

Create a new win32 window from a gtk window. The new window is independant. This can be useful to develop an application with GTK and Graphic apis without OS 2d api (the 2d OS api could be deprecated in the future). Don't forget : the ObjWin object is independant at the GTK window. You can destroy the GTK window if you want.
At this time, this function is not supported under GNU/Linux : it returns nil always.

Prototype :

fun [ObjGtkWidget ObjWin] ObjWin

Return : ObjWin : a new ObjWin window or nil if an error occurs

See also


typeof gtkWin = ObjGtkWidget;;
typeof win = ObjWin;;
fun main ()=
	set gtkWin = _gtkWindowNew _channel nil "Test" [50 50] [400 350];
	_gtkWidgetShow gtkWin;
	set win = _gtkWindowCreateObjWin gtkWin nil;
	let _CRcontainerFromObjWin _channel win 0 0 400 350 CO_CHILDINSIDE 0x555555 "container" -> cont in
	let _CRalphaBitmap _channel _LDbitmap _channel _checkpack "logo.bmp" nil nil nil -> abmp in
	let _GETalphaBitmapSize abmp -> [wa ha] in
	let _CRcompBitmap _channel cont nil [5 5] OBJ_ENABLE|OBJ_VISIBLE OBJ_CONTAINER_ALLEVENTS abmp 0 0 wa ha -> cbmp in
	_PAINTcontainer cont;
	_PAINTwindow win;
	_gtkWindowMove gtkWin 20 500;