Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- r -
- r : Hikari::ColorBase
- radius : SO3::MIMPULSEDATA, SO3::SDeferredLight
- RadToDeg() : SO3::SAstronomy
- range : SO3::SSsaoHandler::SsaoTechniqueParameter
- ratio : stbi__gif
- raw_coeff : stbi__jpeg
- raw_data : stbi__jpeg
- Raycast() : OgreNewt::Raycast
- RayCast() : SO3::SViewPort, SO3::SWindow
- RayCastCamera() : SO3::SViewPort
- RaycastVehicle() : OgreNewt::RaycastVehicle
- read : stbi_io_callbacks
- read_from_callbacks : stbi__context
- ReadBOM() : tinyxml2::XMLUtil
- RebuildGeometry() : SO3::SDeferredLightDirectional, SO3::SDeferredLightImpl, SO3::SDeferredLightPoint, SO3::SDeferredLightSpot
- Redo() : SO3::EmbeddedWebNavigator::WebNavigator, SO3::EmbeddedWebNavigator::WebNavigatorThread, SO3::SWebNavigatorWidget
- refCount : Hikari::Impl::FlashHandler, Hikari::Impl::FlashSite
- reflectionCount : SO3::ALTexturesCount
- reflectivity : SO3::ALMatInfo
- RefreshSelector() : SO3::SWindow
- RegisterSceneManager() : SO3::SDeferredShadowManager
- RegisterStereoViewport() : SO3::SViewPort, SO3::SWindow
- RegisterViewport() : SO3::SDeferredShading, SO3::SEnvironment, SO3::SEnvironmentComponent, SO3::SRoot, SO3::SScene, SO3::StereoManager
- RegisterViewportImpl() : SO3::SEnvironmentComponent, SO3::SSky, SO3::SWater
- regularTextures : SO3::SGBufferSchemeHandler::PassProperties
- rel : Hikari::Position
- Release() : Hikari::Impl::FlashHandler, Hikari::Impl::FlashSite
- ReleaseDC() : Hikari::Impl::FlashSite
- ReleaseFocus() : SO3::SWidget
- ReleaseRttTarget() : SO3::StereoManager
- Reload() : SO3::EmbeddedWebNavigator::WebNavigator, SO3::EmbeddedWebNavigator::WebNavigatorThread, SO3::SEntity, SO3::SWebNavigatorWidget
- ReloadEntities() : SO3::SScene
- ReloadIgnoreCache() : SO3::EmbeddedWebNavigator::WebNavigator, SO3::EmbeddedWebNavigator::WebNavigatorThread, SO3::SWebNavigatorWidget
- ReloadInternalRessources() : SO3::SRoot, SO3::SScene
- ReloadStereo() : SO3::StereoManager
- remove() : OgreNewt::Contact, SO3::SO3ScolFileSystemArchive
- RemoveAllKeyFrames() : SO3::SAnimTrack, SO3::SNodeAnimationTrack, SO3::SSequenceAnimationTrack
- RemoveAllLayers() : SO3::SSky::CloudLayered
- RemoveAnimation() : SO3::SNode, SO3::SScene
- RemoveAnimationTrack() : SO3::SAnim
- RemoveBodyContraint() : SO3::SPhysicWorld
- RemoveBodyPair() : SO3::SPhysicWorld
- RemoveBone() : SO3::SSkeleton
- RemoveCompositor() : SO3::SRenderToTexture, SO3::SViewPort
- removeDestructorCallback() : OgreNewt::_DestructorCallback< DerivedClass >
- removeForceAndTorqueCallback() : OgreNewt::Body
- RemoveGeneratedMaterial() : SO3::SRoot
- RemoveKey() : SO3::SAnimTrack, SO3::SSequenceAnimationTrack
- RemoveKeysWithAnim() : SO3::SSequenceAnimationTrack
- RemoveLayer() : SO3::SSky::CloudLayered
- RemoveLogListener() : SO3::SRoot
- RemoveManualRessourceGroup() : SO3::SRoot
