Go to the source code of this file.
Typedefs | |
Functions | |
int | hideDeviceMenu (bool state) |
SScene * | getSceneByName (string sceneName) |
function to retrieve a scene by its name | |
int | createOrRetrieveScolMaterialAndSendToVM (mmachine m, SScene *scene, SMaterial *material) |
function to retireve a material by name | |
int | createObject (mmachine m, SNode *curNode, SScene *curScene) |
function to create a new scol object : SO3_OBJECT | |
int | createTerrain (mmachine m, STerrain *terrain, SScene *curScene) |
function to create a new scol object : SO3_OBJECT | |
int | createBone (mmachine m, SNode *curNode, SScene *curScene, SNode *curFather) |
function to create a new scol bone object | |
int | createBody (mmachine m, SNode *curNode) |
function to create a new scol body object | |
int | createPhysicContraint (mmachine m, SPhysicContraint *joint) |
function to create a new scol physic joint object | |
int | createAnim (mmachine m, SAnim *curAnim, SNode *curNode) |
function to create a new scol animation object | |
int | createAnimTrack (mmachine m, SAnimTrack *curAnimTrack, SAnim *curAnim) |
function to create a new scol animationTrack object | |
int | createMaterial (mmachine m, SMaterial *curMaterial, SScene *curScene) |
function to create a new scol material object | |
int | createTexture (mmachine m, STexture *curTexture, SScene *curScene) |
function to create a new scol texture object | |
int | createMaterialID (mmachine m, SMaterialID *curMatID, SScene *curScene) |
function to create a new scol Material ID object | |
int | createMaterialPair (mmachine m, SMaterialPair *curMatPair, SScene *curScene) |
function to create a new scol Material Pair object | |
int | destroyObject (mmachine m, SCOL_PTR_TYPE handle, int obj) |
function to destroy an SO3_OBJECT in scol | |
int | destroyTerrain (mmachine m, SCOL_PTR_TYPE handle, int obj) |
function to destroy an SO3_TERRAIN in scol | |
int | destroyAnim (mmachine m, SCOL_PTR_TYPE handle, int obj) |
function to destroy an SO3_ANIM in scol | |
int | destroyAnimTrack (mmachine m, SCOL_PTR_TYPE handle, int obj) |
function to destroy an SO3_ANIMTRACK in scol | |
int | destroyPhysicsBody (mmachine m, SCOL_PTR_TYPE handle, int obj) |
function to destroy an SO3_PHYSICBODY in scol | |
int | destroyPhysicsContraint (mmachine m, SCOL_PTR_TYPE handle, int obj) |
function to destroy an SO3_PHYSICCONTRAINT in scol | |
int | destroyPhysicsMaterialPair (mmachine m, SCOL_PTR_TYPE handle, int obj) |
function to destroy an SO3_MATERIALPAIR in scol | |
int | destroyScene (mmachine m, SCOL_PTR_TYPE handle, int obj) |
function to destroy an SO3_SCENE in scol | |
int | destroyViewport (mmachine m, SCOL_PTR_TYPE handle, int obj) |
function to destroy an SO3_VIEWPORT in scol | |
int | destroyBufferOgre (mmachine m, SCOL_PTR_TYPE handle, int obj) |
function to destroy an SO3_BUFFER in scol | |
int | destroyWidget (mmachine m, SCOL_PTR_TYPE handle, int obj) |
function to destroy an SO3_WIDGET in scol | |
int | destroyPhysicsMaterial (mmachine m, SCOL_PTR_TYPE handle, int obj) |
function to destroy an SO3_MATERIALID in scol | |
int | destroyMaterial (mmachine m, SCOL_PTR_TYPE handle, int obj) |
function to destroy an SO3_MATERIAL in scol | |
int | destroyTexture (mmachine m, SCOL_PTR_TYPE handle, int obj) |
function to destroy an SO3_TEXTURE in scol | |
bool | checkGroupExists (std::string group) |
function to check if an Ogre resource group exists | |
bool | checkGroupProtected (std::string groupeName) |
function to check if an Ogre resource group is protected | |
bool | initSO3 (std::string firstPartition) |
function which init the SO3Engine | |
int | createSO3Buffer (mmachine m, ScolWindowHandle parentObj, ScolWindowHandle curWin, int w, int h, std::string name) |
function to create SO3Buffer (Ogre surface on scol window) | |
string | GetOSVersion () |
function to retrieve OS informations | |
int | SO3BufferCreate (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferCreate : This function create a new SO3_BUFFER Object. | |
int | SO3BufferSetProperties (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferSetProperties : This function defines properties of a SO3_BUFFER Object. | |
int | SO3BufferSetStereoVision (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferSetStereoVision : This function defines stereo vision mode on a SO3_BUFFER Object DEPRECATED | |
int | SO3BufferGetStereoVisionProperties (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferGetStereoVisionProperties : Get stereo vision properties DEPRECATED | |
int | SO3BufferGetStereoMode (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferGetStereoMode : This function retrieves the stereo vision mode on a SO3_BUFFER Object. | |
int | SO3BufferSetStereoMode (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferSetStereoMode : This function set the stereo vision mode on a SO3_BUFFER Object. | |
int | SO3BufferGetStereoEyeSpacing (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferGetStereoEyeSpacing : This function retrieves the eye spacing that is in use for the stereo vision mode. | |
int | SO3BufferSetStereoEyeSpacing (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferSetStereoEyeSpacing : This function set the eye spacing for the stereo vision mode. | |
int | SO3BufferSetStereoRotateView (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferSetStereoRotateView : This function enable or disable the rotated view for stereo mode (-90°) | |
int | SO3BufferGetStereoRotateView (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferGetStereoRotateView : This function get the rotated view for stereo mode. | |
