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SCOLMaterial.cpp File Reference

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int SO3MaterialCreate (mmachine m)
 main include
int SO3MaterialDestroy (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialDestroy : Destroy a material.
int SO3MaterialGetName (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialGetName : Return the material name.
int SO3MaterialSetAmbient (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialSetAmbient : defines ambient color of a material.
int SO3MaterialSetAmbientByTechAndPass (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialSetAmbientByTechAndPass : defines ambient color by technique and pass of a material.
int SO3MaterialSetDiffuse (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialSetDiffuse : defines diffuse color of a material.
int SO3MaterialSetDiffuseByTechAndPass (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialSetDiffuseByTechAndPass : defines diffuse color by technique and pass of a material.
int SO3MaterialGetReceiveShadows (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialGetReceiveShadows : Get the receive shadow state for material.
int SO3MaterialSetSelfIllumination (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialSetSelfIllumination : defines self illuminaton color of a material.
int SO3MaterialSetSelfIlluminationByTechAndPass (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialSetSelfIlluminationByTechAndPass : defines self illumination color by technique and pass of a material.
int SO3MaterialSetSpecular (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialSetSpecular : defines specular color of a material.
int SO3MaterialSetSpecularByTechAndPass (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialSetSpecularByTechAndPass : defines specular color by technique and pass of a material.
int SO3MaterialSetShininess (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialSetShininess : defines shininess value of a material.
int SO3MaterialSetShininessByTechAndPass (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialSetShininessByTechAndPass : defines shininess value by technique and pass of a material.
int SO3MaterialGetDiffuseByTechAndPass (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialGetDiffuseByTechAndPass : Get the diffuse color by Technique and Pass.
int SO3MaterialGetAmbientByTechAndPass (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialGetAmbientByTechAndPass : Get the ambient color by Technique and Pass.
int SO3MaterialGetSpecularByTechAndPass (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialGetSpecularByTechAndPass : Get the specular color by Technique and Pass.
int SO3MaterialGetShininessByTechAndPass (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialGetShininessByTechAndPass : Get the Shininess value by Technique and Pass.
int SO3MaterialGetSelfIlluminationByTechAndPass (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialGetSelfIlluminationByTechAndPass : Get the self illumination color by Technique and Pass.
int SO3MaterialIsLighting (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialIsLighting : defines light state for a material.
int SO3MaterialNumberOfTechniques (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialNumberOfTechniques : Get the number of techniques.
int SO3MaterialNumberOfPassesByTechnique (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialNumberOfPassesByTechnique : Get the number of passes by technique.
int SO3MaterialNumberOfTexturesByTechniqueAndPass (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialNumberOfTexturesByTechniqueAndPass : Get the number of textures by technique and pass.
int SO3MaterialTechniqueGetNameByIndex (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialTechniqueGetNameByIndex : return the name of a technique.
int SO3MaterialTechniqueGetIndexByName (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialTechniqueGetIndexByName : return the index of a technique by name.
int SO3MaterialPassGetNameByIndex (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialPassGetNameByIndex : return the name of a pass.
int SO3MaterialPassGetIndexByName (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialPassGetIndexByName : return the index of a pass by name.
int SO3MaterialTextureUnitGetNameByIndex (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialTextureUnitGetNameByIndex : return the name of a texture unit.
int SO3MaterialTextureUnitGetIndexByName (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialTextureUnitGetIndexByName : return the index of a Texture unit by name.
int SO3MaterialSetReceiveShadows (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialSetReceiveShadows : defines receive shadow state for a given material.
int SO3MaterialSetTexture (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialSetTexture : Set a texture on a material.
int SO3MaterialGetTexture (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialGetTexture : Get a texture from a material.
int SO3MaterialSetTextureByType (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialSetTextureByType : Set a texture on a material by type.
int SO3MaterialRemoveTexture (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialRemoveTexture : Remove a texture from a material.
int SO3MaterialTextureUnitGetIndexByType (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialTextureUnitGetIndexByType : Get a texture from a material by it's type.
int SO3GetSceneTexture (mmachine m)
 SO3GetSceneTexture : Get a texture from a scene.
int SO3TextureCreate (mmachine m)
 SO3TextureCreate : Create a texture unit.
int SO3TextureDestroy (mmachine m)
 SO3TextureDestroy : Destroy a texture unit.
int SO3TextureGetName (mmachine m)
 SO3TextureGetName : Return the name of a texture.
int SO3TextureManagerGetMemoryUsage (mmachine m)
 SO3TextureManagerGetMemoryUsage : Return the memory usage of all textures in the scene.
int SO3TextureBlit (mmachine m)
 SO3TextureBlit : Blit a ObjBitmap on a texture.
int SO3TextureBlitAlpha (mmachine m)
 SO3TextureBlitAlpha : Blit a AlphaBitmap on a texture.
int SO3MaterialSetTextureUScroll (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialSetTextureUScroll : Sets the translation offset of the texture, ie scrolls the texture, for the U value.
int SO3MaterialGetTextureUScroll (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialGetTextureUScroll : Gets the translation offset of the texture, ie scrolls the texture, for the U value.
int SO3MaterialSetTextureVScroll (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialSetTextureVScroll : Sets the translation offset of the texture, ie scrolls the texture, for the V value.
int SO3MaterialGetTextureVScroll (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialGetTextureVScroll : Gets the translation offset of the texture, ie scrolls the texture, for the V value.
int SO3MaterialSetTextureUScale (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialSetTextureUScale : Sets the scale value of the texture, for the U value.
int SO3MaterialGetTextureUScale (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialGetTextureUScale : Gets the scale of the texture, for the U value.
int SO3MaterialSetTextureVScale (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialSetTextureVScale : Sets the scale of the texture, for the V value.
int SO3MaterialGetTextureVScale (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialGetTextureVScale : Gets the scale of the texture, for the V value.
int SO3MaterialSetTextureRotate (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialSetTextureRotate : Rotate the texture.
int SO3MaterialGetTextureRotate (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialGetTextureRotate : Gets the rotation of the texture.
