id; set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vClickPos = remove_idx_from_list contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vClickPos id; set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vClickPos = [id [x y]]::contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vClickPos; ); 0;; fun cbVUIunClick(widget, contstr, id, x, y, btn)= if (!contstr.VUICNT_bVisible || (contstr.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iCurState == 3)) then nil else let SO3WidgetIsMouseOver contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_widget -> isover in let VUIgetElementInCoord (revertlist contstr.VUICNT_lElements) x y -> feltstr in let switch contstr.VUICNT_lastMouseClElt id -> celtstr in let if (feltstr == nil) then celtstr else feltstr -> feltstr in VUIunclickElement feltstr id x y btn (celtstr == feltstr); set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vClickPos = remove_idx_from_list contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vClickPos id; //SO3WidgetUnFocus contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_widget; 0;; fun VUImouseMoveElement(eltstr, id, x, y, btn)= let eltstr.VUIE_container -> contstr in let switch contstr.VUICNT_lastMouseInElt id -> feltstr in ( if (feltstr == eltstr) then nil else ( VUIexecElementOut feltstr id 0; //check if the input is still there let switch contstr.VUICNT_lastMouseInElt id -> feltstr in if (eltstr == nil) || (feltstr != nil) || (eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_bNeedUpdate) then nil else ( if (eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iCurState == 3) then nil else ( set eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iCurState = 1; //update bitmap if(eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iNbStates <= 0) then nil else VUIelementNeedUpdate eltstr 0; ); //addLogMessage strcat "Mouse in: " eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_sContent; set contstr.VUICNT_lastMouseInElt = [id eltstr]::contstr.VUICNT_lastMouseInElt; //addLogMessage "Mouse in elt"; exec eltstr.VUIE_cbMouseIn with [eltstr]; ); ); let VUIgetScrollableElement contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt -> scrollstr in if ((scrollstr == nil) && (!contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bMultiline)) then nil else ( let switch contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vClickTrans id -> ct in if (ct == nil) then nil else let ct -> [tx ty] in ( if (scrollstr != nil) then let if (scrollstr.VUIE_iScrollMode & VUI_EltScrollV) then ty else 0 -> ty in let if (scrollstr.VUIE_iScrollMode & VUI_EltScrollH) then tx else 0 -> tx in VUIscrollElement scrollstr tx ty else VUIscrollText contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt ty; ); ); //call the wheel callback on the first parent found let eltstr.VUIE_cbMouseMove -> cbfun in ( let eltstr -> wstr in while (cbfun == nil && wstr != nil) do ( set wstr = wstr.VUIE_parent; set cbfun = wstr.VUIE_cbMouseMove; ); if (cbfun == nil) then nil else exec cbfun with [eltstr id x y btn]; ); ); 0;; fun cbVUImouseMove(widget, contstr, id, x, y, btn)= let SO3WidgetIsMouseOver contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_widget -> isover in let switch contstr.VUICNT_lastMouseInElt id -> feltstr in if (!isover) then nil else ( let switch contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vMousePos id -> mp in let if (mp == nil) then [x y] else mp -> [mx my] in if (btn == 0) then ( set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vClickTrans = remove_idx_from_list contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vClickTrans id; ) else ( let switch contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vClickPos id -> [ox oy] in let if (id > 0) then 32 else 0 -> trtolerance in ( set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vClickTrans = remove_idx_from_list contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vClickTrans id; if (((abs (x - ox)) < trtolerance) && ((abs (y - oy)) < trtolerance)) then nil else set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vClickTrans = [id [(x - mx) (y - my)]]::contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vClickTrans; ); ); set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vMousePos = remove_idx_from_list contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vMousePos id; set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vMousePos = [id [x y]]::contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vMousePos; //addLogMessage strcatn "Move in: "::(itoa x)::" "::(itoa y)::" "::(itoa btn)::nil; let VUIgetElementInCoord (revertlist contstr.VUICNT_lElements) x y -> eltstr in ( /*let if (eltstr.VUIE_iType == VUI_EltButton) then "button" else if (eltstr.VUIE_iType == VUI_EltEditText) then "editText" else if (eltstr.VUIE_iType == VUI_EltSelect) then "select" else if (eltstr.VUIE_iType == VUI_EltListElement) then "listElement" else if (eltstr.VUIE_iType == VUI_EltFrame) then "frame" else nil -> stype in addLogMessage strcat "Mouse in: " stype; */ VUImouseMoveElement eltstr id x y btn; if (eltstr != nil) then nil else VUIexecElementOut feltstr id 0; ); exec contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_cbMouseMove with [contstr x y btn]; ); 0;; fun cbVUImouseWheel(widget, contstr, id, x, y, delta)= let SO3WidgetIsMouseOver contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_widget -> isover in let switch contstr.VUICNT_lastMouseInElt id -> feltstr in if (!isover || (feltstr == nil)) then nil else ( //addLogMessage strcatn "Wheel in: "::(itoa x)::" "::(itoa y)::" "::(itoa delta)::nil; if (VUIscrollText feltstr delta * 10) then nil else ( //call the wheel callback on the first parent found let feltstr.VUIE_cbMouseWheel -> cbfun in ( let feltstr -> wstr in while (cbfun == nil && wstr != nil) do ( set wstr = wstr.VUIE_parent; set cbfun = wstr.VUIE_cbMouseWheel; ); if (cbfun != nil) then ( exec cbfun with [feltstr id x y delta]; 0; ) else ( let VUIgetScrollableElement contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt -> scrollstr in if !(scrollstr.VUIE_iScrollMode & VUI_EltScrollV) then nil else VUIscrollElement scrollstr 0 delta * 10; 0; ); ); ); ); 0;; fun cbVUITouchTimer(trm, contstr)= _deltimer trm; set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_trmTouchTimeOut = nil; SO3WidgetInputDownEventCb contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_widget @cbVUIclick contstr; SO3WidgetInputUpEventCb contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_widget @cbVUIunClick contstr; SO3WidgetInputUpdateEventCb contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_widget @cbVUImouseMove contstr; 0;; fun cbVUITouchAdd(widget, contstr, id, x, y)= //disable mouse input if (contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_trmTouchTimeOut == nil) then nil else ( _deltimer contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_trmTouchTimeOut; set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_trmTouchTimeOut = nil; ); SO3WidgetInputDownEventCb contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_widget nil nil; SO3WidgetInputUpEventCb contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_widget nil nil; SO3WidgetInputUpdateEventCb contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_widget nil nil; if (!contstr.VUICNT_bVisible || (contstr.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iCurState == 3)) then nil else ( //addLogMessage strcatn "Click in: "::(itoa x)::" "::(itoa y)::" "::(itoa btn)::nil; let VUIgetElementInCoord (revertlist contstr.VUICNT_lElements) x y -> feltstr in VUIclickElement feltstr id x y 1; set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vClickTrans = remove_idx_from_list contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vClickTrans id; set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vMousePos = remove_idx_from_list contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vMousePos id; set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vClickPos = remove_idx_from_list contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vClickPos id; set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vClickPos = [id [x y]]::contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vClickPos; ); 0;; fun cbVUITouchRemove(widget, contstr, id, x, y)= if (!contstr.VUICNT_bVisible || (contstr.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iCurState == 3)) then nil else let VUIgetElementInCoord (revertlist contstr.VUICNT_lElements) x y -> feltstr in let switch contstr.VUICNT_lastMouseClElt id -> celtstr in let if (feltstr == nil) then celtstr else feltstr -> feltstr in VUIunclickElement feltstr id x y 1 0; if (contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_trmTouchTimeOut == nil) then nil else _deltimer contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_trmTouchTimeOut; set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vClickPos = remove_idx_from_list contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vClickPos id; set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_trmTouchTimeOut = _rfltimer _starttimer _channel 4000 @cbVUITouchTimer contstr; 0;; fun cbVUITouchUpdate(widget, contstr, id, x, y, vx, vy)= if (contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_trmTouchTimeOut == nil) then nil else _deltimer contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_trmTouchTimeOut; let switch contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vMousePos id -> mp in let if (mp == nil) then [x y] else mp -> [mx my] in ( set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vClickTrans = remove_idx_from_list contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vClickTrans id; set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vClickTrans = [id [(x - mx) (y - my)]]::contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vClickTrans; ); set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vMousePos = remove_idx_from_list contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vMousePos id; set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vMousePos = [id [x y]]::contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vMousePos; let VUIgetElementInCoord (revertlist contstr.VUICNT_lElements) x y -> eltstr in ( VUImouseMoveElement eltstr id x y 1; let switch contstr.VUICNT_lastMouseInElt id -> feltstr in if (eltstr != nil) then nil else VUIexecElementOut feltstr id 0; ); exec contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_cbMouseMove with [contstr x y 1]; 0;; fun cbVUIfocused(widget, contstr, state)= if ((VUIdefVrKeyboard.VUIK_bVisible && (VUI_focusedContainer == contstr)) || (contstr == VUIdefVrKeyboard.VUIK_txtContainer) || (contstr == VUIdefVrKeyboard.VUIK_upContainer) || (contstr == VUIdefVrKeyboard.VUIK_symContainer) || (contstr == VUIdefVrKeyboard.VUIK_numContainer) || (contstr == VUIdefVrKeyboard.VUIK_toolContainer)) then nil else ( if (VUI_focusedContainer == contstr) then nil else ( VUIsetFocusedElement VUI_focusedContainer nil; exec VUI_focusedContainer.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_cbFocused with [VUI_focusedContainer 0]; ); if (state) then nil else VUIsetFocusedElement contstr nil; set VUI_focusedContainer = if (state) then contstr else nil; exec contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_cbFocused with [contstr state]; ); 0;; /* ********************************************************************************************* / 3D container / ********************************************************************************************* */ /*! @ingroup VUIApi * \brief Get the offset of a 3d container to its center. Relative to the label size * * Prototype: fun [VUIcontainer] [F F] * * \param VUIcontainer : container * * \return [F F] : offset **/ fun VUIget3DContainerOffset(contstr)= let contstr.VUICNT_str3d -> vrcontstr in vrcontstr.VUI3D_vOffset;; /*! @ingroup VUIApi * \brief Set the offset of a 3d container to its center. Relative to the label size * * Prototype: fun [VUIcontainer [F F]] I * * \param VUIcontainer : container * \param [F F] : offset * * \return I : 0 **/ fun VUIset3DContainerOffset(contstr, offset)= let contstr.VUICNT_str3d -> vrcontstr in ( set vrcontstr.VUI3D_vOffset = offset; let offset -> [xoff yoff] in SO3ObjectSetPosition vrcontstr.VUI3D_plane [xoff yoff 0.0]; ); 0;; /*! @ingroup VUIApi * \brief Get the Max auto scale of a 3d container * * Prototype: fun [VUIcontainer] F * * \param VUIcontainer : container * * \return F : max auto scale **/ fun VUIget3DContainerMaxAutoScale(contstr)= let contstr.VUICNT_str3d -> vrcontstr in vrcontstr.VUI3D_fMaxAutoscaleDist;; /*! @ingroup VUIApi * \brief Set the Max auto scale of a 3d container * * Prototype: fun [VUIcontainer F] I * * \param VUIcontainer : container * \param F : max auto scale * * \return I : 0 **/ fun VUIset3DContainerMaxAutoScale(contstr, scale)= let contstr.VUICNT_str3d -> vrcontstr in set vrcontstr.VUI3D_fMaxAutoscaleDist = scale; 0;; /*! @ingroup VUIApi * \brief Get the auto scale state of a 3d container * * Prototype: fun [VUIcontainer] I * * \param VUIcontainer : container * * \return I : Auto scale state **/ fun VUIget3DContainerAutoScale(contstr)= let contstr.VUICNT_str3d -> vrcontstr in vrcontstr.VUI3D_bAutoScale;; /*! @ingroup VUIApi * \brief Set the auto scale state of a 3d container * * Prototype: fun [VUIcontainer I] I * * \param VUIcontainer : container * \param I : auto scale state * * \return I : 0 **/ fun VUIset3DContainerAutoScale(contstr, state)= let contstr.VUICNT_str3d -> vrcontstr in set vrcontstr.VUI3D_bAutoScale = state; 0;; /*! @ingroup VUIApi * \brief Get the scale of a 3d container * * Prototype: fun [VUIcontainer] F * * \param VUIcontainer : container * * \return F : scale **/ fun VUIget3DContainerScale(contstr)= let contstr.VUICNT_str3d -> vrcontstr in vrcontstr.VUI3D_fScale;; /*! @ingroup VUIApi * \brief Set the scale of a 3d container * * Prototype: fun [VUIcontainer F] I * * \param VUIcontainer : container * \param F : scale * * \return I : 0 **/ fun VUIset3DContainerScale(contstr, scale)= let contstr.VUICNT_str3d -> vrcontstr in let SO3WidgetGetSize contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_widget -> [w h] in let 0.01 -> coef in if scale == nil then nil else ( set vrcontstr.VUI3D_fScale = scale; if (vrcontstr.VUI3D_bAutoScale == 1) then nil else SO3ObjectSetScale vrcontstr.VUI3D_node [(scale *. (itof w) *. coef) (scale *. (itof h) *. coef) (scale *. (itof h) *. coef)]; ); 0;; /*! @ingroup VUIApi * \brief Set the orientation of a 3d container * * Prototype: fun [VUIcontainer [F F F F]] I * * \param VUIcontainer : container * \param [F F F F] : quaternion * * \return I : 0 **/ fun VUIset3DContainerOrientation(contstr, quat)= let contstr.VUICNT_str3d -> vrcontstr in if quat == nil then nil else ( if (vrcontstr.VUI3D_bAutoTarget == 1) then nil else SO3ObjectSetOrientation vrcontstr.VUI3D_node quat; ); 0;; /*! @ingroup VUIApi * \brief Set the position of a 3d container * * Prototype: fun [VUIcontainer [F F F]] I * * \param VUIcontainer : container * \param [F F F] : position * * \return I : 0 **/ fun VUIset3DContainerPosition(contstr, pos)= let contstr.VUICNT_str3d -> vrcontstr in if pos == nil then nil else ( set vrcontstr.VUI3D_vPos = pos; SO3ObjectSetPosition vrcontstr.VUI3D_node pos; ); 0;; /*! @ingroup VUIApi * \brief Get the position of a 3d container * * Prototype: fun [VUIcontainer] [F F F] * * \param VUIcontainer : container * * \return [F F F] : position **/ fun VUIget3DContainerPosition(contstr)= let contstr.VUICNT_str3d -> vrcontstr in SO3ObjectGetGlobalPosition vrcontstr.VUI3D_node;; /*! @ingroup VUIApi * \brief Set the visibility of a 3d container * * Prototype: fun [VUIcontainer I] I * * \param VUIcontainer : container * \param I : boolean (1: visible, 0: not visible) * * \return I : 0 **/ fun VUIset3DContainerVisible(contstr, visible)= let contstr.VUICNT_str3d -> vrcontstr in SO3ObjectSetVisible vrcontstr.VUI3D_plane visible 1; 0;; /*! @ingroup VUIApi * \brief Set the parent target to follow of a 3d container * * Prototype: fun [VUIcontainer SO3_OBJECT] I * * \param VUIcontainer : container * \param SO3_OBJECT : parent object * * \return I : 0 **/ fun VUIset3DContainerParentTarget(contstr, target)= set contstr.VUICNT_str3d.VUI3D_target = target; 0;; /*! @ingroup VUIApi * \brief Refresh the position / rotation / scale of a Vr container for the actual camera position * * Prototype: fun [V3Dsession VUIcontainer I] I * * \param V3Dsession : session * \param VUIcontainer : container * \param I : Z order * * \return I : 0 **/ fun VUIrefreshVrContainerPosition(sessionstr, contstr, contsize, scale, zorder)= let V3DgetSessionView sessionstr -> viewstr in let (V3DgetDefaultViewport viewstr) -> viewportstr in let SO3ViewportGetCamera viewportstr.V3D_viewport -> camera in let SO3ObjectGetGlobalPosition camera -> gpos in let SO3ObjectGetGlobalOrientation camera -> gquat in let SO3MathsQuatToEulerPYR gquat -> [ax ay az] in let SO3MathsEulerPYRToQuat [0.0 ay 0.0] -> gquat in let if (viewstr.V3D_bVRmode) then SO3MathsDegreeToRadian iVUIBASEVRFOV else (SO3CameraGetFOVy camera) *. 0.5 -> fovy in let contsize -> [width height] in let iVUIBASEVRDIST +. (0.01 *. (itof zorder)) -> dist in let (dist *. (absf (tan fovy))) *. 2.0 -> ch in let ch /. (itof iVUIBASEVRHEIGHT) -> pph in let (minf pph (ch /. ((maxf width height) +. iVUIBASEVRMARGIN))) *. 