int | SO3BufferSetStereoProjectionCenterOffset (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferSetStereoProjectionCenterOffset : This function set the projection center offset. | |
int | SO3BufferSetStereoAspectRatio (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferSetStereoAspectRatio : This function set the camera aspect ratio for stereo modes. | |
int | SO3BufferSetStereoFOVy (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferSetStereoFOVy : This function set the camera FOV for stereo modes. | |
int | SO3BufferSetStereoDistortion (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferSetStereoDistortion : This function set the distortion parameters for Oculus stereo. | |
int | SO3BufferSetStereoChromAbCorrection (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferSetStereoChromAbCorrection : This function set the chromatic correction parameters for Oculus stereo. | |
int | SO3BufferSetStereoProjectionMatrix (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferSetStereoProjectionMatrix : This function set the stereo custom projection matrix. | |
int | SO3BufferGetStereoCustomProjection (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferGetStereoCustomProjection : This function set the stereo custom projection matrix. | |
int | SO3BufferGetStereoProjectionMatrix (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferGetStereoProjectionMatrix : This function set the stereo custom projection matrix. | |
int | SO3BufferSetStereoTimeWarpMatrix (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferSetStereoTimeWarpMatrix : This function set the stereo custom projection matrix. | |
int | SO3BufferSetStereoMeshUvParams (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferSetStereoMeshUvParams : This function set the stereo mesh uv parameters. | |
int | SO3BufferSetStereoMeshTextureSize (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferSetStereoMeshTextureSize : This function set the stereo mesh RTT size. | |
int | SO3BufferSetStereoWindow (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferSetStereoWindow : This function set the stereo window parameters. | |
int | SO3BufferSetStereoMeshes (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferSetStereoMeshes : This function set the stereo meshes. | |
int | SO3BufferGetStereoTextures (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferGetStereoTextures : Get the stereo texture pointers for the HMD plugin. | |
int | SO3BufferGetStereoViewportSize (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferGetStereoViewportSize : Get the stereo viewports size Prototype: fun [SO3_BUFFER] [[I I] [I I]]. | |
int | SO3GetAPIVersion (mmachine m) |
SO3GetAPIVersion : Get the SO3 plugin API version. | |
int | SO3GetGeneralInfo (mmachine m) |
SO3GetGeneralInfo : Get general informations about the user system. | |
int | SO3GetRenderInfo (mmachine m) |
SO3GetRenderInfo : Get render informations about the user system. | |
int | SO3GetQuadBufferEnable (mmachine m) |
SO3GetQuadBufferEnable : Retrieve if the graphic card have quad-buffering enabled. | |
int | SO3IsShaderProfileSupported (mmachine m) |
SO3IsShaderProfileSupported : return 1 if the shader profile is supported. | |
int | SO3GetFullscreenVideoMode (mmachine m) |
SO3GetFullscreenVideoMode : Get fullscreen video mode supported by user. | |
int | SO3GetMultisamplingMode (mmachine m) |
SO3GetMultisamplingMode : Get multi sampling mode supported by user. | |
int | SO3BufferGetFSAA (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferGetFSAA : Get multi sampling mode setted. | |
int | SO3GetRendererInfo (mmachine m) |
SO3GetRendererInfo : get rendering informations DEPRECATED FUNCTION Prototype: fun [] [S S]. | |
int | SO3GetRendererList (mmachine m) |
SO3GetRendererList : get renderers list DEPRECATED FUNCTION Prototype: fun [] [S r1]. | |
int | SO3GetActiveRenderer (mmachine m) |
SO3GetActiveRenderer : get active renderer system Prototype: fun [] I. | |
int | SO3BufferGetAverageFPS (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferGetAverageFPS : get the average FPS. | |
int | SO3BufferGetBestFPS (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferGetBestFPS : get the best FPS. | |
int | SO3BufferGetWorstFPS (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferGetWorstFPS : get the worst FPS. | |
int | SO3BufferGetBestFrametime (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferGetBestFrametime : get the best frametime. | |
int | SO3BufferGetWorstFrametime (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferGetWorstFrametime : get the worst frametime. | |
int | SO3BufferGetTriangleCount (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferGetTriangleCount : get the number of triangle displayed in a SO3_BUFFER. | |
int | SO3BufferGetBatchCount (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferGetBatchCount : get the batch count displayed in a SO3_BUFFER. | |
int | SO3OverlayCreate (mmachine m) |
SO3OverlayCreate : Create an SO3_OVERLAY DEPRECATED Prototype: fun [Chn S] SO3_OVERLAY. | |
int | SO3DebugDisplayProperties (mmachine m) |
SO3DebugDisplayProperties : Create an overlay to print debug text. | |
int | SO3DebugSetText (mmachine m) |
SO3DebugSetText : Set Debug Text on a Viewport. | |
int | SO3DebugSetEnable (mmachine m) |
SO3DebugSetEnable : Set Debug Text enable/disable on a Viewport. | |
int | SO3DebugGetEnable (mmachine m) |
SO3DebugGetEnable : Get the debug overlay state on a buffer. | |
int | SO3DestroyBuffer (mmachine m) |
SO3DestroyBuffer : Scol function to destroy a SO3_BUFFER. | |
int | SO3BufferUpdate (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferUpdate : function to update a SO3_BUFFER. | |