int SO3MaterialSetTextureBlendFactor (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialSetTextureBlendFactor : Set the texture blend factor (used for reflection map)
int SO3MaterialGetTextureBlendFactor (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialGetTextureBlendFactor : Gets the texture blend factor.
int SO3MaterialSetTextureRotateAnimation (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialSetTextureRotateAnimation : Set a rotate animation on the texture.
int SO3MaterialSetTextureScrollAnimation (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialSetTextureScrollAnimation : Set a scroll animation on the texture.
int SO3MaterialGetPassVertexProgramParameters (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialGetPassVertexProgramParameters : Retrieve all the vertex program parameters than can be setted.
int SO3MaterialSetPassVertexProgramAutoParameter (mmachine m)
int SO3MaterialSetPassVertexProgramParameter (mmachine m)
int SO3MaterialGetPassFragmentProgramParameters (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialGetPassFragmentProgramParameters : Retrieve all the fragment program parameters than can be setted.
int SO3MaterialSetPassFragmentProgramAutoParameter (mmachine m)
int SO3MaterialSetPassFragmentProgramParameter (mmachine m)
int SO3MaterialSetPassAlphaRejection (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialSetPassAlphaRejection : Sets alpha rejection parameters.
int SO3MaterialGetPassAlphaRejectionFunction (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialGetPassAlphaRejectionFunction : Retrieve the alpha rejection function.
int SO3MaterialGetPassAlphaRejectionValue (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialGetPassAlphaRejectionValue : Retrieve the alpha rejection value.
int SO3MaterialGetPassAlphaToCoverage (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialGetPassAlphaToCoverage : Retrieve if the pass use alpha to coverage method.
int SO3MaterialGetPassDepthCheckEnabled (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialGetPassDepthCheckEnabled : Retrieve if the pass use depth checking to validate fragments.
int SO3MaterialSetPassDepthCheckEnabled (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialSetPassDepthCheckEnabled : Set if the pass must check depth to validate fragments.
int SO3MaterialGetPassDepthWriteEnabled (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialGetPassDepthWriteEnabled : Retrieve if the pass use depth write when a fragment is validated (does the fragment depth is written to depth buffer).
int SO3MaterialSetPassDepthWriteEnabled (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialSetPassDepthWriteEnabled : Set if the pass must write a validated fragment depth information to depth buffer.
int SO3MaterialGetPassDepthFunction (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialGetPassDepthFunction : Retrieve the function used to compare a fragment depth to depth buffer value.
int SO3MaterialSetPassDepthFunction (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialSetPassDepthFunction : Sets the compare function to use to compare a fragment depth with depth buffer value.
int SO3MaterialGetPassColourWriteEnabled (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialGetPassColourWriteEnabled : Retrieve if the pass use colour write when a fragment is validated (does the fragment depth is written to depth buffer).
int SO3MaterialSetPassColourWriteEnabled (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialSetPassColourWriteEnabled : Set if the pass must write the colour.
int SO3MaterialGetPassSourceBlendFactor (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialGetPassSourceBlendFactor : Retrieve pass source blend factor.
int SO3MaterialGetPassDestBlendFactor (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialGetPassDestBlendFactor : Retrieve pass destination blend factor.
int SO3MaterialGetPassSourceBlendFactorAlpha (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialGetPassSourceBlendFactorAlpha : Retrieve pass source blend factor for alpha.
int SO3MaterialGetPassDestBlendFactorAlpha (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialGetPassDestBlendFactorAlpha : Retrieve pass destination blend factor for alpha.
int SO3MaterialSetPassSceneBlending (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialSetPassSceneBlending : Sets pass scene blending.
int SO3MaterialGetPassSceneBlendingOperation (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialGetPassSceneBlendingOperation : Retrieve pass scene blending operation.
int SO3MaterialGetPassSceneBlendingOperationAlpha (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialGetPassSceneBlendingOperationAlpha : Retrieve pass scene blending operation for alpha.
int SO3MaterialSetPassSceneBlendingOperation (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialSetPassSceneBlendingOperation : Sets pass scene blending operation.
int SO3MaterialSetPassCullingEnable (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialSetPassCullingEnable : Sets pass culling state.
int SO3MaterialGetPassCullingEnable (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialGetPassCullingEnable : Gets pass culling state.
int SO3MaterialSetPassUseVertexColor (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialSetPassUseVertexColor : Sets pass vertex color state.
int SO3MaterialGetPassUseVertexColor (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialGetPassUseVertexColor : Gets pass vertex color state.
int SO3MaterialAddTechnique (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialAddTechnique : Add a technique on a material.
int SO3MaterialRemoveTechnique (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialRemoveTechnique : Remove a technique on a material.
int SO3MaterialSetTechniqueSchemeName (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialSetTechniqueSchemeName : Set a technique scheme name on a material.
int SO3MaterialAddPass (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialAddPass : Add a pass on a material technique.
int SO3MaterialRemovePass (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialRemovePass : Remove a pass on a material technique.
int SO3MaterialSetPassPolygonMode (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialSetPassPolygonMode : Sets pass polygon mode.
int SO3MaterialGetPassPolygonMode (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialGetPassPolygonMode : Get pass polygon mode.
int SO3MaterialSetPassPointSize (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialSetPassPointSize : Sets pass point size.
int SO3MaterialGetPassPointSize (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialGetPassPointSize : Get pass point size.
int SO3MaterialSetPassLighting (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialSetPassLighting : Sets pass lighting state.
int SO3MaterialGetPassLighting (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialGetPassLighting : Get pass lighting state.
int SO3MaterialSetIgnoreSlicePlane (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialSetIgnoreSlicePlane : Set the material ignore slice plane state.
int SO3MaterialExport (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialExport : Write a material script to a file.
int SO3MaterialGetScriptPath (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialGetScriptPath : Gets the material script path.
int SO3MaterialCountInScript (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialCountInScript : Gets the number of materials in a material script.
int SO3MaterialRewriteScript (mmachine m)
 SO3MaterialRewriteScript : Rewrite a material script (usefull to remove deleted materials)
int SCOLloadMaterial (mmachine m, cbmachine w)
 Load the SO3Engine Viewport function.
int SCOLfreeMaterial ()
 free the SO3Engine Viewport function