100.0 *. scale -> nscale in // 50.0 margin let SO3MathsQuatGetDirection gquat [0.0 0.0 (-.dist)] -> cdir in let addVectorF gpos cdir -> pos in ( SO3ObjectSetPosition contstr.VUICNT_str3d.VUI3D_node pos; SO3ObjectSetOrientation contstr.VUICNT_str3d.VUI3D_node gquat; VUIset3DContainerScale contstr nscale; ); 0;; fun VUIupdate3DContainer(contstr, sessionstr)= let contstr.VUICNT_str3d -> vrcontstr in let sessionstr.V3D_sessionView -> viewstr in let V3DgetDefaultViewport viewstr -> viewportstr in let V3DgetViewportCamera viewportstr -> cam in let if (viewstr.V3D_bVRmode) then 2.0 else 1.093 -> scalecoef in //Scale coefficient so the pixels of the texture match the pixels of the screen when fScale = 1.0 autoscale is on ( if (!vrcontstr.VUI3D_bAutoTarget) then ( if (vrcontstr.VUI3D_target == nil) then nil else SO3ObjectSetGlobalOrientation vrcontstr.VUI3D_node SO3ObjectGetGlobalOrientation vrcontstr.VUI3D_target; ) else ( let if (viewstr.V3D_bVRmode) then let SO3ObjectGetNodeFacingOrientation vrcontstr.VUI3D_node cam nil nil -> fquat in let SO3MathsQuatToEulerPYR fquat -> [xdir ydir _] in SO3MathsEulerPYRToQuat [xdir ydir 0.0] else SO3ObjectGetGlobalOrientation cam -> dirquat in SO3ObjectSetGlobalOrientation vrcontstr.VUI3D_node dirquat; ); if (vrcontstr.VUI3D_target == nil) then nil else let SO3ObjectGetGlobalPosition vrcontstr.VUI3D_target -> pos in VUIset3DContainerPosition contstr pos; if (vrcontstr.VUI3D_bAutoScale == 0) then nil else ( let V3DgetViewportSize viewstr viewportstr -> [_ _ _ vh] in let if (vh <= 0) then 1 else if (viewstr.V3D_bVRmode) then iVUIBASEVRHEIGHT else vh -> vh in let V3DgetOrthographicMode cam -> ortho in let if ortho then V3DgetOrthographicScale cam else 0.0 -> cscale in let if (viewstr.V3D_bVRmode) then SO3MathsDegreeToRadian iVUIBASEVRFOV else (SO3CameraGetFOVy cam) -> fovy in let if ((fovy <=. 0.0) || ortho) then 1.0 else fovy -> fovy in let SO3ObjectGetGlobalPosition cam -> campos in let SO3WidgetGetSize contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_widget -> [w h] in let if (cscale != 0.0) then cscale *. scalecoef *. vrcontstr.VUI3D_fScale else if (viewstr.V3D_bVRmode) then getVectorDistanceF campos vrcontstr.VUI3D_vPos else let SO3ObjectGetGlobalOrientation cam -> camquat in let normalizeVectorF (SO3MathsQuatGetDirection camquat [0.0 0.0 (-.1.0)]) -> dir in (dotVectorF (subVectorF vrcontstr.VUI3D_vPos campos) dir) -> dist in let /*if (viewstr.V3D_bVRmode) then 0.5 *. vrcontstr.VUI3D_fMaxAutoscaleDist else*/ vrcontstr.VUI3D_fMaxAutoscaleDist -> maxScaleDist in let if (maxScaleDist <=. 0.0) then dist else minf dist maxScaleDist -> dist in let maxf 0.000001 (dist *. scalecoef *. vrcontstr.VUI3D_fScale *. fovy /. (itof vh)) -> cdist in SO3ObjectSetScale vrcontstr.VUI3D_node [(itof w) *. cdist (itof h) *. cdist (itof h) *. cdist]; // Y scale needs to be set too for the Y offset to work correctly ); ); 0;; /*! @ingroup VUIApi * \brief Set a container inputs states * * Prototype: fun [VUIcontainer I] I * * \param VUIcontainer : container * \param I : boolean (1: enable, 0: disable mouse / keyboard) * * \return I : 0 **/ fun VUIsetContainerInputsEnable(contstr, state)= set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_bEnableInputs = state; if (contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_widget == nil) then nil else SO3WidgetSetMouseEnable contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_widget state; 0;; /*! @ingroup VUIApi * \brief Get a container inputs states * * Prototype: fun [VUIcontainer] I * * \param VUIcontainer : container * * \return I : boolean (1: enable, 0: disable mouse / keyboard) **/ fun VUIgetContainerInputsEnable(contstr)= contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_bEnableInputs;; fun VUIinitContainer(contstr)= let contstr.VUICNT_strw -> contwstr in if (contwstr == nil) then nil else let V3DgetDefaultViewport contwstr.VUIW_view -> viewportstr in let V3DgetViewportSize contwstr.VUIW_view viewportstr -> [_ _ vw vh] in let if ((contstr.VUICNT_iSizeMode == VUI_ContSizeScale) && !contwstr.VUIW_bOnMaterial) then set contstr.VUICNT_fScale = if (contwstr.VUIW_view.V3D_bVRmode) then fVUIGlobalScaleFactor else fVUIPIXELDENSITY else 1.0 -> scale in let contwstr.VUIW_vSize -> [w h] in ( //create the widget if not available yet if (contwstr.VUIW_widget != nil) then nil else let V3DgetDefaultSession contwstr.VUIW_view -> sessionstr in ( //increment automatic name index set VUI_NameIndex = VUI_NameIndex + 1; if (contwstr.VUIW_bOnMaterial) then ( set contstr.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_tGlobalCoords = [0 0 (ftoi w) (ftoi h)]; set contstr.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_tLocalCoords = [0 0 (ftoi w) (ftoi h)]; set contwstr.VUIW_widget = SO3BitmapWidgetCreateOnMaterial (V3DgetSession sessionstr) contwstr.VUIW_material (strcat "HUDCtrl" (itoa VUI_NameIndex)) (ftoi w) (ftoi h) contwstr.VUIW_iTechnique contwstr.VUIW_iPass contwstr.VUIW_iTexture; if (contstr.VUICNT_str3d == nil) then nil else VUIset3DContainerScale contstr contstr.VUICNT_str3d.VUI3D_fScale; 0; ) else if (contwstr.VUIW_bOnBackground) then ( let VUIcomputeWposSize contstr vw vh -> [px py pw ph] in set contwstr.VUIW_widget = SO3BitmapWidgetCreateBackground (V3DgetSession sessionstr) viewportstr.V3D_viewport (strcat "HUDCtrl" (itoa VUI_NameIndex)) px py pw ph; 0; ) else ( let VUIcomputeWposSize contstr vw vh -> [px py pw ph] in set contwstr.VUIW_widget = SO3BitmapWidgetCreate (V3DgetSession sessionstr) viewportstr.V3D_viewport (strcat "HUDCtrl" (itoa VUI_NameIndex)) px py pw ph contwstr.VUIW_iZorder; 0; ); V3DaddWidgetControl viewportstr contwstr.VUIW_widget; ); if (contwstr.VUIW_bOnMaterial) then nil else let VUIcomputeWposSize contstr vw vh -> [px py pw ph] in ( SO3WidgetSetPosition contwstr.VUIW_widget px py; SO3WidgetSetSize contwstr.VUIW_widget pw ph; ); SO3WidgetEnterEventCb contwstr.VUIW_widget @cbVUImouseIn contstr; SO3WidgetExitEventCb contwstr.VUIW_widget @cbVUImouseOut contstr; SO3WidgetFocusEventCb contwstr.VUIW_widget @cbVUIfocused contstr; SO3WidgetInputDownEventCb contwstr.VUIW_widget @cbVUIclick contstr; SO3WidgetInputUpEventCb contwstr.VUIW_widget @cbVUIunClick contstr; SO3WidgetInputUpdateEventCb contwstr.VUIW_widget @cbVUImouseMove contstr; SO3WidgetInputWheelEventCb contwstr.VUIW_widget @cbVUImouseWheel contstr; SO3WidgetTouchAddEventCb contwstr.VUIW_widget @cbVUITouchAdd contstr; SO3WidgetTouchRemoveEventCb contwstr.VUIW_widget @cbVUITouchRemove contstr; SO3WidgetTouchUpdateEventCb contwstr.VUIW_widget @cbVUITouchUpdate contstr; SO3WidgetSetKeyboardEnable contwstr.VUIW_widget 0; SO3WidgetSetMouseEnable contwstr.VUIW_widget contwstr.VUIW_bEnableInputs; SO3WidgetSetTransparency contwstr.VUIW_widget 1; SO3WidgetSetOpacity contwstr.VUIW_widget (itof contwstr.VUIW_iOpacity) *. 0.01; SO3WidgetSetVisibility contwstr.VUIW_widget 0; SO3WidgetSetTextureRatio contwstr.VUIW_widget contwstr.VUIW_fQuality; //create / update bitmap buffer VUIupdateContBuffer contstr; ); 0;; fun VUIsetElementsResourceUpdateState(eltlist, state)= if (eltlist == nil) then nil else ( let hd eltlist -> eltstr in ( set eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_bEnable = state; VUIsetElementsResourceUpdateState eltstr.VUIE_children state; ); VUIsetElementsResourceUpdateState (tl eltlist) state; ); 0;; fun VUIsetContainerResourcesUpdateState(contstr, state)= set contstr.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_resource.VUIR_bEnable = state; VUIsetElementsResourceUpdateState contstr.VUICNT_lElements state; 0;; fun VUIsetFocusedContainer(contstr)= SO3WidgetSetFocus contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_widget; 0;; fun VUIshowContainer(contstr, state)= if (contstr.VUICNT_bVisible == state) then nil else ( if (state) then ( //compute the container visuals VUIinitContainer contstr; VUIshowContainerW contstr.VUICNT_strw state; VUIset3DContainerVisible contstr state; VUIsetContainerResourcesUpdateState contstr 1; VUIelementNeedUpdate contstr.VUICNT_buffer 0; set VUIcontainerEnableList = contstr::VUIcontainerEnableList; VUIsetFocusedContainer contstr; VUIsetFocusedElement contstr nil; 0; ) else ( set VUIcontainerEnableList = remove_from_list VUIcontainerEnableList contstr; VUIshowContainerW contstr.VUICNT_strw 0; VUIset3DContainerVisible contstr state; VUIsetContainerResourcesUpdateState contstr 0; //reset all over states let contstr.VUICNT_lastMouseInElt -> l in while (l != nil) do ( let hd l -> [id eltstr] in VUIexecElementOut eltstr id 0; set l = tl l; ); 0; ); set contstr.VUICNT_bVisible = state; ); 0;; /*! @ingroup v3DHUDApi * \brief Create a 3D container for VR * * Prototype: fun [V3Dsession [F F] [F F] [I I] F I I I I I] VUIcontainer * * \param V3Dsession : the 3d scene structure * * \return VUIcontainer : the new 3D container **/ fun VUIcreate3dContainer(sessionstr, groupstr, pos, offset, contsize, scale, autoscale, maxautoscaledist, autotarget, opacity, ontop)= let V3DgetSessionView sessionstr -> viewstr in let contsize -> [width height] in let VUImakeContainer VUIC_3D groupstr -> contstr in let VUImake3Dcont contstr sessionstr pos offset scale autoscale maxautoscaledist autotarget ontop -> vrcontstr in let VUImakeWcont contstr viewstr 0.0 0.0 width height nil nil opacity 0 -> wcontstr in ( set wcontstr.VUIW_bOnMaterial = 1; set wcontstr.VUIW_material = vrcontstr.VUI3D_material; set wcontstr.VUIW_iTechnique = 0; set wcontstr.VUIW_iPass = 0; set wcontstr.VUIW_iTexture = 0; contstr; );; /*! @ingroup v3DHUDApi * \brief Create a 3D container for VR * * Prototype: fun [V3Dsession [F F] [I I] F I I I] VUIcontainer * * \param V3Dsession : the 3d scene structure * * \return VUIcontainer : the new 3D container **/ fun VUIcreateVrContainer(sessionstr, groupstr, offset, contsize, scale, opacity, ontop, zorder)= let V3DgetSessionView sessionstr -> viewstr in let (V3DgetDefaultViewport viewstr) -> viewportstr in let SO3ViewportGetCamera viewportstr.V3D_viewport -> camera in let SO3ObjectGetGlobalPosition camera -> gpos in let SO3ObjectGetGlobalOrientation camera -> gquat in let SO3MathsQuatToEulerPYR gquat -> [ax ay az] in let SO3MathsEulerPYRToQuat [0.0 ay 0.0] -> gquat in let if (viewstr.V3D_bVRmode) then SO3MathsDegreeToRadian iVUIBASEVRFOV else (SO3CameraGetFOVy camera) *. 0.5 -> fovy in let contsize -> [width height] in let iVUIBASEVRDIST +. (0.01 *. (itof zorder)) -> dist in let (dist *. (absf (tan fovy))) *. 2.0 -> ch in let ch /. (itof iVUIBASEVRHEIGHT) -> pph in let (minf pph (ch /. ((maxf width height) +. iVUIBASEVRMARGIN))) *. 100.0 *. scale -> nscale in // 50.0 margin let SO3MathsQuatGetDirection gquat [0.0 0.0 (-.dist)] -> cdir in let addVectorF gpos cdir -> pos in let VUImakeContainer VUIC_VR groupstr -> contstr in let VUImake3Dcont contstr sessionstr pos offset nscale 0 0.0 0 ontop -> vrcontstr in let VUImakeWcont contstr viewstr 0.0 0.0 width height nil nil opacity 0 -> wcontstr in ( set wcontstr.VUIW_bOnMaterial = 1; set wcontstr.VUIW_material = vrcontstr.VUI3D_material; set wcontstr.VUIW_iTechnique = 0; set wcontstr.VUIW_iPass = 0; set wcontstr.VUIW_iTexture = 0; SO3ObjectSetOrientation contstr.VUICNT_str3d.VUI3D_node gquat; contstr; );; fun VUIcreateContainerOnMaterial(sessionstr, groupstr, material, technique, pass, texunit, size, opacity)= let V3DgetSessionView sessionstr -> viewstr in let VUImakeContainer VUIC_Material groupstr -> contstr in let size -> [width height] in let VUImakeWcont contstr viewstr 0.0 0.0 width height nil nil opacity 0 -> wcontstr in ( set wcontstr.VUIW_bOnMaterial = 1; set wcontstr.VUIW_material = material; set wcontstr.VUIW_iTechnique = technique; set wcontstr.VUIW_iPass = pass; set wcontstr.VUIW_iTexture = texunit; contstr; );; fun VUIcreateContainerOnBackground(viewstr, groupstr, pos, size, ratiosize, align, opacity)= let VUImakeContainer VUIC_2D groupstr -> contstr in let pos -> [xpos ypos] in let size -> [width height] in ( VUImakeWcont contstr viewstr xpos ypos width height ratiosize align opacity 100; set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_bOnBackground = 1; contstr; );; fun VUIcreateContainer(viewstr, groupstr, pos, size, ratiosize, align, opacity, zorder)= let VUImakeContainer VUIC_2D groupstr -> contstr in let pos -> [xpos ypos] in let size -> [width height] in ( VUImakeWcont contstr viewstr xpos ypos width height ratiosize align opacity zorder; contstr; );; fun VUIupdateContainerWidget(contstr)= if (!contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_bOnMaterial) then ( let V3DgetDefaultViewport contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_view -> viewportstr in let V3DgetViewportSize contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_view viewportstr -> [_ _ vw vh] in let if ((contstr.VUICNT_iSizeMode == VUI_ContSizeScale) && !contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_bOnMaterial) then set contstr.VUICNT_fScale = if (contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_view.V3D_bVRmode) then fVUIGlobalScaleFactor else fVUIPIXELDENSITY else 1.0 -> scale in //let VUIscaleVec [vw vh] scale -> [vw vh] in let VUIcomputeWposSize contstr vw vh -> [px py pw ph] in ( SO3WidgetSetPosition contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_widget px py; SO3WidgetSetSize contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_widget pw ph; ); 0; ) else ( let contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vSize -> [nw nh] in ( set contstr.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_tGlobalCoords = [0 0 (ftoi nw) (ftoi nh)]; set contstr.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_tLocalCoords = [0 0 (ftoi nw) (ftoi nh)]; SO3WidgetSetSize contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_widget (ftoi nw) (ftoi nh); ); if (contstr.VUICNT_str3d == nil) then nil else VUIset3DContainerScale contstr contstr.VUICNT_str3d.VUI3D_fScale; 0; ); VUIelementNeedUpdate contstr.VUICNT_buffer 1; set contstr.VUICNT_bNeedResizeUpdate = 1; 0;; fun VUIsetContainerClear(constr, state)= set constr.VUICNT_bClearOnUpdate = state;; fun VUIsetContainerSize(contstr, size, offsets)= let 0 -> update in ( if (size == nil) then nil else ( let contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vSize -> [ow oh] in let size -> [nw nh] in if ((nw == ow) && (nh == oh)) then nil else ( set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vSize = size; set update = 1; ); ); if (offsets == nil) then nil else ( let offsets -> [npw nph now noh] in let contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_tPercent -> [px py pw ph xo yo wo ho] in if ((npw == pw) && (nph == ph) && (now == wo) && (noh == ho)) then nil else ( set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_tPercent = [px py npw nph xo yo now noh]; set update = 1; ); ); if (!update) then nil else ( VUIupdateContainerWidget contstr; if ((contstr.VUICNT_iMode != VUIC_VR) || (contstr.VUICNT_str3d == nil)) then nil else ( let V3DgetSessionView contstr.VUICNT_str3d.VUI3D_session -> viewstr in let (V3DgetDefaultViewport viewstr) -> viewportstr in let SO3ViewportGetCamera viewportstr.V3D_viewport -> camera in let SO3ObjectGetGlobalPosition camera -> gpos in let SO3ObjectGetGlobalOrientation camera -> gquat in let SO3MathsQuatToEulerPYR gquat -> [ax ay az] in let SO3MathsEulerPYRToQuat [0.0 ay 0.0] -> gquat in let if (viewstr.V3D_bVRmode) then SO3MathsDegreeToRadian iVUIBASEVRFOV else (SO3CameraGetFOVy camera) *. 0.5 -> fovy in let contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vSize -> [width height] in let iVUIBASEVRDIST +. (0.01 *. (itof contstr.VUICNT_str3d.VUI3D_iIndex)) -> dist in let (dist *. (absf (tan fovy))) *. 2.0 -> ch in let ch /. (itof iVUIBASEVRHEIGHT) -> pph in let (minf pph (ch /. ((maxf width height) +. iVUIBASEVRMARGIN))) *. 100.0 -> nscale in // VUIset3DContainerScale * 0.01 // 50.0 margin let SO3MathsQuatGetDirection gquat [0.0 0.0 (-.dist)] -> cdir in let addVectorF gpos cdir -> pos in ( VUIset3DContainerPosition contstr pos; VUIset3DContainerScale contstr nscale; ); ); ); ); 0;; fun VUIsetContainerPos(contstr, pos, align, offsets)= if (pos == nil) then nil else set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vPos = pos; if (align == nil) then nil else set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_tAlign = align; if (offsets == nil) then nil else let offsets -> [npx npy nox noy] in let contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_tPercent -> [px py pw ph xo yo wo ho] in set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_tPercent = [npx npy pw ph nox noy wo ho]; VUIupdateContainerWidget contstr; 0;; fun VUIsetContainerQuality(contstr, quality)= set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_fQuality = (itof quality) *. 0.01; if (contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_widget == nil) then nil else SO3WidgetSetTextureRatio contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_widget contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_fQuality; 0;; fun VUIset3dContainerMouseState(contstr, state)= SO3ObjectSetMouseClick contstr.VUICNT_str3d.VUI3D_plane state;; /*! Container callbacks !*/ fun VUIsetContainerCbClick(contstr, cbfun)= set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_cbClick = cbfun; 0;; fun VUIsetContainerCbUnClick(contstr, cbfun)= set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_cbUnClick = cbfun; 0;; fun VUIsetContainerCbMouseMove(contstr, cbfun)= set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_cbMouseMove = cbfun; 0;; fun VUIsetContainerCbMouseIn(contstr, cbfun)= set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_cbMouseIn = cbfun; 0;; fun VUIsetContainerCbMouseOut(contstr, cbfun)= set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_cbMouseOut = cbfun; 0;; fun VUIsetContainerCbFocused(contstr, cbfun)= set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_cbFocused = cbfun; 0;; /*! Element callbacks !