/* Source code made by iri This code is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. You can do what you want with it */ typedef NewType = NTI I | NTF F | NTS S | NTn;; typeof X = NewType;; /* global ariable NewType */ fun myFunction ()= match X with (NTI e -> (_fooS "X is an integer"; 0)) | (NTF e -> (_fooS "X is a float"; 0)) | (NTS e -> (_fooS "X is a string"; 0)) | (_ -> (_fooS "X is another thing"; 0));; fun main ()= _showconsole; set X = NTI 10; myFunction; set X = NTF 5.0; myFunction; set X = NTS "Scol is a free language"; myFunction; 0;;