NativeDefinition natSO3Mat []

Function Documentation

◆ SCOLfreeMaterial()

int SCOLfreeMaterial ( )

free the SO3Engine Viewport function

m: The VM

Definition at line 6548 of file SCOLMaterial.cpp.

◆ SCOLloadMaterial()

int SCOLloadMaterial ( mmachine  m,
cbmachine  w 

Load the SO3Engine Viewport function.

m: The VM
w: The Callback VM

Definition at line 6538 of file SCOLMaterial.cpp.

◆ SO3MaterialSetPassFragmentProgramAutoParameter()

int SO3MaterialSetPassFragmentProgramAutoParameter ( mmachine  m)


Definition at line 3817 of file SCOLMaterial.cpp.

◆ SO3MaterialSetPassFragmentProgramParameter()

int SO3MaterialSetPassFragmentProgramParameter ( mmachine  m)


Definition at line 3879 of file SCOLMaterial.cpp.

◆ SO3MaterialSetPassVertexProgramAutoParameter()

int SO3MaterialSetPassVertexProgramAutoParameter ( mmachine  m)


Definition at line 3606 of file SCOLMaterial.cpp.

◆ SO3MaterialSetPassVertexProgramParameter()

int SO3MaterialSetPassVertexProgramParameter ( mmachine  m)


Definition at line 3668 of file SCOLMaterial.cpp.

Variable Documentation

◆ natSO3Mat

NativeDefinition natSO3Mat[]

Definition at line 6392 of file SCOLMaterial.cpp.