*/ fun VUIsetElementCbCheck(eltstr, cbfun)= set eltstr.VUIE_cbCheck = cbfun; 0;; fun VUIsetElementCbClick(eltstr, cbfun)= set eltstr.VUIE_cbClick = cbfun; 0;; fun VUIsetElementCbUnClick(eltstr, cbfun)= set eltstr.VUIE_cbUnClick = cbfun; 0;; fun VUIsetElementCbFullClick(eltstr, cbfun)= set eltstr.VUIE_cbFullClick = cbfun; 0;; fun VUIsetElementCbMouseMove(eltstr, cbfun)= set eltstr.VUIE_cbMouseMove = cbfun; 0;; fun VUIsetElementCbMouseIn(eltstr, cbfun)= set eltstr.VUIE_cbMouseIn = cbfun; 0;; fun VUIsetElementCbMouseOut(eltstr, cbfun)= set eltstr.VUIE_cbMouseOut = cbfun; 0;; fun VUIsetElementCbFocused(eltstr, cbfun)= set eltstr.VUIE_cbFocused = cbfun; 0;; fun VUIsetElementCbValidate(eltstr, cbfun)= set eltstr.VUIE_cbValidate = cbfun; 0;; fun VUIsetElementCbKeyDown(eltstr, cbfun)= set eltstr.VUIE_cbKeyDown = cbfun; 0;; fun VUIsetElementCbKeyUp(eltstr, cbfun)= set eltstr.VUIE_cbKeyUp = cbfun; 0;; fun VUIsetElementCbPreDraw(eltstr, cbfun)= set eltstr.VUIE_cbPreDraw = cbfun; 0;; fun VUIsetElementCbDraw(eltstr, cbfun)= set eltstr.VUIE_cbDraw = cbfun; 0;; fun cbHUDgetDirectionKey(key, eltstr)= if ((key == 331) || (key == 333) || (key == 328) || (key == 336)) then ( let if (key == 331) then // left -1 else if (key == 333) then // right 1 else if (key == 328) then // up -2 else if (key == 336) then // down 2 else 0 -> dir in if (dir == 0) then nil else ( let VUIgetNextElement eltstr dir -> nfocused in if (nfocused == nil) then 0 else ( VUImouseMoveElement nfocused 0 0 0 0; VUIsetFocusedElement nfocused.VUIE_container nfocused; VUIsetElementFocusedBorder nfocused 2 0x0000ffff; //addLogMessage "Mouse in elt"; exec nfocused.VUIE_cbMouseIn with [nfocused]; 1; ); ); ) else 0;; /*! General lib functions */ fun cbHUDKeyDown(viewstr, key, ascode)= let 0 -> used in ( //exec element cbkey let VUIcontainerEnableList -> list in let 0 -> found in ( while ((list != nil) && !found) do ( let hd list -> contstr in let contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt -> eltstr in if (!contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_bEnableInputs || !contstr.VUICNT_bVisible || (eltstr == nil) || (!eltstr.VUIE_bVisible) || (eltstr.VUIE_bIgnoreInput) || (eltstr.VUIE_cbKeyDown == nil)) then nil else ( set used = exec eltstr.VUIE_cbKeyDown with [eltstr key]; set found = 1; ); set list = tl list; ); ); if (used) then nil else ( if (key == 1) then // esc ( if (VUI_focusedContainer == nil) then nil else ( SO3WidgetUnFocus VUI_focusedContainer.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_widget; if ((viewstr.V3D_bVRmode) && (VUI_focusedContainer.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt.VUIE_iType == VUI_EltEditText)) then ( VUIhideVrKeyboard VUIdefVrKeyboard; set used = 1; 0; ) else if (((_platform != SCOL_PLATFORM_ANDROID) && (_platform != SCOL_PLATFORM_IOS)) || (VUI_focusedContainer.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt.VUIE_iType != VUI_EltEditText)) then nil else ( _ShowSoftKeyboard 0; set used = 1; 0; ); set VUI_focusedContainer = nil; ); 0; ) else ( if (key == 58)|| (key == 325) || (key == 1) || (key == 329) || (key == 337) || (key == 338) || (key == 327) || (key == 335) || (key == 59) || (key == 60) || (key == 61) || (key == 62) || (key == 63) || (key == 64) || (key == 65) || (key == 66) || (key == 67) || (key == 87) || (key == 88) then nil else let VUIcontainerEnableList -> list in let 0 -> found in ( while ((list != nil) && !found) do ( let hd list -> contstr in let contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt -> eltstr in if (!contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_bEnableInputs || !contstr.VUICNT_bVisible || (eltstr == nil)) then nil else ( if ((eltstr != nil) && (eltstr.VUIE_iType == VUI_EltEditText)) then ( let eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_sContent -> txt in if (((key == 28) || (key == 284)) && !eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bMultiline) then // enter ( if (viewstr.V3D_bVRmode) then ( VUIhideVrKeyboard VUIdefVrKeyboard; 0; ) else if ((_platform != SCOL_PLATFORM_ANDROID) && (_platform != SCOL_PLATFORM_IOS)) then nil else ( _ShowSoftKeyboard 0; 0; ); exec eltstr.VUIE_cbValidate with [eltstr eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_sContent 1]; 0; ) else if (((key == 28) || (key == 284)) && eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bMultiline) then ( set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_sContent = strcat txt "\10"; set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bNeedUpdate = 1; 0; ) else if (key == 14) then // backspace ( set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_sContent = substr txt 0 ((strlen txt) - 1); set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bNeedUpdate = 1; 0; ) else if (key == 339) then // supp ( set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_sContent = ""; set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bNeedUpdate = 1; 0; ) else if ((key == 28) || (key == 284)) then // ENTER ( let eltstr.VUIE_tGlobalCoords -> [dx dy dw dh] in let VUIunscaleCoords (if (VUI_DRAW_GLOBAL) then eltstr.VUIE_tDrawCoords else [dx dy dw dh 0 0]) eltstr.VUIE_container.VUICNT_fScale -> [px py pw ph] in VUIclickElement eltstr 0 (px + (pw / 2)) (py + (ph / 2)) 1; ) else if ((key == 331) || (key == 333) || (key == 328) || (key == 336)) then ( cbHUDgetDirectionKey key eltstr; ) else if ((key == 47) && (_keybdstate == 2)) then ( let _GETclipBoardData -> cboard in if (eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bNumberOnly && ((atof cboard) == nil)) then nil else ( set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_sContent = strcat txt cboard; set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bNeedUpdate = 1; ); 0; ) else if (ascode != 0) then ( if (eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bNumberOnly && ((ascode < 45) || (ascode > 57) || (ascode == 47))) then nil else ( set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_sContent = strcat txt (ctoa ascode); set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bNeedUpdate = 1; ); 0; ) else nil; // auto scroll let eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_tTextSize -> [tw th] in let eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_tScroll -> [sw sh] in let eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_tCoords -> [_ _ cw ch] in let if tw < cw then 0 else (-(tw - cw)) -> offx in let if th < ch then 0 else (-(th - ch)) -> offy in ( set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_tScroll = [offx offy]; ); set used = 1; VUIelementNeedUpdate eltstr 0; ) else ( set used = cbHUDgetDirectionKey key eltstr; if (key != 28) then nil else // ENTER ( let eltstr.VUIE_tGlobalCoords -> [dx dy dw dh] in let VUIunscaleCoords (if (VUI_DRAW_GLOBAL) then eltstr.VUIE_tDrawCoords else [dx dy dw dh 0 0]) eltstr.VUIE_container.VUICNT_fScale -> [px py pw ph] in VUIclickElement eltstr 0 (px + (pw / 2)) (py + (ph / 2)) 1; set used = 1; ); ); set found = 1; ); set list = tl list; ); if (found || (VUI_focusedContainer == nil)) then nil else set used = cbHUDgetDirectionKey key (hd VUI_focusedContainer.VUICNT_lElements); ); 0; ); ); used; );; fun cbHUDKeyUp(viewstr, key)= let 0 -> used in ( //exec element cbkey let VUIcontainerEnableList -> list in let 0 -> found in ( while ((list != nil) && !found) do ( let hd list -> contstr in let contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt -> eltstr in if (!contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_bEnableInputs || !contstr.VUICNT_bVisible || (eltstr == nil) || (!eltstr.VUIE_bVisible) || (eltstr.VUIE_bIgnoreInput) || (eltstr.VUIE_cbKeyUp == nil)) then nil else ( set used = exec eltstr.VUIE_cbKeyUp with [eltstr key]; set found = 1; ); set list = tl list; ); ); if used || (key == 58) || (key == 328) || (key == 336) || (key == 331) || (key == 333) || (key == 325) || (key == 1) || (key == 329) || (key == 337) || (key == 338) || (key == 327) || (key == 335) || (key == 59) || (key == 60) || (key == 61) || (key == 62) || (key == 63) || (key == 64) || (key == 65) || (key == 66) || (key == 67) || (key == 87) || (key == 88) then nil else let VUIcontainerEnableList -> list in let 0 -> found in while ((list != nil) && !found) do ( let hd list -> contstr in let contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt -> eltstr in if (!contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_bEnableInputs || !contstr.VUICNT_bVisible || (eltstr == nil)) then nil else ( if (eltstr.VUIE_iType == VUI_EltEditText && eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bMultiline) then nil else if (key != 28) then nil else // ENTER ( VUIunclickElement eltstr 0 0 0 1 1; set used = 1; ); if (eltstr.VUIE_iType != VUI_EltEditText) then nil else set used = 1; set found = 1; ); set list = tl list; ); used; );; fun cbHUDresizeView(viewstr, width, height)= VUIupdateScreenSensity viewstr; let VUIcontainerEnableList -> list in while (list != nil) do ( let hd list -> contstr in ( //update cont elements if (contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_bOnMaterial) then nil else VUIupdateContainerWidget contstr; 0; ); set list = tl list; ); 0;; fun cbHUDPreRender(sessionstr, etime)= let VUIanimatedResourcesList -> list in while (list != nil) do ( let hd list -> resstr in let resstr.VUIR_parent.VUIE_container -> contstr in if (!resstr.VUIR_bEnable) then nil else ( //text cursor if ((resstr.VUIR_parent != contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt) || (contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt.VUIE_iType != VUI_EltEditText)) then nil else ( let resstr.VUIR_iTick -> tick in let if (tick != nil) then tick else 0 -> tick in let set resstr.VUIR_iTick = tick + etime -> rtick in if ((rtick / 1000) < (1000 / 2)) then nil else ( if (resstr.VUIR_parent.VUIE_Text.VUIT_iCursor == 1) then set resstr.VUIR_parent.VUIE_Text.VUIT_iCursor = 2 else set resstr.VUIR_parent.VUIE_Text.VUIT_iCursor = 1; set resstr.VUIR_parent.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bNeedUpdate = 1; VUIelementNeedUpdate resstr.VUIR_parent 0; set resstr.VUIR_iTick = 0; ); ); //animated resources if (resstr.VUIR_iNbFrames <= 1) then nil else let resstr.VUIR_iTick -> tick in let if (tick != nil) then tick else 0 -> tick in ( //addLogMessage "Anim!"; let set resstr.VUIR_iTick = tick + etime -> rtick in let if (resstr.VUIR_iFramesPerSecond <= 0) then 1 else resstr.VUIR_iFramesPerSecond -> fps in if ((rtick / 1000) < (1000 / fps)) then nil else ( set resstr.VUIR_iCurFrame = resstr.VUIR_iCurFrame + 1; if (resstr.VUIR_iCurFrame < resstr.VUIR_iNbFrames) then nil else set resstr.VUIR_iCurFrame = 0; VUIelementNeedUpdate resstr.VUIR_parent 0; set resstr.VUIR_iTick = 0; ); 0; ); ); set list = tl list; ); let VUIcontainerEnableList -> list in while (list != nil) do ( let hd list -> contstr in ( if (!contstr.VUICNT_bVisible) then nil else ( let contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_tMouseInertia -> [ix iy] in ( if (ix == 0) && (iy == 0) then nil else ( let contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_iInertiaTick -> tick in let if (tick != nil) then tick else 0 -> tick in let set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_iInertiaTick = tick + etime -> rtick in if ((rtick / 1000) < (1000 / 30)) then nil else ( let if (ix > 0) then ix - 1 else if (ix < 0) then ix + 1 else 0 -> iax in let if (iy > 0) then iy - 1 else if (iy < 0) then iy + 1 else 0 -> iay in ( set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_tMouseInertia = [iax iay]; set contstr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_iInertiaTick = 0; let VUIgetScrollableElement contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt -> scrollstr in if (scrollstr != nil) then let if (scrollstr.VUIE_iScrollMode & VUI_EltScrollV) then iay else 0 -> iay in let if (scrollstr.VUIE_iScrollMode & VUI_EltScrollH) then iax else 0 -> iax in VUIscrollElement scrollstr iax iay else if (!contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bMultiline) then nil else VUIscrollText contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt iay; if ((contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt.VUIE_iType != VUI_EltList) && (contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt.VUIE_iType != VUI_EltListElement)) then nil else VUIelementNeedUpdate if (contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt.VUIE_iType == VUI_EltListElement) then contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt.VUIE_parent else contstr.VUICNT_lastFocusedElt 1; ); ); ); if (!contstr.VUICNT_bNeedUpdate) then nil else ( VUIupdateContBuffer contstr; set contstr.VUICNT_bNeedUpdate = 0; if (!contstr.VUICNT_bNeedResizeUpdate) then nil else ( set contstr.VUICNT_bNeedResizeUpdate = 0; VUIelementNeedUpdate contstr.VUICNT_buffer 1; ); ); ); ); ); set list = tl list; ); 0;; fun cbHUDPostRender(sessionstr)= // update 3D position after all scene update let VUIcontainerEnableList -> list in while (list != nil) do ( let hd list -> contstr in ( if ((!contstr.VUICNT_bVisible) || (contstr.VUICNT_str3d == nil)) then nil else VUIupdate3DContainer contstr sessionstr; ); set list = tl list; ); 0;; /*! Controls */ fun VUIsetElementBorder(eltstr, border, color)= let eltstr.VUIE_resource -> resstr in ( set resstr.VUIR_iBorder = border; set resstr.VUIR_bdColor = color; ); VUIelementNeedUpdate eltstr 0; 0;; fun VUIsetElementFocusedBorder(eltstr, border, color)= let eltstr.VUIE_resource -> resstr in ( set resstr.VUIR_iFocusedBorder = border; set resstr.VUIR_bFocusedColor = color; ); VUIelementNeedUpdate eltstr 1; 0;; fun VUIisFocusedElement(eltstr)= let eltstr.VUIE_container.VUICNT_lastMouseInElt -> le in let 0 -> found in ( while ((le != nil) && !found) do ( let hd le -> [_ feltstr] in if (feltstr != eltstr) then nil else set found = 1; set le = tl le; ); found; );; fun VUIsetElementState(eltstr, state)= if (state > 0) then if (VUIisFocusedElement eltstr) then set eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iCurState = 1 else set eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iCurState = 0 else set eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iCurState = 3; VUIelementNeedUpdate eltstr 1; 0;; fun VUIsetElementPos(eltstr, pos, align, offsets)= if (pos == nil) then nil else set eltstr.VUIE_vPos = pos; if (align == nil) then nil else set eltstr.VUIE_tAlign = align; if (offsets == nil) then nil else let offsets -> [npx npy nox noy] in let eltstr.VUIE_tPercent -> [px py pw ph xo yo wo ho] in set eltstr.VUIE_tPercent = [npx npy pw ph nox noy wo ho]; VUIelementNeedUpdate eltstr 1; 0;; fun VUIsetElementSize(eltstr, size, offsets)= if (size == nil) then nil else set eltstr.VUIE_vSize = size; if (offsets == nil) then nil else let offsets -> [npw nph now noh] in let eltstr.VUIE_tPercent -> [px py pw ph xo yo wo ho] in set eltstr.VUIE_tPercent = [px py npw nph xo yo now noh]; VUIelementNeedUpdate eltstr 1; 0;; fun VUIsetElementRatiosize(eltstr, ratiosize)= set eltstr.VUIE_tPercent = ratiosize; VUIelementNeedUpdate eltstr 1; 0;; fun VUIsetElementResource(eltstr, bgcolor, border, bdcolor, file, flags, nbstates, nbcols, nbframes, framepersec)= VUImakeResource eltstr bgcolor border bdcolor file flags nbstates nbcols nbframes framepersec;; fun VUIcreateFrame(contstr, parentstr, pos, size, ratiosize, align)= let VUImakeElement contstr parentstr pos size ratiosize align VUI_EltFrame -> eltstr in ( VUImakeResource eltstr nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil; eltstr; );; fun VUIcreateButtonExt(contstr, parentstr, pos, size, ratiosize, align, themeref)= let VUImakeElement contstr parentstr pos size ratiosize align VUI_EltButton -> eltstr in let VUIsplitThemeRef themeref -> [defname eltname] in let VUIgetThemeDef (VUIgetContainerGroupTheme contstr) defname -> defstr in ( VUIsetElementTheme eltstr defstr eltname; eltstr; );; fun VUIcreateButton(contstr, parentstr, pos, size, ratiosize, align)= VUIcreateButtonExt contstr parentstr pos size ratiosize align "common/button";; fun VUIsetElementScroll(eltstr, scrollflags)= let eltstr.VUIE_tScroll -> [scx scy] in ( set eltstr.VUIE_iScrollMode = scrollflags; if !(eltstr.VUIE_iScrollMode & VUI_EltScrollV) then ( if (eltstr.VUIE_scrollTop == nil) then nil else VUIdestroyElement eltstr.VUIE_scrollTop; set eltstr.VUIE_scrollTop = nil; if (eltstr.VUIE_scrollBottom == nil) then nil else VUIdestroyElement eltstr.VUIE_scrollBottom; set eltstr.VUIE_scrollBottom = nil; set eltstr.VUIE_tScroll = [scx 0]; set scx = 0; ) else nil; if !(eltstr.VUIE_iScrollMode & VUI_EltScrollH) then ( if (eltstr.VUIE_scrollLeft == nil) then nil else VUIdestroyElement eltstr.VUIE_scrollLeft; set eltstr.VUIE_scrollLeft = nil; if (eltstr.VUIE_scrollRight == nil) then nil else VUIdestroyElement eltstr.VUIE_scrollRight; set eltstr.VUIE_scrollRight = nil; set eltstr.VUIE_tScroll = [0 scy]; set scy = 0; ) else nil; ); if (scrollflags) then let VUIgetThemeDef (VUIgetContainerGroupTheme eltstr.VUIE_container) "common" -> defstr in ( if !(scrollflags & VUI_EltScrollV) then nil else ( if (eltstr.VUIE_scrollTop != nil) then nil else ( set eltstr.VUIE_scrollTop = VUIcreateButton eltstr.VUIE_container eltstr [0.0 5.0] [48.0 16.0] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [1 0]; set eltstr.VUIE_scrollTop.VUIE_bVisible = 0; VUIsetElementTheme eltstr.VUIE_scrollTop defstr "scrollUp"; VUIsetElementCbClick eltstr.VUIE_scrollTop mkfun6 @cbVUIelementScrollBtnClick [eltstr [0 10]]; VUIsetElementCbUnClick eltstr.VUIE_scrollTop mkfun6 @cbVUIelementScrollBtnUnClick eltstr; ); if (eltstr.VUIE_scrollBottom != nil) then nil else ( set eltstr.VUIE_scrollBottom = VUIcreateButton eltstr.VUIE_container eltstr [0.0 5.0] [48.0 16.0] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [1 2]; set eltstr.VUIE_scrollBottom.VUIE_bVisible = 0; VUIsetElementTheme eltstr.VUIE_scrollBottom defstr "scrollDown"; VUIsetElementCbClick eltstr.VUIE_scrollBottom mkfun6 @cbVUIelementScrollBtnClick [eltstr [0 (-10)]]; VUIsetElementCbUnClick eltstr.VUIE_scrollBottom mkfun6 @cbVUIelementScrollBtnUnClick eltstr; ); ); if !