int | SO3BufferWriteContent (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferWriteContent : function to write the content of a SO3_BUFFER into a file. | |
int | SO3BufferGetLastMouseInfos (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferGetLastMouseInfos : get Last raycast info of a given render window. | |
int | SO3BufferInjectMouseMove (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferInjectMouseMove : function to inject mouse move. | |
int | SO3BufferInjectMouseClick (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferInjectMouseClick : function to inject mouse click. | |
int | SO3BufferInjectMouseUnClick (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferInjectMouseUnClick : function to inject mouse unclick. | |
int | SO3BufferInjectMouseWheel (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferInjectMouseWheel : function to inject mouse wheel. | |
int | SO3BufferInjectTouchAdd (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferInjectTouchAdd : function to inject touch added. | |
int | SO3BufferInjectTouchRemove (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferInjectTouchRemove : function to inject touch removed. | |
int | SO3BufferInjectTouchUpdate (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferInjectTouchUpdate : function to inject touch updated Only for Android, IOS and LINUX. | |
int | SO3BufferEnableAdvancedRayCast (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferEnableAdvancedRayCast : function to enable or disable advanced mouse raycast to polygon level. | |
int | SO3BufferSetAdvancedRayCastMode (mmachine m) |
SO3BufferSetAdvancedRayCastMode : function to choose between fast or precise 3D position mode. | |
int | SO3EnableSlicePlane (mmachine m) |
SO3EnableSlicePlane : Enable or disable the global slice plane on all generated materials shaders. | |
int | SO3SetSlicePlane (mmachine m) |
SO3SetSlicePlane : set the global slice plane on all generated materials shaders. | |
int | SO3ResetEngine (mmachine m) |
SO3ResetEngine : Destroy and reload the SO3engine; Use with caution, everything must be destroyed before. | |
int | SO3CbBufferPreRender (mmachine m) |
SO3CbBufferPreRender : defines callback for pre render event. | |
int | SO3CbBufferPostRender (mmachine m) |
SO3CbBufferPostRender : defines callback for post render event. | |
int | getBufferPreRenderEvent (mmachine m, SCOL_PTR_TYPE id, SCOL_PTR_TYPE param) |
int | getBufferPostRenderEvent (mmachine m, SCOL_PTR_TYPE id, SCOL_PTR_TYPE param) |
int | SO3CbStereoBeforeUpdate (mmachine m) |
SO3CbStereoBeforeUpdate : defines callback for stereo pre render event. | |
int | SO3CbStereoUpdateParameters (mmachine m) |
SO3CbStereoUpdateParameters : defines callback for Stereo mode parameters update (shader timewarp) | |
int | SO3CbStereoUpdated (mmachine m) |
SO3CbStereoUpdated : defines callback for stereo post render event. | |
int | getBufferStereoBeforeUpdateEvent (mmachine m, SCOL_PTR_TYPE id, SCOL_PTR_TYPE param) |
int | getBufferStereoUpdateParametersEvent (mmachine m, SCOL_PTR_TYPE id, SCOL_PTR_TYPE param) |
int | getBufferStereoUpdatedEvent (mmachine m, SCOL_PTR_TYPE id, SCOL_PTR_TYPE param) |
int | SCOLloadMaths (mmachine m, cbmachine w) |
Load the SO3Engine Mathematical functions. | |
int | SCOLloadResources (mmachine m, cbmachine w) |
Load the SO3Engine Resources function. | |
int | SCOLloadViewport (mmachine m, cbmachine w) |
Load the SO3Engine Viewport function. | |
int | SCOLloadLight (mmachine m, cbmachine w) |
Load the SO3Engine Lights function. | |
int | SCOLloadCamera (mmachine m, cbmachine w) |
Load the SO3Engine Viewport function. | |
int | SCOLloadAnim (mmachine m, cbmachine w) |
int | SCOLloadObject (mmachine m, cbmachine w) |
Load the SO3Engine Viewport function. | |
int | SCOLloadScene (mmachine m, cbmachine w) |
Load the SO3Engine Viewport function. | |
int | SCOLloadMaterial (mmachine m, cbmachine w) |
Load the SO3Engine Viewport function. | |
int | SCOLloadPhysics (mmachine m, cbmachine w) |
Load the SO3Engine Viewport function. | |
int | SCOLloadParticle (mmachine m, cbmachine w) |
Load the SO3Engine Viewport function. | |
int | SCOLloadFlashControl (mmachine m, cbmachine w) |
Load the SO3Engine Viewport function. | |
int | SCOLloadBitmapWidget (mmachine m, cbmachine w) |
Load the SO3Engine Bitmap widget function. | |
int | SCOLloadObjWindowWidget (mmachine m, cbmachine w) |
Load the SO3Engine ObjWindow widget function. | |
int | SCOLloadWebNavigatorWidget (mmachine m) |
Load the SO3Engine Web navigator widget functions. | |
int | SCOLloadWebNavigator (mmachine m) |
int | SCOLloadBone (mmachine m, cbmachine w) |
Load the SO3Engine Viewport function. | |
int | SCOLloadEntity (mmachine m, cbmachine w) |
Load the SO3Engine Entity function. | |
int | SCOLloadLineEntity (mmachine m, cbmachine w) |
Load the SO3Engine LineEntity function. | |
int | SCOLloadDynamicCubeMap (mmachine m, cbmachine w) |
Load the SO3Engine DynamicCubeMap function. | |
int | SCOLloadDynamicReflectionMap (mmachine m, cbmachine w) |
Load the SO3Engine DynamicReflectionMap function. | |
int | SCOLloadRenderToTexture (mmachine m, cbmachine w) |
Load the SO3Engine RenderToTexture function. | |
int | SCOLloadWidget (mmachine m, cbmachine w) |
Load the SO3Engine Widgets function. | |
int | SCOLloadLogs (mmachine m, cbmachine w) |
Load the SO3Engine Logs function. | |
int | SCOLloadEnvironment (mmachine m, cbmachine w) |
Load the SO3Engine Environment functions. | |
int | SCOLloadLighting (mmachine m, cbmachine w) |
Load the SO3Engine Shadows functions. | |
int | SCOLloadTerrain (mmachine m, cbmachine w) |
Load the SO3Engine Terrain function. | |
int | SCOLloadVirtualPointer (mmachine m, cbmachine w) |
Load the SO3Engine Viewport function. | |
