LeapMotion Scol plugin
sLeapMotion Member List

This is the complete list of members for sLeapMotion, including all inherited members.

DetectFingers(const Hand hand) (defined in sLeapMotion)sLeapMotion
DetectGestures(const GestureList gestures) (defined in sLeapMotion)sLeapMotion
DetectHands(const HandList hands) (defined in sLeapMotion)sLeapMotion
DetectTools(const ToolList tools) (defined in sLeapMotion)sLeapMotion
GetHand(int id, Hand &hand) (defined in sLeapMotion)sLeapMotion
GetHandDirection(const Hand hand, Vector &vec) (defined in sLeapMotion)sLeapMotion
GetHandFingers(const Hand hand, bool optim=false) (defined in sLeapMotion)sLeapMotion
GetHandOrientation(const Hand hand, Vector &vec) (defined in sLeapMotion)sLeapMotion
GetHandPalmNormal(const Hand hand, Vector &vec) (defined in sLeapMotion)sLeapMotion
GetHandPosition(const Hand hand, bool optim, Vector &vec) (defined in sLeapMotion)sLeapMotion
GetHandVelocity(const Hand hand, Vector &vec) (defined in sLeapMotion)sLeapMotion
GetLeftHand(Hand &hand) (defined in sLeapMotion)sLeapMotion
GetRightHand(Hand &hand) (defined in sLeapMotion)sLeapMotion
GetTool(int id, Tool &tool) (defined in sLeapMotion)sLeapMotion
GetToolOrientation(const Tool tool, Vector &vec) (defined in sLeapMotion)sLeapMotion
GetToolPosition(const Tool tool, bool optim, Vector &vec) (defined in sLeapMotion)sLeapMotion
GetToolVelocity(const Tool tool, Vector &vec) (defined in sLeapMotion)sLeapMotion
GetTopTrackingEnable() (defined in sLeapMotion)sLeapMotion
Init() (defined in sLeapMotion)sLeapMotion
mConnected (defined in sLeapMotion)sLeapMotionprotected
onConnect(const Controller &) (defined in sLeapMotion)sLeapMotionvirtual
onDisconnect(const Controller &) (defined in sLeapMotion)sLeapMotionvirtual
onExit(const Controller &) (defined in sLeapMotion)sLeapMotionvirtual
onFocusGained(const Controller &) (defined in sLeapMotion)sLeapMotionvirtual
onFocusLost(const Controller &) (defined in sLeapMotion)sLeapMotionvirtual
onFrame(const Controller &) (defined in sLeapMotion)sLeapMotionvirtual
onInit(const Controller &) (defined in sLeapMotion)sLeapMotionvirtual
SetTopTrackingEnable(bool state) (defined in sLeapMotion)sLeapMotion