(scrollflags & VUI_EltScrollH) then nil else ( if (eltstr.VUIE_scrollLeft != nil) then nil else ( set eltstr.VUIE_scrollLeft = VUIcreateButton eltstr.VUIE_container eltstr [5.0 0.0] [16.0 49.0] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [0 1]; set eltstr.VUIE_scrollLeft.VUIE_bVisible = 0; VUIsetElementTheme eltstr.VUIE_scrollLeft defstr "scrollLeft"; VUIsetElementCbClick eltstr.VUIE_scrollLeft mkfun6 @cbVUIelementScrollBtnClick [eltstr [10 0]]; VUIsetElementCbUnClick eltstr.VUIE_scrollLeft mkfun6 @cbVUIelementScrollBtnUnClick eltstr; ); if (eltstr.VUIE_scrollRight != nil) then nil else ( set eltstr.VUIE_scrollRight = VUIcreateButton eltstr.VUIE_container eltstr [5.0 0.0] [16.0 49.0] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [2 1]; set eltstr.VUIE_scrollRight.VUIE_bVisible = 0; VUIsetElementTheme eltstr.VUIE_scrollRight defstr "scrollRight"; VUIsetElementCbClick eltstr.VUIE_scrollRight mkfun6 @cbVUIelementScrollBtnClick [eltstr [(-10) 0]]; VUIsetElementCbUnClick eltstr.VUIE_scrollRight mkfun6 @cbVUIelementScrollBtnUnClick eltstr; ); ); ) else nil; VUIelementNeedUpdate eltstr 1; 0;; /*! Elements Text !*/ fun VUIsetElementTextContent(eltstr, text)= set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_sContent = if (text == nil) then "" else text; set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_tScroll = [0 0]; set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bNeedUpdate = 1; VUIelementNeedUpdate eltstr 1; 0;; fun VUIsetElementTextNumberOnly(eltstr, state)= set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bNumberOnly = state; 0;; fun VUIsetElementTextAlign(eltstr, align)= set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_iAlign = align; set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bNeedUpdate = 1; VUIelementNeedUpdate eltstr 1; 0;; fun VUIgetThemeFont(defstr, element)= let VUIgetThemeElement defstr element -> ethstr in let ethstr.VUITHE_font -> fthstr in let if (fthstr == nil) then ( set defstr = VUIgetThemeDef defstr.VUITHD_parent "common"; set element = "font"; let VUIgetThemeElement defstr element -> ethstr in ethstr.VUITHE_font ) else fthstr -> fthstr in mkVUIfontInt [(VUIaddThemeFont fthstr) 1 [defstr.VUITHD_sName element]];; fun VUIsetElementThemeFont(eltstr, themestr, defstr, element)= if (eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_font == nil) then nil else ( VUIdelFont eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_font.VUIFI_Font; set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_font = nil; ); let if (defstr != nil) then defstr else if (eltstr.VUIE_iType == VUI_EltSelect || eltstr.VUIE_iType == VUI_EltListElement) then VUIgetThemeDef themestr "list" else VUIgetThemeDef themestr "common" -> defstr in let VUIgetThemeElement defstr element -> ethstr in let if (ethstr.VUITHE_font != nil) then [element ethstr] else let if (eltstr.VUIE_iType == VUI_EltButton) then "button" else if (eltstr.VUIE_iType == VUI_EltEditText) then "editText" else if (eltstr.VUIE_iType == VUI_EltSelect) then "select" else if (eltstr.VUIE_iType == VUI_EltListElement) then "listElement" else "font" -> thname in [thname VUIgetThemeElement defstr thname] -> [thname ethstr] in let ethstr.VUITHE_font -> fthstr in ( set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_font = mkVUIfontInt[(VUIaddThemeFont fthstr) 1 [defstr.VUITHD_sName thname]]; set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bNeedUpdate = 1; //increment usecount set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_font.VUIFI_Font.VUIF_iUsed = eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_font.VUIFI_Font.VUIF_iUsed + 1; ); 0;; fun VUIsetElementFont(eltstr, fontistr)= if (fontistr == nil) then ( VUIsetElementThemeFont eltstr (VUIgetContainerGroupTheme eltstr.VUIE_container) nil nil; 0; ) else ( if (eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_font == nil) then nil else VUIdelFont eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_font.VUIFI_Font; //increment usecount set fontistr.VUIFI_Font.VUIF_iUsed = fontistr.VUIFI_Font.VUIF_iUsed + 1; set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_font = fontistr; 0; ); 0;; fun VUIsetElementText(eltstr, fontistr, text, pos, size, margin, align, sizeflags, multiline)= if ((text == nil) && (eltstr.VUIE_iType != VUI_EltEditText)) then ( if (eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_scrollTop == nil) then nil else VUIdestroyElement eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_scrollTop; if (eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_scrollBottom == nil) then nil else VUIdestroyElement eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_scrollBottom; set eltstr.VUIE_Text = nil; set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_tScroll = [0 0]; 0; ) else ( if (eltstr.VUIE_Text != nil) then nil else set eltstr.VUIE_Text = mkVUIText [eltstr nil nil 0 0 [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] nil 0 1 [0 0] 0 [0 0] 0 0 nil nil nil 0]; VUIsetElementFont eltstr fontistr; if (pos == nil) then nil else set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_tPos = pos; if (size == nil) then nil else set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_tSize = size; if (margin == nil) then nil else set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_tMargin = margin; if (align == nil) then nil else set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_iAlign = align; if (align == nil) then nil else set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_iUpdateSize = sizeflags; if (multiline == nil) then nil else set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bMultiline = multiline; let if (text == nil) then "" else text -> text in set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_sContent = text; set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_tScroll = [0 0]; set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bNeedUpdate = 1; let VUIgetThemeDef (VUIgetContainerGroupTheme eltstr.VUIE_container) "common" -> defstr in ( if (eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_scrollTop != nil || !eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bMultiline) then nil else ( set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_scrollTop = VUIcreateButton eltstr.VUIE_container eltstr [0.0 5.0] [48.0 16.0] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [1 0]; set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_scrollTop.VUIE_bVisible = 0; VUIsetElementTheme eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_scrollTop defstr "scrollUp"; VUIsetElementCbClick eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_scrollTop mkfun6 @cbVUItextScrollBtnClick [eltstr.VUIE_Text 10]; VUIsetElementCbUnClick eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_scrollTop mkfun6 @cbVUItextScrollBtnUnClick eltstr.VUIE_Text; ); if (eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_scrollBottom != nil || !eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bMultiline) then nil else ( set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_scrollBottom = VUIcreateButton eltstr.VUIE_container eltstr [0.0 5.0] [48.0 16.0] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [1 2]; set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_scrollBottom.VUIE_bVisible = 0; VUIsetElementTheme eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_scrollBottom defstr "scrollDown"; VUIsetElementCbClick eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_scrollBottom mkfun6 @cbVUItextScrollBtnClick [eltstr.VUIE_Text (-10)]; VUIsetElementCbUnClick eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_scrollBottom mkfun6 @cbVUItextScrollBtnUnClick eltstr.VUIE_Text; ); ); 0; ); VUIelementNeedUpdate eltstr 1; 0;; fun VUIsetElementTextPasswordState(eltstr, state)= set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bIsPassword = state; VUIelementNeedUpdate eltstr 1; 0;; fun VUIgetElementTextPasswordState(eltstr)= eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bIsPassword;; fun VUIgetElementText(eltstr)= eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_sContent;; fun VUIgetElementResource(eltstr)= eltstr.VUIE_resource;; fun VUIgetElementContainer(eltstr)= eltstr.VUIE_container;; fun VUIcreateEditTextExt(contstr, parentstr, pos, size, ratiosize, align, fontstr, margin, text, multiline, themeref)= let VUImakeElement contstr parentstr pos size ratiosize align VUI_EltEditText -> eltstr in let VUIsplitThemeRef themeref -> [defname eltname] in let VUIgetThemeDef (VUIgetContainerGroupTheme contstr) defname -> defstr in let if fontstr != nil then VUIcreateFontInterface fontstr else VUIgetThemeFont defstr eltname -> lbfontstr in ( VUIsetElementTheme eltstr defstr eltname; let if (multiline) then iVUITEXT_HALIGNLEFT|iVUITEXT_VALIGNTOP else iVUITEXT_HALIGNLEFT|iVUITEXT_VALIGNCENTER -> alignflags in VUIsetElementText eltstr lbfontstr text [0 0] [0 0] margin alignflags VUI_TextStatic multiline; eltstr; );; fun VUIcreateEditText(contstr, parentstr, pos, size, ratiosize, align, fontstr, margin, text, multiline)= VUIcreateEditTextExt contstr parentstr pos size ratiosize align fontstr margin text multiline "common/editText";; /*! Float value */ fun cbVUIfloatChange(eltstr, value, state, floatstr)= let minf (maxf (atof value) floatstr.VUIF_fMin) floatstr.VUIF_fMax -> fvalue in let G2DgetFtoA fvalue floatstr.VUIF_iNbDec -> avalue in ( set floatstr.VUIF_fValue = fvalue; set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_sContent = avalue; set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bNeedUpdate = 1; ); VUIelementNeedUpdate eltstr 0; exec floatstr.VUIF_cbChange with [floatstr floatstr.VUIF_fValue state]; 0;; fun cbVUIfloatBtnIncTimer(trm, p)= let p -> [floatstr step] in ( set floatstr.VUIF_fValue = floatstr.VUIF_fValue +. step; cbVUIfloatChange floatstr.VUIF_etext (G2DgetFtoA floatstr.VUIF_fValue floatstr.VUIF_iNbDec) 0 floatstr; ); 0;; fun cbVUIfloatBtnTimer(trm, p)= _deltimer trm; let p -> [floatstr step] in ( set floatstr.VUIF_trm = _rfltimer _starttimer _channel 150 @cbVUIfloatBtnIncTimer p; ); 0;; fun cbVUIfloatBtnClick(eltstr, id, x, y, btn, p)= let p -> [floatstr step] in ( //wait timer if (floatstr.VUIF_trm == nil) then nil else ( _deltimer floatstr.VUIF_trm; set floatstr.VUIF_trm = nil; ); set floatstr.VUIF_trm = _rfltimer _starttimer _channel 500 @cbVUIfloatBtnTimer p; set floatstr.VUIF_fValue = floatstr.VUIF_fValue +. step; cbVUIfloatChange floatstr.VUIF_etext (G2DgetFtoA floatstr.VUIF_fValue floatstr.VUIF_iNbDec) 1 floatstr; ); 0;; fun cbVUIfloatBtnUnClick(eltstr, id, x, y, btn, floatstr)= if (floatstr.VUIF_trm == nil) then nil else ( _deltimer floatstr.VUIF_trm; set floatstr.VUIF_trm = nil; ); 0;; fun VUIsetFloatValue(floatstr, value)= let minf (maxf value floatstr.VUIF_fMin) floatstr.VUIF_fMax -> fvalue in let G2DgetFtoA fvalue floatstr.VUIF_iNbDec -> avalue in ( set floatstr.VUIF_fValue = fvalue; set floatstr.VUIF_etext.VUIE_Text.VUIT_sContent = avalue; set floatstr.VUIF_etext.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bNeedUpdate = 1; ); VUIelementNeedUpdate floatstr.VUIF_etext 0; value;; fun VUIgetFloatValue(floatstr)= let atof floatstr.VUIF_etext.VUIE_Text.VUIT_sContent -> value in let minf (maxf value floatstr.VUIF_fMin) floatstr.VUIF_fMax -> fvalue in fvalue;; fun VUIsetFloatMaxValue(floatstr, value)= set floatstr.VUIF_fMax = value; let minf (maxf floatstr.VUIF_fValue floatstr.VUIF_fMin) floatstr.VUIF_fMax -> fvalue in let G2DgetFtoA fvalue floatstr.VUIF_iNbDec -> avalue in ( set floatstr.VUIF_fValue = fvalue; set floatstr.VUIF_etext.VUIE_Text.VUIT_sContent = avalue; set floatstr.VUIF_etext.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bNeedUpdate = 1; ); VUIelementNeedUpdate floatstr.VUIF_etext 0; value;; fun VUIsetFloatMinValue(floatstr, value)= set floatstr.VUIF_fMin = value; let minf (maxf floatstr.VUIF_fValue floatstr.VUIF_fMin) floatstr.VUIF_fMax -> fvalue in let G2DgetFtoA fvalue floatstr.VUIF_iNbDec -> avalue in ( set floatstr.VUIF_fValue = fvalue; set floatstr.VUIF_etext.VUIE_Text.VUIT_sContent = avalue; set floatstr.VUIF_etext.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bNeedUpdate = 1; ); VUIelementNeedUpdate floatstr.VUIF_etext 0; value;; fun VUIcreateFloatExt(contstr, parentstr, pos, size, ratiosize, align, margin, minval, maxval, step, nbdec, value, themeref)= let if (value == nil) then 0.0 else value -> value in let minf (maxf value minval) maxval -> value in let VUImakeElement contstr parentstr pos size ratiosize align VUI_EltFloatValue -> eltstr in let VUImakeFloat contstr eltstr minval maxval step nbdec value -> floatstr in let VUIgetThemeDef (VUIgetContainerGroupTheme contstr) themeref -> defstr in ( VUImakeResource eltstr nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil; let size -> [w h] in let G2DgetFtoA value nbdec -> avalue in ( set floatstr.VUIF_etext = VUIcreateEditTextExt contstr eltstr [0.0 0.0] [100.0 h] [0 0 1 0 0 0 (-90) 0] [1 1] nil margin avalue 0 (strcat themeref "/editTextNumber"); set floatstr.VUIF_etext.VUIE_Text.VUIT_iAlign = iVUITEXT_HALIGNCENTER|iVUITEXT_VALIGNCENTER; VUIsetElementTextNumberOnly floatstr.VUIF_etext 1; set floatstr.VUIF_prevBtn = VUIcreateButtonExt contstr eltstr [10.0 0.0] [30.0 30.0] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [0 1] (strcat themeref "/minusButton"); let VUIgetThemeFont defstr "minusButton" -> lbfontstr in VUIsetElementText floatstr.VUIF_prevBtn lbfontstr "-" [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] iVUITEXT_HALIGNCENTER|iVUITEXT_VALIGNCENTER VUI_TextAutoHeight 0; set floatstr.VUIF_nextBtn = VUIcreateButtonExt contstr eltstr [10.0 0.0] [30.0 30.0] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [2 1] (strcat themeref "/plusButton"); let VUIgetThemeFont defstr "plusButton" -> lbfontstr in VUIsetElementText floatstr.VUIF_nextBtn lbfontstr "+" [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] iVUITEXT_HALIGNCENTER|iVUITEXT_VALIGNCENTER VUI_TextAutoHeight 0; VUIsetElementCbClick floatstr.VUIF_prevBtn mkfun6 @cbVUIfloatBtnClick [floatstr (-. step)]; VUIsetElementCbClick floatstr.VUIF_nextBtn mkfun6 @cbVUIfloatBtnClick [floatstr step]; VUIsetElementCbUnClick floatstr.VUIF_prevBtn mkfun6 @cbVUIfloatBtnUnClick floatstr; VUIsetElementCbUnClick floatstr.VUIF_nextBtn mkfun6 @cbVUIfloatBtnUnClick floatstr; VUIsetElementCbValidate floatstr.VUIF_etext mkfun4 @cbVUIfloatChange floatstr; set floatstr.VUIF_etext.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bNeedUpdate = 1; ); floatstr; );; fun VUIcreateFloat(contstr, parentstr, pos, size, ratiosize, align, margin, minval, maxval, step, nbdec, value)= VUIcreateFloatExt contstr parentstr pos size ratiosize align margin minval maxval step nbdec value "float";; fun VUIdestroyFloat(floatstr)= VUIdestroyElement floatstr.VUIF_element; if (floatstr.VUIF_trm == nil) then nil else ( _deltimer floatstr.VUIF_trm; set floatstr.VUIF_trm = nil; ); 0;; fun VUIsetFloatCbChange(floatstr, cbfun)= set floatstr.VUIF_cbChange = cbfun; 0;; /*! Slider */ fun cbVUIsliderChange(sliderstr)= exec sliderstr.VUISL_cbChange with [sliderstr sliderstr.VUISL_fValue]; 0;; fun VUIgetSliderPercentPos(sliderstr, x, y)= let sliderstr.VUISL_slider -> eltstr in let eltstr.VUIE_tGlobalCoords -> [dx dy dw dh] in let VUIunscaleCoords (if (VUI_DRAW_GLOBAL) then eltstr.VUIE_tDrawCoords else [dx dy dw dh 0 0]) eltstr.VUIE_container.VUICNT_fScale -> [ex ey ew eh] in let if (sliderstr.VUISL_iDirection == 0) then [x ex ew] else [(eh - y) ey eh] -> [pos epos esize] in let sliderstr.VUISL_iCursorSize -> cs in let esize - cs - 2 -> esize in let if esize <= 0 then 1 else esize -> esize in let pos - epos - cs / 2 - 1 -> pos in let if pos < 0 then 0 else if pos > esize then esize else pos -> pos in (itof ((pos) * 100)) /. (itof esize);; fun VUIgetSliderClosestStep(sliderstr, value)= let ftoi ((value -. sliderstr.VUISL_fMin) /. (if sliderstr.VUISL_fStep == 0.0 then 1.0 else sliderstr.VUISL_fStep)) -> nbsteps in let round (sliderstr.VUISL_fMin +. (sliderstr.VUISL_fStep *. (itof nbsteps))) sliderstr.VUISL_iNbDec -> understep in let round (minf (sliderstr.VUISL_fMin +. (sliderstr.VUISL_fStep *. (itof nbsteps + 1))) sliderstr.VUISL_fMax) sliderstr.VUISL_iNbDec -> overstep in //let addLogMessage strcatnSep "min:"::(ftoa sliderstr.VUISL_fMin)::"max:"::(ftoa sliderstr.VUISL_fMax)::"step:"::(ftoa sliderstr.VUISL_fStep)::"value:"::(ftoa value)::"nbsteps:"::(itoa nbsteps)::"understep:"::(ftoa understep)::"overstep:"::(ftoa overstep)::nil " " -> _ in if (value -. understep) <=. (overstep -. value) then understep else overstep;; fun VUIgetSliderPercentPosByValue(sliderstr, value)= let (sliderstr.VUISL_fMax -. sliderstr.VUISL_fMin) -> div in let if div == 0.0 then 1.0 else div -> div in 100.0 *.(value -. sliderstr.VUISL_fMin) /. div;; fun VUIgetSliderValueByPercentPos(sliderstr, ppos)= let sliderstr.VUISL_fMin +. ((sliderstr.VUISL_fMax -. sliderstr.VUISL_fMin) *. ppos /. 100.0) -> value in if sliderstr.VUISL_fStep <=. 0.0 then [value ppos] else let VUIgetSliderClosestStep sliderstr value -> fvalue in let VUIgetSliderPercentPosByValue sliderstr fvalue -> nppos in [fvalue nppos];; fun VUIsetSlider(sliderstr, fvalue, ppos)= set sliderstr.VUISL_fValue = fvalue; let sliderstr.VUISL_iCursorSize -> cs in let ftoi ((itof - cs) *. ppos /. 