BitmapToolkit Scol plugin
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CRandomFunctions to generate pseudo-random numbers
 CUnrepeatedRandomizerProvides pseudo-random numbers with no repetitions
 CMMAL_PARAM_COLOURFX_TStruct contain camera settings
 CThreadConditionThis class implements a condition to stop a thread until the condition is reached
 CArFeaturedMarkerThis class represents a marker. It is a vector of the fours corners ot the marker
 CArTkMarkerThis class represents a marker. It is a vector of the fours corners ot the marker
 CCameraBackendInterface for calling Java CameraBackend from C++ code, using JNI
 CCameraInputAndroidConcrete implementation of ICameraInput using Android API
 CCameraInputOpenCVConcrete implementation of ICameraInput using OpenCV utility
 CCameraInputWindowsConcrete implementation of ICameraInput using Windows API
 CDoubleExponentialSmootherDouble Exponential smoother
 CICameraInputInterface for camera management. Concrete classes are written for Windows, Android and OpenCV native camera wrapper
 CISmootherSmoother interface
 CLinearSmootherLinear smoother
 CMediaPlayerThis class provides media playback functionality
 CThreadCreate a thread type. \