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"Mail" PlugIT

The "Mail" PlugIT allows to send an e-mail with or without attachments.

Two sending methods are availables :
- By a standard SMTP mail server (the server must be opened on your network).
- By the use of a PHP script installed on a web server.

An use example with an web interface is available in the folder "My documents\OpenSpace3D\examples\basics\mail".

You need to copy the available file in "C:\program files(x86)\Sco Voyager\Partition_LockedApp\tools\os3dplugins\misc\mail\res\os3dMailSenter.php" in your Web space (FTP) to configure a sending e-mails web server by the PHP function.

Then modify the os3dMailSenter.php file in order to change the security key by any value : $ProtectCode = "MycodeDs4!Z" ;

And define the same value in the "Script keycode" zone of the PlugIT editor.
This protection allows to prevent malicious user to send e-mails from your server.




Selects the sending mode with the SMTP method.


Defines the SMTP adress server.


Defines the server SMTP port.


Selects the sending mode by the Web server with the PHP script.


Defines the complete URL to a os3dMailSenter.php file (ex : "").


Defines the security key used in the PHP script ("$ProtectCode").


Sending e-mail adress by default.


Receiver e-mail adress by default.



Get mail from

Triggers the "Mail to" event containing the actual sending e-mail adress.

Get mail to

Enables the "Mail from" events containing the actual receiver e-mail.


Sends the defined e-mail.

Set SMTP server

Redefines the SMTP adress server.

Set SMTP port

Redefines the SMTP adress port.

Set subject

Defines the e-mail subject.

Set mail to

Sets the e-mail adress receiver.

Set mail from

Sets the e-mail adress sending.

Set message

Sets the message content.

Set attachment

Sets the joined file directory to the e-mail.




Triggers when an error is occured on sending the mail.


Triggers when an email sending is achieved.

Mail from

Sends the actual sending adress mail when the "Get mail from" action is triggered.

Mail to

Sends the actual receiver adress mail when the "Get mail from" action is triggered.