100.0) -> offset in let if (sliderstr.VUISL_iDirection == 0) then [[ppos 100.0] [1 1 (cs + offset) 0] [ppos 0.0] [1 0 offset 0]] else [[100.0 ppos] [1 1 0 (cs + offset)] [0.0 ppos] [0 1 0 offset]] -> [fsize fratiosize cpos cratiosize] in ( VUIsetElementSize sliderstr.VUISL_fill fsize fratiosize; VUIsetElementPos sliderstr.VUISL_cursor cpos nil cratiosize; ); if (sliderstr.VUISL_text == nil) then nil else let G2DgetFtoA fvalue sliderstr.VUISL_iNbDec -> avalue in VUIsetElementTextContent sliderstr.VUISL_text avalue; 0;; fun VUIsetSliderValue(sliderstr, value)= let minf (maxf value sliderstr.VUISL_fMin) sliderstr.VUISL_fMax -> fvalue in let if sliderstr.VUISL_fStep <=. 0.0 then fvalue else VUIgetSliderClosestStep sliderstr fvalue -> fvalue in let VUIgetSliderPercentPosByValue sliderstr fvalue -> ppos in ( VUIsetSlider sliderstr fvalue ppos; ); value;; fun VUIgetSliderValue(sliderstr)= sliderstr.VUISL_fValue;; fun VUIsetSliderMaxValue(sliderstr, value)= set sliderstr.VUISL_fMax = value; let minf (maxf sliderstr.VUISL_fValue sliderstr.VUISL_fMin) sliderstr.VUISL_fMax -> fvalue in let G2DgetFtoA fvalue sliderstr.VUISL_iNbDec -> avalue in ( VUIsetSliderValue sliderstr fvalue; ); value;; fun VUIsetSliderMinValue(sliderstr, value)= set sliderstr.VUISL_fMin = value; let minf (maxf sliderstr.VUISL_fValue sliderstr.VUISL_fMin) sliderstr.VUISL_fMax -> fvalue in ( VUIsetSliderValue sliderstr fvalue; ); value;; fun cbVUIsliderClick(eltstr, id, x, y, btn, sliderstr)= let VUIgetSliderPercentPos sliderstr x y -> ppos in let VUIgetSliderValueByPercentPos sliderstr ppos -> [fvalue ppos] in ( set sliderstr.VUISL_bClicking = 1; VUIsetSlider sliderstr fvalue ppos; ); cbVUIsliderChange sliderstr; 0;; fun cbVUIsliderMove(eltstr, id, x, y, btn, sliderstr)= if (!sliderstr.VUISL_bClicking) then nil else let VUIgetSliderPercentPos sliderstr x y -> ppos in let VUIgetSliderValueByPercentPos sliderstr ppos -> [fvalue ppos] in VUIsetSlider sliderstr fvalue ppos; cbVUIsliderChange sliderstr; 0;; fun cbVUIsliderUnClick(eltstr, id, x, y, btn, sliderstr)= set sliderstr.VUISL_bClicking = 0; 0;; fun cbVUIsliderKeyDown(eltstr, key, sliderstr)= if (key != 333) && (key != 331) then 0 else ( let if (key == 333) then 1.0 else (-.1.0) -> coef in let sliderstr.VUISL_fValue +. (sliderstr.VUISL_fStep *. coef) -> nvalue in VUIsetSliderValue sliderstr nvalue; cbVUIsliderChange sliderstr; 1; );; fun cbVUIsliderKeyUp(eltstr, key, sliderstr)= if (key != 333) && (key != 331) then 0 else 1;; fun VUIcreateSliderExt(contstr, parentstr, pos, size, ratiosize, align, minval, maxval, step, nbdec, value, direction, cursorsize, textpos, themeref)= let if (minval == maxval) then maxval +. 0.00001 else maxval -> maxval in let if step <=. 0.0 then 0.00001 else step -> step in let if (value == nil) then 0.0 else value -> value in let minf (maxf value minval) maxval -> value in let if (direction == nil || direction <= 0) then 0 else direction -> direction in let VUImakeElement contstr parentstr pos size ratiosize align VUI_EltSlider -> eltstr in let VUImakeSlider contstr eltstr minval maxval step nbdec value direction cursorsize textpos -> sliderstr in let VUIgetThemeDef (VUIgetContainerGroupTheme contstr) themeref -> defstr in let VUIgetThemeFont defstr "sliderBackground" -> lbfontstr in ( VUImakeResource eltstr nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil; let VUIgetTextSize lbfontstr.VUIFI_Font (G2DgetFtoA minval nbdec) nil iVUITEXT_HALIGNCENTER|iVUITEXT_VALIGNCENTER -> [minw minh] in let VUIgetTextSize lbfontstr.VUIFI_Font (G2DgetFtoA maxval nbdec) nil iVUITEXT_HALIGNCENTER|iVUITEXT_VALIGNCENTER -> [maxw maxh] in let [(max minw maxw) + 10 (max minh maxh) + 10] -> [tw th] in let if textpos == 3 then [(- tw) 0 [2 1]] else if textpos == 4 then [(- tw) 0 [0 1]] else if textpos == 5 then [0 (- th) [1 2]] else if textpos == 6 then [0 (- th) [1 0]] else [0 0 [1 1]] -> [ow oh salign] in ( set sliderstr.VUISL_slider = VUIcreateFrame contstr eltstr [0.0 0.0] [100.0 100.0] [0 0 1 1 0 0 ow oh] salign; VUIsetElementTheme sliderstr.VUISL_slider defstr "sliderBackground"; set sliderstr.VUISL_fill = VUIcreateFrame contstr sliderstr.VUISL_slider [0.0 0.0] [100.0 100.0] [0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0] [0 2]; VUIsetElementTheme sliderstr.VUISL_fill defstr "sliderFill"; VUIsetElementIgnoreInput sliderstr.VUISL_fill 1; let if (sliderstr.VUISL_iDirection == 0) then [[(itof cursorsize) 100.0] [1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0]] else [[100.0 (itof cursorsize)] [0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0]] -> [csize cratiosize] in set sliderstr.VUISL_cursor = VUIcreateFrame contstr sliderstr.VUISL_slider [0.0 0.0] csize cratiosize [0 2]; VUIsetElementTheme sliderstr.VUISL_cursor defstr "sliderCursor"; VUIsetElementIgnoreInput sliderstr.VUISL_cursor 1; if textpos == 0 then nil else ( let if textpos == 1 || textpos == 2 then [[1 1] iVUITEXT_HALIGNCENTER|iVUITEXT_VALIGNCENTER] else if textpos == 3 then [[0 1] iVUITEXT_HALIGNLEFT|iVUITEXT_VALIGNCENTER] else if textpos == 4 then [[2 1] iVUITEXT_HALIGNRIGHT|iVUITEXT_VALIGNCENTER] else if textpos == 5 then [[1 0] iVUITEXT_HALIGNCENTER|iVUITEXT_VALIGNTOP] else if textpos == 6 then [[1 2] iVUITEXT_HALIGNCENTER|iVUITEXT_VALIGNBOTTOM] else nil -> [talign textalign] in let if textpos == 2 then sliderstr.VUISL_cursor else eltstr -> tparent in ( set sliderstr.VUISL_text = VUIcreateFrame contstr tparent [0.0 0.0] [(itof tw) (itof th)] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] talign; VUIsetElementText sliderstr.VUISL_text lbfontstr "" [0 0] [0 0] [5 5] textalign VUI_TextStatic 0; VUIsetElementIgnoreInput sliderstr.VUISL_text 1; ); ); VUIsetSliderValue sliderstr value; VUIsetElementCbClick sliderstr.VUISL_slider mkfun6 @cbVUIsliderClick sliderstr; VUIsetElementCbMouseMove sliderstr.VUISL_slider mkfun6 @cbVUIsliderMove sliderstr; VUIsetElementCbUnClick sliderstr.VUISL_slider mkfun6 @cbVUIsliderUnClick sliderstr; VUIsetElementCbKeyDown sliderstr.VUISL_slider mkfun3 @cbVUIsliderKeyDown sliderstr; VUIsetElementCbKeyUp sliderstr.VUISL_slider mkfun3 @cbVUIsliderKeyUp sliderstr; VUIsetElementCbKeyDown eltstr mkfun3 @cbVUIsliderKeyDown sliderstr; VUIsetElementCbKeyUp eltstr mkfun3 @cbVUIsliderKeyUp sliderstr; ); sliderstr; );; fun VUIcreateSlider(contstr, parentstr, pos, size, ratiosize, align, minval, maxval, step, nbdec, value, direction, cursorsize, textpos)= VUIcreateSliderExt contstr parentstr pos size ratiosize align minval maxval step nbdec value direction cursorsize textpos "slider";; fun VUIdestroySlider(sliderstr)= VUIdestroyElement sliderstr.VUIF_element; 0;; fun VUIsetSliderCbChange(sliderstr, cbfun)= set sliderstr.VUISL_cbChange = cbfun; 0;; /*! List */ fun VUIgetListElement(liststr, value)= VUIgetListElementByName liststr liststr.VUIL_lListElts value nil;; fun VUIrenameListElement(lestr, label)= set lestr.VUILE_sValue = label; VUIsetElementTextContent lestr.VUILE_element label; 0;; fun VUIaddListElement(liststr, parentstr, value, param, check)= let VUImakeElement liststr.VUIL_container liststr.VUIL_element [0.0 0.0] [100.0 0.0] [0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0] [0 0] VUI_EltListElement -> eltstr in let VUImakeListElement liststr eltstr parentstr value param -> lestr in let VUIgetThemeDef (VUIgetContainerGroupTheme liststr.VUIL_container) liststr.VUIL_sThemeRef -> defstr in ( VUIsetElementTheme eltstr defstr (if check then "listElementCheck" else "listElement"); let VUIcountListHierarchy lestr -> nboff in let liststr.VUIL_tEltOffset -> [ofx ofy] in let liststr.VUIL_tMargin -> [mx my] in let eltstr.VUIE_tPercent -> [px py pw ph xo yo wo ho] in ( set eltstr.VUIE_tPercent = [px py pw ph xo yo (wo - ((mx * 2) + (ofx * nboff))) ho]; set eltstr.VUIE_vPos = [(itof (mx + (ofx * nboff))) (itof (if ((sizelist liststr.VUIL_lListElts) == 0) then my else ofy))]; ); set eltstr.VUIE_cbCheck = mkfun3 @VUIselectListElementCb lestr; if (parentstr == nil) then ( set liststr.VUIL_lListElts = lcat liststr.VUIL_lListElts lestr::nil; 0; ) else //create btn on parent ( if (parentstr.VUILE_element.VUIE_children != nil) then nil else let VUIcreateButton liststr.VUIL_container parentstr.VUILE_element [0.0 0.0] [24.0 24.0] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [0 1] -> treebtn in ( VUIsetElementTheme treebtn defstr "treeButton"; set parentstr.VUILE_element.VUIE_Text.VUIT_tPos = [20 0]; // different from button size to avoid too big of a gap between arrow and text set parentstr.VUILE_element.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bNeedUpdate = 1; if (!parentstr.VUILE_iState) then nil else VUIsetElementCheckState treebtn 1; VUIsetElementCbCheck treebtn mkfun3 @VUIcheckListElementCb parentstr; VUIelementNeedUpdate parentstr.VUILE_element 1; ); 0; ); if (parentstr != nil) && (!parentstr.VUILE_iState) then set eltstr.VUIE_bVisible = 0 else nil; if (value == nil) then nil else let VUIgetThemeFont defstr (if check then "listElementCheck" else "listElement") -> lbfontstr in VUIsetElementText eltstr lbfontstr value [0 0] [0 0] [5 5] iVUITEXT_HALIGNLEFT|iVUITEXT_VALIGNCENTER VUI_TextAutoHeight 0; //force btns to be on last list elements let liststr.VUIL_scrollUp.VUIE_parent -> father in ( set father.VUIE_children = remove_from_list father.VUIE_children liststr.VUIL_scrollUp; set father.VUIE_children = lcat father.VUIE_children liststr.VUIL_scrollUp::nil; ); let liststr.VUIL_scrollDown.VUIE_parent -> father in ( set father.VUIE_children = remove_from_list father.VUIE_children liststr.VUIL_scrollDown; set father.VUIE_children = lcat father.VUIE_children liststr.VUIL_scrollDown::nil; ); VUIelementNeedUpdate lestr.VUILE_list.VUIL_element 1; lestr; );; fun VUIremoveListElement(lestr)= set lestr.VUILE_list.VUIL_lSelected = remove_from_list lestr.VUILE_list.VUIL_lSelected lestr; VUIdestroyElement lestr.VUILE_element; if (lestr.VUILE_parent == nil) then ( set lestr.VUILE_list.VUIL_lListElts = remove_from_list lestr.VUILE_list.VUIL_lListElts lestr; 0; ) else ( set lestr.VUILE_parent.VUILE_children = remove_from_list lestr.VUILE_parent.VUILE_children lestr; if (((sizelist lestr.VUILE_parent.VUILE_children) > 0) || (lestr.VUILE_parent.VUILE_element.VUIE_children == nil)) then nil else ( VUIdestroyElement hd lestr.VUILE_parent.VUILE_element.VUIE_children; set lestr.VUILE_parent.VUILE_element.VUIE_Text.VUIT_tPos = [0 0]; set lestr.VUILE_parent.VUILE_element.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bNeedUpdate = 1; VUIelementNeedUpdate lestr.VUILE_parent.VUILE_element 1; ); 0; ); VUIelementNeedUpdate lestr.VUILE_list.VUIL_element 1; 0;; fun VUIclearList(liststr)= set liststr.VUIL_lSelected = nil; set liststr.VUIL_lListElts = nil; VUIelementNeedUpdate liststr.VUIL_element 1; 0;; fun VUIcreateListExt(contstr, parentstr, pos, size, ratiosize, align, margin, multiselect, childoffset, themeref)= let VUImakeElement contstr parentstr pos size ratiosize align VUI_EltList -> eltstr in let VUImakeList contstr eltstr childoffset margin multiselect themeref -> liststr in let VUIgetThemeDef (VUIgetContainerGroupTheme contstr) "common" -> defstr in let VUIgetThemeDef (VUIgetContainerGroupTheme contstr) themeref -> listdefstr in ( VUIsetElementTheme eltstr listdefstr "listBackground"; VUIsetElementCbDraw eltstr mkfun2 @VUIdrawListCb liststr; set eltstr.VUIE_cbMouseWheel = mkfun6 @VUImouseWheelListCb liststr; set eltstr.VUIE_cbMouseMove = mkfun6 @VUImouseMoveListCb liststr; set liststr.VUIL_scrollUp = VUIcreateButton contstr eltstr [0.0 5.0] [48.0 16.0] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [1 0]; set liststr.VUIL_scrollDown = VUIcreateButton contstr eltstr [0.0 5.0] [48.0 16.0] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [1 2]; set liststr.VUIL_scrollUp.VUIE_bVisible = 0; set liststr.VUIL_scrollDown.VUIE_bVisible = 0; VUIsetElementTheme liststr.VUIL_scrollUp defstr "scrollUp"; VUIsetElementTheme liststr.VUIL_scrollDown defstr "scrollDown"; VUIsetElementCbClick liststr.VUIL_scrollUp mkfun6 @cbVUIlistScrollBtnClick [liststr 10]; VUIsetElementCbUnClick liststr.VUIL_scrollUp mkfun6 @cbVUIlistScrollBtnUnClick liststr; VUIsetElementCbClick liststr.VUIL_scrollDown mkfun6 @cbVUIlistScrollBtnClick [liststr (-10)]; VUIsetElementCbUnClick liststr.VUIL_scrollDown mkfun6 @cbVUIlistScrollBtnUnClick liststr; set contstr.VUICNT_bClearOnUpdate = 1; liststr; );; fun VUIcreateList(contstr, parentstr, pos, size, ratiosize, align, margin, multiselect, childoffset)= VUIcreateListExt contstr parentstr pos size ratiosize align margin multiselect childoffset "list";; fun VUIdestroyList(liststr)= VUIdestroyElement liststr.VUIL_element; 0;; fun VUIsetListCbSelect(liststr, cbfun)= set liststr.VUIL_cbSelect = cbfun; 0;; fun VUIsetListElementCbSelect(eleltstr, cbfun)= set eleltstr.VUILE_cbSelect = cbfun; 0;; /*! Select */ proto VUIshowSelectList = fun [VUISelect I] I;; fun cbVUIselectShowList(eltstr, id, x, y, btn, selectstr)= VUIshowSelectList selectstr if (selectstr.VUIS_list == nil) then 1 else 0; 0;; fun cbVUIselectListElement(liststr, lelt, selectstr)= let hd lelt -> leltstr in ( set selectstr.VUIS_sValue = leltstr.VUILE_sValue; VUIsetElementTextContent selectstr.VUIS_element leltstr.VUILE_sValue; VUIshowSelectList selectstr 0; exec selectstr.VUIS_cbSelect with [selectstr leltstr.VUILE_sValue]; ); 0;; fun VUIsetListElementsTextSize(liststr, eleltlist, mode)= if (eleltlist == nil) then nil else ( let hd eleltlist -> eleltstr in ( set eleltstr.VUILE_element.VUIE_Text.VUIT_iUpdateSize = mode; VUIsetListElementsTextSize liststr eleltstr.VUILE_children mode; ); VUIsetListElementsTextSize liststr (tl eleltlist) mode; ); 0;; fun VUIshowSelectList(selectstr, state)= if (!state) then ( VUIdestroyList selectstr.VUIS_list; set selectstr.VUIS_list = nil; 0; ) else ( if (selectstr.VUIS_list != nil) then nil else ( let selectstr.VUIS_element.VUIE_tGlobalCoords -> [dx dy dw dh] in let selectstr.VUIS_tMargin -> [mw mh] in let selectstr.VUIS_tEltOffset -> [ow oh] in let sizelist selectstr.VUIS_lValues -> nbvalues in let nbvalues * dh + (nbvalues - 1) * oh + mh * 2 -> h in let selectstr.VUIS_container.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_tGlobalCoords -> [_ _ _ ch] in if (h > (ch - (dy + dh))) then set selectstr.VUIS_list = VUIcreateListExt selectstr.VUIS_container selectstr.VUIS_element.VUIE_parent [(itof dx) (itof (dy + dh))] [(itof dw) 100.0] [0 0 0 1 0 0 0 (- (dy + dh))] [0 0] selectstr.VUIS_tMargin 0 selectstr.VUIS_tEltOffset selectstr.VUIS_sThemeRef else set selectstr.VUIS_list = VUIcreateListExt selectstr.VUIS_container selectstr.VUIS_element.VUIE_parent [(itof dx) (itof (dy + dh))] [(itof dw) (itof h)] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [0 0] selectstr.VUIS_tMargin 0 selectstr.VUIS_tEltOffset selectstr.VUIS_sThemeRef; VUIsetListCbSelect selectstr.VUIS_list mkfun3 @cbVUIselectListElement selectstr; let selectstr.VUIS_lValues -> lvalues in while (lvalues != nil) do ( let (hd lvalues) -> eval in ( let VUIaddListElement selectstr.VUIS_list nil (hd lvalues) nil 1 -> eleltstr in ( let if (strcmp eval selectstr.VUIS_sValue) || (eleltstr.VUILE_element.VUIE_resource == nil) || (1 > (eleltstr.VUILE_element.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iNbCols - 1)) then 0 else 1 -> state in set eleltstr.VUILE_element.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iCurCol = state; //set eleltstr.VUILE_element.VUIE_Text.VUIT_iUpdateSize = VUI_TextAuto; ); ); set lvalues = tl lvalues; ); /*VUImakeResource selectstr.VUIS_list.VUIL_element nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil; VUIupdateListElementsCoords selectstr.VUIS_list selectstr.VUIS_list.VUIL_lListElts [0 0]; let VUIgetListFullContentSize selectstr.VUIS_list 0 -> [tw th] in set selectstr.VUIS_list.VUIL_element.VUIE_vSize = [(itof tw) 100.0]; VUIsetListElementsTextSize selectstr.VUIS_list selectstr.VUIS_list.VUIL_lListElts VUI_TextAutoHeight; VUIshowElement liststr.VUIL_element 1; */ 0; ); ); 0;; fun VUIselectAddElement(selectstr, value)= if (selectstr.VUIS_list == nil) then nil else VUIaddListElement selectstr.VUIS_list nil value nil 0; set selectstr.VUIS_lValues = lcat selectstr.VUIS_lValues value::nil; 0;; fun VUIremoveSelectElement(selectstr, value)= set selectstr.VUIS_lValues = remove_from_list selectstr.VUIS_lValues value; if (selectstr.VUIS_list == nil) then nil else let VUIgetListElement selectstr.VUIS_list value -> leltstr in VUIremoveListElement leltstr; 0;; fun VUIsetSelectElement(selectstr, value)= if (selectstr.VUIS_list == nil) then nil else let VUIgetListElement selectstr.VUIS_list value -> leltstr in VUIselectListElement leltstr 1; set selectstr.VUIS_sValue = value; VUIsetElementTextContent selectstr.VUIS_element value; 0;; fun VUIsetSelectElementByPos(selectstr, pos)= let nth_list selectstr.VUIS_lValues pos -> value in VUIsetSelectElement selectstr value; 0;; fun VUIcreateSelectExt(contstr, parentstr, pos, size, ratiosize, align, lvalues, margin, childoffset, themeref)= let VUImakeElement contstr parentstr pos size ratiosize align VUI_EltSelect -> eltstr in let VUImakeSelect contstr eltstr lvalues margin childoffset themeref -> selectstr in let VUIgetThemeDef (VUIgetContainerGroupTheme contstr) themeref -> defstr in ( VUIsetElementTheme eltstr defstr "field"; VUIsetElementCbFullClick eltstr mkfun6 @cbVUIselectShowList selectstr; let hd lvalues -> defval in let VUIgetThemeFont defstr "field" -> lbfontstr in VUIsetElementText eltstr lbfontstr defval [0 0] [0 0] [5 5] iVUITEXT_HALIGNLEFT|iVUITEXT_VALIGNCENTER VUI_TextAutoHeight 0; set contstr.VUICNT_bClearOnUpdate = 1; selectstr; );; fun VUIcreateSelect(contstr, parentstr, pos, size, ratiosize, align, lvalues, margin, childoffset)= VUIcreateSelectExt contstr parentstr pos size ratiosize align lvalues margin childoffset "select";; fun VUIdestroySelect(selectstr)= VUIdestroyList selectstr.VUIS_list; VUIdestroyElement selectstr.VUIS_element; 0;; fun VUIsetSelectCbSelect(selectstr, cbfun)= set selectstr.VUIS_cbSelect = cbfun; 0;; /*! Table */ fun VUIcomputeTableColumnData(nbcols, colwidths, border, cwcount, undefcount, j)= if (j >= nbcols) then [(mktab nbcols nil) cwcount undefcount] else ( let if colwidths.