int | SCOLfreeWidget () |
free the SO3Engine Viewport function | |
int | SCOLfreeLogs () |
free the SO3Engine Logs function | |
int | SCOLfreeEnvironment () |
free the SO3Engine environment functions | |
int | SCOLfreeWebNavigator () |
int | SCOLfreeWebNavigatorWidget () |
free the SO3Engine Viewport function | |
int | loadingSO3EngineMachine (mmachine m) |
Load the SO3Engine. | |
SCOL_EXPORT void | ScolMainLoopPlugin (mmachine m) extern "C" SCOL_EXPORT void ScolSo3engineMainLoopPlugin(mmachine m) |
SCOL_EXPORT void | ScolInitWindowPlugin (mmachine m) extern "C" SCOL_EXPORT void ScolSo3engineInitWindowPlugin(mmachine m) |
SCOL_EXPORT void | ScolTermWindowPlugin (mmachine m) extern "C" SCOL_EXPORT void ScolSo3engineTermWindowPlugin(mmachine m) |
SCOL_EXPORT void | ScolPauseWindowPlugin (mmachine m) extern "C" SCOL_EXPORT void ScolSo3enginePauseWindowPlugin(mmachine m) |
C SCOL_EXPORT void | ScolImmediatePauseWindowPlugin (mmachine m) extern "C" SCOL_EXPORT void ScolSo3engineImmediatePauseWindowPlugin(mmachine m) |
SCOL_EXPORT void | ScolResumeWindowPlugin (mmachine m) extern "C" SCOL_EXPORT void ScolSo3engineResumeWindowPlugin(mmachine m) |
SCOL_EXPORT void | ScolHandleWindowConfigurationPlugin (mmachine m, SCOL_PTR_TYPE param) extern "C" SCOL_EXPORT void ScolSo3engineHandleWindowConfigurationPlugin(mmachine m |
if (so3win !=0) | |
SCOL_EXPORT void | ScolHandleWindowEventPlugin (mmachine m, SCOL_PTR_TYPE event, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) extern "C" SCOL_EXPORT void ScolSo3engineHandleWindowEventPlugin(mmachine m |
if (!win) return | |
SCOL_EXPORT int | ScolLoadPlugin (mmachine m, cbmachine w) extern "C" SCOL_EXPORT int ScolSo3engineLoadPlugin(mmachine m |
Starting point of the DLL. | |
std::string | firstPartition (((packdir) SCgetExtra("FirstPack")) ->path) |
MMechostr (MSKDEBUG, " > Start loading Plugin SO3Engine dll\n") | |
SCOLloadMaths (m, w) | |
SCOLloadResources (m, w) | |
SCOLloadViewport (m, w) | |
SCOLloadLight (m, w) | |
SCOLloadCamera (m, w) | |
SCOLloadAnim (m, w) | |
SCOLloadObject (m, w) | |
SCOLloadScene (m, w) | |
SCOLloadMaterial (m, w) | |
SCOLloadPhysics (m, w) | |
SCOLloadParticle (m, w) | |
SCOLloadFlashControl (m, w) | |
SCOLloadBitmapWidget (m, w) | |
SCOLloadObjWindowWidget (m, w) | |
SCOLloadWebNavigatorWidget (m) | |
SCOLloadBone (m, w) | |
SCOLloadEntity (m, w) | |
SCOLloadLineEntity (m, w) | |
SCOLloadDynamicCubeMap (m, w) | |
SCOLloadDynamicReflectionMap (m, w) | |
SCOLloadRenderToTexture (m, w) | |
SCOLloadEnvironment (m, w) | |
SCOLloadLighting (m, w) | |
SCOLloadTerrain (m, w) | |
SCOLloadVirtualPointer (m, w) | |
SCOLloadWebNavigator (m) | |
SCOLloadWidget (m, w) | |
SCOLloadLogs (m, w) | |
MMechostr (MSKDEBUG, " > Plugin SO3Engine successfully loaded\n") | |
catch (const std::exception &e) | |
SCOL_EXPORT int | ScolUnloadPlugin () extern "C" SCOL_EXPORT int ScolSo3engineUnloadPlugin() |
Ending point of the DLL. | |
void | SCOLloadExternalComponent (int(*scolLoadFunction)(mmachine, cbmachine)) |
Variables | |
int(* | CallMainThread )(void *, mmachine m) |
main include | |
int | SO3BUFFER |
int | SO3OBJTYPE |
int | SO3ANIM |
int | SO3VPTYPE |
int | SO3TEXTURE |
int | SO3WIDGET |
cbmachine | ww = w |
Scol machine declaration for MM macros. | |
mmachine | mm = m |
SCOL_PTR_TYPE(* | mt_start )(int per, SCOL_PTR_TYPE param, int(*fun)(SCOL_PTR_TYPE tm, SCOL_PTR_TYPE param)) = (SCOL_PTR_TYPE(__cdecl *)(int, SCOL_PTR_TYPE, int(__cdecl *)(SCOL_PTR_TYPE, SCOL_PTR_TYPE)))SCgetExtra("mt_start") |
int(* | mt_del )(SCOL_PTR_TYPE tm) = (int(__cdecl *)(SCOL_PTR_TYPE))SCgetExtra("mt_del") |
HGLRC | SO3mainglrc = 0 |
HDC | SO3mainhdc = 0 |
ScolWindowHandle | SO3mainhwnd = 0 |
bool | SO3arbMultisampleSupported = false |
int | SO3mainBPP = 0 |
int | SO3mainPIXELFORMAT = 0 |
int | SO3maxSamples = 0 |
int | SO3Multi_Pass = 2 |
int | iLastMousePos [2] = -1 |
SRoot * | scolRoot = 0 |
Shared data. | |
Scol CallBack declaration. | |
Declaration of the global instance for the virtual Machine. | |
NativeDefinition | natSO3Scol [] |
ScolWindowHandle | win = (ScolWindowHandle)SCgetExtra("hscol") |
int | nwidth = ANativeWindow_getWidth(win) |
int | nheight = ANativeWindow_getHeight(win) |
int | pWin = OBJfindTH(m, OBJtypebyname("OBJTYPWINDOW"), param) |
PtrObjVoid | objVoid = (PtrObjVoid) MMstart(m, MTOP(pWin)) |
PtrObjWindow | objWin = (PtrObjWindow) MMstart(m, MTOP(objVoid->Buffer)) |
SWindow * | so3win = SRoot::getSingleton().GetRenderWindow((const ScolWindowHandle&)win) |
SCOL_EXPORT int cbmachine | w |
try | |
return | |
Definition at line 121 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
catch | ( | const std::exception & | e | ) |
Definition at line 5218 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
bool checkGroupExists | ( | std::string | group | ) |
function to check if an Ogre resource group exists
groupeName | : groupName to check |
Definition at line 955 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
bool checkGroupProtected | ( | std::string | groupeName | ) |
function to check if an Ogre resource group is protected
groupeName | : groupName to check |
Definition at line 974 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int createAnim | ( | mmachine | m, |
SAnim * | curAnim, | ||
SNode * | curNode | ||
) |
function to create a new scol animation object
m | : current machine |
curAnim | : current animation |
curNode | : current Node |
Definition at line 407 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int createAnimTrack | ( | mmachine | m, |
SAnimTrack * | curAnimTrack, | ||
SAnim * | curAnim | ||
) |
function to create a new scol animationTrack object
m | : current machine |
