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Copies a rectangular area with variable transparency between the content of an ObjBitmap (destination) and that of an AlphaBitmap (source).

ObjBitmap _CPalphaBitmap (
ObjBitmap _dest_
I _destX_
I _destY_
AlphaBitmap _source_
I _sourceX_
I _sourceY_
I _width_
I _height_

the ObjBitmap which is the destination of the copy
the abscissa of the upper left point of the rectangle in the destination ObjBitmap
the ordinate of the upper left point of the rectangle in the destination ObjBitmap
the AlphaBitmap which is the source of the copy
the abscissa of the upper left point of the rectangle in the source AlphaBitmap
the ordinate of the upper left point of the rectangle in the source AlphaBitmap
the width of the rectangle to be copied
the height of the rectangle to be copied
Return value

The resulting ObjBitmap.
See Also

AlphaBitmap, _SCPalphaBitmap.