(j) <= 0 then VUIcomputeTableColumnData nbcols colwidths border cwcount (undefcount + 1) (j + 1) else VUIcomputeTableColumnData nbcols colwidths border (cwcount + colwidths.(j)) undefcount (j + 1) -> [columnsdatatab totalcw undefcw] in let if undefcw <= 0 then [0 0 cwcount 0] else let (undefcount * 100) / undefcw -> ppos in let ((undefcount + 1) * 100) / undefcw - ppos -> pwidth in let (undefcount * totalcw) / undefcw -> prevow in let cwcount - prevow -> ox in let ((undefcount + 1) * totalcw) / undefcw - prevow -> ow in [ppos pwidth ox (-ow)] -> [ppos pwidth ox ow] in let if (j + 1) >= nbcols then 0 else border -> bo in let if colwidths.(j) <= 0 then [ppos pwidth 1 1 ox (ow + bo)] else [ppos (colwidths.(j) + bo) 1 0 ox 0] -> columndata in ( set columnsdatatab.j = columndata; [columnsdatatab totalcw undefcw]; ); );; fun VUIupdateTableLineHeight(linestr, lw, lh)= let linestr.VUITBL_table -> tablestr in let tablestr.VUITB_tTableSize -> [x _] in let 0 -> maxh in let 0 -> j in ( while (j < x) do ( let linestr.VUITBL_cells.j -> cell in let VUIcomputeEposSize cell lw lh -> [_ _ cellwidth _] in let cell.VUIE_Text -> textstr in let textstr.VUIT_tMargin -> [mx my] in let VUIgetTextSize textstr.VUIT_font.VUIFI_Font textstr.VUIT_sContent (cellwidth - 2 * mx) textstr.VUIT_iAlign -> [_ cellheight] in let cellheight + 2 * my -> cellheight in if (cellheight <= maxh) then nil else set maxh = cellheight; set j = j + 1; ); set linestr.VUITBL_iHeight = maxh; );; fun VUIupdateTableVerticalLayout(tablestr)= let tablestr.VUITB_element.VUIE_tGlobalCoords -> [_ _ tw th] in let tablestr.VUITB_tTableSize -> [_ y] in let 0 -> i in let 0 -> linemaxh in let 0 -> remainder in let nil -> heightlist in ( // update line needed height while (i < y) do ( let tablestr.VUITB_table.i -> linestr in let VUIcomputeEposSize linestr.VUITBL_element tw th -> [_ _ lw lh] in set heightlist = (VUIupdateTableLineHeight linestr lw lh)::heightlist; set i = i + 1; ); // compute line height to fill the table set heightlist = quicksort heightlist @isSmallerI; set i = 0; while (i < y) do ( set linemaxh = th / (y - i); set remainder = th - (linemaxh * (y - i)); if ((hd heightlist) > linemaxh) then ( set th = th - (hd heightlist); set heightlist = tl heightlist; set i = i + 1; ) else set i = y; ); // set the lines position and height set i = 0; let 0 -> ly in while (i < y) do ( let tablestr.VUITB_table.i -> linestr in let if linestr.VUITBL_iHeight > linemaxh then linestr.VUITBL_iHeight else let if remainder > 0 then 1 else 0 -> correction in ( set remainder = remainder - 1; linemaxh + correction ) -> height in let if (i + 1) >= y then 0 else tablestr.VUITB_iBorder -> bo in let linestr.VUITBL_element.VUIE_vPos -> [ex ey] in let linestr.VUITBL_element.VUIE_vSize -> [ew eh] in ( if ((itof ly) == ey) then nil else VUIsetElementPos linestr.VUITBL_element [0.0 (itof ly)] nil nil; if ((itof height) == eh) then nil else VUIsetElementSize linestr.VUITBL_element [100.0 (itof (height + bo))] nil; set ly = ly + height; VUIupdateElementCoords linestr.VUITBL_element.VUIE_container linestr.VUITBL_element; ); set i = i + 1; ); ); 0;; fun cbVUItableDraw(eltstr, tablestr)= VUIupdateTableVerticalLayout tablestr; 0;; fun VUIgetTableCell(tablestr, x, y)= let tablestr.VUITB_tTableSize -> [tx ty] in if (x < 0) || (x >= tx) || (y < 0) || (y >= ty) then nil else tablestr.VUITB_table.(y).VUITBL_cells.(x);; fun VUIgetTableCellText(tablestr, x, y)= let tablestr.VUITB_tTableSize -> [tx ty] in if (x < 0) || (x >= tx) || (y < 0) || (y >= ty) then nil else VUIgetElementText tablestr.VUITB_table.(y).VUITBL_cells.(x);; fun VUIgetTable(tablestr)= let tablestr.VUITB_tTableSize -> [x y] in let mktab y nil -> table in ( let 0 -> i in while (i < y) do ( set table.(i) = mktab x ""; let 0 -> j in while (j < x) do ( set table.(i).(j) = VUIgetElementText tablestr.VUITB_table.(i).VUITBL_cells.(j); set j = j + 1; ); set i = i + 1; ); table; );; fun cbVUItableChange(tablestr, x, y)= let VUIgetTableCell tablestr x y -> cell in let VUIgetTableCellText tablestr x y -> text in exec tablestr.VUITB_cbChange with [tablestr cell x y text]; 0;; fun VUIsetTableCellText(tablestr, x, y, content)= let tablestr.VUITB_tTableSize -> [tx ty] in if (x < 0) || (x >= tx) || (y < 0) || (y >= ty) then nil else ( VUIsetElementTextContent tablestr.VUITB_table.(y).VUITBL_cells.(x) content; cbVUItableChange tablestr x y; ); 0;; fun VUIsetTable(tablestr, content)= let tablestr.VUITB_tTableSize -> [x y] in let sizetab content -> nbline in let 0 -> i in while (i < y && i < nbline) do ( let sizetab content.(i) -> nbcol in let 0 -> j in while (j < x && j < nbcol) do ( VUIsetElementTextContent tablestr.VUITB_table.(i).VUITBL_cells.(j) content.(i).(j); cbVUItableChange tablestr j i; set j = j + 1; ); set i = i + 1; ); 0;; fun VUIsetTableFont(tablestr, font)= let VUIcreateFontInterface font -> fontistr in let tablestr.VUITB_tTableSize -> [x y] in let 0 -> i in while (i < y) do ( let 0 -> j in while (j < x) do ( VUIsetElementFont tablestr.VUITB_table.(i).VUITBL_cells.(j) fontistr; set j = j + 1; ); set i = i + 1; ); 0;; fun VUIsetTableResource(tablestr, bgcolor, border, bdcolor, file, flags/*, nbstates, nbcols, nbframes, framepersec*/)= let tablestr.VUITB_tTableSize -> [x y] in let 0 -> i in ( while (i < y) do ( let 0 -> j in while (j < x) do ( VUIsetElementResource tablestr.VUITB_table.(i).VUITBL_cells.(j) bgcolor border bdcolor file flags nil nil nil nil/*nbstates nbcols nbframes framepersec*/; set j = j + 1; ); set i = i + 1; ); if (border == tablestr.VUITB_iBorder) then nil else let VUIcomputeTableColumnData x tablestr.VUITB_colWidth border 0 0 0 -> [coldata _ _] in ( set tablestr.VUITB_iBorder = border; set i = 0; while (i < y) do ( let 0 -> j in while (j < x) do ( let coldata.j -> [cx cw px pw ox ow] in ( VUIsetElementPos tablestr.VUITB_table.(i).VUITBL_cells.(j) [(itof cx) 0.0] nil [px 0 ox 0]; VUIsetElementSize tablestr.VUITB_table.(i).VUITBL_cells.(j) [(itof cw) 100.0] [pw 1 ow 0]; ); set j = j + 1; ); set i = i + 1; ); ); ); 0;; fun VUIcreateTableExt(contstr, parentstr, pos, size, ratiosize, align, margin, tablesize, colwidths, font, textalign, themeref)= let VUImakeElement contstr parentstr pos size ratiosize align VUI_EltTable -> eltstr in let VUIsplitThemeRef themeref -> [defname eltname] in let VUIgetThemeDef (VUIgetContainerGroupTheme contstr) defname -> defstr in let VUIgetThemeElement defstr eltname -> ethstr in let ethstr.VUITHE_res -> rthstr in let rthstr.VUITHR_iBorder -> border in let VUImakeTable contstr eltstr tablesize colwidths border -> tablestr in let tablesize -> [tx ty] in let VUIcomputeTableColumnData tx colwidths border 0 0 0 -> [coldata _ _] in let if font != nil then VUIcreateFontInterface font else VUIgetThemeFont defstr eltname -> lbfontstr in ( VUImakeResource eltstr 0xffffff00 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil; VUIsetElementScroll eltstr VUI_EltScrollH|VUI_EltScrollV; // create lines and cells let 0 -> i in while (i < ty) do ( let tablestr.VUITB_table.i -> linestr in let 0 -> j in ( set linestr.VUITBL_element = VUIcreateFrame contstr tablestr.VUITB_element [0.0 0.0] [100.0 0.0] [0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0] [0 0]; while (j < tx) do ( let coldata.j -> [cx cw px pw ox ow] in set linestr.VUITBL_cells.j = VUIcreateFrame contstr linestr.VUITBL_element [(itof cx) 0.0] [(itof cw) 100.0] [px 0 pw 1 ox 0 ow 0] [0 0]; VUIsetElementTheme linestr.VUITBL_cells.j defstr "tableCell"; //VUIsetElementResource linestr.VUITBL_cells.j 0xffffff00 border bcolor nil nil nil nil nil nil; VUIsetElementText linestr.VUITBL_cells.j lbfontstr "" nil nil margin textalign VUI_TextStatic 1; set j = j + 1; ); ); set i = i + 1; ); VUIsetElementCbPreDraw eltstr mkfun2 @cbVUItableDraw tablestr; tablestr; );; fun VUIcreateTable(contstr, parentstr, pos, size, ratiosize, align, margin, tablesize, colwidths, font, textalign)= VUIcreateTableExt contstr parentstr pos size ratiosize align margin tablesize colwidths font textalign "common/tableCell";; fun VUIdestroyTable(tablestr)= VUIdestroyElement tablestr.VUITB_element; 0;; fun VUIsetTableCbChange(tablestr, cbfun)= set tablestr.VUITB_cbChange = cbfun; 0;; /*! Menu */ proto VUIshowMenuList = fun [VUIBtnMenu I] I;; fun cbVUImenuShowList(eltstr, id, x, y, btn, bmenustr)= let bmenustr.VUIMB_parent -> menustr in ( if ((menustr.VUIM_selectedBtn == nil) || (menustr.VUIM_selectedBtn == bmenustr)) then nil else ( VUIshowMenuList menustr.VUIM_selectedBtn 0; set menustr.VUIM_selectedBtn = nil; ); let if (bmenustr.VUIMB_list == nil) then 1 else 0 -> state in ( VUIshowMenuList bmenustr state; if (!state) then set menustr.VUIM_selectedBtn = nil else set menustr.VUIM_selectedBtn = bmenustr; ); ); //addLogMessage strcat "Menu Select : " bmenustr.VUIMB_sValue; exec bmenustr.VUIMB_cbSelect with [bmenustr]; 0;; fun cbVUImenuButtonIn(eltstr, bmenustr)= if (!bmenustr.VUIMB_iMode || (bmenustr.VUIMB_tooltip != nil) || (bmenustr.VUIMB_sValue == nil)) then nil else ( let bmenustr.VUIMB_element.VUIE_container -> constr in let VUIgetThemeDef (VUIgetContainerGroupTheme eltstr.VUIE_container) "common" -> defstr in let VUIgetThemeFont defstr "bubble" -> lbfontstr in let VUIgetTextSize lbfontstr.VUIFI_Font bmenustr.VUIMB_sValue 0 iVUITEXT_HALIGNCENTER|iVUITEXT_VALIGNCENTER -> [ttw tth] in ( //Show bubble //let bmenustr.VUIMB_element.VUIE_tGlobalCoords -> [dx dy dw dh] in //let [dx + (dw / 2) dy + (dh / 2)] -> [dx dy] in let hd constr.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vMousePos -> [id [dx dy]] in let VUIunscaleCoords2 constr.VUICNT_buffer.VUIE_tGlobalCoords constr.VUICNT_fScale -> [_ _ cw ch] in let if ((dx + ttw + 10) <= cw) then dx else dx - (ttw + 10) -> px in let if ((dy + tth + 10) <= ch) then dy else dy - (tth + 10) -> py in set bmenustr.VUIMB_tooltip = VUIcreateFrame constr nil [(itof px) (itof py)] [0.0 0.0] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [0 0]; VUIsetElementIgnoreInput bmenustr.VUIMB_tooltip 1; VUIsetElementTheme bmenustr.VUIMB_tooltip defstr "bubble"; VUIsetElementText bmenustr.VUIMB_tooltip lbfontstr bmenustr.VUIMB_sValue [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] iVUITEXT_HALIGNCENTER|iVUITEXT_VALIGNCENTER VUI_TextAuto 0; VUIelementNeedUpdate bmenustr.VUIMB_element 0; ); ); 0;; fun cbVUImenuButtonOut(eltstr, bmenustr)= if (bmenustr.VUIMB_tooltip == nil) then nil else ( VUIdestroyElement bmenustr.VUIMB_tooltip; set bmenustr.VUIMB_tooltip = nil; VUIelementNeedUpdate bmenustr.VUIMB_element 0; ); 0;; fun cbVUIselectMenuElement(eleltstr, smenustr)= //search for parent with the menu button let if (smenustr.VUIMS_btnMenu == nil) then let nil -> btnmenu in let smenustr -> smenu in ( while (btnmenu == nil && smenu != nil) do ( set btnmenu = smenu.VUIMS_btnMenu; set smenu = smenu.VUIMS_parent; ); btnmenu; ) else smenustr.VUIMS_btnMenu -> btnmenustr in ( VUIshowMenuList btnmenustr 0; set btnmenustr.VUIMB_parent.VUIM_selectedBtn = nil; ); if (!smenustr.VUIMS_bCheck) then nil else set smenustr.VUIMS_iCheckState = !smenustr.VUIMS_iCheckState; //addLogMessage strcat "SubMenu Select : " smenustr.VUIMS_sValue; exec smenustr.VUIMS_cbSelect with [smenustr]; 0;; fun VUIfillSubMenu(bmenustr, eleltstr, smstrlist)= if (smstrlist == nil) then nil else ( let hd smstrlist -> smenustr in let VUIaddListElement bmenustr.VUIMB_list eleltstr smenustr.VUIMS_sValue nil smenustr.VUIMS_bCheck -> neleltstr in ( VUIsetListElementCbSelect neleltstr mkfun2 @cbVUIselectMenuElement smenustr; let if (neleltstr.VUILE_element.VUIE_resource == nil) || (smenustr.VUIMS_iCheckState > (neleltstr.VUILE_element.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iNbCols - 1)) then 0 else smenustr.VUIMS_iCheckState -> state in set neleltstr.VUILE_element.VUIE_resource.VUIR_iCurCol = state; set neleltstr.VUILE_element.VUIE_Text.VUIT_iUpdateSize = VUI_TextAuto; VUIfillSubMenu bmenustr neleltstr smenustr.VUIMS_lChildren; if (!bmenustr.VUIMB_bUnfoldChildren || neleltstr.VUILE_children == nil) then nil else VUIunfoldListElement neleltstr 1; ); VUIfillSubMenu bmenustr eleltstr (tl smstrlist); ); 0;; fun VUIshowMenuList(bmenustr, state)= let bmenustr.VUIMB_parent -> menustr in if (!state) then ( VUIdestroyList bmenustr.VUIMB_list; set bmenustr.VUIMB_list = nil; 0; ) else ( if (bmenustr.VUIMB_list != nil) || (bmenustr.VUIMB_lSubMenus == nil) then nil else ( set bmenustr.VUIMB_list = VUIcreateListExt menustr.VUIM_container nil [0.0 0.0] [100.0 100.0] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [0 0] [0 0] 0 menustr.VUIM_tEltOffset menustr.VUIM_sThemeRef; VUIfillSubMenu bmenustr nil bmenustr.VUIMB_lSubMenus; //update to get the max element width VUIupdateListElementsCoords bmenustr.VUIMB_list bmenustr.VUIMB_list.VUIL_lListElts [0 0]; let VUIgetListFullContentSize bmenustr.VUIMB_list 1 -> [tw th] in let bmenustr.VUIMB_element.VUIE_tLocalCoords -> [dx dy dw dh] in let menustr.VUIM_tEltOffset -> [ox oy] in let menustr.VUIM_iAlignMode -> alignmode in let VUIscaleVec SO3WidgetGetSize menustr.VUIM_container.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_widget menustr.VUIM_container.VUICNT_fScale -> [cw ch] in let if (alignmode == iVUIMNU_ALIGNRIGHT) then [[((cw - dx) + ox) (dy + oy)] [2 0]] else if (alignmode == iVUIMNU_ALIGNTOP) then [[(dx + ox) (dy + dh + oy)] [0 0]] else if (alignmode == iVUIMNU_ALIGNBOTTOM) then [[(dx + ox) ((ch - dy) + oy)] [0 2]] else [[(dx + dw + ox) (dy + oy)] [0 0]] -> [[bx by] balign] in let [(min tw (cw - bx)) (min th (ch - by))] -> [wp hp] in //warning th can be wrong if the width in less than tw ( //addLogMessage strcatn "pos : "::(itoa bx)::" "::(itoa by)::nil; set bmenustr.VUIMB_list.VUIL_element.VUIE_vPos = [(itof bx) (itof by)]; set bmenustr.VUIMB_list.VUIL_element.VUIE_tAlign = balign; set bmenustr.VUIMB_list.VUIL_element.VUIE_vSize = [(itof wp) (itof hp)]; ); VUIsetListElementsTextSize bmenustr.VUIMB_list bmenustr.VUIMB_list.VUIL_lListElts VUI_TextAutoHeight; 0; ); ); VUIelementNeedUpdate bmenustr.VUIMB_parent.VUIM_element 1; 0;; fun VUIaddSubMenu(bmenustr, smenustr, value, check)= VUImakeSubMenu bmenustr smenustr value check;; fun VUIaddMenuButton(menustr, size, value, mode, unfold)= let VUImakeElement menustr.VUIM_container menustr.VUIM_element [0.0 0.0] size [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [0 0] VUI_EltBtnMenu -> eltstr in let VUImakeBtnMenu menustr eltstr value mode unfold -> bmenustr in ( VUIsetElementCbFullClick eltstr mkfun6 @cbVUImenuShowList bmenustr; if ((value == nil) || mode) then nil else let VUIgetThemeDef (VUIgetContainerGroupTheme menustr.VUIM_container) menustr.VUIM_sThemeRef -> defstr in ( VUIsetElementTheme eltstr defstr "menuButton"; let VUIgetThemeFont defstr "menuButton" -> lbfontstr in let size -> [w h] in let if (w == 0.0 && h == 0.0) then VUI_TextAuto else if (h == 0.0) then VUI_TextAutoHeight else VUI_TextStatic -> tmode in VUIsetElementText eltstr lbfontstr value [0 0] [0 0] [5 5] iVUITEXT_HALIGNLEFT|iVUITEXT_VALIGNCENTER tmode 0; ); // bubble events if (!mode) then nil else ( VUIsetElementCbMouseIn eltstr mkfun2 @cbVUImenuButtonIn bmenustr; VUIsetElementCbMouseOut eltstr mkfun2 @cbVUImenuButtonOut bmenustr; ); //force btns to be on last list elements let menustr.VUIM_scrollMinus.VUIE_parent -> father in ( set father.VUIE_children = remove_from_list father.VUIE_children menustr.VUIM_scrollMinus; set father.VUIE_children = lcat father.VUIE_children menustr.VUIM_scrollMinus::nil; ); let menustr.VUIM_scrollPlus.VUIE_parent -> father in ( set father.VUIE_children = remove_from_list father.VUIE_children menustr.VUIM_scrollPlus; set father.VUIE_children = lcat father.VUIE_children menustr.VUIM_scrollPlus::nil; ); bmenustr; );; fun VUIcreateMenuExt(contstr, parentstr, pos, size, ratiosize, align, margin, childoffset, alignmode, themeref)= let VUImakeElement contstr parentstr pos size ratiosize align VUI_EltMenu -> eltstr in let VUImakeMenu contstr eltstr margin childoffset alignmode themeref -> menustr in let VUIgetThemeDef (VUIgetContainerGroupTheme contstr) "common" -> defstr in let VUIgetThemeDef (VUIgetContainerGroupTheme contstr) themeref -> menudefstr in ( VUIsetElementTheme eltstr menudefstr "menuBackground"; VUIsetElementCbDraw eltstr mkfun2 @VUIdrawMenuCb menustr; set eltstr.VUIE_cbMouseWheel = mkfun6 @VUImouseWheelMenuCb menustr; set eltstr.VUIE_cbMouseMove = mkfun6 @VUImouseMoveMenuCb menustr; let margin -> [mx my] in let if (alignmode == iVUIMNU_ALIGNRIGHT) then [[(itof (mx + 6)) (itof my)] [48.0 16.0] [2 0] "scrollUp"] else if (alignmode == iVUIMNU_ALIGNTOP) then [[(itof mx) (itof (my + 6))] [16.0 49.0] [0 0] "scrollLeft"] else if (alignmode == iVUIMNU_ALIGNBOTTOM) then [[(itof mx) (itof (my + 6))] [16.0 49.0] [0 2] "scrollLeft"] else [[(itof (mx + 6)) (itof my)] [48.0 16.0] [0 0] "scrollUp"] -> [bpos bsize balign bstyle] in ( set menustr.VUIM_scrollPlus = VUIcreateButton contstr eltstr bpos bsize [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] balign; VUIsetElementTheme menustr.VUIM_scrollPlus defstr bstyle; ); let margin -> [mx my] in let if (alignmode == iVUIMNU_ALIGNRIGHT) then [[(itof (mx + 6)) (itof my)] [48.0 16.0] [2 2] "scrollDown"] else if (alignmode == iVUIMNU_ALIGNTOP) then [[(itof mx) (itof (my + 6))] [16.0 49.0] [2 0] "scrollRight"] else if (alignmode == iVUIMNU_ALIGNBOTTOM) then [[(itof mx) (itof (my + 6))] [16.0 49.0] [2 2] "scrollRight"] else [[(itof (mx + 