curAnimTrack | : current animationTrack |
curAnim | : current Animation |
Definition at line 431 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int createBody | ( | mmachine | m, |
SNode * | curNode | ||
) |
function to create a new scol body object
m | : current machine |
curBody | : current body |
curNode | : current Node |
Definition at line 363 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int createBone | ( | mmachine | m, |
SNode * | curNode, | ||
SScene * | curScene, | ||
SNode * | curFather | ||
) |
function to create a new scol bone object
m | : current machine |
curNode | : current Node |
curScene | : current Scene |
curFather | : current fther of the bone |
Definition at line 338 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int createMaterial | ( | mmachine | m, |
SMaterial * | curMaterial, | ||
SScene * | curScene | ||
) |
function to create a new scol material object
m | : current machine |
curMaterial | : current material |
curScene | : current Scene |
Definition at line 462 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int createMaterialID | ( | mmachine | m, |
SMaterialID * | curMatID, | ||
SScene * | curScene | ||
) |
function to create a new scol Material ID object
m | : current machine |
curMatID | : current material ID |
curScene | : current Scene |
Definition at line 512 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int createMaterialPair | ( | mmachine | m, |
SMaterialPair * | curMatPair, | ||
SScene * | curScene | ||
) |
function to create a new scol Material Pair object
m | : current machine |
curMatPair | : current material Pair |
curScene | : current Scene |
Definition at line 536 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int createObject | ( | mmachine | m, |
SNode * | curNode, | ||
SScene * | curScene | ||
) |
function to create a new scol object : SO3_OBJECT
m | : current machine |
curNode | : current Node |
curScene | : current Scene |
Definition at line 286 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int createOrRetrieveScolMaterialAndSendToVM | ( | mmachine | m, |
SScene * | scene, | ||
SMaterial * | material | ||
) |
function to retireve a material by name
scene | : current scene |
result | : resulting material |
testName | : name to check |
Definition at line 252 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int createPhysicContraint | ( | mmachine | m, |
SPhysicContraint * | joint | ||
) |
function to create a new scol physic joint object
m | : current machine |
Definition at line 384 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int createSO3Buffer | ( | mmachine | m, |
ScolWindowHandle | parentObj, | ||
ScolWindowHandle | curWin, | ||
int | w, | ||
int | h, | ||
std::string | name | ||
) |
function to create SO3Buffer (Ogre surface on scol window)
m | : current machine |
curWin | : scol window for Ogre buffer |
w | : window's weigh |
h | : window's height |
name | : name of the window |
Definition at line 1078 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int createTerrain | ( | mmachine | m, |
STerrain * | terrain, | ||
SScene * | curScene | ||
) |
function to create a new scol object : SO3_OBJECT
m | : current machine |
terrain | : current STerrain |
curScene | : current Scene |
Definition at line 312 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int createTexture | ( | mmachine | m, |
STexture * | curTexture, | ||
SScene * | curScene | ||
) |
function to create a new scol texture object
m | : current machine |
curTexture | : current texture |
curScene | : current Scene |
Definition at line 488 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int destroyAnim | ( | mmachine | m, |
SCOL_PTR_TYPE | handle, | ||
int | obj | ||
) |
function to destroy an SO3_ANIM in scol
m | : current machine |
handle | : given handle |
obj | : given SO3_ANIM |
Definition at line 647 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int destroyAnimTrack | ( | mmachine | m, |
SCOL_PTR_TYPE | handle, | ||
int | obj | ||
) |
function to destroy an SO3_ANIMTRACK in scol
m | : current machine |
handle | : given handle |
obj | : given SO3_ANIMTRACK |
Definition at line 683 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int destroyBufferOgre | ( | mmachine | m, |
SCOL_PTR_TYPE | handle, | ||
int | obj | ||
) |
function to destroy an SO3_BUFFER in scol
m | : current machine |
handle | : given handle |
obj | : given SO3_BUFFER |
Definition at line 832 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int destroyMaterial | ( | mmachine | m, |
SCOL_PTR_TYPE | handle, | ||
int | obj | ||
) |
function to destroy an SO3_MATERIAL in scol
m | : current machine |
handle | : given handle |
obj | : given SO3_MATERIAL |
Definition at line 908 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int destroyObject | ( | mmachine | m, |
SCOL_PTR_TYPE | handle, | ||
int | obj | ||
) |
function to destroy an SO3_OBJECT in scol
m | : current machine |
handle | : given handle |
obj | : given SO3_OBJECT |
Definition at line 560 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int destroyPhysicsBody | ( | mmachine | m, |
SCOL_PTR_TYPE | handle, | ||
int | obj | ||
) |
function to destroy an SO3_PHYSICBODY in scol
m | : current machine |
handle | : given handle |
obj | : given SO3_PHYSICBODY |
Definition at line 706 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int destroyPhysicsContraint | ( | mmachine | m, |
SCOL_PTR_TYPE | handle, | ||
int | obj | ||
) |
function to destroy an SO3_PHYSICCONTRAINT in scol
m | : current machine |
handle | : given handle |
obj | : given SO3_PHYSICBODY |
Definition at line 729 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int destroyPhysicsMaterial | ( | mmachine | m, |