- RemoveMaterialPass() : SO3::SShadow, SO3::SShadowCSM, SO3::SShadowLiSPSM, SO3::SShadowPSSM
- RemoveNode() : SO3::SScene
- removeNodeUpdateJointNotify() : OgreNewt::Body
- removeNodeUpdateNotify() : OgreNewt::Body
- RemovePass() : SO3::STechnique
- RemovePhysicContraint() : SO3::SPhysicWorld
- RemovePoint() : SO3::SLines
- RemoveRenderWindow() : SO3::SRoot
- RemoveScene() : SO3::SRoot
- RemoveTechnique() : SO3::SMaterial
- RemoveTexture() : SO3::SPass
- RemoveUpJoint() : SO3::SBody
- RemoveViewport() : SO3::SSky, SO3::SSubEntitySelectorBuffer, SO3::SWater, SO3::SWindow
- RemoveWidgetFactory() : SO3::SWidgetManager
- RemoveWidgetListener() : SO3::SWidgetManager
- renderBuffer : Hikari::IFlashControl
- RenderBuffer() : Hikari::Impl::RenderBuffer
- renderingTexture : SO3::SWidget
- RenderSystem : SO3::SRoot
- RequestNewObjectLayout() : Hikari::Impl::FlashSite
- requestNodeUpdate() : OgreNewt::Body
- RequestUIActivate() : Hikari::Impl::FlashSite
- resample : stbi__resample
- resample_row_hv_2_kernel : stbi__jpeg
- reserve() : Hikari::Impl::RenderBuffer
- Reset() : SO3::SBody, SO3::SHdrHandler, SO3::SLightingManager, SO3::SShaderGenerator, SO3::SSsaoHandler
- resetAngle() : OgreNewt::PrebuiltCustomJoints::Custom2DJoint
- ResetNode() : SO3::SNode
- ResetOrientation() : SO3::SBone, SO3::SNode
- ResetPhysicWorld() : SO3::SPhysicWorld
- ResetPriorizedObject() : SO3::SSubEntitySelectorMaterialSwitcher
- ResetResources() : SO3::SMaterialGenerator< PERMUTATION_CLASS, PERMUTATION_TYPE >
- ResetSwitcher() : SO3::SSubEntitySelectorMaterialSwitcher
- ResetToInitialOrientation() : SO3::SBone, SO3::SNode
- ResetToInitialPosition() : SO3::SNode
- ResetToInitialPRS() : SO3::SBone, SO3::SNode
- ResetToInitialScale() : SO3::SNode
- resetUID() : ALStringCleaner
- ResizeToWindow() : SO3::SViewPort
- resolveDependencies() : SO3::FFPClipPLane
- resolveParameters() : SO3::FFPClipPLane
- ResourceType : SO3::SResource
- restart_interval : stbi__jpeg
- RestoreFloatingPointMode() : SO3::SAstronomy
- RestoreStaticGraph() : SO3::SNode
- RestoreStereoCamera() : SO3::StereoManager, SO3::SViewPort, SO3::SWindow
- Resume() : SO3::SRoot
- ResumeWindow() : SO3::SWindow
- rewind() : Hikari::IFlashControl, SO3::SFlashWidget
- Rewind() : SO3::SFlashWidget
- rgb : stbi__jpeg
- roll() : Ogre::Euler
- Roll() : SO3::SBone, SO3::SNode
- rootBonesList : SO3::SSkeleton
- RootElement() : tinyxml2::XMLDocument
- rotate() : Ogre::Euler
- Rotate() : SO3::SBone, SO3::SNode
- rotateStiffness : SO3::SBody
- rotateTangentDirections() : OgreNewt::Contact
- RotateToOrientation() : OgreNewt::Body, SO3::SBody
- roughCount : SO3::ALTexturesCount
- Roundn() : SO3::ConversionTools
- rowSpan : Hikari::Impl::RenderBuffer
- RunModal() : SO3::EmbeddedWebNavigator::WebNavigatorListener
- RunScriptFunction() : SO3::SBitmapWidget, SO3::SFlashWidget, SO3::SObjWindowWidget, SO3::SWebNavigatorWidget, SO3::SWidget