HOW TO CREATE A LIBRARY TO THE SCOL SERVER 4 ? - Create an header file (main.h by example) #ifndef __MAIN_H__ #define __MAIN_H__ #include #include #include "plugin.h" #include "cbmachine.h" /* others things, if any */ #endif /* __MAIN_H__ */ - Create your source (main.c by example) #include "main.h" cbmachine ww; /* your code */ /* the API definition */ /* Function called to load your API / plugin */ int ScolLoadPlugin (mmachine m, cbmachine w) { int k = 0; ww = w; MMechostr(0, "\nSCOLloadMyAPI library loading !\n"); k = PKhardpak(m, "MyAPIengine", MYAPI_PKG_NB, myapi_name, myapi_fun, myapi_narg, myapi_type); MMechostr(MSKDEBUG, "\nSCOLloadMyAPI library loaded !\n"); return 0; } - In the usm.ini, add a line to your plugin : plugin ./plugins/ ScolLoadPlugin - Copy the library ( in the 'plugins' directory - Restart the Scol server 4 - Verify in the log file if your new api is loaded - Of course, a client version should be distributed too ... ;) - For more informations, see in this same folder : * libtest * libothertest