SCOL_PTR_TYPE | handle, | ||
int | obj | ||
) |
function to destroy an SO3_MATERIALID in scol
m | : current machine |
handle | : given handle |
obj | : given SO3_MATERIALID |
Definition at line 885 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int destroyPhysicsMaterialPair | ( | mmachine | m, |
SCOL_PTR_TYPE | handle, | ||
int | obj | ||
) |
function to destroy an SO3_MATERIALPAIR in scol
m | : current machine |
handle | : given handle |
obj | : given SO3_MATERIALPAIR |
Definition at line 752 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int destroyScene | ( | mmachine | m, |
SCOL_PTR_TYPE | handle, | ||
int | obj | ||
) |
function to destroy an SO3_SCENE in scol
m | : current machine |
handle | : given handle |
obj | : given SO3_SCENE |
Definition at line 775 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int destroyTerrain | ( | mmachine | m, |
SCOL_PTR_TYPE | handle, | ||
int | obj | ||
) |
function to destroy an SO3_TERRAIN in scol
m | : current machine |
handle | : given handle |
obj | : given SO3_TERRAIN |
Definition at line 619 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int destroyTexture | ( | mmachine | m, |
SCOL_PTR_TYPE | handle, | ||
int | obj | ||
) |
function to destroy an SO3_TEXTURE in scol
m | : current machine |
handle | : given handle |
obj | : given SO3_TEXTURE |
Definition at line 934 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int destroyViewport | ( | mmachine | m, |
SCOL_PTR_TYPE | handle, | ||
int | obj | ||
) |
function to destroy an SO3_VIEWPORT in scol
m | : current machine |
handle | : given handle |
obj | : given SO3_VIEWPORT |
Definition at line 799 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int destroyWidget | ( | mmachine | m, |
SCOL_PTR_TYPE | handle, | ||
int | obj | ||
) |
function to destroy an SO3_WIDGET in scol
m | : current machine |
handle | : given handle |
obj | : given SO3_SO3Widget |
Definition at line 860 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
std::string firstPartition | ( | ((packdir) SCgetExtra("FirstPack")) -> | path | ) |
int getBufferPostRenderEvent | ( | mmachine | m, |
SCOL_PTR_TYPE | id, | ||
SCOL_PTR_TYPE | param | ||
) |
Definition at line 4582 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int getBufferPreRenderEvent | ( | mmachine | m, |
SCOL_PTR_TYPE | id, | ||
SCOL_PTR_TYPE | param | ||
) |
Definition at line 4567 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int getBufferStereoBeforeUpdateEvent | ( | mmachine | m, |
SCOL_PTR_TYPE | id, | ||
SCOL_PTR_TYPE | param | ||
) |
Definition at line 4654 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int getBufferStereoUpdatedEvent | ( | mmachine | m, |
SCOL_PTR_TYPE | id, | ||
SCOL_PTR_TYPE | param | ||
) |
Definition at line 4684 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int getBufferStereoUpdateParametersEvent | ( | mmachine | m, |
SCOL_PTR_TYPE | id, | ||
SCOL_PTR_TYPE | param | ||
) |
Definition at line 4669 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
string GetOSVersion | ( | ) |
function to retrieve OS informations
Definition at line 1116 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
SScene * getSceneByName | ( | string | sceneName | ) |
function to retrieve a scene by its name
Retrieve direct X version
sceneName | : name to test |
Definition at line 238 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int hideDeviceMenu | ( | bool | state | ) |
Definition at line 140 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
if | ( | ! | win | ) |
if | ( | so3win ! | = 0 | ) |
Definition at line 5117 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
bool initSO3 | ( | std::string | firstPartition | ) |
function which init the SO3Engine
SCOL Partition Manipulation Warning : Setting the AddResource with booleen to false
Definition at line 993 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int loadingSO3EngineMachine | ( | mmachine | m | ) |
MMechostr | ( | MSKDEBUG | , |
" | , | ||
Plugin SO3Engine successfully loaded\n" | |||
) |
MMechostr | ( | MSKDEBUG | , |
" | , | ||
Start loading Plugin SO3Engine dll\n" | |||
) |
int SCOLfreeEnvironment | ( | ) |
free the SO3Engine environment functions
m | : The VM |
Definition at line 4611 of file SCOLEnvironment.cpp.
int SCOLfreeLogs | ( | ) |
int SCOLfreeWebNavigator | ( | ) |
int SCOLfreeWebNavigatorWidget | ( | ) |
free the SO3Engine Viewport function
m | : The VM |
Definition at line 1807 of file SCOLWebNavigatorWidget.cpp.
int SCOLfreeWidget | ( | ) |
free the SO3Engine Viewport function
m | : The VM |
Definition at line 3453 of file SCOLWidget.cpp.
SCOL_EXPORT void ScolHandleWindowConfigurationPlugin | ( | mmachine | m, |
SCOL_PTR_TYPE | param | ||
) |
SCOL_EXPORT void ScolHandleWindowEventPlugin | ( | mmachine | m, |
SCOL_PTR_TYPE | event, | ||
WPARAM | wparam, | ||
LPARAM | lparam | ||
) |
extern |
Definition at line 5038 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
SCOL_EXPORT void ScolInitWindowPlugin | ( | mmachine | m | ) |
Definition at line 5008 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
SCOLloadAnim | ( | m | , |
w | |||
) |
int SCOLloadAnim | ( | mmachine | m, |
cbmachine | w | ||
) |
Definition at line 2698 of file SCOLAnim.cpp.
SCOLloadBitmapWidget | ( | m | , |
w | |||
) |
int SCOLloadBitmapWidget | ( | mmachine | m, |
cbmachine | w | ||
) |
Load the SO3Engine Bitmap widget function.
m | : The VM |
w | : The Callback VM |
Definition at line 575 of file SCOLBitmapWidget.cpp.
SCOLloadBone | ( | m | , |
w | |||
) |
int SCOLloadBone | ( | mmachine | m, |
cbmachine | w | ||
) |
Load the SO3Engine Viewport function.
m | : The VM |
w | : The Callback VM |
Definition at line 335 of file SCOLBones.cpp.