6)) (itof my)] [48.0 16.0] [0 2] "scrollDown"] -> [bpos bsize balign bstyle] in ( set menustr.VUIM_scrollMinus = VUIcreateButton contstr eltstr bpos bsize [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] balign; VUIsetElementTheme menustr.VUIM_scrollMinus defstr bstyle; ); set menustr.VUIM_scrollPlus.VUIE_bVisible = 0; set menustr.VUIM_scrollMinus.VUIE_bVisible = 0; VUIsetElementCbClick menustr.VUIM_scrollPlus mkfun6 @cbVUImenuScrollBtnClick [menustr 10]; VUIsetElementCbUnClick menustr.VUIM_scrollPlus mkfun6 @cbVUImenuScrollBtnUnClick menustr; VUIsetElementCbClick menustr.VUIM_scrollMinus mkfun6 @cbVUImenuScrollBtnClick [menustr (-10)]; VUIsetElementCbUnClick menustr.VUIM_scrollMinus mkfun6 @cbVUImenuScrollBtnUnClick menustr; set contstr.VUICNT_bClearOnUpdate = 1; VUIsetFocusedElement contstr eltstr; menustr; );; fun VUIcreateMenu(contstr, parentstr, pos, size, ratiosize, align, margin, childoffset, alignmode)= VUIcreateMenuExt contstr parentstr pos size ratiosize align margin childoffset alignmode "menu";; fun VUIdestroyMenu(menustr)= let menustr.VUIM_lBtnMenus -> lbtns in while (lbtns != nil) do ( let hd lbtns -> bmenustr in ( if (bmenustr.VUIMB_tooltip == nil) then nil else ( VUIdestroyElement bmenustr.VUIMB_tooltip; set bmenustr.VUIMB_tooltip = nil; ); VUIdestroyList bmenustr.VUIMB_list; set bmenustr.VUIMB_list = nil; ); set lbtns = tl lbtns; ); VUIdestroyElement menustr.VUIM_element; 0;; fun VUIsetCbMenuButton(bmenustr, cbfun)= set bmenustr.VUIMB_cbSelect = cbfun; 0;; fun VUIsetCbSubMenu(smenustr, cbfun)= set smenustr.VUIMS_cbSelect = cbfun; 0;; /*! Dialog Box */ fun VUIdestroyDialogBox(dlgstr)= VUIdestroyContainer dlgstr.VUIDLG_container; 0;; fun cbVUIDlgClick(eltstr, id, x, y, btn, p)= let p -> [dlgstr state] in ( exec dlgstr.VUIDLG_cbValidate with [dlgstr state]; VUIdestroyDialogBox dlgstr; ); 0;; fun VUIcomputeDialogBoxSize(viewstr, themestr, title, text, isbtn)= let VUIgetThemeDef themestr "dialogBox" -> defstr in let V3DgetDefaultViewport viewstr -> viewportstr in let V3DgetViewportSize viewstr viewportstr -> [_ _ cvw cvh] in //for mobile devices with scale let [ftoi ((itof cvw) *. (if (viewstr.V3D_bVRmode) then fVUIGlobalScaleFactor else fVUIPIXELDENSITY)) ftoi ((itof cvh) *. (if (viewstr.V3D_bVRmode) then fVUIGlobalScaleFactor else fVUIPIXELDENSITY))] -> [cvw cvh] in let if (cvh <= 0) then 1 else if (viewstr.V3D_bVRmode) then 1080 else cvh -> cvh in let if (title == nil) then nil else VUIgetThemeFont defstr "title" -> tlfontstr in let if (tlfontstr == nil) then [0 0] else let VUIgetTextSize tlfontstr.VUIFI_Font title 0 iVUITEXT_HALIGNLEFT|iVUITEXT_VALIGNTOP -> [tlw tlh] in [tlw tlh + 5] -> [tlw tlh] in let if (isbtn) then let VUIgetThemeFont defstr "okButton" -> bokfontstr in let VUIgetThemeElement defstr "okButton" -> bokthm in let VUIgetThemeFont defstr "cancelButton" -> bcfontstr in let VUIgetThemeElement defstr "cancelButton" -> bcthm in let VUIgetTextSize bokfontstr.VUIFI_Font "!" 0 iVUITEXT_HALIGNCENTER|iVUITEXT_VALIGNCENTER -> [_ obtnh] in let VUIgetTextSize bcfontstr.VUIFI_Font "!" 0 iVUITEXT_HALIGNCENTER|iVUITEXT_VALIGNCENTER -> [_ cbtnh] in (max (obtnh + (bokthm.VUITHE_res.VUITHR_iBorder * 2)) (cbtnh + (bcthm.VUITHE_res.VUITHR_iBorder * 2))) + 15 else 0 -> btnh in let [(cvw - 20 - 30) (cvh - 20 - 30 - btnh - tlh)] -> [maxvw maxvh] in let VUIgetThemeFont defstr "label" -> lbfontstr in let VUIgetTextSize lbfontstr.VUIFI_Font text 0 iVUITEXT_HALIGNCENTER|iVUITEXT_VALIGNCENTER -> [ttw tth] in let min 1024 maxvw -> maxw in let if (ttw > maxw) then VUIgetTextSize lbfontstr.VUIFI_Font text maxw iVUITEXT_HALIGNCENTER|iVUITEXT_VALIGNCENTER else [ttw tth] -> [ttw tth] in let [(min (max (max ttw tlw) 200) maxvw) (min (max tth lbfontstr.VUIFI_Font.VUIF_iFontSize) maxvh)] -> [ttw tth] in [tlw tlh ttw tth btnh];; fun VUIupdateDialogBoxSize(viewstr, dlgstr)= let if (dlgstr.VUIDLG_okBtn == nil && dlgstr.VUIDLG_cancelBtn == nil) then 0 else 1 -> isbtn in let VUIcomputeDialogBoxSize viewstr (VUIgetContainerGroupTheme dlgstr.VUIDLG_container) (VUIgetElementText dlgstr.VUIDLG_title) (VUIgetElementText dlgstr.VUIDLG_frame) isbtn -> [tlw tlh ttw tth btnh] in let dlgstr.VUIDLG_title.VUIE_vSize -> [ptlw ptlh] in let dlgstr.VUIDLG_container.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_vSize -> [pttw ptth] in ( let itof (ttw + 30) -> nttw in let itof (10 + tlh + tth + 20 + btnh) -> ntth in if (nttw == pttw && ntth == ptth) then nil else VUIsetContainerSize dlgstr.VUIDLG_container [nttw ntth] nil; if (tlh == (ftoi ptlh)) then nil else ( VUIsetElementSize dlgstr.VUIDLG_title [100.0 (itof tlh)] nil; VUIsetElementSize dlgstr.VUIDLG_frame nil [1 1 (-20) (-(10 + tlh + 10 + btnh))]; VUIsetElementPos dlgstr.VUIDLG_frame [0.0 (itof (10 + tlh))] nil nil; ); ); 0;; fun cbVUIDlgBoxThemeUpdate(contstr, p)= let p -> [dlgstr viewstr] in VUIupdateDialogBoxSize viewstr dlgstr; 0;; fun VUIcreateDialogBoxExt(viewstr, groupstr, title, text, oklabel, cancellabel, opacity, vr, cbfun, themeref)= let VUIgetThemeDef (VUIgetGroupTheme groupstr) themeref -> defstr in let if (title == nil) then nil else VUIgetThemeFont defstr "title" -> tlfontstr in let VUIgetThemeFont defstr "label" -> lbfontstr in let if (oklabel == nil && cancellabel == nil) then 0 else 1 -> isbtn in let VUIcomputeDialogBoxSize viewstr (VUIgetGroupTheme groupstr) title text isbtn -> [tlw tlh ttw tth btnh] in let [(itof (ttw + 30)) (itof (10 + tlh + tth + 20 + btnh))] -> [nw nh] in let if (!vr) then VUIcreateContainer viewstr groupstr [0.0 0.0] [nw nh] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [1 1] opacity 650 else VUIcreateVrContainer (V3DgetDefaultSession viewstr) groupstr [0.0 0.0] [nw nh] 1.0 opacity 1 10 -> contstr in let mkVUIDlg [contstr nil nil nil nil cbfun] -> dlgstr in ( //addLogMessage strcatn "dlg size : "::(itoa nw)::" "::(itoa nh)::nil; VUIsetElementTheme contstr.VUICNT_buffer defstr "background"; if (title == nil) then nil else ( set dlgstr.VUIDLG_title = VUIcreateFrame contstr nil [0.0 10.0] [100.0 (itof tlh)] [0 0 1 0 10 10 (-20) 0] [1 0]; VUIsetElementText dlgstr.VUIDLG_title tlfontstr title [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] iVUITEXT_HALIGNLEFT|iVUITEXT_VALIGNTOP VUI_TextStatic 1; ); set dlgstr.VUIDLG_frame = VUIcreateFrame contstr nil [0.0 (itof (10 + tlh))] [100.0 100.0] [0 0 1 1 10 10 (-20) (-(10 + tlh + 10 + btnh))] [1 0]; VUIsetElementText dlgstr.VUIDLG_frame lbfontstr text [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] iVUITEXT_HALIGNCENTER|iVUITEXT_VALIGNCENTER VUI_TextStatic 1; if (oklabel == nil) then nil else ( let if (cancellabel == nil) then [0.0 10.0] else [-.20.0 10.0] -> pos in set dlgstr.VUIDLG_okBtn = VUIcreateButton contstr nil pos [30.0 30.0] [1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0] [1 2]; VUIsetElementTheme dlgstr.VUIDLG_okBtn defstr "okButton"; let VUIgetThemeFont defstr "okButton" -> bfontstr in ( VUIsetElementText dlgstr.VUIDLG_okBtn bfontstr oklabel [0 0] [0 0] [2 2] iVUITEXT_HALIGNCENTER|iVUITEXT_VALIGNCENTER VUI_TextAutoHeight 0; ); VUIsetElementCbFullClick dlgstr.VUIDLG_okBtn mkfun6 @cbVUIDlgClick [dlgstr 1]; ); if (cancellabel == nil) then nil else ( let if (oklabel == nil) then [0.0 10.0] else [20.0 10.0] -> pos in set dlgstr.VUIDLG_cancelBtn = VUIcreateButton contstr nil pos [30.0 30.0] [1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0] [1 2]; VUIsetElementTheme dlgstr.VUIDLG_cancelBtn defstr "cancelButton"; let VUIgetThemeFont defstr "cancelButton" -> bfontstr in ( VUIsetElementText dlgstr.VUIDLG_cancelBtn bfontstr cancellabel [0 0] [0 0] [2 2] iVUITEXT_HALIGNCENTER|iVUITEXT_VALIGNCENTER VUI_TextAutoHeight 0; ); VUIsetElementCbFullClick dlgstr.VUIDLG_cancelBtn mkfun6 @cbVUIDlgClick [dlgstr 0]; ); VUIsetContainerThemeCallback contstr mkfun2 @cbVUIDlgBoxThemeUpdate [dlgstr viewstr]; VUIshowContainer contstr 1; VUIsetFocusedContainer contstr; VUIsetFocusedElement contstr nil; dlgstr; );; fun VUIcreateDialogBox(viewstr, title, text, oklabel, cancellabel, opacity, vr, cbfun)= VUIcreateDialogBoxExt viewstr nil title text oklabel cancellabel opacity vr cbfun "dialogBox";; fun VUIcreateDialogExt(viewstr, groupstr, size, title, oklabel, cancellabel, opacity, vr, cbfun, themeref)= let VUIgetThemeDef (VUIgetGroupTheme groupstr) themeref -> defstr in let if (title == nil) then nil else VUIgetThemeFont defstr "title" -> tlfontstr in let if (tlfontstr == nil) then [0 0] else let VUIgetTextSize tlfontstr.VUIFI_Font title 0 iVUITEXT_HALIGNLEFT|iVUITEXT_VALIGNTOP -> [tlw tlh] in [tlw tlh + 5] -> [tlw tlh] in let size -> [sw sh] in let if (oklabel == nil && cancellabel == nil) then 0 else let VUIgetThemeFont defstr "okButton" -> bokfontstr in let VUIgetThemeElement defstr "okButton" -> bokthm in let VUIgetThemeFont defstr "cancelButton" -> bcfontstr in let VUIgetThemeElement defstr "cancelButton" -> bcthm in let VUIgetTextSize bokfontstr.VUIFI_Font "!" 0 iVUITEXT_HALIGNCENTER|iVUITEXT_VALIGNCENTER -> [_ obtnh] in let VUIgetTextSize bcfontstr.VUIFI_Font "!" 0 iVUITEXT_HALIGNCENTER|iVUITEXT_VALIGNCENTER -> [_ cbtnh] in (max (obtnh + (bokthm.VUITHE_res.VUITHR_iBorder * 2)) (cbtnh + (bcthm.VUITHE_res.VUITHR_iBorder * 2))) + 15 -> btnh in let V3DgetDefaultViewport viewstr -> viewportstr in let V3DgetViewportSize viewstr viewportstr -> [_ _ cvw cvh] in //for mobile devices with scale let [ftoi ((itof cvw) *. (if (viewstr.V3D_bVRmode) then fVUIGlobalScaleFactor else fVUIPIXELDENSITY)) ftoi ((itof cvh) *. (if (viewstr.V3D_bVRmode) then fVUIGlobalScaleFactor else fVUIPIXELDENSITY))] -> [cvw cvh] in let if (cvh <= 0) then 1 else if (viewstr.V3D_bVRmode) then 1080 else cvh -> cvh in let [(cvw - 20 - 30) (cvh - 30 - btnh - tlh)] -> [maxvw maxvh] in let [(min (max (max sw tlw) 200) maxvw) (min (max sh 70) maxvh)] -> [ttw tth] in let [(itof (ttw + 30)) (itof (tth + btnh + tlh))] -> [nw nh] in let if (!vr) then VUIcreateContainer viewstr groupstr [0.0 0.0] [nw nh] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [1 1] opacity 650 else VUIcreateVrContainer (V3DgetDefaultSession viewstr) groupstr [0.0 0.0] [nw nh] 1.0 opacity 1 10 -> contstr in let mkVUIDlg [contstr nil nil nil nil cbfun] -> dlgstr in ( //addLogMessage strcatn "dlg size : "::(itoa nw)::" "::(itoa nh)::nil; VUIsetElementTheme contstr.VUICNT_buffer defstr "background"; if (title == nil) then nil else ( set dlgstr.VUIDLG_title = VUIcreateFrame contstr nil [0.0 10.0] [100.0 (itof tlh)] [0 0 1 0 10 10 (-20) 0] [1 0]; VUIsetElementText dlgstr.VUIDLG_title tlfontstr title [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] iVUITEXT_HALIGNLEFT|iVUITEXT_VALIGNTOP VUI_TextStatic 1; ); set dlgstr.VUIDLG_frame = VUIcreateFrame contstr nil [0.0 (itof (10 + tlh))] [100.0 100.0] [0 0 1 1 10 10 (-20) (-(10 + tlh + 10 + btnh))] [1 0]; if (oklabel == nil) then nil else ( let if (cancellabel == nil) then [0.0 10.0] else [-.20.0 10.0] -> pos in set dlgstr.VUIDLG_okBtn = VUIcreateButton contstr nil pos [30.0 30.0] [1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0] [1 2]; VUIsetElementTheme dlgstr.VUIDLG_okBtn defstr "okButton"; let VUIgetThemeFont defstr "okButton" -> bfontstr in VUIsetElementText dlgstr.VUIDLG_okBtn bfontstr oklabel [0 0] [0 0] [2 2] iVUITEXT_HALIGNCENTER|iVUITEXT_VALIGNCENTER VUI_TextAutoHeight 0; VUIsetElementCbFullClick dlgstr.VUIDLG_okBtn mkfun6 @cbVUIDlgClick [dlgstr 1]; ); if (cancellabel == nil) then nil else ( let if (oklabel == nil) then [0.0 10.0] else [20.0 10.0] -> pos in set dlgstr.VUIDLG_cancelBtn = VUIcreateButton contstr nil pos [30.0 30.0] [1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0] [1 2]; VUIsetElementTheme dlgstr.VUIDLG_cancelBtn defstr "cancelButton"; let VUIgetThemeFont defstr "cancelButton" -> bfontstr in VUIsetElementText dlgstr.VUIDLG_cancelBtn bfontstr cancellabel [0 0] [0 0] [2 2] iVUITEXT_HALIGNCENTER|iVUITEXT_VALIGNCENTER VUI_TextAutoHeight 0; VUIsetElementCbFullClick dlgstr.VUIDLG_cancelBtn mkfun6 @cbVUIDlgClick [dlgstr 0]; ); VUIsetFocusedContainer contstr; VUIsetFocusedElement contstr nil; dlgstr; );; fun VUIcreateDialog(viewstr, size, title, oklabel, cancellabel, opacity, vr, cbfun)= VUIcreateDialogExt viewstr nil size title oklabel cancellabel opacity vr cbfun "dialogBox";; fun VUIgetDialogFrame(dlgstr)= dlgstr.VUIDLG_frame;; fun VUIgetDialogTitle(dlgstr)= dlgstr.VUIDLG_title;; fun VUIsetDialogTitle(dlgstr, title)= if (title != nil) then ( if (dlgstr.VUIDLG_title == nil) then ( let VUIgetContainerGroupTheme dlgstr.VUIDLG_container -> themestr in let VUIgetThemeDef themestr "dialogBox" -> defstr in let VUIgetThemeFont defstr "title" -> tlfontstr in let if (dlgstr.VUIDLG_okBtn == nil && dlgstr.VUIDLG_cancelBtn == nil) then 0 else 1 -> isbtn in let VUIcomputeDialogBoxSize dlgstr.VUIDLG_container.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_view themestr title dlgstr.VUIDLG_frame.VUIE_Text.VUIT_sContent isbtn -> [tlw tlh ttw tth btnh] in ( set dlgstr.VUIDLG_title = VUIcreateFrame dlgstr.VUIDLG_container nil [0.0 10.0] [100.0 (itof tlh)] [0 0 1 0 10 10 (-20) 0] [1 0]; VUIsetElementText dlgstr.VUIDLG_title tlfontstr title [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] iVUITEXT_HALIGNLEFT|iVUITEXT_VALIGNTOP VUI_TextStatic 1; ); ) else VUIsetElementTextContent dlgstr.VUIDLG_title title; 0; ) else ( VUIdestroyElement dlgstr.VUIDLG_title; set dlgstr.VUIDLG_title = nil; 0; ); 0;; fun VUIsetDialogText(dlgstr, text)= VUIsetElementTextContent dlgstr.VUIDLG_frame text;; fun VUIshowDialog(dlgstr, state)= VUIshowContainer dlgstr.VUIDLG_container state; 0;; /*! VR Keyboard */ fun cbVUIKeyBtnClick(eltstr, id, x, y , btn, p)= let p -> [keybstr viewstr [txt sc as]] in ( cbV3DviewKeyDown nil viewstr sc as; if (sc == 0) then ( if (keybstr.VUIK_symContainer.VUICNT_bVisible) then ( VUIshowContainer keybstr.VUIK_txtContainer 1; VUIshowContainer keybstr.VUIK_symContainer 0; VUIshowContainer keybstr.VUIK_upContainer 0; ) else ( VUIshowContainer keybstr.VUIK_txtContainer 0; VUIshowContainer keybstr.VUIK_symContainer 1; VUIshowContainer keybstr.VUIK_upContainer 0; ); 0; ) else if (sc == 404) then ( if (keybstr.VUIK_upContainer.VUICNT_bVisible) then ( VUIshowContainer keybstr.VUIK_txtContainer 1; VUIshowContainer keybstr.VUIK_symContainer 0; VUIshowContainer keybstr.VUIK_upContainer 0; ) else ( VUIshowContainer keybstr.VUIK_txtContainer 0; VUIshowContainer keybstr.VUIK_symContainer 0; VUIshowContainer keybstr.VUIK_upContainer 1; ); 0; ) else if (sc == 1) then ( VUIhideVrKeyboard keybstr; 0; ) else nil; ); 0;; fun cbVUIKeyBtnUnClick(eltstr, id, x, y, btn, p)= let p -> [keybstr viewstr [txt sc as]] in cbV3DviewKeyUp nil viewstr sc; 0;; /*! @ingroup v3DHUDApi * \brief Create a 3D keyboard for VR * * Prototype: fun [V3Dsession F I] VUIkeyboard * * \param V3Dsession : the 3d scene structure * * \return VUIkeyboard : the new 3D keyboard **/ fun VUIcreateVrKeyboard(sessionstr, groupstr, scale, opacity)= let VUImakeKeyboard sessionstr groupstr 0 -> keybstr in let V3DgetSessionView sessionstr -> viewstr in let [0.0 0.0 0.0] -> pos in let 32 -> step in let 4 -> margin in let 2 -> tmargin in let (4 * step) + (5 * margin) -> kbh in let (10 * step) + (11 * margin) -> txtkbw in let (3 * step) + (4 * margin) -> numkbw in let (2 * step) + (2 * margin) -> toolkbw in let VUImakeContainer VUIC_VR groupstr -> txtcontstr in let VUImake3Dcont txtcontstr sessionstr pos [0.0 (-.0.15)] scale 0 0.0 0 1 -> txtvrcontstr in let VUImakeWcont txtcontstr viewstr 0.0 0.0 (itof txtkbw) (itof kbh) nil nil opacity 0 -> txtwcontstr in let VUImakeContainer VUIC_VR groupstr -> upcontstr in let VUImake3Dcont upcontstr sessionstr pos [0.0 (-.0.15)] scale 0 0.0 0 1 -> upvrcontstr in let VUImakeWcont upcontstr viewstr 0.0 0.0 (itof txtkbw) (itof kbh) nil nil opacity 0 -> upwcontstr in let VUImakeContainer VUIC_VR groupstr -> symcontstr in let VUImake3Dcont symcontstr sessionstr pos [0.0 (-.0.15)] scale 0 0.0 0 1 -> symvrcontstr in let VUImakeWcont symcontstr viewstr 0.0 0.0 (itof txtkbw) (itof kbh) nil nil opacity 0 -> symwcontstr in let VUImakeContainer VUIC_VR groupstr -> numcontstr in let VUImake3Dcont numcontstr sessionstr pos [(-.2.15) (-.0.15)] scale 0 0.0 0 1 -> numvrcontstr in let VUImakeWcont numcontstr viewstr 0.0 0.0 (itof numkbw) (itof kbh) nil nil opacity 0 -> numwcontstr in let VUImakeContainer VUIC_VR groupstr -> toolcontstr in let VUImake3Dcont toolcontstr sessionstr pos [3.07 (-.0.15)] scale 0 0.0 0 1 -> toolvrcontstr in let VUImakeWcont toolcontstr viewstr 0.0 0.0 (itof toolkbw) (itof kbh) nil nil opacity 0 -> toolwcontstr in let VUIgetThemeDef (VUIgetGroupTheme groupstr) "keyboard" -> defstr in ( VUIsetElementTheme txtcontstr.VUICNT_buffer defstr "background"; VUIsetElementTheme upcontstr.VUICNT_buffer defstr "background"; VUIsetElementTheme symcontstr.VUICNT_buffer defstr "background"; VUIsetElementTheme numcontstr.VUICNT_buffer defstr "background"; VUIsetElementTheme toolcontstr.VUICNT_buffer defstr "background"; VUIsetContainerClear txtcontstr 0; VUIsetContainerClear upcontstr 0; VUIsetContainerClear symcontstr 0; VUIsetContainerClear numcontstr 0; VUIsetContainerClear toolcontstr 0; set txtwcontstr.VUIW_bOnMaterial = 1; set txtwcontstr.VUIW_material = txtvrcontstr.VUI3D_material; set txtwcontstr.VUIW_iTechnique = 0; set txtwcontstr.VUIW_iPass = 0; set txtwcontstr.VUIW_iTexture = 0; set keybstr.VUIK_txtContainer = txtcontstr; set upwcontstr.VUIW_bOnMaterial = 1; set upwcontstr.VUIW_material = upvrcontstr.VUI3D_material; set upwcontstr.VUIW_iTechnique = 0; set upwcontstr.VUIW_iPass = 0; set upwcontstr.VUIW_iTexture = 0; set keybstr.VUIK_upContainer = upcontstr; set symwcontstr.VUIW_bOnMaterial = 1; set symwcontstr.VUIW_material = symvrcontstr.VUI3D_material; set symwcontstr.VUIW_iTechnique = 0; set symwcontstr.VUIW_iPass = 0; set