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OgreNewt_Tools.h File Reference

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class  OgreNewt::OgreAddons::MovableText


namespace  OgreNewt
 main namespace.
namespace  OgreNewt::Converters
 set of handy convertors.
namespace  OgreNewt::CollisionTools
 low-level collision commands.
namespace  OgreNewt::Springs
namespace  OgreNewt::OgreAddons


_OgreNewtExport void OgreNewt::Converters::MatrixToQuatPos (const dFloat *matrix, Ogre::Quaternion &quat, Ogre::Vector3 &pos)
 Take a Newton matrix and create a Quaternion + Position_vector.
_OgreNewtExport void OgreNewt::Converters::QuatPosToMatrix (const Ogre::Quaternion &quat, const Ogre::Vector3 &pos, dFloat *matrix)
 Take a Quaternion and Position Matrix and create a Newton-happy float matrix!
_OgreNewtExport void OgreNewt::Converters::MatrixToMatrix4 (const dFloat *matrix_in, Ogre::Matrix4 &matrix_out)
 Take a Newton matrix and make it into an Ogre::Matrix4.
_OgreNewtExport void OgreNewt::Converters::Matrix4ToMatrix (const Ogre::Matrix4 &matrix_in, dFloat *matrix_out)
 Take an Ogre::Matrix4 and make it into a Newton-happy matrix.
_OgreNewtExport Ogre::Quaternion OgreNewt::Converters::grammSchmidt (const Ogre::Vector3 &pin)
_OgreNewtExport int OgreNewt::CollisionTools::CollisionPointDistance (const OgreNewt::World *world, const Ogre::Vector3 &globalpt, const OgreNewt::CollisionPtr &col, const Ogre::Quaternion &colorient, const Ogre::Vector3 &colpos, Ogre::Vector3 &retpt, Ogre::Vector3 &retnormal, int threadIndex)
 find the point on a collision primitive closest to a global point.
_OgreNewtExport int OgreNewt::CollisionTools::CollisionClosestPoint (const OgreNewt::World *world, const OgreNewt::CollisionPtr &colA, const Ogre::Quaternion &colOrientA, const Ogre::Vector3 &colPosA, const OgreNewt::CollisionPtr &colB, const Ogre::Quaternion &colOrientB, const Ogre::Vector3 &colPosB, Ogre::Vector3 &retPosA, Ogre::Vector3 &retPosB, Ogre::Vector3 &retNorm, int threadIndex)
 find the nearest 2 points between 2 collision shapes.
_OgreNewtExport Ogre::AxisAlignedBox OgreNewt::CollisionTools::CollisionCalculateFittingAABB (const OgreNewt::CollisionPtr &col, const Ogre::Quaternion &orient=Ogre::Quaternion::IDENTITY, const Ogre::Vector3 &pos=Ogre::Vector3::ZERO)
 calculate the AABB of a collision primitive in an arbitrary orientation
_OgreNewtExport Ogre::Vector3 OgreNewt::CollisionTools::CollisionSupportVertex (const OgreNewt::CollisionPtr &col, const Ogre::Vector3 &dir)
 Get a vertex of the collision in the given direction.
_OgreNewtExport Ogre::Real OgreNewt::Springs::calculateSpringDamperAcceleration (Ogre::Real deltaTime, Ogre::Real spingK, Ogre::Real stretchDistance, Ogre::Real springDamping, Ogre::Real dampVelocity)