SCOLloadCamera | ( | m | , |
w | |||
) |
int SCOLloadCamera | ( | mmachine | m, |
cbmachine | w | ||
) |
Load the SO3Engine Viewport function.
m | : The VM |
w | : The Callback VM |
Definition at line 1783 of file SCOLCamera.cpp.
SCOLloadDynamicCubeMap | ( | m | , |
w | |||
) |
int SCOLloadDynamicCubeMap | ( | mmachine | m, |
cbmachine | w | ||
) |
Load the SO3Engine DynamicCubeMap function.
m | : The VM |
w | : The Callback VM |
Definition at line 513 of file SCOLDynamicCubeMap.cpp.
SCOLloadDynamicReflectionMap | ( | m | , |
w | |||
) |
int SCOLloadDynamicReflectionMap | ( | mmachine | m, |
cbmachine | w | ||
) |
Load the SO3Engine DynamicReflectionMap function.
m | : The VM |
w | : The Callback VM |
Definition at line 481 of file SCOLDynamicReflectionMap.cpp.
SCOLloadEntity | ( | m | , |
w | |||
) |
int SCOLloadEntity | ( | mmachine | m, |
cbmachine | w | ||
) |
Load the SO3Engine Entity function.
m | : The VM |
w | : The Callback VM |
Definition at line 898 of file SCOLEntity.cpp.
SCOLloadEnvironment | ( | m | , |
w | |||
) |
int SCOLloadEnvironment | ( | mmachine | m, |
cbmachine | w | ||
) |
Load the SO3Engine Environment functions.
m | : The VM |
w | : The Callback VM |
Definition at line 4602 of file SCOLEnvironment.cpp.
void SCOLloadExternalComponent | ( | int(*)(mmachine, cbmachine) | scolLoadFunction | ) |
Definition at line 5263 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
SCOLloadFlashControl | ( | m | , |
w | |||
) |
int SCOLloadFlashControl | ( | mmachine | m, |
cbmachine | w | ||
) |
Load the SO3Engine Viewport function.
m | : The VM |
w | : The Callback VM |
Definition at line 866 of file SCOLFlashControl.cpp.
SCOLloadLight | ( | m | , |
w | |||
) |
int SCOLloadLight | ( | mmachine | m, |
cbmachine | w | ||
) |
Load the SO3Engine Lights function.
m | : The VM |
w | : The Callback VM |
Definition at line 1337 of file SCOLLight.cpp.
SCOLloadLighting | ( | m | , |
w | |||
) |
int SCOLloadLighting | ( | mmachine | m, |
cbmachine | w | ||
) |
Load the SO3Engine Shadows functions.
m | : The VM |
w | : The Callback VM |
Definition at line 1653 of file SCOLLighting.cpp.
SCOLloadLineEntity | ( | m | , |
w | |||
) |
int SCOLloadLineEntity | ( | mmachine | m, |
cbmachine | w | ||
) |
Load the SO3Engine LineEntity function.
m | : The VM |
w | : The Callback VM |
Definition at line 1115 of file SCOLLineEntity.cpp.
SCOLloadLogs | ( | m | , |
w | |||
) |
int SCOLloadLogs | ( | mmachine | m, |
cbmachine | w | ||
) |
Load the SO3Engine Logs function.
m | : The VM |
w | : The Callback VM |
Definition at line 232 of file SCOLLog.cpp.
SCOLloadMaterial | ( | m | , |
w | |||
) |
int SCOLloadMaterial | ( | mmachine | m, |
cbmachine | w | ||
) |
Load the SO3Engine Viewport function.
m | : The VM |
w | : The Callback VM |
Definition at line 6538 of file SCOLMaterial.cpp.
SCOLloadMaths | ( | m | , |
w | |||
) |
int SCOLloadMaths | ( | mmachine | m, |
cbmachine | w | ||
) |
Load the SO3Engine Mathematical functions.
Scol load pkg Functions
m | : The VM |
w | : The Callback VM |
Definition at line 2810 of file SCOLMaths.cpp.
SCOLloadObject | ( | m | , |
w | |||
) |
int SCOLloadObject | ( | mmachine | m, |
cbmachine | w | ||
) |
Load the SO3Engine Viewport function.
m | : The VM |
w | : The Callback VM |
Definition at line 4363 of file SCOLObject.cpp.
SCOLloadObjWindowWidget | ( | m | , |
w | |||
) |
int SCOLloadObjWindowWidget | ( | mmachine | m, |
cbmachine | w | ||
) |
Load the SO3Engine ObjWindow widget function.
m | : The VM |
w | : The Callback VM |
Definition at line 578 of file SCOLObjWindowWidget.cpp.
SCOLloadParticle | ( | m | , |
w | |||
) |
int SCOLloadParticle | ( | mmachine | m, |
cbmachine | w | ||
) |
Load the SO3Engine Viewport function.
m | : The VM |
w | : The Callback VM |
Definition at line 465 of file SCOLParticle.cpp.
SCOLloadPhysics | ( | m | , |
w | |||
) |
int SCOLloadPhysics | ( | mmachine | m, |
cbmachine | w | ||
) |
Load the SO3Engine Viewport function.
m | : The VM |
w | : The Callback VM |
Definition at line 8920 of file SCOLPhysics.cpp.
SCOL_EXPORT int ScolLoadPlugin | ( | mmachine | m, |
cbmachine | w | ||
) |
Starting point of the DLL.
m | : |
w | : |
SCOLloadRenderToTexture | ( | m | , |
w | |||
) |
int SCOLloadRenderToTexture | ( | mmachine | m, |
cbmachine | w | ||
) |
Load the SO3Engine RenderToTexture function.
m | : The VM |
w | : The Callback VM |
Definition at line 785 of file SCOLRenderToTexture.cpp.
SCOLloadResources | ( | m | , |
w | |||
) |
int SCOLloadResources | ( | mmachine | m, |
cbmachine | w | ||
) |
Load the SO3Engine Resources function.
m | : The VM |
w | : The Callback VM |
Definition at line 626 of file SCOLResources.cpp.
