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"3dRudder" PlugIT

The "3dRudder" PlugIT allows to use the 3dRudder. It is a peripheral device allowing to move in the 3D environnements and in the virtual reality using your feet.




Mode used to interpret the 3dRudder orientation. Every returned value ranges between -1 and 1.
- Normalized : Return values corresponding directly to the orientation
- Curve : Returns values according to a predefined curve. May feel more natural depending on the use.
- Normalized non symetrical pitch : Normalized mode with non symetrical pitch depending on the initial position. Allows to reach the maximum forward and backward even if the initial position is not perfectly straight.
- Curve non symetrical pitch : Curve mode with non symetrical pitch depending on the initial position. Allows to reach the maximum forward and backward even if the initial position is not perfectly straight.


Curve type used for the "Curve" and "Curve non symetrical pitch" modes :
- Linear curve : uses the default linear curve
- Factory curve : uses the default factory curve


Enables the plugIT on application startup.




Disables the 3dRudder.


Enables the 3dRudder.


Disable the 3dRudder control without the need for the user to initialize it again on re-enabling.


Re-enables the 3dRudder control. The user does not need to remove its feet to initialize it again. However le initial position will be updated.

Play sound

Allows to play a sound or a sequence of tones following the syntax : (note)(octave number)((note duration),(pause after tone))
Example : C5(200,250)D#5(500,200)E5(300,100)




Sends the current rotation angle of the 3dRudder on the 3 axes + a normalized value for the pressure points of the 3dRudder.


Sends the 3dRudder orientation on the 4 axes according to the selected orientation mode and curve type.


Allows to take control of a navigation plugIT with the 3dRudder.


Sent when the 3dRudder is connected.


Sent when the 3dRudder is disconnected.

Weight direction

Sends a direction on 2 axes depending on the weight distribution on the 3dRudder.

Status text

Sends the text corresponding to the current status of the 3dRudder. Only triggers on status change.

Status : No foot stay still

Sent when the 3dRudder must be initialized. You must remove your feet from the 3dRudder.

Status : Initialization

Sent when the 3dRudder is in the initialization process. Do not put your feet on the 3dRudder during this phase.

Status : Put your feet

Sent when the initialization ended or when you remove your feet from the 3dRudder while in use. Put your feet on the 3dRudder.

Status : Stay still

Sent after you put your feet on the 3dRudder. Do jnot move for about a second to define the initial position of the 3dRudder.

Status : In use

Sent when the 3dRudder is entirely calibrated and ready to use.