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"Kinect user" PlugIT

The "Kinect user" PlugIT allows the creation of a new user for the detection with the Kinect device PlugIT.




Linked object to the user.


Multiplication of the X position.


Multiplication of the Y position.


Multiplication of the Z position.


Invert the X coordinates sent by the skeleton joints.


Margin on X of pixels coordinates (for hands for example).


Margin on Y of pixels coordinates (for hands for example).



Calibration ended

Enable when the calibration end.

Calibration started

Enable when the calibration start.


Enable when a position is detected : arms in the form of a cross (X).

T pose

Enable when a position is detected: arms outstretched.

Hands up

Enable when a position is detected: arms in the air.


Enable when a position is detected: arms along the body.

Show left

Enable when a position is detected: displacement of the hand to the left.

Show right

Enable when a position is detected: displacement of the hand to the right.

Hands distance

Send the range value between hands.

Hands rotation

Send the rotation value between hands.


Send the head position value.

Head tracker control

Send a control link in order to use the head position with the navigations PlugIts.

Left finger click

Enable when an action is detected: close the left hand.

Left finger unclick

Enable when an action is detected: open the left hand.

Left hand

Send the left hand position value.

Left hand move

Send the left hand position value in screen coordinates (X Y).

Left hand found

Enable when the left hand is detected.

Left hand lost

Enable when the left hand is lost.

Left nb fingers

Send the fingers quantity value detected from the left hand.

Pose detected

Pose detected :

Pose lost

Pose lost.

Right finger click

Enable when an action is detected: close the right hand.

Right finger unclick

Enable when an action is detected: open the right hand.

Right hand

Send the right hand position value.

Right hand move

Send the right hand position value in screen coordinates (X Y).

Right hand found

Enable when the right hand is detected.

Right hand lost

Enable when the right hand is lost.

Right nb fingers

Send the fingers quantity value detected from the right hand.


Send the torso position value.

User found

Enable when an user is found.

User lost

Enable when an user is lost.




Create an user.


Destroy the user.