SCOLloadScene | ( | m | , |
w | |||
) |
int SCOLloadScene | ( | mmachine | m, |
cbmachine | w | ||
) |
Load the SO3Engine Viewport function.
m | : The VM |
w | : The Callback VM |
Definition at line 4345 of file SCOLScene.cpp.
SCOLloadTerrain | ( | m | , |
w | |||
) |
int SCOLloadTerrain | ( | mmachine | m, |
cbmachine | w | ||
) |
Load the SO3Engine Terrain function.
m | : The VM |
w | : The Callback VM |
Definition at line 199 of file SCOLTerrain.cpp.
SCOLloadViewport | ( | m | , |
w | |||
) |
int SCOLloadViewport | ( | mmachine | m, |
cbmachine | w | ||
) |
Load the SO3Engine Viewport function.
m | : The VM |
w | : The Callback VM |
Definition at line 3298 of file SCOLViewport.cpp.
SCOLloadVirtualPointer | ( | m | , |
w | |||
) |
int SCOLloadVirtualPointer | ( | mmachine | m, |
cbmachine | w | ||
) |
Load the SO3Engine Viewport function.
m | : The VM |
w | : The Callback VM |
Definition at line 1027 of file SCOLVirtualPointer.cpp.
SCOLloadWebNavigator | ( | m | ) |
int SCOLloadWebNavigator | ( | mmachine | m | ) |
SCOLloadWebNavigatorWidget | ( | m | ) |
int SCOLloadWebNavigatorWidget | ( | mmachine | m | ) |
Load the SO3Engine Web navigator widget functions.
m | : The VM |
w | : The Callback VM |
Definition at line 1797 of file SCOLWebNavigatorWidget.cpp.
SCOLloadWidget | ( | m | , |
w | |||
) |
int SCOLloadWidget | ( | mmachine | m, |
cbmachine | w | ||
) |
Load the SO3Engine Widgets function.
m | : The VM |
w | : The Callback VM |
Definition at line 3375 of file SCOLWidget.cpp.
SCOL_EXPORT void ScolMainLoopPlugin | ( | mmachine | m | ) |
Definition at line 4994 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
SCOL_EXPORT void ScolPauseWindowPlugin | ( | mmachine | m | ) |
Definition at line 5028 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
SCOL_EXPORT void ScolResumeWindowPlugin | ( | mmachine | m | ) |
Definition at line 5048 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
SCOL_EXPORT void ScolTermWindowPlugin | ( | mmachine | m | ) |
Definition at line 5018 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
SCOL_EXPORT int ScolUnloadPlugin | ( | ) |
Ending point of the DLL.
Definition at line 5230 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
Definition at line 197 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
Declaration of the global instance for the virtual Machine.
Definition at line 196 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
Definition at line 198 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
Definition at line 199 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
Definition at line 200 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int(* CallMainThread) (void *, mmachine m) | ( | void * | , |
mmachine | m | ||
) |
main include
Definition at line 84 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
Definition at line 5128 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
iLastMousePos[1] = -1 |
Definition at line 136 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
Definition at line 5128 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
mm = m |
Definition at line 109 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
mt_del | ( | SCOL_PTR_TYPE | tm | ) | = (int(__cdecl *)(SCOL_PTR_TYPE))SCgetExtra("mt_del") |
Definition at line 115 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
mt_start | ( | int | per, |
SCOL_PTR_TYPE | param, | ||
int(*)(SCOL_PTR_TYPE tm, SCOL_PTR_TYPE param) | fun | ||
) | = (SCOL_PTR_TYPE(__cdecl *)(int, SCOL_PTR_TYPE, int(__cdecl *)(SCOL_PTR_TYPE, SCOL_PTR_TYPE)))SCgetExtra("mt_start") |
Definition at line 114 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
NativeDefinition natSO3Scol[] |
Definition at line 4746 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int nheight = ANativeWindow_getHeight(win) |
Definition at line 5095 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int nwidth = ANativeWindow_getWidth(win) |
Definition at line 5094 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
Definition at line 194 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
PtrObjVoid objVoid = (PtrObjVoid) MMstart(m, MTOP(pWin)) |
Definition at line 5101 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
PtrObjWindow objWin = (PtrObjWindow) MMstart(m, MTOP(objVoid->Buffer)) |
Definition at line 5102 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
Definition at line 5087 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
pWin = OBJfindTH(m, OBJtypebyname("OBJTYPWINDOW"), param) |
Definition at line 5099 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
return |
Definition at line 5222 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
Definition at line 191 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
Definition at line 190 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
Definition at line 192 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
SRoot* scolRoot = 0 |
Shared data.
Definition at line 186 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int SO3ANIM |
Definition at line 92 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
Definition at line 93 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
bool SO3arbMultisampleSupported = false |
Definition at line 125 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
Definition at line 89 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int SO3mainBPP = 0 |
Definition at line 126 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
HGLRC SO3mainglrc = 0 |
Definition at line 122 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
HDC SO3mainhdc = 0 |
Definition at line 123 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
ScolWindowHandle SO3mainhwnd = 0 |
Definition at line 124 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int SO3mainPIXELFORMAT = 0 |
Definition at line 127 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
Definition at line 97 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int SO3maxSamples = 0 |
Definition at line 128 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
int SO3Multi_Pass = 2 |
Definition at line 129 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
Definition at line 90 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
Definition at line 99 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
Definition at line 100 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
Definition at line 96 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
Definition at line 95 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
Definition at line 88 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
Definition at line 91 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
Definition at line 98 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
Definition at line 94 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
Definition at line 101 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
SWindow* so3win = SRoot::getSingleton().GetRenderWindow((const ScolWindowHandle&)win) |
Definition at line 5116 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
try |
Definition at line 5172 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
SCOL_EXPORT int cbmachine w |
Definition at line 5148 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
Definition at line 131 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
ScolWindowHandle win = (ScolWindowHandle)SCgetExtra("hscol") |
Definition at line 5092 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
Definition at line 5128 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.
ww = w |
Scol machine declaration for MM macros.
Declaration of machine instance.
Definition at line 108 of file SO3SCOL.cpp.