symwcontstr.VUIW_iTexture = 0; set keybstr.VUIK_symContainer = symcontstr; set numwcontstr.VUIW_bOnMaterial = 1; set numwcontstr.VUIW_material = numvrcontstr.VUI3D_material; set numwcontstr.VUIW_iTechnique = 0; set numwcontstr.VUIW_iPass = 0; set numwcontstr.VUIW_iTexture = 0; set keybstr.VUIK_numContainer = numcontstr; set toolwcontstr.VUIW_bOnMaterial = 1; set toolwcontstr.VUIW_material = toolvrcontstr.VUI3D_material; set toolwcontstr.VUIW_iTechnique = 0; set toolwcontstr.VUIW_iPass = 0; set toolwcontstr.VUIW_iTexture = 0; set keybstr.VUIK_toolContainer = toolcontstr; let lVUIKeyTxt -> ltxt in let 0 -> cw in let 0 -> ch in let step -> laststep in while (ltxt != nil) do ( let hd ltxt -> [txt sc as uas] in let (struppercase strdup txt) -> utxt in let if (sc == 404) then "capkey" else "key" -> keythm in let if (sc == 57) then //space (step * 6) + (margin * 5) else step -> nextstep in ( if (sc < 0) then ( while (sc < 0) do ( if ((cw + margin + nextstep) < txtkbw) then nil else ( set ch = ch + step; set cw = 0; ); if (cw != 0) then nil else set ch = ch + margin; set cw = cw + nextstep; set laststep = nextstep; set nextstep = step; set sc = sc + 1; ); ) else ( if ((cw + margin + nextstep) < txtkbw) then nil else ( set ch = ch + step; set cw = 0; ); if (cw != 0) then nil else set ch = ch + margin; set cw = cw + margin; let VUIcreateButton txtcontstr nil [(itof cw) (itof ch)] [(itof nextstep) (itof step)] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [0 0] -> btnstr in let VUIcreateButton upcontstr nil [(itof cw) (itof ch)] [(itof nextstep) (itof step)] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [0 0] -> ubtnstr in ( VUIsetElementTheme btnstr defstr keythm; VUIsetElementTheme ubtnstr defstr keythm; if ((strcmp keythm "key") || (sc == 57)) then nil else ( VUIsetElementText btnstr nil txt [0 0] [nextstep step] [0 tmargin] iVUITEXT_HALIGNCENTER|iVUITEXT_VALIGNCENTER VUI_TextStatic 0; VUIsetElementText ubtnstr nil utxt [0 0] [nextstep step] [0 tmargin] iVUITEXT_HALIGNCENTER|iVUITEXT_VALIGNCENTER VUI_TextStatic 0; ); VUIsetElementCbClick btnstr mkfun6 @cbVUIKeyBtnClick [keybstr viewstr [txt sc as]]; VUIsetElementCbUnClick btnstr mkfun6 @cbVUIKeyBtnUnClick [keybstr viewstr [txt sc as]]; VUIsetElementCbClick ubtnstr mkfun6 @cbVUIKeyBtnClick [keybstr viewstr [txt sc uas]]; VUIsetElementCbUnClick ubtnstr mkfun6 @cbVUIKeyBtnUnClick [keybstr viewstr [txt sc uas]]; set cw = cw + nextstep; set laststep = nextstep; ); ); ); set ltxt = tl ltxt; ); let lVUIKeySym -> lsym in let 0 -> cw in let 0 -> ch in let step -> laststep in while (lsym != nil) do ( let hd lsym -> [txt sc as] in let (struppercase strdup txt) -> utxt in let if (sc == 404) then "capkey" else "key" -> keythm in let if (sc == 57) then //space (step * 6) + (margin * 5) else step -> nextstep in ( if (sc < 0) then ( while (sc < 0) do ( if ((cw + margin + nextstep) < txtkbw) then nil else ( set ch = ch + step; set cw = 0; ); if (cw != 0) then nil else set ch = ch + margin; set cw = cw + nextstep; set laststep = nextstep; set nextstep = step; set sc = sc + 1; ); ) else ( if ((cw + margin + nextstep) < txtkbw) then nil else ( set ch = ch + step; set cw = 0; ); if (cw != 0) then nil else set ch = ch + margin; set cw = cw + margin; let VUIcreateButton symcontstr nil [(itof cw) (itof ch)] [(itof nextstep) (itof step)] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [0 0] -> btnstr in ( VUIsetElementTheme btnstr defstr keythm; if ((strcmp keythm "key") || (sc == 57)) then nil else ( VUIsetElementText btnstr nil txt [0 0] [nextstep step] [0 tmargin] iVUITEXT_HALIGNCENTER|iVUITEXT_VALIGNCENTER VUI_TextStatic 0; ); VUIsetElementCbClick btnstr mkfun6 @cbVUIKeyBtnClick [keybstr viewstr [txt sc as]]; VUIsetElementCbUnClick btnstr mkfun6 @cbVUIKeyBtnUnClick [keybstr viewstr [txt sc as]]; set cw = cw + nextstep; set laststep = nextstep; ); ); ); set lsym = tl lsym; ); let lVUIKeyNum -> lnum in let 0 -> cw in let 0 -> ch in while (lnum != nil) do ( let hd lnum -> [txt sc as] in ( if (sc < 0) then ( while (sc < 0) do ( if ((cw + margin + step) < numkbw) then nil else ( set ch = ch + step; set cw = 0; ); if (cw != 0) then nil else set ch = ch + margin; set cw = cw + step; set sc = sc + 1; ); ) else ( if ((cw + margin + step) < numkbw) then nil else ( set ch = ch + step; set cw = 0; ); if (cw != 0) then nil else set ch = ch + margin; set cw = cw + margin; let VUIcreateButton numcontstr nil [(itof cw) (itof ch)] [(itof step) (itof step)] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [0 0] -> btnstr in ( VUIsetElementTheme btnstr defstr "key"; VUIsetElementText btnstr nil txt [0 0] [step step] [0 tmargin] iVUITEXT_HALIGNCENTER|iVUITEXT_VALIGNCENTER VUI_TextStatic 0; VUIsetElementCbClick btnstr mkfun6 @cbVUIKeyBtnClick [keybstr viewstr [txt sc as]]; VUIsetElementCbUnClick btnstr mkfun6 @cbVUIKeyBtnUnClick [keybstr viewstr [txt sc as]]; set cw = cw + step; ); ); ); set lnum = tl lnum; ); let lVUIKeyTool -> ltool in let 0 -> cw in let 0 -> ch in while (ltool != nil) do ( let hd ltool -> [txt sc as] in let if (sc == 14) then "delkey" else if (sc == 28) then "enterkey" else if (sc == 339) then "clearkey" else if (sc == 1) then "hidekey" else "key" -> keythm in ( if (sc < 0) then ( while (sc < 0) do ( if ((cw + margin + step) < toolkbw) then nil else ( set ch = ch + step; set cw = 0; ); if (cw != 0) then nil else set ch = ch + margin; set cw = cw + step; set sc = sc + 1; ); ) else ( if ((cw + margin + (step * 2)) < toolkbw) then nil else ( set ch = ch + step; set cw = 0; ); if (cw != 0) then nil else set ch = ch + margin; set cw = cw + margin; let VUIcreateButton toolcontstr nil [(itof cw) (itof ch)] [(itof (step * 2)) (itof step)] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [0 0] -> btnstr in ( VUIsetElementTheme btnstr defstr keythm; if (strcmp keythm "key") then nil else VUIsetElementText btnstr nil txt [0 0] [(step * 2) step] [0 tmargin] iVUITEXT_HALIGNCENTER|iVUITEXT_VALIGNCENTER VUI_TextStatic 0; VUIsetElementCbClick btnstr mkfun6 @cbVUIKeyBtnClick [keybstr viewstr [txt sc as]]; VUIsetElementCbUnClick btnstr mkfun6 @cbVUIKeyBtnUnClick [keybstr viewstr [txt sc as]]; set cw = cw + (step * 2); ); ); ); set ltool = tl ltool; ); keybstr; );; /*! @ingroup v3DHUDApi * \brief Show a 3D keyboard for VR * * Prototype: fun [VUIkeyboard I] VUIkeyboard * \param VUIkeyboard : the virtual keyboard * \param I : keyboard mode 0 default, 1 text, 2 numeric * * \return VUIkeyboard : the 3D keyboard **/ fun VUIshowVrKeyboard(keybstr, mode)= // compute position let V3DgetSessionView keybstr.VUIK_session -> viewstr in let (V3DgetDefaultViewport viewstr) -> viewportstr in let SO3ViewportGetCamera viewportstr.V3D_viewport -> camera in let SO3ObjectGetGlobalPosition camera -> gpos in let SO3ObjectGetGlobalOrientation camera -> gquat in let SO3MathsQuatToEulerPYR gquat -> [ax ay az] in let SO3MathsEulerPYRToQuat [(-.0.785398) ay 0.0] -> gquat in let if (viewstr.V3D_bVRmode) then SO3MathsDegreeToRadian iVUIBASEVRFOV else (SO3CameraGetFOVy camera) *. 0.5 -> fovy in let 0.8 -> dist in let (dist *. (absf (tan fovy))) *. 2.0 -> ch in let ch /. (itof iVUIBASEVRHEIGHT) -> pph in let (minf pph (ch /. ((itof iVUIBASEVRHEIGHT) +. iVUIBASEVRMARGIN))) *. 100.0 -> nscale in // 50.0 margin let SO3MathsQuatGetDirection gquat [0.0 0.0 (-.dist)] -> cdir in let addVectorF gpos cdir -> pos in ( VUIset3DContainerPosition keybstr.VUIK_txtContainer pos; VUIset3DContainerScale keybstr.VUIK_txtContainer nscale; VUIset3DContainerOrientation keybstr.VUIK_txtContainer gquat; VUIset3DContainerPosition keybstr.VUIK_upContainer pos; VUIset3DContainerScale keybstr.VUIK_upContainer nscale; VUIset3DContainerOrientation keybstr.VUIK_upContainer gquat; VUIset3DContainerPosition keybstr.VUIK_symContainer pos; VUIset3DContainerScale keybstr.VUIK_symContainer nscale; VUIset3DContainerOrientation keybstr.VUIK_symContainer gquat; VUIset3DContainerPosition keybstr.VUIK_numContainer pos; VUIset3DContainerScale keybstr.VUIK_numContainer nscale; VUIset3DContainerOrientation keybstr.VUIK_numContainer gquat; VUIset3DContainerPosition keybstr.VUIK_toolContainer pos; VUIset3DContainerScale keybstr.VUIK_toolContainer nscale; VUIset3DContainerOrientation keybstr.VUIK_toolContainer gquat; if (mode == 2) then VUIset3DContainerOffset keybstr.VUIK_numContainer [0.0 (-.0.15)] else VUIset3DContainerOffset keybstr.VUIK_numContainer [(-.2.15) (-.0.15)]; VUIshowContainer keybstr.VUIK_txtContainer if (mode < 2) then 1 else 0; VUIshowContainer keybstr.VUIK_upContainer 0; VUIshowContainer keybstr.VUIK_symContainer 0; VUIshowContainer keybstr.VUIK_numContainer if (mode != 1) then 1 else 0; VUIshowContainer keybstr.VUIK_toolContainer 1; set keybstr.VUIK_iMode = mode; set keybstr.VUIK_bVisible = 1; keybstr; );; /*! @ingroup v3DHUDApi * \brief Hide a 3D keyboard for VR * * Prototype: fun [VUIkeyboard] VUIkeyboard * * \param VUIkeyboard : the virtual keyboard * * \return VUIkeyboard : the 3D keyboard **/ fun VUIhideVrKeyboard(keybstr)= if (!keybstr.VUIK_bVisible) then nil else ( VUIshowContainer keybstr.VUIK_txtContainer 0; VUIshowContainer keybstr.VUIK_upContainer 0; VUIshowContainer keybstr.VUIK_symContainer 0; VUIshowContainer keybstr.VUIK_numContainer 0; VUIshowContainer keybstr.VUIK_toolContainer 0; set keybstr.VUIK_bVisible = 0; if (VUI_focusedContainer == nil) then nil else ( VUIsetFocusedElement VUI_focusedContainer nil; exec VUI_focusedContainer.VUICNT_strw.VUIW_cbFocused with [VUI_focusedContainer 0]; ); ); keybstr;; /*! @ingroup v3DHUDApi * \brief Destroy a 3D keyboard for VR * * Prototype: fun [VUIkeyboard] I * * \param VUIkeyboard : the virtual keyboard * * \return I : 0 **/ fun VUIdestroyVrKeyboard(keybstr)= VUIdestroyContainer keybstr.VUIK_txtContainer; VUIdestroyContainer keybstr.VUIK_upContainer; VUIdestroyContainer keybstr.VUIK_symContainer; VUIdestroyContainer keybstr.VUIK_numContainer; VUIdestroyContainer keybstr.VUIK_toolContainer; set keybstr.VUIK_txtContainer = nil; set keybstr.VUIK_upContainer = nil; set keybstr.VUIK_symContainer = nil; set keybstr.VUIK_numContainer = nil; set keybstr.VUIK_toolContainer = nil; 0;; /* ************************ */ /* GLOBAL GROUPS FUNCTIONS */ /* ************************ */ /*! @ingroup v3DHUDApi * \brief create a container group * * Prototype: fun [VUItheme] VUIcontainerGroup * * \param VUItheme : the theme * * \return VUIcontainerGroup : the new container group **/ fun VUIcreateContainerGroup(themestr)= mkVUIcontainerGroup [themestr nil];; /* ************************ */ /* GLOBAL THEME FUNCTIONS */ /* ************************ */ /*! @ingroup v3DHUDApi * \brief search base theme ref with "_" * * Prototype: fun [S] S * * \param S : the theme reference * * \return S : the base theme reference **/ fun VUIgetThemerefPrefix(ref)= let strfind "_" ref 0 -> p in if (p == nil) then nil else substr ref 0 p;; /*! @ingroup v3DHUDApi * \brief get theme path from theme name * * Prototype: fun [S] S * * \param S : the theme name * * \return S : the theme path **/ fun VUIgetThemePath(basename)= if (!strcmp basename "default") then VUI_defTheme else let strreplace basename " " "_" -> basename in strcatn VUI_USER_THEME_FOLDER::"/"::basename::"/"::basename::".uith"::nil;; /*! @ingroup v3DHUDApi * \brief reload theme resources on an element * * Prototype: fun [VUIelement] I * * \param VUIelement : the element structure * * \return I : 0 **/ fun VUIreloadElementThemeResource(eltstr, themestr)= if (eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_bFromTheme != 1) then nil else let eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_tThemeInfos -> [sdef sname] in let switchstr themestr.VUITH_lDefinitions sdef -> defstr in let if (defstr == nil) then VUIgetThemeDef themestr VUIgetThemerefPrefix sdef else defstr -> defstr in ( VUIsetElementTheme eltstr defstr sname; if (eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_oBuffer == nil) then nil else ( _DSalphaBitmap eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_oBuffer; set eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_oBuffer = nil; ); VUIelementNeedUpdate eltstr 1; ); if (eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_font.VUIFI_bFromTheme != 1) then nil else let eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_font.VUIFI_tThemeInfos -> [sdef sname] in let VUIgetThemeDef themestr sdef -> defstr in let if (defstr == nil) then VUIgetThemeDef themestr VUIgetThemerefPrefix sdef else defstr -> defstr in ( VUIdelFont eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_font.VUIFI_Font; let VUIgetThemeFont defstr sname -> nfontstr in set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_font = nfontstr; set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_font.VUIFI_Font.VUIF_iUsed = eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_font.VUIFI_Font.VUIF_iUsed + 1; if (eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_oBuffer == nil) then nil else ( _DSalphaBitmap eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_oBuffer; set eltstr.VUIE_resource.VUIR_oBuffer = nil; ); set eltstr.VUIE_Text.VUIT_bNeedUpdate = 1; ); let eltstr.VUIE_children -> l in while (l != nil) do ( VUIreloadElementThemeResource hd l themestr; set l = tl l; ); VUIelementNeedUpdate eltstr 1; 0;; /*! @ingroup v3DHUDApi * \brief reload theme resources * * Prototype: fun [] I * * \return I : 0 **/ fun VUIreloadThemeResources()= let VUIcontainerAllList -> list in while (list != nil) do ( let hd list -> contstr in let VUIgetContainerGroupTheme contstr -> themestr in ( VUIreloadElementThemeResource contstr.VUICNT_buffer themestr; let contstr.VUICNT_lElements -> leltstr in while (leltstr != nil) do ( VUIreloadElementThemeResource hd leltstr themestr; set leltstr = tl leltstr; ); if (contstr.VUICNT_cbThemeUpdate == nil) then nil else exec contstr.VUICNT_cbThemeUpdate with [contstr]; ); set list = tl list; ); 0;; fun VUIreloadGroupThemeResources(groupstr)= let VUIgetGroupTheme groupstr -> themestr in let groupstr.VUICG_lcntList -> list in while (list != nil) do ( let hd list -> contstr in ( VUIreloadElementThemeResource contstr.VUICNT_buffer themestr; let contstr.VUICNT_lElements -> leltstr in while (leltstr != nil) do ( VUIreloadElementThemeResource hd leltstr themestr; set leltstr = tl leltstr; ); if (contstr.VUICNT_cbThemeUpdate == nil) then nil else exec contstr.VUICNT_cbThemeUpdate with [contstr]; ); set list = tl list; ); 0;; /*! @ingroup v3DHUDApi * \brief change the current theme * * Prototype: fun [S] I * * \param S : the theme file path * * \return I : 0 **/ fun VUIsetGroupTheme(groupstr, file)= if ((_checkpack file) == nil) then nil else set groupstr.VUICG_thm = VUIloadTheme file; VUIreloadGroupThemeResources groupstr; 0;; /*! @ingroup v3DHUDApi * \brief change the current theme * * Prototype: fun [S] I * * \param S : the theme file path * * \return I : 0 **/ fun VUIsetTheme(file)= let if ((_checkpack file) == nil) then VUI_defTheme else file -> thfile in set VUIdefaultTheme = VUIloadTheme thfile; VUIreloadThemeResources; 0;; /* *************************** */ /* GLOBAL VUI INIT FUNCTIONS */ /* *************************** */ /*! Init */ fun VUIsetEnable(sessionstr, state)= if (state) then ( VUIinit sessionstr; V3DsetCbHUDPreRender sessionstr @cbHUDPreRender; V3DsetCbHUDPostRender sessionstr @cbHUDPostRender; V3DsetCbResizeHUDView sessionstr.V3D_sessionView @cbHUDresizeView; V3DsetCbKeyDownHUD sessionstr.V3D_sessionView @cbHUDKeyDown; V3DsetCbKeyUpHUD sessionstr.V3D_sessionView @cbHUDKeyUp; ) else ( V3DsetCbHUDPreRender sessionstr nil; V3DsetCbHUDPostRender sessionstr nil; V3DsetCbResizeHUDView sessionstr.V3D_sessionView nil; V3DsetCbKeyDownHUD sessionstr.V3D_sessionView nil; V3DsetCbKeyUpHUD sessionstr.V3D_sessionView nil; ); 0;; fun VUIsetGlobalScaleFactor(sessionstr, scale)= set fVUIGlobalScaleFactor = 1.0 /. scale; let V3DgetSessionView sessionstr -> viewstr in VUIupdateScreenSensity viewstr; if (VUIdefVrKeyboard == nil) then nil else ( let VUIdefVrKeyboard.VUIK_group -> groupstr in ( VUIdestroyVrKeyboard VUIdefVrKeyboard; set VUIdefVrKeyboard = VUIcreateVrKeyboard sessionstr groupstr 1.0 100; ); ); 0;; fun VUIinit(sessionstr)= if (VUI_STARTED) then nil else ( set VUI_STARTED = 1; set VUI_defResWin = strcat sV3DDEFAULTRESOURCESPATH VUI_defResWin; set VUI_defResBtn = strcat sV3DDEFAULTRESOURCESPATH VUI_defResBtn; set VUI_defResTxt = strcat sV3DDEFAULTRESOURCESPATH VUI_defResTxt; set VUI_defResListElt = strcat sV3DDEFAULTRESOURCESPATH VUI_defResListElt; set VUI_defResListEltCheck = strcat sV3DDEFAULTRESOURCESPATH VUI_defResListEltCheck; set VUI_defResTreeBtn = strcat sV3DDEFAULTRESOURCESPATH VUI_defResTreeBtn; set VUI_defResScrollBtn = strcat sV3DDEFAULTRESOURCESPATH VUI_defResScrollBtn; set VUI_defResCheckBtn = strcat sV3DDEFAULTRESOURCESPATH VUI_defResCheckBtn; set VUI_defTheme = strcat sV3DDEFAULTRESOURCESPATH VUI_defTheme; set VUI_BT_FONT_PATH = strcat sV3DDEFAULTRESOURCESPATH VUI_BT_FONT_PATH; let V3DgetSessionView sessionstr -> viewstr in VUIupdateScreenSensity viewstr; SO3GroupCreate (V3DgetSession sessionstr) sVUIResourcesGroup; set VUIdefaultTheme = VUIloadTheme VUI_defTheme; set VUIdefVrKeyboard = VUIcreateVrKeyboard sessionstr nil 1.0 100; ); 0;; fun VUIreset(sessionstr)= if (!VUI_STARTED) then ( VUIinit sessionstr; 0; ) else ( set fVUIGlobalScaleFactor = 1.0; let V3DgetSessionView sessionstr -> viewstr in VUIupdateScreenSensity viewstr; //cleanup group SO3GroupDelete (V3DgetSession sessionstr) sVUIResourcesGroup; SO3GroupCreate (V3DgetSession sessionstr) sVUIResourcesGroup; set VUIdefaultTheme = VUIloadTheme VUI_defTheme; if (VUIdefVrKeyboard == nil) then nil else ( VUIdestroyVrKeyboard VUIdefVrKeyboard; set VUIdefVrKeyboard = VUIcreateVrKeyboard sessionstr nil 1.0 100; ); 0; ); 0;;