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"Files list" PlugIT

Allows browsing files from a local directory and manipulating them within the OpenSpace3D environment.

This PlugIT is useful in scenarios where you need to display a list of locally stored files (such as images, text files, or other types of files) and interact with them. For example, you might use it to display files specific to a project, select them, modify them, or display them based on user interaction.

Screenshot of the Files List PlugIT




Folder Path

Defines the local directory from which the files will be listed. This parameter allows you to specify the absolute or relative path of the directory to explore.

Example: %documents%/Images or %pictures% or my_folder


File Mask

Allows filtering files displayed based on their type (extension). For example, *.jpg will display only JPEG files.

Example: *.txt to display only text files.


Allow Path Modification

If enabled, this parameter allows the user to modify the directory path from the interface.


Dialog Box Title

Specifies the text displayed in the title of the dialog window when the user interacts with the PlugIT.

Example: Choose a file


Vertical Position

Defines the vertical position of the dialog window, expressed in pixels from the top of the screen.


Horizontal Position

Defines the horizontal position of the dialog window, expressed in pixels from the left side of the screen.



Allows adjusting the opacity of the dialog window, where 0 means fully transparent and 1 means fully opaque.

Example: 0.8 for 80% opacity.


Show at Start

If enabled, the dialog window will be automatically displayed when the PlugIT starts.




Refreshes the file list by re-executing the search in the specified directory. Useful if files have been added or modified while the PlugIT is active.

Set Path

Allows setting a new path to the directory to explore. This action is useful for dynamically changing the working folder during execution.

Choose Path

Displays a dialog box allowing the user to choose a directory to explore. This interactive feature lets the user easily select the path.

Get Previous File

Allows navigating to the previous file in the list, useful for browsing sequential files in a given directory.

Get Next File

Allows navigating to the next file in the list, useful for browsing files in a specific order.


Hides the dialog window, making it invisible without closing the PlugIT.


Displays the dialog window, allowing the user to interact with the file list. This action is often used after hiding the window.




Triggered when the user cancels the action (e.g., closes the dialog window without selecting a file).


Triggered when an error occurs while accessing the files (e.g., an invalid path or insufficient permissions).

File Ready

Triggered when the file selected through the dialog box or through the "Get Next File" or "Get Previous File" actions, the file path is returned.


Triggered when the dialog window is hidden.


Triggered when the dialog window is displayed to the user.