// Voyager Version file var sVersionFile = "locked/etc/version.txt";; // Devellopper mode var iDevMode = 0;; // set to 1 for debug mode var voyagerDebugMode = 0;; // update url var sTesturl = "http://www.google.com";; var sUpdateUrl = "https://www.openspace3d.com/nscolver.php";; var sStatsUrl = "https://www.openspace3d.com/voyagerstats/scolstats.php";; var sUpdateFile = "update/setup.exe";; // Http server header var http_header="HTTP/1.0 200 OK\13\10Server: SCOL HTTP server\13\10Content-Type: text/html\13\10\13\10";; var http_headerb="HTTP/1.0 200 OK\13\10Server: SCOL HTTP server\13\10Content-Type: application/x-unknown\13\10\13\10";; // communication channel typeof chnComm = Chn;; // voyager channel typeof chn0 = Chn;; // var for minimum version needed for a scol app var versionuser = 0;; // list of available language for the voyager typeof languages = [[S S] r1];; var AutoStartDelay = 5000;; var packsusers = ["locked/lib/stdlib.pkg" "" ""]::["locked/infocli.pkg" "" ""]::nil;; var scriptserver = "";; var scriptuser = "_load \"locked/lib/stdlib.pkg\"\n_load \"locked/infocli.pkg\"\nmain";; // default standar port (1200) var port=0;; var rights=-1;; // external comm defcom show = show;; defcom Cservice =service S S;; defcom Cservis = servis S S;; defcom CforceClose = forceClose ;; defcom Cgoto=goto S;; defcom maincom=main S I S;; // default font typeof font = ObjFont;; /*taskIcon*/ typeof icon = ObjIcon;; typeof bmpVoyagerIcon = ObjBitmap;; var sVoyagerIconPath="locked/voyager/img/icon.bmp";; var sVoyagerUnixIconPath="locked/voyager/img/icon64.bmp";; struct Script = [ nameScript:S, clearScript:S, rightsScript:I, sizeScript:I, sonsScript:[Script r1] ] mkScript;; struct Run = [ nameRun:S, canalRun:Chn, scriptRun:Script, pubRun:[[S I I] r1], tag:I, runnum:I ] mkRun;; typeof current = Run;; typedef Link = urlLink [S S] | scriptLink [S S];; var currunnum = 0;; typeof back = [S r1];; /*history*/ typeof customs=[Script r1];; typeof running=[Run r1];; typeof contmenu=ObjMenu;; typeof getservhttp = fun[HTTPcon S] S;; typeof getservdirect = fun[S] I;; typeof getservis = fun[S] I;; typeof cbpublic = fun[S I] I;; typeof cbpublichttp = fun[S I] I;; typeof cbkilled = fun[Run I] I;; var numb=0;; var nbapps=0;; var portdef=80;; var pendingreq=0;; var h4 = "0000";; var iSetup = 0;; fun itoh4(i)= let itoh i -> s in strcat substr h4 0 4-strlen s s;; proto _contact = fun [u0 S] I;; proto createmenus = fun[] I;; proto _logfile = fun[[S r1]] I;; proto launch=fun[Timer [Script r1]] I;; proto showSetup = fun[I] I;; proto startreq=fun[I S I S I I] I;; proto cbGetUrlError = fun [S] I;; proto showAddressBar = fun [S] I;;