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The "Kinect user" PlugIT allows the creation of a new user for the detection with the Kinect device PlugIT.
Parameters |
1 |
Linked object to the user. |
2 |
Multiplication of the X position. |
3 |
Multiplication of the Y position. |
4 |
Multiplication of the Z position. |
5 |
Invert the X coordinates sent by the skeleton joints. |
6 |
Margin on X of pixels coordinates (for hands for example). |
7 |
Margin on Y of pixels coordinates (for hands for example). |
Event |
Calibration ended |
Enable when the calibration end. |
Calibration started |
Enable when the calibration start. |
Cross |
Enable when a position is detected : arms in the form of a cross (X). |
T pose |
Enable when a position is detected: arms outstretched. |
Hands up |
Enable when a position is detected: arms in the air. |
Stand |
Enable when a position is detected: arms along the body. |
Show left |
Enable when a position is detected: displacement of the hand to the left. |
Show right |
Enable when a position is detected: displacement of the hand to the right. |
Hands distance |
Send the range value between hands. |
Hands rotation |
Send the rotation value between hands. |
Head |
Send the head position value. |
Head tracker control |
Send a control link in order to use the head position with the navigations PlugIts. |
Left finger click |
Enable when an action is detected: close the left hand. |
Left finger unclick |
Enable when an action is detected: open the left hand. |
Left hand |
Send the left hand position value. |
Left hand move |
Send the left hand position value in screen coordinates (X Y). |
Left hand found |
Enable when the left hand is detected. |
Left hand lost |
Enable when the left hand is lost. |
Left nb fingers |
Send the fingers quantity value detected from the left hand. |
Pose detected |
Pose detected : |
Pose lost |
Pose lost. |
Right finger click |
Enable when an action is detected: close the right hand. |
Right finger unclick |
Enable when an action is detected: open the right hand. |
Right hand |
Send the right hand position value. |
Right hand move |
Send the right hand position value in screen coordinates (X Y). |
Right hand found |
Enable when the right hand is detected. |
Right hand lost |
Enable when the right hand is lost. |
Right nb fingers |
Send the fingers quantity value detected from the right hand. |
Torso |
Send the torso position value. |
User found |
Enable when an user is found. |
User lost |
Enable when an user is lost. |
Action |
Create |
Create an user. |
Destroy |
Destroy the user. |