

Execute any sql instruction. This instruction can content several requests.
If the result gets any datas, the reflex
_sqliteCallbackExec is called (if it is defined, of course)

Prototype :

fun [ObjSqlite S I] I

Return : I if success or the error code (in this case, see http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/c_abort.html).

See also :



Example :

fun mycallback (db, user_parameter, column, value)=
    _fooS strcat "user parameter : " user_parameter;
    _fooS strcat "column : " column;
    _fooS strcat "value : " value;

fun main ()=
	let _sqliteOpenFile _channel _checkpack "tests/db/sqlite3/test_1.sqlite3" -> mydb in
	if mydb == nil then
		// do something
		_sqliteCallbackExec mydb @mycallback "this is my callback";
		// the reflex will not be called
		_sqliteExec mydb "CREATE TABLE mytable (name char(50), surname char(50));
					INSERT INTO mytable (name, surname) VALUES ('Thurman', 'Uma');
					INSERT INTO mytable (name, surname) VALUES ('Wallace', 'Mia');
					INSERT INTO mytable (name, surname) VALUES ('Cassini', 'Irene')" 
		// the reflex will be called
		_sqliteExec mydb "SELECT surname FROM mytable" nil;